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急性脑梗死约占全部脑卒中的70%,病死率和致残率高,且极易复发。但目前针对急性脑梗死在时间窗内溶栓、抗凝等治疗手段不能从根本上切实有效地修复受损脑组织,且伴有出血等风险。寻找脑梗死形成发展的原因并予以治疗迫在眉睫。酸中毒是引起缺血性脑损伤的重要机制。大量实验研究表明,酸中毒能加重神经元的缺血性损伤,且其梗死面积与酸中毒的程度直接相关。但缺血产生的酸中毒如何引起神经元损伤的确切机制尚不明确。最近研究发现酸中毒能激活一种在中枢及周围神经中广泛存在的膜通道,即酸敏感离子通道,它对Ca2+通透,能引起细胞内Ca2+超载,同时能激活胞内酶引起细胞内蛋白质、脂类及核酸的降解,加重缺血后脑损伤。本文就酸敏感离子通道1a与脑梗死做一综述。  相似文献   
Summary The wall of the cerebral aqueduct was examined in 20 male rats at the light- and electron-microscopic levels. Disorder in ciliary orientation was occasionally seen in ordinary ependymal cells. Ependymal cells possessing intracellular cysts of 5 to 30 urn in diameter were observed within and beneath the aqueductal ependyma in all animals examined. Light-microscopic reconstruction from serial, 10-m thick frontal sections revealed an extensive distribution of cystic ependymal cells (CECs), especially along the ependymal ridges in the rostral half of the aqueduct, and along the dorsal region of the aqueductal lining in the caudal half. Both cystic and surface membranes of CECs bore microvilli and cilia. Ectopic ependymal cells (EECs) characterized by densely packed microvilli, well-developed intermediate junctions and cilia, but without cysts, were situated in the subependymal region adjacent to a CEC or another EEC. The ependymal ridges were long, narrow and sporadically stratified ependymal linings extending rostrocaudally and bilaterally along the aqueductal surface. Tanycyte-like cells filled the surface region of the ridge, and CECs and EECs were frequently seen in the core. Intraventricularly injected microperoxidase was detected among densely packed microvilli but not in the cystic lumina of CECs, indicating that EECs and CECs are distinct entities.  相似文献   
Chronic hyperphenylalaninemia maintained with the aid of a suppressor of phenylalamine hydroxylase, -methylphenylalanine, increases the glycine concentration and the phosphoserine phosphatase activity of the developing rat brain but not that of liver or kidney. Similar increases occur after daily injections with large doses of phenylalanine alone, while tyrosine, isoleucine, alanine, proline, and threonine, were without effect. Treatment with methionine, which increases the phosphoserine phosphatase activity of the brain and lowered that of liver and kidney, left the cerebral glycine level unchanged. When varying the degrees of gestational or early postnatal hyperphenylalaninemia, a significant linear correlation was found between the developing brains' phosphoserine phosphatase and glycine concentration. Observations on the uptake of injected glycine and its decline further indicate that coordinated rises in the brain's phosphoserine phosphatase and glycine content associated with experimental hyperphenylalaninemia denote a direct impact of phenylalanine on the intracellular pathway of glycine synthesis in immature animals.  相似文献   
Male Fischer-344 rats, 21 days old, were fed diets containing 0 (LOD), 2,200 (CONT), or 440,000 (HID) international units of vitamin D3 per kilogram for 12 weeks. [Ca] was measured in plasma, CSF, brain, and choroid plexus. In addition, 45Ca and 36Cl transfer coefficients (KCa and KCl) for uptake from blood into CSF and brain were determined. Although plasma ionized [Ca]s in LOD and HID rats were 50% and 136%, respectively, of values in CONT animals, CSF and brain [Ca]s ranged from only 85% to 110% of respective CONT values. Choroid plexus [Ca] was increased by 37% after HID diet, but was decreased only 10% after LOD. KCa values at CSF, parietal cortex, and pons-medulla were negatively correlated with plasma ionized [Ca], whereas KCl values at CSF and brain were not different between the diet groups. The findings demonstrate that central nervous system [Ca] is maintained during chronic hypo- or hypercalcemia by saturable transport of Ca at brain barrier membranes. This transport does not seem to involve modulation by 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3.  相似文献   
