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Until now, very little was known about the agriculture of the Late Iron Age in Hungary. This paper describes the first results of an archaeobotanical examination of a late Iron Age, Celtic settlement in Budapest. It is the first systematically sampled and representatively investigated site of this time period in Hungary. Most of the samples come from different types of pits, which were subjectively sampled. The macrofossils were carbonised and, apart from many seeds and fruit stones, consisted mostly of charcoal. Among the seed remains both cultivated and wild species were present. The spectrum of cultivated plants was marked by a large number of cereals. The dominant cereals were Triticum spelta L. (spelt wheat) and Panicum millaceum L. (broomcorn millet), but also common were Avena sativa L., Avena sp. (oats), Triticum monococcum L. (einkorn), Hordeum vulgare L. (barley); Triticum aestivum/durum/turgidum L./Desf./L., incl. T. compactum Host. (bread wheat, including club wheat). Secale cereale L. (rye) and Triticum dicoccum (Schrank) Schübl. (emmer) were rare and seemed to be less important. The weeds and synanthropic vegetation, including ruderals, were represented by many taxa, and some of them also occurred in large amounts. The main cereals were sown as winter crops, judging from the rarely occurring of plants accompanying the cereals. Wild fruits contributed to the daily diet, too – as seen from the stones of Cornus mas (cornelian cherry), Crataegus sp. (hawthorn) and Prunus spinos (sloe, blackthorn). There were no finds of cultivated fruits. Received October 19, 2001 / Accepted January 30, 2002  相似文献   
Global climate change has already caused bottom temperatures of coastal marine ecosystems to increase worldwide. These ecosystems face many pressures, of which fishing is one of the most important. While consequences of global warming on commercial species are studied extensively, the importance of the increase in bottom temperature and of variation in fishing effort is more rarely considered together in these exploited ecosystems. Using a 17 year time series from an international bottom trawl survey, we investigated covariations of an entire demersal ecosystem (101 taxa) with the environment in the Celtic Sea. Our results showed that over the past two decades, biotic communities in the Celtic Sea were likely controlled more by environmental variables than fisheries, probably due to its long history of exploitation. At the scale of the entire zone, relations between taxa and the environment remained stable over the years, but at a local scale, in the center of the Celtic Sea, dynamics were probably driven by interannual variation in temperature. Fishing was an important factor structuring species assemblages at the beginning of the time series (2000) but decreased in importance after 2009. This was most likely caused by a change in spatial distribution of fishing effort, following a change in targeted taxa from nephrops to deeper water anglerfish that did not covary with fishing effort. Increasing bottom temperatures could induce additional changes in the coming years, notably in the cold‐water commercial species cod, hake, nephrops, and American plaice. We showed that analyzing covariation is an effective way to screen a large number of taxa and highlight those that may be most susceptible to future simultaneous increases in temperature and changes in exploitation pattern by fisheries. This information can be particularly relevant for ecosystem assessments.  相似文献   
A new generation of ocean colour satellites is now operational, with frequent observation of the global ocean. This paper reviews the potential to estimate marine primary production from satellite images. The procedures involved in retrieving estimates of phytoplankton biomass, as pigment concentrations, are discussed. Algorithms are applied to SeaWiFS ocean colour data to indicate seasonal variations in phytoplankton biomass in the Celtic Sea, on the continental shelf to the south west of the UK. Algorithms to estimate primary production rates from chlorophyll concentration are compared and the advantages and disadvantage discussed. The simplest algorithms utilise correlations between chlorophyll concentration and production rate and one equation is used to estimate daily primary production rates for the western English Channel and Celtic Sea; these estimates compare favourably with published values. Primary production for the central Celtic Sea in the period April to September inclusive is estimated from SeaWiFS data to be 102 gC m−2 in 1998 and 93 gC m−2 in 1999; published estimates, based on in situ incubations, are ca. 80 gC m−2. The satellite data demonstrate large variations in primary production between 1998 and 1999, with a significant increase in late summer in 1998 which did not occur in 1999. Errors are quantified for the estimation of primary production from simple algorithms based on satellite-derived chlorophyll concentration. These data show the potential to obtain better estimates of marine primary production than are possible with ship-based methods, with the ability to detect short-lived phytoplankton blooms. In addition, the potential to estimate new production from satellite data is discussed.  相似文献   
