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Disarticulated bones of several individuals recovered from the Late Triassic fluvial and lacustrine deposits at Krasiejów, Poland, are here described, allowing the restoration of the skull structure of a new aetosaurian archosaur: Stagonolepis olenkae sp. nov. The Krasiejów deposits probably correspond in age to the Lehrberg Beds (late Carnian) of Baden‐Württemberg, Germany. The stratigraphical position of the new taxon combined with other available evidence is used to propose a model of aetosaurian evolution. The proposed phylogenetic position of Aetosaurus ferratus (Norian, Germany) as the basal aetosaurid is refuted and this species is instead proposed to be the most derived member of the Stagonolepis–Aetosaurus evolutionary lineage. Gradual change in several morphological characters can be observed from Stagonolepis robertsoni, through the new species from Krasiejów, to the stratigraphically youngest Aetosaurus ferratus. These changes include a decrease in the number of teeth and a decrease in the convexity of the ventral profile of the maxilla. The anterior elongation of the maxilla is associated with the expansion of the anterior tip of the maxilla towards the naris. In S. robertsoni and S. olenkae, the maxilla extends to middle of the naris, whereas in Aetosaurus, it reaches the anterior half of the naris. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 158 , 860–881.  相似文献   
Herrerasauridae comprises a basal clade of dinosaurs best known from the Upper Triassic of Argentina and Brazil, which have yielded remains of Herrerasaurus ischigualastensis and Staurikosaurus pricei, respectively. Systematic opinion regarding the position of Herrerasauridae at the base of Dinosauria has varied. Here we describe a new herrerasaurid, Sanjuansaurus gordilloi gen. n., sp. n., based on a partial skeleton from Carnian-age strata of the the Upper Triassic Ischigualasto Formation of northwestern Argentina. The new taxon is diagnosed by numerous features, including long, band-shaped and posterolaterally oriented transverse process on the posterior cervical vertebrae; neural spines of the sixth to eighth dorsal vertebrae, at least, bearing acute anterior and posterior processes; scapula and coracoid with everted lateral margins of the glenoid; and short pubis (63% of the femoral length). Phylogenetic analysis placed Sanjuansaurus within a monophyletic Herrerasauridae, at the base of Theropoda and including Herrerasaurus and Staurikosaurus. The presence of Sanjuansaurus at the base of the Ischigualasto Formation, along with other dinosaurs such as Herrerasaurus, Eoraptor, Panphagia, and Chromogisaurus suggests that saurischian dinosaurs in southwestern Pangea were already widely diversified by the late Carnian rather than increasing in diversity across the Carnian-Norian boundary.  相似文献   
根据头骨和下颌建立了海龙一新属新种——短吻贫齿龙(Miodentosaurus brevis gen.et sp.nov.)。其正型标本是采自贵州三叠纪法郎组的一具骨架(台中自然科学博物馆标本编号NMNS-004727/F003960)。虽然头后骨胳还没有修理,但是几近完好的头骨和下颌显示出许多与众不同的特征,足以确定该标本代表了一新的海龙属种。短吻贫齿龙是个体较大的海龙,其全长超过4 m,头骨背部最长约为33 cm。吻直且极短是其最显著的特征之一。其他主要特征有:前颌骨沿前背中央有一隆嵴;上颌仅前颌骨有6枚圆锥形齿,无上颌骨齿;上颌骨沿前腹侧缘有一沟槽;下颌齿骨齿都集中在前端且至多不超过6枚。依据上述这些特征很易把短吻贫齿龙与其他已知海龙相区别。短吻贫齿龙头骨顶面松果孔大且很前位,头骨腭面的锄骨和翼骨均无齿,它的颈较长(至少可以辨认出13个颈椎)。这些特征显示短吻贫齿龙可能与包括中国安顺龙属(Anshunsaurus)在内的Askeptosauroidea超科有相近的系统关系。  相似文献   
Within the Late Cretaceous mélange complex of the Izmir-Ankara suture zone in central Sakarya area, north-western Turkey, a megablock with radiolarian cherts associated with basaltic pillow lavas has been dated by radiolarians. The studied radiolarian assemblage and conodonts yielded an early Late Carnian age. This age is the oldest obtained from the chert blocks all along the suture belt and has important implications for the rifting/opening age of the Izmir-Ankara branch of the Tethys ocean in north-western Turkey. Based on this new data, it is concluded that during the Late Triassic the Izmir-Ankara seaway was connected to the other Tethyan oceanic branches and deep enough to provide chert sedimentation and exchange radiolarians with the main open oceans. It is further suggested that the long-lasting misinterpretation of a Liassic rifting/opening of the Izmir-Ankara ocean should be revised.  相似文献   