Abstract: The relative amounts of the different enolase isozymes present in neuroblastoma cells change during differentiation. When differentiation is induced by low serum in the presence of DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide), there is a 50% decrease in the concentration of enolase activity associated with the form αα, and an increase in the activity associated with the γ-containing isozymes (αγ plus γγ); in the absence of DMSO, there is no decrease in αα or in total enolase activity. In order to study the mechanism of the changes in αα, cells differentiated with low serum with and without DMSO were compared. Measurements of the concentration of the α antigen by microcomplement fixation and by immunotitration demonstrate that the decreased enolase activity in DMSO cells is due to a decreased concentration of the α antigen. Measurements of the relative rate of synthesis of the antigen show that the decreased concentration of the α antigen is due to a decreased rate of synthesis. Enolase in differentiated cells is sufficiently stable (t1/2 > 100 h) that a comparison of the relative rates of degradation has not been possible. The decreased synthesis of the α subunit of enolase that occurs under these conditions appears to be a useful model system for studying the de-expression of the α gene that occurs in vivo during neuronal differentiation.  相似文献   
Joly  R. 《Cell and tissue research》1970,110(1):85-96
Résumé Chez le Chilopode Lithobius forficatus L., les cellules parenchymateuses des glandes cérébrales présentent, durant l'intermue, un cycle sécrétoire caractérisé essentiellement par l'évolution de l'activité golgienne. Pendant les périodes de sécrétion, les ribosomes, groupés en polysomes, et les éléments ergastoplasmiques sont très abondants; pendant les périodes de repos, les ribosomes sont isolés et l'ergastoplasme est vésiculeux. Les autres organites cellulaires montrent peu de variations.Le cycle sécrétoire ne se superpose pas exactement au cycle d'intermue; il commence lors de la prémue. Peu de temps après l'exuviation, il est possible d'observer des figures qui semblent liées au rejet du produit de sécrétion. L'étude ultrastructurale des glandes cérébrales en fonction de l'intermue confirme l'existence de l'activité cyclique mise en évidence par les résultats expérimentaux.
Ultrastructural signs of cyclic secretory activity in the cerebral glands of Lithobius forficatus during intermolt
Summary During the molting cycle of Lithobius forficatus L. (Chilopoda), the parenchymal cells of the cerebral glands exhibit signs of cyclic secretory activity consisting essentially of changes in the appearance of the Golgi complex. During active periods of secretion, polysomes and ergastoplasmic elements are very numerous; free ribosomes and vesiculated ergastoplasmic cisternae characterize the periods of inactivity. Other cytoplasmic organelles undergo few variations. The secretory cycle as determined by cytological criteria does not exactly match the molting cycle. The first ultrastructural signs of activity appear during premolt. Shortly after ecdysis, images suggesting the release of secretory material can be observed. The electron microscopic data on cyclic changes during intermolt substantiate the existence of activity cycles in the cerebral glands as determined by physiological experiments.
