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The presence of litter has the potential to alter the population dynamics of plants. In this paper, we explore the effects of litter on population dynamics using a simple experimental laboratory system with populations of the annual crucifer, Cardamine pensylvanica. Using a factorial experiment with four densities and three litter levels, we determined the effect of litter on biomass and plant fecundity, and the life stages responsible for these changes in yield. Although litter had significant effects on seed germination and on seedling survivorship, we show, using a population dynamics model, that these effects were not demographically significant. Rather, the potential effect of litter on population dynamics resulted almost entirely from its effect on biomass. Persistent litter suppressed plant biomass and apparently removed the direct density effect present in the absence of litter. Thus, litter changed the shape of the recruitment curve from slightly humped to asymptotic. In addition to changing the shape of the recruitment curve, litter reduced the carrying capacity of the populations. Thus, the population dynamics model indicated that not all statistically significant responses were dynamically significant. Given the potential complexity of litter effects, simple population models provide a powerful tool for understanding the potential consequences of short-term responses. Received: 8 September 1999 / Accepted: 5 April 2000  相似文献   
A field experiment encompassing both neighbour- and nutrient-manipulations was conducted in a nutrient-impoverished old-field habitat to investigate how the intensity of plant competition was affected by soil nutrient level. Three perennial grasses were used as target species: Agropyron repens, Poa pratensis and Phleum pratense. Neighbour manipulations involved the removal (through herbicide application) of all neighbouring vegetation within a 20 cm or 40 cm radius around target plants. Target performance was measured under five levels of added nutrients (N-P-K) in both the neighbour-removal plots and in non-removal (control) plots. Both neighbour and nutrient manipulations had a highly significant effect on both biomass and tiller production but the interaction between these treatments was generally insignificant. Below-ground/above-ground biomass quotient was affected only by neighbour manipulations and was greatest in the control plots (with no neighbours removed) for all three species. The suppressive effect of neighbours was not markedly affected by nutrient level. However, yield suppression showed a significant decreasing trend with increasing nutrient level for biomass production in Agropyron and an increasing trend for tiller production in Phleum. For Poa, there was no trend in the intensity of competition across nutrient level. The results suggest that the general intensity of competition within this community neither increases nor decreases with increasing nutrient level. Rather, coexisting species appear to respond individually in terms of the intensity of competition that they experience. These results conflict with predictions from the triangular C-S-R model of plant strategies. However, they are consistent with a recently modified ‘habitat templet’ model for vegetation.  相似文献   
Summary UV-microscopic and chromatographic studies have been performed on the variation in contents and configuration of the flavones present in epidermal cells of the petals, stem leaves, rosette leaves and cotyledons ofSilene pratensis plants. Most of the flavone contents is located in the vacuole of the upper epidermis cells, the concentration depending on the light intensity at which the plants were grown. In plants able to glycosylate isovitexin in the petals (genotypegG/. gl/gl fg/fg, accumulating isovitexin 7-O-glucoside) the vacuole is completely filled with the UV absorbing flavone. In plants which are unable to glycosylate isovitexin in their petals (genotypeg/g gl/gl fg/fg, accumulating only isovitexin) the upper epidermal cells of stem leaves and petals contain droplet like structures in their vacuoles. At high light intensities these structures increase in mass and become detectable in the visible light. These denser structures often condense to structures with radiating threads.As compared with the accumulation of isovitexin in upper epidermal cells of stem leaves and petals in genotypeg/g gl/gl fg/fg, the cotyledons and the rosette leaves contain two isovitexin glycosides. In the latter organs the upper epidermal cells are very similar to the upper epidermal cells fromgG/. gl/gl fg/fg plants, having a vacuole filled with UV absorbing material. It appears therefore that isovitexin itself causes the formation of the structurés in the cells. It was shown by varying the light intensity that a relative high concentration of isovitexin is necessary for the droplet like structures to appear. Still higher concentrations are needed for the formation of the structures with radiating threads. It is hypothesized that isovitexin interferes with the energy supply of the cells, which therefore are not able to maintain their turgor.  相似文献   
