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Summary We simulated the feeding of Greater Snow Geese (Chen caerulescens atlantica) on the rhizomes of three-square bulrush (Scirpus americanus) in a tidal marsh along the St. Lawrence River estuary in Québec. During the spring staging period, aboveground biomass is unavailable and geese feed solely on rhizomes and overwintering buds. An experiment was designed to test the effect of three factors on subsequent growth of Scirpus: the intensity of removal (3 to 77% removal of belowground biomass), the number of bites (1, 2 or 3 sections removed) and the number of adventitious buds removed (1, 2 or 3). Rhizomes were dug out in May, treated and transplanted into 85-1 basins sunk in the marsh and filled with marsh soil freed of all plant material. Growth was observed weekly until the end of the growing season in August. Shoots and rhizomes were then collected, dried and weighed to obtain biomass estimates. The net above- and belowground production of Scirpus was inversely related to the initial rhizome biomass removed. At a high level of removal (>35%), the cumulative number of shoots was significantly reduced as early as two weeks after transplantation. The relative reduction in production of the treated rhizomes compared to the control plants was also related to the intensity of removal. An increased number of bites reduced production and the removal of an increased number of adventitious buds further amplified the effect of removal on rhizome production. These experimental results show that even low intensity of feeding by Snow Geese can reduce the production of Scirpus marshes.  相似文献   
通过对红果黄檀(Dalbergia tsoi Merr. et Chun)和白沙黄檀(D. peishaensis Chun et T. Chen)的标本研究及野外观察,确认两者为同种植物,故将白沙黄檀处理为红果黄檀的异名。  相似文献   
本文记述了采自湖北省神农架的平头反颚虽蜂属EudinostigmaTobias一新种:长角反颚茧蜂E.longusWuetChen。该新种触角甚长,24节;盾纵沟前瑞明显,具1深的椭园形中陷,腹板侧沟具刻痕,并胸腹节具中纵肯和叉脊,无小室;后足腿节粗状,长为宽的3.6倍;腹柄节长为端宽的1.7倍。新种模式标本保存于福建农业大学益虫室。  相似文献   
张怡  曹振东  付世建 《生态学报》2007,27(3):1161-1167
在(22.0±0.5)℃条件下,将人工孵化的南方鲇仔鱼分别于出膜后4、5、6、7天进行首次投喂(其中4d的为对照组),首次投喂前(出膜后4d)取样测量体长、体重、身体含能量作为初始值,于出膜后7d(延迟投喂实验)和21d(继续喂养实验)分别测定体长、体重、身体所含能量和临界游泳速度。结果显示:延迟投喂实验结束时各处理组的体重、身体含能量和体长随首次投喂时间的延迟均呈下降趋势,相对临界游泳速度随首次投喂时间的延迟表现为先提高后降低的趋势,绝对临界游泳速度在延迟投喂2d以内无显著差异;继续喂养实验结束时处理组各指标逐渐接近对照组水平,两种临界游泳速度表现为同步变化趋势;另外,体长特定生长率相对百分比(SGRL%)的变化幅度小于身体含能量特定生长率相对百分比(SGRE%)的变化幅度,而绝对临界游泳速度相对百分比(Ucrit%)的变化又小于体长特定生长率相对百分比的变化。结果表明:早期食物资源的短缺会导致南方鲇仔鱼体重、身体含能量产生明显变化,体长生长速度的变化则相对较小,而短期饥饿不会显著降低南方鲇仔鱼的游泳能力。  相似文献   
由于卢氏凤仙花Impatiens lushiensis Y.L.Chen[=Impatiens heterosepala S.Y.Wang(1988)non J.D.Hook.(1924)]的主模式和副模式全部遗失,在此指定了卢氏凤仙花的新模式。  相似文献   
谷勇  陈芳  吴昊 《植物生理学通讯》2010,(10):1055-1060
以版纳省藤的萌蘖芽为试材,从取材、材料的处理、外植体的诱导分化、芽的增殖、生根以及影响试管苗形成几个重要因素等方面探讨了版纳省藤组织培养和快速繁殖的技术和方法,获得了生长素与细胞分裂素对芽的诱导分化及芽的增殖最佳配比浓度。以改良MS为基本培养基,在增殖培养基中添加0.5mg·L-1NAA、0.5mg·L-1KT和0.1mg·L-1BA,产生的有效苗最多;在生根培养基中添加1.5~2.0mg·L-1IBA生长素有利于版纳省藤组培苗生根。  相似文献   
