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Cephalorhynchus commersonii is distributed in the nearshore coastal waters of South America, and thus is particularly vulnerable to bycatch in coastal nets and trawls. Our study documents genetic structure in presumed Commerson's dolphin subpopulations along the southern Argentina coastline, from the Ría Deseado in the north to Ría Gallegos in the south, and focuses on the potential for depletion in the apparently more heavily impacted Ría Gallegos area. Only two control region (423 bp) haplotypes were shared among all these locations (out of 11 identified), and striking differences in haplotype frequencies between areas are apparent. AMOVA analysis, using mitochondrial sequence data, indicates significant population subdivision (overall FST= 0.21, P < 0.001) between Ría Deseado (n= 8), Bahía San Julián (n= 11), Ría Gallegos (n= 31), and a small sample of dolphins from the captive colony at San Diego Seaworld (n= 7) derived from animals originally captured in the Strait of Magellan. Comparisons based on haplotypic distances indicated relatively strong differences between regions (ΦST= 0.30, P < 0.001). This research provides the first indication of reduced gene flow and genetic differentiation within local subpopulations of Commerson's dolphins, along a relatively small stretch of coastline.  相似文献   
The coastal distribution of Hector's dolphins and their attraction to vessels make them easily accessible to commercial tour operations. For over 25 yr, tour operators have been undertaking view and swim‐with‐dolphin trips in Akaroa Harbour, New Zealand. Since 2003, auditory stimulants, in particular stones, have been provided during such swim encounters. The potential effects associated with such stimulants have not, until now, been examined. Here, we investigate the effects of stones and other human‐induced noise on Hector's dolphin behavior. The use of stones significantly affected how dolphins interacted with swimmers. Specifically, swimmers who used stones had a greater probability of close approaches by dolphins than those who sang or simply floated on the surface of the water. The number of close and sustained approaches was also significantly higher for swimmers using stones. Dolphins were more interactive with active swimmers, approaching closer and engaging for longer than with nonactive swimmers. Dolphins socializing had a tendency to be engaged longer with swimmers. The use of stones as an auditory stimulant to sustain or enhance interactions with dolphins by artificial means may not be in the best interest of an endangered species, which already faces a range of challenges due to human activity.  相似文献   
Knowledge about home ranges is essential for understanding the resources required by a species, identifying critical habitats, and revealing the overlap with anthropogenic impacts. Ranging behavior of Hector's dolphins ( Cephalorhynchus hectori ) was studied via coastal photo-ID surveys in the Banks Peninsula Marine Mammal Sanctuary (BPMMS) between 1985 and 2006. Univariate kernel density estimates of alongshore home range were calculated for 20 individuals with 15 sightings or more. For each individual, sighting locations were transformed into a univariate data set by projecting sightings onto a line drawn 1 km from the coast and measuring the distance along this line relative to an origin. Sightings were weighted by survey effort. Ninety-five percent ( K 95) of the density estimate was used as a measure of alongshore home range, and 50% of the estimate ( K 50) was used to reveal core portions of coastline where dolphins concentrated their activity. The mean estimates of K 95 and K 50 were 49.69 km (SE = 5.29) and 17.13 km (SE = 1.89), respectively. Four distinct hubs were apparent where the core areas of different individuals coincided. Three of the dolphins' alongshore ranges extended beyond the current northern boundary of the BPMMS, raising fresh concerns that the sanctuary is not large enough. Proposed changes to gill netting regulations, if enacted, will result in the alongshore ranges of all the dolphins in our study being protected.  相似文献   
Theodolite tracking (61 d; 251 h) was used to quantify dolphin reactions to boats and swimmers in the austral summers of 1995-1996 and 1996-1997. Dolphins were accompanied by swimmers (within 200 m) for 11.2% of the total observation time, whereas boats accounted for an additional 12.4%. Dolphins were not displaced by either of these activities. Swimmers caused only weak, non-significant effects, perhaps because dolphins could very easily avoid them. Reactions to the dolphin-watching boat were stronger. Analyses of relative orientation indicate that dolphins tended to approach the vessel in the initial stages of an encounter but became less interested as the encounter progressed. By 70 min into an encounter dolphins were either actively avoiding the boat or equivocal towards it, approaching significantly less often than would be expected by chance. Analyses of group dispersion indicate that dolphins were significantly more tightly bunched when a boat was in the bay.  相似文献   
Capture-recapture techniques have been extensively used to estimate survival rates of Hector's dolphins at Banks Peninsula, but not abundance. We analyzed nine seasons of photo-identification data using a model-fitting approach in the computer program MARK, and then used MARK's estimates of capture probabilities to calculate the abundance of distinctive individuals. We extrapolated these estimates to include unmarked individuals using five seasons of data on the proportion of identifiable individuals in this population, obtained from "random photography." This capture-recapture approach suggests a 1996 population of about 1,100 (CV = 0.21). This is very similar to the 1997 line-transect estimate of about 900 (CV = 0.28), especially considering that the two techniques do not necessarily measure the same thing. An important advantage of the capture-recapture approach stems from the inherent versatility of photo-ID data. If the sampling design is appropriate, an unbiased abundance estimate can be achieved as a spin-off from work directed at other questions. However, in our view, line-transect estimates are easier to interpret because the sampling design is explicit.  相似文献   