This study reports the first occurrence of a varied xenacanth assemblage from the Upper Triassic Tiki Formation of India, based on multiple well-preserved isolated teeth. Based on distinct tooth morphology, two species of the genus Mooreodontus are described: Mindicus and a new species, Mjaini. The new species is diagnosed based on a tricuspid crown containing two stout, slightly diverging lateral cusps pointing in the same direction, a high median cusp, crown-base angle almost at 90°, large, rounded, apical button with several foramina and multiple, 8–9 coarse vertical cristae on all the cusps. Dental anomaly in the form of a partial quadri-cuspidate xenacanthid tooth is present in the collection. Another group of xenacanthid teeth have bicuspid crowns with two upright, asymmetric cusps, where the mesial cusp is thicker than the distal one, and consistently lack a median cusp. Such distinct bicuspid tooth morphology is usually present in Palaeozoic forms and is reported for the first time from the Late Triassic. It is considered to belong to a new taxon, Tikiodontus asymmetricus nov. gen., nov. sp., of indeterminate family. Distinctive tooth histology also differentiates the two Indian genera Mooreodontus and Tikiodontus nov. gen. from other xenacanthid taxa. In addition, the Tiki assemblage has yielded multiple chondrichthyan dermal denticles, which may be subdivided into two morphotypes based on their robustness and presence/absence of linear ridges on the fused cusps. India holds a unique position in terms of its Late Triassic freshwater shark fauna, as it exhibits distinct Laurasian affinities. These freshwater sharks had restricted occurrences in other parts of the Gondwanan landmass.  相似文献   
Summary Barbafera carnica Senowbari-Daryan (1980), a Carnian reef fossil of uncertain systematic position, is redescribed based on extraordinarily preserved material from Carnian reef boulders of the Cassian Formation of the Southern Alps (Dolomites/Italy).Barbafera is interpreted as a worm tube characterized by a complicated wall structure.Barbafera may belong to the family SerpulidaeRafinesque.  相似文献   
Andrea Cozzi 《Facies》2002,47(1):151-178
Summary Upper Triassic (Middle-Upper Norian) shallow-water carbonates of the Dolomia Principale and its deep-water counterparts (Forni Dolomite) have been studied in the Carnian Prealps (northeastern Italy). The Dolomia Principale was a storm-dominated carbonate platform; in the Mt. Pramaggiore area, along a well-preserved 3.5 km-long platform-to-basin transition, the inner platform facies of the Dolomia Principale, characterized by m-scale shallowing upward cycles, give way seaward to open marine storm-dominated shallow subtidal lagoon deposits with frequent hardgrounds and evidence of microbial stabilization of the bottom sediment. The margin of the Dolomia Principale platform was colonized by meter-scale stromatolites and serpulid-microbial mounds that thrived due to the local highly stressed environment, characterized by drastic salinity fluctuations and turbid waters, that excluded the Upper Triassic coral-sponge communities. The Forni Dolomite slope-basin complex was characterized by an upper slope facies with debris flows, megabreccias, turbidites and serpulid-microbial mounds. The lower slope and basinal facies show thinning and fining trends. After restoring the original geometry of the slope, the depositional angles of the clinoforms range between 11 and 36 degrees, reflecting closely the coarse-grained character of the Forni Dolomite slope complex, which can be interpreted as a slope apron that, as a model, can be extended to steeply inclined carbonate slopes. The onset of synsedimentary extensional tectonics at the Middle-Late Norian boundary affected the platform-slope depositional system via: 1) localized inner platform collapses and the formation of an intraplatform anoxic depression at Mt. Valmenone, 2) a switch from platform lateral progradation during the Middle Norian to vertical aggradation in the Late Norian, reflected in an increase in platform relief, steeper foreslope angles and coarser-grained slope facies, and 3) controlling the spatial orientation of the margin of the Dolomia Principale.  相似文献   
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