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A new locality in the poorly known “red beds” of Tendrara (High Plateaus, Morocco) has yielded four charophytes species (Feistiella anluensis, Lamprothamnium stipitatum, Peckisphaera portezueloensis, Platychara caudata) and dinosaur eggshells (Pseudomegaloolithus atlasi). These red beds, which overly the Cenomanian-Turonian marine deposits, generally assigned to “Senonian” based on geometric position, are directly dated by these fossils: the charophytes species and dinosaur oospecies association indicates a Campano-Maastrichtian or Maastrichtian age for these calm floodplain deposits.  相似文献   
本文报道了甘肃省高台县马营河剖面下沟组上部轮藻化石5属6种、1相似种和1未定种:Clypeator jiuquanensis (S. Wang) L. Grambast, Aclistochara huihuibaoensis S. Wang, A. cf. huihuibaoensis S. Wang,Mesochara stipitata (S. Wang) Z. Wang, Mesochara crassistipitata Zhang et Meng, Peckisphaera paragranulifera(S. Wang) Fu et Lu, Sphaerochara valida (Z. W. Li) comb. nov. , Sphaerochara sp.。讨论相关种的国内外地层分布,将下沟组上部地质时代归为早白垩世巴雷姆期。  相似文献   
该文研究的轮藻化石采自尼泊尔中西部阿龙科拉地区的比奈科拉组下段。轮藻化石有Nitellopsis (Tectochara)globula(Madler)Grambast et Soulie-Marsche,Chara molassica Straub,C.gigantofusiformis(Yang),Rantzieniella binaiensis sp.nov.,Gyrogona arungensis sp.nov.和Lychnotharnnuspseudoodea(Berger)Soulie-Marsche等,此轮藻化石植物群属新第三纪,可能为中新世晚期。克里雅群轮藻的研究将增添南亚新第三纪地质生态研究的内容。  相似文献   
The shift from a turbid-water state to a clear macrophyte-dominatedstate in the shallow lake Veluwemeer (The Netherlands) has led to nuisance forrecreational navigation. The nuisance concerns the dense beds ofPotamogeton perfoliatus in particular, whereas thelow-canopy forming charophytes cause much less harm. On the other hand, theimportance of macrophyte cover for the stability of the clear-water state hasbeen recognised. To assess the potential of mechanical removal of densemacrophyte beds, several cutting regimes were simulated in a mixed vegetation ofP. perfoliatus and Chara aspera, usingthe individual-based model Charisma. These species occupy a wide range of waterdepths between 0.5 and 2.5 m, with C. asperadominating the shallower zone and P. perfoliatus dominatingthe deeper zone; intermediary is a zone where either species may dominate asalternative equilibria. Both the cutting height and timing affected the amountof biomass present in summer. The effect of cutting was more profound fortreatment later in the season. With a cutting level above theChara-canopy, the simulations showed an increased biomassof C. aspera and reduction of P.perfoliatus. In the zone of alternative equilibria, it was possibleto provoke a sustainable shift from P. perfoliatusdominance to C. aspera dominance. To achieve this, annualrepetition of cutting for a number of years was necessary. A harvesting regimeaimed at shifting the vegetation dominance from P.perfoliatus towards C. aspera could be an optionfor management of the lake, since it holds the perspective of decreasedmanagement effort after a number of years. Moreover, removing only high-canopyvegetation implies high conservation values and recreational use can becombined.  相似文献   
The new fossil locality of El Kohol is located on the southern flank of the Saharan Altas, near Brezina (Algeria). It has been discovered in a thick Palaeogene continental series divided into 4 members: a transitional gypsiferous member, a lower red detritic member, a middle marly-calcareous member, and an upper red detritic member. The new flora and fauna have been obtained by excavation and washing-screening of a marly level of the middle member. The main finds are charophytes, lower vertebrates, a marsupial and eutherian mammals (lipotyphlan Insectivora, hyracoids, creodonts and Proboscidea). Geological and palaeontological data allow to refer these fossil remains, at least provisorily, to the end of the early Eocene. Palaeobiogeographical comments are made about forms with Holarctic affinities.  相似文献   
The occurrence of Chara connivens (Charophyta, Characeae) and its status in the Baltic Sea may raise controversies regarding its origin and historical dispersal pathways in the area. This study critically revises the protection status of C. connivens in the countries around the Baltic Sea, as well as its status on the red lists of endangered plant species (including the HELCOM Red List). The first reports on the presence of C. connivens in the Baltic Sea area were published in the aftermath of Carl Baenitz’s talks given in the early 1870s. Already then, the scientific community was well aware of the fact that C. connivens had been introduced as a ballast plant to the known Baltic areas of occurrence – the first known record of the species is from 1829. Since Poland is the only country where C. connivens is protected, the historical and contemporary distribution of this charophyte in the Polish coastal waters is presented against the background of the available