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Summary The mglB gene of Escherichia coli codes for a galactose-binding protein (GBP) that serves both as the galactose chemoreceptor and as the recognition component of the -methylgalactoside transport system. The mglB551 mutation eliminates the chemotactic function of GBP without altering its transport or substrate-binding properties. To investigate the interaction between GBP and Trg, the chemotactic signal transducer for galactose, we sequenced the mglB genes from wild-type and mglB551 mutant strains. The mutation causes the replacement of Gly74 of GBP by Asp. This residue is located in alpha-Helix III at the tip of the P domain in the GBP tertiary structure farthest removed from the substrate-binding cleft between the P and Q domains. We conclude that Helix III must be part of, or at least adjacent to, the recognition site for Trg. Our sequence also included part of the mglA gene, which is immediately distal to mglB. The amino acid sequence deduced for the beginning of the MglA protein showed homology with a family of polypeptides that contain an ATP-binding site and are components of binding-protein-dependent transport systems.  相似文献   
Summary We have traced the central projections of the receptor neurons associated with each of the eleven largest taste hairs on the labellum of the blowfly, Phormia regina (Meigen), by staining them with cobaltous lysine. The eleven hairs fall into three groups which reflect their peripheral locations and their branching patterns in the subesophageal ganglion. Group 1, consisting of the anterior hairs (numbers 1 and 2) and Group 3, consisting of the posterior hairs (numbers 9–11) project bilaterally, while Group 2, consisting of the middle hairs (numbers 3–8) projects primarily ipsilaterally. The central projections of the hairs within a single group are similar. Each hair houses four chemoreceptors, which have differing chemical sensitivities and behavioral roles, and one mechanoreceptor. In some cases, there were indications that the different cells within a single hair have different central branching patterns. For some hairs, however, it was clear that a single central branching region and pattern was shared by more than one receptor cell. We failed to find either a continuous somatotopic representation of a hair's position on the periphery, or an anatomical segregation of receptors coding for different modalities. Behavioral experiments indicate that the fly is informed both of the identity of the hair stimulated and of the chemical nature of the stimulus. Our results suggest that this information is not represented on a gross anatomical level.  相似文献   
Summary A method to isolate taste buds from the foliate papillae of the rabbit tongue is described. The method comprises (a) separation of the epidermis from the dermal layer after treatment with dilute acetic acid, and (b) mechanical removal of the taste buds from the epithelium with the use of a surgical needle. The procedure yields taste buds that are morphologically well preserved, and in quantities sufficient to enable a detailed biochemical characterization. Preliminary tests have shown the taste buds to have biochemical properties clearly distinct from those of the adjacent epithelium. The method may provide a basis for studying the molecular mechanism of taste perception in greater detail.On leave of absence from the Medical Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland.  相似文献   
T.D. Giles  G.E. Sander 《Peptides》1983,4(2):171-175
Leucine-enkephalin (Leu5-ENK) (35 μg/kg) increased heart rate and mean systemic arterial blood pressure following intravenous injection into chronically-instrumented, conscious dogs. Repeated injections at five-minute intervals were not associated with a diminished response. Naloxone (1 mg/kg) pre-treatment inhibited both heart rate and blood pressure increases. Prazosin (1 mg/kg) attenuated the increase in blood pressure but did not influence the heart rate response. Propranolol (1 mg/kg) attenuated the heart rate response but not the pressor response. Clonidine (30 μg/kg) attenuated the positive chronotropic effect of Leu5-ENK. Atropine (1 mg/kg) plus propranolol (1 mg/kg) blocked the heart rate response but the pressor effect was still present. The attenuation of the heart rate response by propranolol and the pressor response by prazosin suggests an adrenergic component to the enkephalin response; the reduction in the heart rate response by clonidine and atropine-propranolol indicates a role for cholinergic mechanisms in the chronotropic response. Hexamethonium (10 mg/kg) blocked the heart rate response and markedly inhibited the pressor response. Vagal interruption attenuated both heart rate and blood pressure responses. It is concluded that intravenous Leu5-ENK stimulates afferent pathways located in fibers which are contained in the vagosympathetic trunk to reflexly increase heart rate and blood pressure.  相似文献   
E. Hallberg 《Protoplasma》1982,111(3):206-214
Summary The antennal sensilla inI. typographus are almost exclusively confined to the flattened terminal flagellar segment. The sensillar types have distinct distribution patterns in the three areas where they are found. Judging from the ultrastructural characteristics the following functions can be assigned to the sensillar types: chemoreception, single-walled and double-walled sensilla; chemoreception/mechanoreception, terminal-pore sensillum. Moreover there are two types of mechanoreceptors, one of which is connected to a bristle, whereas the other terminates within the cuticle of the flagellar segment.This study was made within the Swedish project Odour Signals for Control of Pest Insects.  相似文献   
This study examined the location and distribution of O2 chemoreceptors involved in cardio-respiratory responses to hypoxia in the neotropical teleost, the pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus). Intact fish and fish experiencing progressive gill denervation by selective transection of cranial nerves IX and X were exposed to gradual hypoxia and submitted to intrabuccal and intravenous injections of NaCN while their heart rate, ventilation rate and ventilation amplitude were measured. The chemoreceptors producing reflex bradycardia were confined to, but distributed along all gill arches, and were sensitive to O2 levels in the water and the blood. Ventilatory responses to all stimuli, though modified, continued following gill denervation, however, indicating the presence of internally and externally oriented receptors along all gill arches and either in the pseudobranch or at extra-branchial sites. Chemoreceptors located on the first pair of gill arches and innervated by the glossopharyngeal nerve appeared to attenuate the cardiac and respiratory responses to hypoxia. The data indicate that the location and distribution of cardio-respiratory O2 receptors are not identical to those in tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) despite their similar habitats and close phylogenetic lineage, although the differences between the two species could reduce to nothing more than the presence or absence of the pseudobranch.  相似文献   
