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The assimilatory activity of cotyledons can play an essential role in the survival of seedlings with a slow and delayed development of primary leaves. Changes in the photosynthetic activity of the cotyledon, from the onset of greening through senescence, were studied in two such plants, carob and sunflower, in order to determine its efficiency and duration, also in connection with the achievement of assimilatory autonomy by the plantlet. Chlorophyll analyses showed that the cotyledon's chloroplasts reached maximal greening in plantlets with a pair of expanded leaves. In contrast, the cotyledon's photosynthetic activity, measured as the rate of oxygen release, started to decrease early, before expansion of primary leaves. The decrease was due to the inactivation of a number of photosystem II (PSII) units, as revealed by immunodetection of breackdown products of the reaction centre's D1 and D2 thylakoid proteins. No signals of PSII alteration were noticed in the primary leaf chloroplasts that differentiated under the same environmental conditions. The damage to the cotyledon PSII, occurring in a non-photoinhibitory situation, might be due to a slower rate of turnover of D1 polypeptide than in the leaf thylakoids. The differential turnover of this protein in cotyledons and in leaves might represent an organ-specific regulation of the photosynthetic activity. The peculiarity of the cotyledon thylakoids make these organs useful objects for studying the metabolic cycle of both D1 and D2 proteins in vivo, under non-photoinhibiting conditions.  相似文献   
Seedlings of carob ( Ceratonia siliqua L. cv. Mulata) were used in two sets of experiments in order to evaluate; (1) the reciprocal effects of each nitrogen form on net uptake of nitrate and ammonium, and (2) the effect of earlier nitrogen nutrition on ammonium versus nitrate uptake. In the former group of experiments we studied the kinetics of nitrate and ammonium uptake as well as the interference of each of the two forms with net uptake of ammonium and nitrate by both nitrogen depleted and nitrogen fed carob seedlings. On the whole, nitrogen depletion led to increase in both affinity and Vmax of the system for both forms of nitrogen, at the same time as the effects of nitrate on uptake of ammonium and vice versa were concentration dependent. In the second group of experiments the effects of earlier nitrogen nutrition on nitrate and ammonium uptake were characterized, and in this case we observed that: (a) if only one form of N was supplied, ammonium was taken up in greater amounts than nitrate; (b) the presence of ammonium enhanced nitrate uptake; (c) ammonium uptake was inhibited by nitrate; (d) there was a significant effect of the earlier nitrogen nutrition on the response of the plants to a different nitrogen source. The latter was evident mainly as regards ammonium uptake by plants grown in ammonium nitrate. The interactions between nitrate and ammonium uptake systems are discussed on the basis of the adaptation to the nitrogen source during early growth.  相似文献   
Nitrogen assimilation and transport in carob plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Most of the nitrate reductase activity (80%;) in carob ( Ceratonia siliqua L. cv. Mulata) is localised in the roots. The nitrate concentration in the leaves is relatively low compared to that in the roots, suggesting that nitrate influx into the leaf may be a major factor limiting the levels of nitrate reductase in the shoot. Transport of nitrate from root to shoot appears limited by the entrance of nitrate into the xylem. In order to study this problem, we determined the nitrate concentrations and nitrate reductase activities along the roots of nitrate-grown plants, as well as the composition of the xylem sap and the nitrate levels in the leaves. Some of the the bypocotyl, in order to bypass the loading of nitrate into the xylem of the roots. The results show that the loading of nitrate into the xylem is a limiting step.
The cation and anion concentrations of nitrate- and ammonium-fed plants were similar, showing almost no production of organic anions. In both nitrate- and ammonium-fed plants, the transport of nitrogen from root to shoot was in the form of organic nitrogen compounds. The nitrate reductase activity in the roots was more than sufficient to explain all the efflux of OH into the root medium of nitrate-fed plants. In carob plants the K-shuttle may thus be operative to a limited extent only, corresponding to between 11 and 27%; of the nitrate taken up. Potassium seems to be the cation accompanying stored nitrate in the roots of carob seedlings, since they accumulate nearly stoichiometric amounts of K+ and NO3.  相似文献   
The carob tree (Ceratonia siliqua L.) is an important component in semi-arid Mediterranean ecosystems, particularly in Morocco where it plays a considerable socio-economic role. This species is widely used in the reforestation programmes and in the rehabilitation of degraded soils serving both environmental and socio-economic objectives. In spite of these assets, this species is suffering the particular climatic conditions, rare and irregular rains, long hot and dry summers, generally, leading to desertification processes. To withstand these contrasting conditions, selected arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) were tested for their contribution to the growth, nutrient uptake and photosynthesis improvement of the carob tree C. siliqua under nursery conditions.The objective of this study was, to evaluate the effects of some arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi complexes isolated in different Mediterranean ecosystems compared to single-species isolates selected using morphological tools on the growth, mineral nutrition, and chlorophyll content of C. siliqua seedlings.The results indicate that all the used AMF inocula stimulated significantly the height of C. siliqua seedlings after eight months under nursery conditions. An increase in plant height between 33% and 70% compared to a control without inoculation was recorded. Similarly, the aerial dry weight recorded an increase of 62% to 124% comparing inoculated and non-inoculated seedlings. The root dry weight has shown an increase rate of 24% to 86% compared to the control. The analysis of mineral contents in plant tissues, showed a highly significant increase in P. N. K. Ca and Mg levels of the aerial parts compared to the control. A significant increase in chlorophyll contents was noticed when inoculated seedlings were compared to non-inoculated ones. This study had confirmed the importance of AMF improving the growth of C. siliqua seedlings; the AMF complexes remain to have the important growth and mineral nutrition responses. However some single- species have shown similar magnitude to the complexes for all analysed parameters. A large biofertilizer potential of the single-species isolates in the inoculation of C. siliqua is demonstrated for the first time.  相似文献   
1 Introduction Molluscan species exhibit a range of morphologies associated with their particular function and habitat. The razor clam (Ensis siliqua) is a bivalve mollusc, usually found in fine sands, that burrows up to depths of 20 fathoms (~36 m)[1]. The species is found in several coastal regions of the British Isles, the Norwegian Sea, the Baltic south, the Iberian Peninsula, the Mediterranean and along the Atlantic coast of Morrocco[2]. The protec- tive outer shell, which is often …  相似文献   
Measurements and observations of pollen grains of varying structure before and after dehiscence of the anther sac illustrate large magnitudes of harmomegathic changes in volume and shape. Such changes are compared for colpate, porate, and colporate grains, and it is suggested that the nature of the harmomegathal action may serve to distinguish colpi or furrows from pores. Consideration of the requirement to allow harmomegathy while preventing wall collapse may provide at least partial explanation for evolution of the internal structure and external sculpturing of pollen grain walls.  相似文献   
This study examines the importance of N source and concentration on plant response to distinct CO2 concentrations and root temperatures. The experimental design of this work was a factorial combination of: CO2 concentration, nitrogen concentration, nitrogen source and root temperature. Carob (Ceratonia siliqua L.) was assessed as a potential model of a slow growing Mediterranean species.