Summary Quantitation of synapses at different postnatal ages has been undertaken in the cerebral cortex of the rat. In this study axial ratios of presynaptic bags, proportion of cortex occupied by presynaptic bags and numbers of synapses per unit volume of cortex have been estimated. Observations on synaptic vesicle packing densities have also been made.Synaptic bags become increasingly spherical up to 7 days of age and become more elongated thereafter. The proportion of cortex occupied by presynaptic bags increases rapidly up to 7 days of age and then at a decelerated rate up to maturity. The number of synapses per unit volume increases slowly over the first four days after which there is a rapid increase to 14 days, followed by a decelerated rate.The average presynaptic bag shows marked changes in volume with increasing age which indicate the probability of two stages of synaptic development. This two stage development is further reflected in the estimates on vesicle packing densities. The implications of the results are discussed in relationship to changes in functional activity of the cortex during postnatal development.The authors wish to express their thanks to Mr. R. Birchenough and Mr. J. Manston for much technical assistance.  相似文献   
Sprague-Dawley rats were given treatments, known to decrease 22Na movement into choroid plexus and CSF, to investigate their effect on 22Na transfer across the cerebral capillaries. Acidic salts, acetazolamide, or amiloride was injected intraperitoneally into bilaterally nephrectomized rats, and the rate of 22Na uptake into parietal cortex, pons-medulla, and CSF was determined at 12, 18, and 24 min. Severe acidosis (arterial pH 7.2), produced by HCl injection, decreased the rate of 22Na entry into both brain regions and CSF by 25%, whereas mild acidosis (pH 7.3) from NH4Cl injection reduced brain entry by 18%, but CSF entry by only 10%. Like HCl acidosis, amiloride reduced transport into both brain and CSF by 22%. Penetration of 22Na into parietal cortex was unchanged by acetazolamide, but that into CSF was slowed 30%. Since uptake of 22Na into cortical regions is primarily movement of tracer across the cerebral capillaries when tracer uptake time is less than 30 min, the results indicate that both metabolic acidosis and amiloride decrease Na+ permeativity at the cerebral capillaries as well as at the choroid plexus. Acetazolamide, on the other hand, alters Na+ movement only across the choroidal epithelium.  相似文献   
A method has been developed for the study of somatostatin (SS) binding to dissociated cells from rat cerebral cortex. Binding of [125I][Tyr11]SS to cells obtained by mechanical dissociation of rat cerebral cortex was dependent on time and temperature, saturable, reversible and highly specific. Under conditions of equilibrium, i.e., 60 min at 25°C, native SS inhibited tracer binding in a dose-dependent manner. The Scatchard analysis of binding data was linear and yielded a dissociation constant of 0.60±0.08 nM with a maximal binding capacity of 160±16 fmol/mg protein. The binding of [125I][Tyr11]SS was specific as shown in experiments on tracer displacement by the native peptide, SS analogues, and unrelated peptides.  相似文献   
The changes in the Mg2+-dependent V-type ATPase activity and the Mg2+-ATP-dependent H+ pumping activity of the synaptic vesicles from the cerebral cortex of rats submitted to intermittent chronic (4 weeks) mild or severe hypoxia were evaluated. The adaptation to the chronic severe hypoxia increases both the ATPase and the H+ pumping activities which are inhibited by NEM with an exponential relationship between the IC50 values and the in vivo O2 concentration. The Mg2+-dependent increase in H+ pumping activity of synaptic vesicles from the rats subjected to in vivo chronic hypoxia may be antagonized by nigericin (dissipating ΔpH) and by FCCP (dissipating ΔpH and ΔΨSV). In contrast, valinomycin (dissipating the ΔΨSV and facilitating an enhancement in ΔpH) increases in vitro the H+ pumping activity that is inhibited by the addition of high concentration of K gluconate (reducing the rate of K+ efflux). The preincubation of vesicles from hypoxic rats with FCCP, but not with nigericin, inhibits the valinomycin-increased H+ pumping activity.l-glutamate increases the H+ pumping activity in synaptic vesicles from the cerebral cortex of chronic hypoxic rats, whereas other amino acids (i.e.,l-aspartate andl-homocysteate) and glutamate analogs (i.e., quisqualate and ibotenate) are ineffective. The adaptation to both chronic intermittent severe hypoxia and in vivo treatment with posatireline causes a decrease in the Mg2+-ATPase activity consistent with the decrease in the H+ pumping one of the synaptic vesicles. The addition of nigericin into incubation medium magnifies the decrease in the H+ pumping activity, while the addition of FCCP is ineffective, suggesting that the treatment with posatireline interferes with the ΔΨSV component in the of the synaptic vesicles from rats submitted to chronic hypoxia. The results of the in vivo and in vitro experiments suggest that in the synaptic vesicles from hypoxic rats the ΔΨSV component in may be most effective in increasing the Mg2+-ATP-dependent H+ pumping activity.  相似文献   
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