Line-transect surveys of abundance depend critically on the estimation of detection probability, which includes corrections for availability and visibility. In this aerial line-transect survey for Hector's dolphin ( Cephalorhynchus hectori ) we recorded dive times from a helicopter to estimate the proportion of time that dolphins could be seen at or near the water surface and were therefore "available" to be counted. The proportion of available sightings that were counted on transect lines was estimated by comparing sightings by two independent teams of two observers in the fixed-wing plane. The survey covered the area between Farewell Spit and Milford Sound, off the west coast of the South Island of New Zealand. Survey effort was stratified according to existing distribution data. A total of 142 separate sightings was made on 1,355 km of trackline. Average availability for fifty Hector's dolphin groups observed from the helicopter (161 dive/surface cycles) was 46.3% (CV = 4.2%). Data from the two independent observer teams indicated that 96.2% (CV = 2.3%) of the dolphin groups that were at the surface and on the trackline were seen. The abundance estimate for the South Island west coast, corrected for visibility and availability, was 5,388 Hector's dolphins (CV = 20.6%). The total population estimate for South Island Hector's dolphins is 7,270 (CV = 16.2%).  相似文献   
The incidental catch of Hector's dolphins (Cephalorhynchus hectori) in gillnets in Pegasus Bay and Canterbury Bight, New Zealand is assessed. From 1984 to 1988, at least 230 Hector's dolphins were killed in groundfish gillnets by commercial and amateur fishermen. Approximately 91% of entanglements occurred from November to February. Seasonality of catch corresponded to increased commercial gillnetting inshore in spring and summer. Most entanglements (89%) occurred within 4 nautical miles (7.4 km) of the shore, and most dolphins (86%) were caught in water less than 20 m deep. The dolphin's summer inshore movement also coincided with high levels of inshore gillnetting by amateur fishermen. The age-frequency of net-caught dolphins suggested that young animals were particularly vulnerable to entanglement.  相似文献   
Re-sightings of photographically identified individuals were used to estimate survival rates for a free-living population of Hector's dolphins Cephalorhynchus hectori , a species endemic to New Zealand waters. Most individuals were identified from injuries to the dorsal fin. Consequently, the photographic catalog contained very few young individuals. Our analysis included no newborn calves or yearlings, and provided estimates of survival rates only after the first year of life. We used two complementary methods for calculating survival rates: a modified Jolly-Seber model, and a simpler method which corrects in a more explicit way for individual dolphins being alive but not sighted. Selection of the most reliable subset of the data had a greater effect on computed survival rates than did the difference between the two methods. We conclude that careful inspection of resighting data before analysis, and, if necessary, selection of a subset, is very important in studies of this kind. Survival rate estimates came from a population which was subject to relatively heavy mortality from gillnet entanglement. Standard errors of the survival rate estimates have been used to assess the conditional probability of population decline given three fertility scenarios. The high probability that the Banks Peninsula Hector's dolphin population was decreasing during the study period (0.78 to 0.99) suggests that gillnet entanglement constituted a serious risk to this population.  相似文献   
Heaviside's dolphins, Cephalorhynchus heavisidii , are endemic to southwestern Africa, where they are exposed to unknown levels of anthropogenic threats, including inshore set netting. Using photo-ID data collected over 3 yr on the west coast of South Africa, we calculated Chapman's-modified Petersen estimates of the number of distinctive individuals at three spatial scales. Sample sizes were small and recapture rates low resulting in high variance. Total population abundance was extrapolated from the proportion of well-marked animals in the population (14%–17%) with between-year estimates adjusted for mortality using data from Commerson's dolphin. The total population size was calculated as 527 animals (CV = 0.35, CI 272–1,020) in the 1999 study area (20 km of coastline, within season), 3,429 animals (CV = 0.36, CI 1,721–6,828) in the central study area (150 km of coastline, 3 yr), and 6,345 animals (CV = 0.26, CI 3,573–11,267) in the full study area (390 km of coastline, 2 yr). Dolphins fitted with satellite transmitters varied in their use of the inshore photographic study area from 39.5% to 94.7% of transmission days (38–51 total). Given the known or suspected biases in the data, these abundance estimates are likely to be biased downward.  相似文献   
Stomach contents of 63 Hector's dolphins (Cephalorhynchus hectori) were collected between 1984 and 2006 from throughout New Zealand to provide the first quantitative assessment of prey composition. Twenty‐nine taxa were identified. Those most commonly consumed were red cod (Pseudophycis bachus), ahuru (Auchenoceros punctatus), arrow squid (Nototodarus sp.), sprat (Sprattus sp.), sole (Peltorhamphus sp.), and stargazer (Crapatalus sp.). By mass, these six species contributed 77% of total diet. Red cod contributed the most in terms of mass (37%), while ahuru and Hector's lanternfish (Lampanyctodes hectoris) were consumed in large numbers. Prey ranged from <1 cm to >60 cm in total length, but the majority of prey items were <10 cm long, indicating that for some species, juveniles were targeted. Diets of dolphins from South Island east and west coasts were significantly different, due largely to javelinfish (Lepidorhynchus denticulatus) being of greater importance in west coast stomachs, and a greater consumption of demersal prey species in the east. The feeding ecology of Hector's dolphin is broadly similar to that of other Cephalorhynchus species. Hector's dolphin is shown to feed on species from throughout the water column, and differences in diet between populations are thought to reflect prey availability.  相似文献   
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