The results showed that: 1) biomass increment under high CO2 varied between 13 and 100 percnt; in relation to plants grown under the same conditions but at ambient CO2 concentrations, depending on the root temperature and nitrogen source; 2) nitrate-fed plants attained a larger increase in biomass production compared to ammonium-fed ones. This performance seems to be linked to the co-ordinated regulation of the activities of glutamine synthetase and sucrose phosphate synthase. The variations in the magnitude and nature of growth responses to elevated CO2 observed resulted in substantial changes in the chemical composition of the plant material and consequently in plant nitrogen use efficiency.

Although performed with seedlings and under controlled conditions, this work emphasizes the importance of the nitrogen source used by the plants, a factor rarely taken into consideration when forecasting plant responses to global changes. Particularly, the results presented here, highlight the potential for uncoupling biomass accumulation from increment of air CO2 concentration and show that more than nitrogen availability N source may offset positive plant growth responses under elevated CO2 and root temperature.  相似文献   

In the current study, we investigated the impact of inoculation with a selected indigenous arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) complex on the growth and physiology of carob plants at increasing levels of watering (25, 50, 75 and 100% field capacity). The following growth and stress parameters were monitored in carob seedlings after 6 months of growth and 2 months of applied drought stress: fresh and dry weight, root and shoot lengths, leaf surface area, relative water content, stomatal conductance and membrane stability. Chlorophyll a and b, total soluble sugars, proline and protein contents were also determined along with the activities of stress enzymes: Catalase, Peroxidase and Superoxide dismutase. The obtained results indicate that inoculation with the indigenous AMF complex has a positive impact on the plant’s growth as all the assessed parameters were significantly improved in the mycorrhizal plants. Additionally, our results show that mycorrhization contributes to the minimization of the impact of drought stress on the carob plants and allows a better adaptation to dry conditions.  相似文献   
【目的】为揭示芥菜型油菜及芸薹属作物每角籽粒数形成的分子机理,提高和改良芥菜型油菜产量和育种工作奠定基础。【方法】研究以包含221个芥菜型油菜株系的重组自交系(recombinant inbred line, RIL)群体为材料,在5个环境条件下对每角籽粒数性状进行加性QTL、加性×加性上位互作及环境互作分析。【结果】(1)共检测到7个与每角籽粒数相关的加性QTL,主要分布在芥菜型油菜A02、A03、A05、A08、B02和B03等染色体上,其加性效应分布在(-11.642 4)~4.524 6之间,其中qSS2-71的加性效应和遗传率均最大,分别达到-11.642 4和14.44%,其余6个加性QTL的加性效应和遗传率均较小;(2)检测到7对影响每角籽粒数的加性×加性QTL上位互作效应及其与环境的互作效应,上位性QTL互作效应值分布在(-4.930 8)~4.193 6之间,7对上位性QTL与不同环境互作的遗传力均接近0;(3)每角籽粒数性状的广义遗传率为80.98%,狭义遗传率为30.98%。【结论】综合分析,芥菜型油菜每角籽粒数受一定环境影响,但控制该性状的加性效应受环境影响较小...  相似文献   
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