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Hydrochoerinae is a clade of caviomorph rodents broadly distributed in South America, which includes the maximum body size recorded among extant rodent taxa. The most basal forms of this group are an assemblage of small to medium body size extinct taxa with a plesiomorphic dentition, traditionally clustered in the group cardiomyines. One of the oldest known cardiomyine is Procardiomys martinoi (Chasicoan South American Land Mammal Age SALMA; early late Miocene), which was known only from the holotype, a fragmentary palate with the left and right molar series. New mandibular remains from the Arroyo Chasicó Formation (Chasicoan SALMA) are described and identified here as belonging to P. martinoi because they share a unique combination of characters (as well matching in size) with the upper dentition of the holotype. These materials help in critically reviewing the taxonomic identification of the mandibular remains previously assigned to Procardiomys and allow testing the phylogenetic affinities of this taxon within Caviidae. P. martinoi is depicted as one of the most basal forms of Hydrochoerinae, placed basally on the lineage leading to extant capybaras after the split between the common ancestor of Kerodon and Hydrochoerus.

http://zoobank.org/F60356E0-CB8E-48C2-BF86-429E347A9579  相似文献   
Nina Furnari 《Mammal Review》2013,43(4):323-326
Cavia intermedia, a rare species of cavy found exclusively on Moleques do Sul Island, Brazil, differs from other cavies in genetic and morphological characteristics and has been regarded as phylogenetically closest to Cavia magna. Here, I present morphological evidence for the likely origin of Cavia intermedia from an ancestor shared with Cavia magna: an external female genital organ similar in size and appearance to the male's penis. Masculinization of the female genitalia has been observed in Cavia magna but does not occur in Cavia aperea, which suggests a sister relationship between Cavia magna and Cavia intermedia.  相似文献   
The present study describes the fetal regions ethmoidalis and orbitotemporalis of the cranium of Galea musteloides and Kerodon rupestris and compares them with Galea spixii and Cavia porcellus . The fetal crania of these representatives of the Caviinae were serially sectioned and 3D plate reconstructions were built. For a broader scope, serially sectioned heads of the caviomorph taxa Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris and Dasyprocta leporina were also examined. The ethmoidal and orbitotemporal regions of the cranium provides characters that are pertinent to the discussion of systematics of the Caviinae. Nine cranial characters were identified as being significant and discussed phylogenetically. Taking the monophyly of the Cavioidea as given, two characters are autapomorphic for the genus Galea: the reduction of the crista semicircularis and the lacrimale forming the 'arco antorbitario' (Kraglievich 1930). Cavia is the sister group of Galea; synapomorphic characters are the extent of the processus palatinus medialis of the praemaxillare and the presence lamina pterygoidea of the alisphenoid. There were no apomorphic characters of the structural complexes examined that could support the Caviinae. The reduced and nonperforated alisphenoid is an autapomorphic feature of the Caviidae. The division of the nasoturbinale is evidence for a sistergroup relationship of the Hydrochaeridae and the Caviidae. Autapomorphic characters for the Cavioidea include the ventrolateral opening of the organon vomeronasale and the lateral prolongation of the lacrimale.  相似文献   
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