Summary The adrenergic innervation of the pulmonary vasculature of the file snake Acrochordus granulatus was examined by use of glyoxylic acid-induced fluorescence. Perivascular plexuses of blue-green fluorescent nerves are observed around the common pulmonary artery, the anterior and posterior pulmonary arteries, the arterioles leading to the gas exchange capillaries of the lung, the venules draining the lung, and the anterior and posterior pulmonary veins. Adrenergic nerves are also associated with the visceral smooth muscle of the lung septa and other tissues. Thus, adrenergic control of pulmonary blood flow may occur either at the common pulmonary artery or more regionally within the lung. Regional control of blood flow in the elongate lung of this snake may be important in matching pulmonary perfusion with the distribution of respiratory gas. Glyoxylic acid-histochemistry and immunohistochemistry revealed that populations of cells located in the common pulmonary artery contain the indoleamine 5-hydroxy-tryptamine. Many of the cells are intimately associated with varicose blue-green fluorescent nerves. It is proposed that the 5-hydroxytryptamine-containing cells may be involved in intravascular chemoreception.  相似文献   
Synopsis The development of the sensory barbels of the tropical goatfish, Upeneus tragula (Mullidae), was examined from their first appearance early in planktonic life through to the reef-associated juvenile period. The structure of the barbel was examined histologically and found to represent an outgrowth of the gustatory (taste) system, composed of at least 50% sensory tissue at settlement. Abrupt changes in morphology were found to be coincident with the 6–12 h settlement period: barbels rapidly moved forward along the hyoid arch to abut the dentary; the length of the barbels increased by up to 52%; the epidermal layer increased to comprise 75% of the cross-sectional area; and the mean size of the taste bud cells increased by up to 100%. A strong relationship was found between barbel length and mean taste-bud size. This relationship was used to predict the mean taste-bud sizes for 237 newly-settled fish, collected as 12 samples over two recruitment seasons. Mean taste-bud size varied significantly among samples. Experiments examined whether food availability or temperature of the water within the pelagic phase influenced the size of the barbels at settlement. Food availability influenced the relationship between barbel length and fish size. Slower growing fish had larger barbels relative to fish length than those that grew faster. Temperature did not influence the relationship between barbel length and fish size. Variability in sensory development at settlement, and the factors which influence it, may have important ramifications for the potential success of the fish once on the reef.  相似文献   
Summary The structure of the sensilla in the apical pit of the third segment of the labial palps in Pieris rapae was investigated in cryofixed and chemically fixed specimens. There is a field of about 80 club-shaped sensilla, 94% of which house a single sensory cell; 6% contain two sensory cells. All sensory cells are of the same type and are characterized by the structure of the dendritic outer segment. This consists of a proximal cylindrical and a distal lamellated section. The lamellae contain a lattice of longitudinally arranged microtubules. Filamentous strands connect the microtubules with the surface membrane of the lamellae. The surface area of the lamellated section amounts to about 40 m2. Pores and pore tubules are present in the cuticular wall of the peg. Electrophysiological recordings show that the sensory cells are olfactory receptors, which react to a variety of complex plant odors and to the odor of conspecifics. It is shown that (a) the usual modality-specific characteristics of insect olfactory sensilla apply here also; (b) lamellation is not only a characteristic of thermoreceptors, but also of olfactory chemoreceptors; (c) there are pore tubules that are separated from the dendritic membranes by an extended dendritic sheath; and (d) in the labial palppit sensilla only the lamellated dendritic tip region may be involved in sensory transduction.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 4/G1)  相似文献   
Summary The ontogeny of the chemoreceptive sensilla in the labial palp-pit organ was studied in Pieris rapae by examining twelve successive stages between pupation and emergence of the imago, which takes a period of 160 h under the experimental conditions. Mitoses occur until 20 h after pupation. They lead to anlagen of sensilla, 91% of which are comprised of three sensory cells. However, two sensory cells degenerate in each sensillum during a period of 28 h. The same process occurs in anlagen with four sensory cells resulting in bicellular sensilla. Axons grow out only after the number of sensory cells has been reduced. Further consecutive steps in sensory cell differentiation are: (a) outgrowth of dendritic outer segment and dendrite sheath; (b) outgrowth of trichogen process and change in structure of elongating dendrite sheath; (c) deposition of cuticle and pore tubules in the pegs; (d) retraction of trichogen process; (e) increase in diameter of dendritic outer segment accompanied by increase of microtubule number and appearance of regularly spaced electron-dense bodies at tubular doublets; (f) branching of dendritic outer segment; and (g) transformation of the dendritic branches into curled lamellae and partial destruction of the dendrite sheath. The unique process of sensory cell degeneration is interpreted as an event that revokes a step towards a possible functional improvement of the labial palp-pit organ during further evolutionSupported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 4/G1)  相似文献   
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