historical and recent records of the species in the Baltic Sea. Recent reports from the second half of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century have confirmed a fairly common occurrence of C. connivens in Estonia, Sweden and Poland. This species still occurs on the German coast and has also been reported from Finland (the Åland archipelago). In recent decades, however, the species was considered rare in the Baltic Sea area. In Poland, C. connivens was even classified as extinct, despite earlier data on its occurrence in the Vistula Lagoon in the 1970s, where it was rediscovered in 2011. It was also found in the Szczecin Lagoon a year later. Both localities well suit Luther’s pattern of C. connivens occurrence in areas with intensive shipping and ballast discharge operations in historical times. Based on this in-depth revision of historical and current distribution, it is postulated that C. connivens, as non-indigenous, should not be red-listed in the Baltic Sea area, following the example of Finland. Moreover, its legal status in Poland of a strictly protected species should be reconsidered.  相似文献   
Ultrastructure, biochemistry and 5S rRNA sequences link tracheophytes, bryophytes and charalean green algae, but the precise interrelationships between these groups remain unclear. Further major clarification now awaits primary sequence data. These are also needed to determine directionality in possible evolutionary trends within the bryophytes, but are unlikely to overturn current schemes of classification or phylogeny. Comparative ultrastructural studies of spermatogenesis, sporogenesis, the cytoskeleton and plastids reinforce biochemical and morphogenetic evidence for the wide phyletic discontinuities between mosses, hepatics and hornworts, and also rule out direct lines of descent between them. Direct ancestral lineages from charalean algae to bryophytes and to tracheophytes are also unlikely. EM studies of gametophyte/sporophyte junctions, plus immunological investigations of bryophyte cytoskeletons, are likely to accentuate the differences between mosses, hepatirs and hornworts. Other priorities for systematics include elucidation of oil body ultrastructure, analysis of the changes in nuclear proteins during spermatogenesis and a detailed comparison of bryophyte and charalean plastids. The combined evidence from ultrastrueture, biochemistry, morphology and morphogenesis warrants general acceptance of the polyphyletic origin of the bryophytes. Ultrastructural attributes should be more widely used in bryophyte systematics.  相似文献   
Vertebrate remains and nummulites have been investigated from the Late Eocene—Early Oligocene transgressive sequence of the «Chaînes subalpines south of the lake Annecy. The sedimentary environments range from fluvio-lacustrine shales and conglomerates at the base to hemipelagic Globigerina shales at the top. The fluvio-lacustrine white marls contain mammals of the upper, probably terminal Ludian, with affinities to the assemblage of Saint-Capraise. The brackish Cerithium beds have furnished charophytes of the Bembridge zone. The nummulite limestones are not dated precisely, but isolated, probably redeposited nummulites from the base of the Globigerina shales are of terminal Eocene or basal Oligocene age. The Globigerina shales themselves belong to the Oligocene.  相似文献   
We investigate the electrophysiological salt stress response of the salt-sensitive charophyte Chara australis as a function of time in saline artificial pond water (saline APW) containing 50 mM NaCl and 0.1 mM CaCl2. The effects are due to an increase in Na+ concentration rather than an increase in Cl concentration or medium osmolarity. A previous paper (Shepherd et al. Plant Cell Environ 31:1575–1591, 2008) described the rise in the background conductance and inhibition of proton pumping in saline APW in the first 60 min. Here we investigate the shift of membrane potential difference (PD) to levels above −100 mV and the change of shape of the current–voltage (I/V) profiles to upwardly concave. Arguing from thermodynamics, the I/V characteristics can be modeled by channels that conduct H+ or OH. OH was chosen, as H+ required an unrealistic increase in the number/permeability of the channels at higher pH levels. Prolonged exposure to saline APW stimulated opening of more OH channels. Recovery was still possible even at a PD near −50 mV, with partial return of proton pumping and a decrease in OH current following APW wash. Upon change of pH from 7 to 9, the response was consistent with previously observed I/V characteristics of OH channels. For a pH change to 6, the response was transient before channel closure but could still be modeled. The consequences of opening of H+ or OH channels while the cell is under salt stress are discussed.  相似文献   
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