Feeding preferences of Celtic Sea fishes were investigated using a database of stomach content records, collected between 1977 and 1994. The diet of cod Gadus morhua, hake Merluccius merluccius, megrim Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis, whiting Merlangius merlangus and saithe Pollachius virens changed markedly as the animals grew larger, and although large predators generally chose larger bodied prey, the variability of prey sizes consumed also increased. Large predators continued to select small, low value, benthic prey (e.g. Callionymus spp. and Trisopterus spp.) which were easier to catch, rather than larger, more energy lucrative pelagic prey (e.g. mackerel Scomber scombrus), even though these pelagic prey‐fishes were nearly always available and were often very abundant. Stock estimates of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea and U.K. groundfish survey catches were used as indices of prey abundance. Blue‐whiting Micromesistius poutassou and other small pelagic fishes (Argentina spp. and clupeoids) were identified as being particularly important, and were consumed by some predators more often than would be expected given the abundance of these prey in the environment. There was no evidence for density‐dependent feeding by predators on mackerel and only hake exhibited density‐dependent feeding on horse‐mackerel. Hake, cod and megrim consumed more blue‐whiting when this prey was at higher abundance in the environment. In choosing what prey to consume, predators must balance costs and benefits, considering the quality of prey and the energy expended during search, capture and handling.  相似文献   
By combining next‐generation sequencing technology (454) and reduced representation library (RRL) construction, the rapid and economical isolation of over 25 000 potential single‐nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) and >6000 putative microsatellite loci from c. 2% of the genome of the non‐model teleost, Atlantic cod Gadus morhua from the Celtic Sea, south of Ireland, was demonstrated. A small‐scale validation of markers indicated that 80% (11 of 14) of SNP loci and 40% (6 of 15) of the microsatellite loci could be amplified and showed variability. The results clearly show that small‐scale next‐generation sequencing of RRL genomes is an economical and rapid approach for simultaneous SNP and microsatellite discovery that is applicable to any species. The low cost and relatively small investment in time allows for positive exploitation of ascertainment bias to design markers applicable to specific populations and study questions.  相似文献   
Does diet in Celtic Sea fishes reflect prey availability?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Feeding preferences of Celtic Sea fishes were investigated using a database of stomach content records, collected between 1977 and 1994. The diet of cod Gadus morhua , hake Merluccius merluccius , megrim Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis , whiting Merlangius merlangus and saithe Pollachius virens changed markedly as the animals grew larger, and although large predators generally chose larger bodied prey, the variability of prey sizes consumed also increased. Large predators continued to select small, low value, benthic prey ( e.g . Callionymus spp. and Trisopterus spp.) which were easier to catch, rather than larger, more energy lucrative pelagic prey ( e.g . mackerel Scomber scombrus ), even though these pelagic prey‐fishes were nearly always available and were often very abundant. Stock estimates of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea and U.K. groundfish survey catches were used as indices of prey abundance. Blue‐whiting Micromesistius poutassou and other small pelagic fishes ( Argentina spp. and clupeoids) were identified as being particularly important, and were consumed by some predators more often than would be expected given the abundance of these prey in the environment. There was no evidence for density‐dependent feeding by predators on mackerel and only hake exhibited density‐dependent feeding on horse‐mackerel. Hake, cod and megrim consumed more blue‐whiting when this prey was at higher abundance in the environment. In choosing what prey to consume, predators must balance costs and benefits, considering the quality of prey and the energy expended during search, capture and handling.  相似文献   
Two single assemblages of cereals and chaff from the oppidum Bibracte, (Burgundy, France), give evidence of cereal trade, food supply and crop processing in late Celtic and early Roman times. The first deposit consists mainly of Triticum dicoccon chaff which was buried in a wooden box near the sanctuary of La Terrasse. The second assemblage was a store of different wheats and barley excavated in a Roman cellar at the Pature du Couvent. The analyses of these finds are presented, and recent archaeobotanical research at Mont Beuvray is summarized.  相似文献   
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