对新种丽花兰Cymbidium concinnum Z. J. Liu &; S. C. Chen和新变种龙州兰C. eburneum var. longzhouense Z. J. Liu &; S. C. Chen进行了描述和绘图; 丽花兰与大雪兰C. mastersii Griff. ex Lindl.有亲缘关系, 区别点在于新种叶片先端不分裂, 花序具18-22朵花, 唇瓣中裂片上有一个V型的紫红色斑块; 龙州兰(变种)与独占春(原变种)的主要区别在于唇瓣中裂片上和侧裂片顶部有较密的紫红色斑。对象牙白C. maguanense的分类问题进行了讨论, 并为其指定了新模式; 还为腋花组sect. Eburnea国产种类提供一个检索表。  相似文献   
太湖新银鱼移植对(鳖)早期摄食和生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究选择长江中游西洞庭湖水系太湖新银鱼移植水体(黄石水库)和未移植水体(蒙泉水库),研究太湖新银鱼(Neosalanx taihuensis Chen)移植对浮游动物食性鱼类(Hemiculter leucisculus Basilewsky)早期生长和摄食的影响。2009年7月下旬和8月中旬共采集稚鱼157尾,其中7月下旬采集稚鱼在14—23日龄之间,两水体间生长差异不显著;8月中旬采集稚鱼在20—49日龄之间,黄石水库生长率显著小于蒙泉水库。对样品耳石日轮分析发现25日龄之前两水体稚鱼生长率相似,之后黄石水库稚鱼较蒙泉水库生长慢。食性分析发现25日龄前两水体稚鱼食物组成相似,主要摄食轮虫、小型枝角类和桡足类;25日龄后黄石水库稚鱼食性没有显著变化,而蒙泉水库稚鱼则转食大型枝角类、昆虫及鱼卵和仔鱼。两水体气候条件、营养状况、鱼类区系组成上基本相同,是否有太湖新银鱼移植是两水体间的主要差别。太湖新银鱼春群在1—5月间繁殖,而的繁殖在6月下旬之后。因此在早期生活史阶段与太湖新银鱼的食物竞争会主要发生在转食大型浮游动物之后。太湖新银鱼摄食使黄石水库大型浮游动物饵料资源短缺,稚鱼在25日龄后不能转食,是导致黄石水库幼鱼在25日龄后生长减慢的重要因素。  相似文献   
Abstract The population of emperor geese (Chen canagica) in western Alaska, USA, declined by >50% from the 1960s to the mid-1980s and has increased only slightly since. Rates of population increase among arctic geese are especially sensitive to changes in adult survival. Improving adult survival in seasons or geographic areas where survival is low may be the best means of increasing the emperor goose population. We monitored fates of 133 adult female emperor geese that were radiomarked with surgically implanted very high frequency or satellite radiotransmitters from 1999 to 2004 to assess whether monthly survival varied among years, seasons, or geographic areas. Because of uncertainties in determining whether a bird had died based on the radio signal, we analyzed 2 versions of the data. One version used conservative criteria to identify which birds had died based on radio signals and the other used more liberal criteria. In the conservative version of the data we detected 12 mortalities of emperor geese, whereas in the liberal interpretation there were 18 mortalities. In both versions, the models with greatest support indicated that monthly survival varied seasonally and that compared to most seasons estimated monthly survival was lower (φ = 0.95–0.98) in May and August when emperor geese were mainly on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta. From 44% to 47% of annual mortality occurred in those months. Estimated monthly survival was higher (φ = 0.98–1.0) from September through March when emperor geese were at autumn staging or wintering areas and in June and July when birds were nesting, rearing broods, or molting. Estimated annual survival was 0.85 (95% CI = 0.77–0.92) in the best-supported model when we used conservative criteria to identify mortalities and 0.79 (95% CI = 0.74–0.85) under the best model using liberal mortality criteria. Lower survival in August and May corresponded to periods when subsistence harvest of emperor geese was likely highest. Managers may be able to most effectively influence population growth rate of emperor geese by reducing subsistence harvest on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta in May and August.  相似文献   
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