Abstract Phenotypic variability of Cardamine flexuosa (Cruciferae) was examined in response to different lengths of exposure to low temperature (5°C) at the juvenile stage, and to two photoperiod regimes (8 and 16 hrs day-lengths) in the subsequent growth period. The results indicated that this species had a facultative chilling or long-day requirement for flowering. The long-day and chilling treatments both caused an earlier onset of stem internode elongation. Longer chilling treatments reduced the number of nodes and increased internode length under both long and short photoperiod regimes. Prolonged chilling treatments followed by long-day photoperiod remarkably induced more numerous basal branches and inflorescences, as a result producing more siliques. Remarkable rosette leaves Were formed at the base of the main stem when partial chilling and the short-day treatment suppressed stem internode elongation. The responses to chilling and long-day treatment closely resembled the synchronized flowering of this species in spring in the field. Delayed flowering under the short-day treatment resembled size- or age-dependent flowering in late summer to autumn in the field populations.  相似文献   
The relationship between numbers of Deroceras reticulatum and the establishment of ryegrass cv. Melle and white clover cv. Milkanova was studied on a mini-plot experiment. Assessments 12 and 33 days after sowing showed that Deroceras reticulatum had a proportionally greater impact on survival and growth of clover than on ryegrass. Slugs had no apparent effect on numbers or growth of three species of broad-leaved weeds (Senecio vulgaris, Cardamine hirsuta and Epilobium sp.) which occurred in the field experiment. In pot experiments where seedlings of ryegrass together with one of three clover cultivars, with or without chickweed (Stellaria media), were exposed to Deroceras reticulatum, seedlings of white clover cv. Aran were less affected by slug grazing than cvs S184 or Milkanova. The presence of different clover cultivars did not significantly influence the impact of slugs on growth of ryegrass or chickweed, nor did the presence or absence of chickweed influence the effect of slugs on ryegrass and clover seedlings. Slugs had less impact on the growth of chickweed than on ryegrass or clover. Thus slug grazing would make clover less able to compete with chickweed as well as the other weeds found in the mini-plot experiment.  相似文献   
The meiotic behaviour of plants from mixed populations of Alopecurus pratensis × A. geniculatus and of A. pratensis × A. arundinaceus ( 2n = 4×(= 28) is reported together with observations on some artificially produced hybrids. This meiotic behaviour is correlated with the degree of hybridity as shown by the hybrid index values of the plant. In A. pratensis × A. geniculatus hybrids there are marked differences between populations in the degree of meiotic disturbance and in one population there was an almost complete breakdown of meiosis. Alopecurus pratensis × A. arundinaceus hybrids show fairly regular meiotic pairing but in most plants there are a few univalent chromosomes at metaphase I. Artificially produced hybrids of A. pratensis × A. aequalis gave meiotic configurations that suggest that the genomes of the parent species are very similar. Taken together with the results from artificially produced hybrids of A. pratensis × A. geniculatus , it is suggested that bivalent-promoting mechanisms reduce multivalent formation both in the species and the hybrids. The interaction of different genotypes involved in the control of meiosis may account for the variation in meiotic behaviour in the different populations of hybrids. Pollen fertility is reduced in most populations of hybrids and likely to be an important factor permitting introgressive hybridization.  相似文献   
【背景】壶瓶碎米荠对硒具有超积累能力,并主要以硒代胱氨酸的形式存在,与已有的硒超积累植物显著不同,其硒超积累机制不明。【目的】从硒超积累植物壶瓶碎米荠(Cardamine hupingshanensis)体内分离耐硒内生菌,并对其进行鉴定和体外硒代谢特征研究,为壶瓶碎米荠超积累硒的机制研究提供参考。【方法】从壶瓶碎米荠新鲜叶片中分离纯化耐硒内生菌株,对其进行生理生化特征及16S rRNA基因序列分析鉴定,并对其进行亚硒酸钠培养代谢。【结果】获得一株耐硒内生菌CSN-1,被鉴定为甲基营养型芽孢杆菌(Bacillus methylotrophicus),培养液中硒含量低(Se 1.5 mg/L)时其吸光度值较对照组高,硒含量高(Se 10 mg/L)时其吸光度值较对照组低;代谢后的上清液中硒主要以Se~(4+)存在,而菌体中硒主要是硒代胱氨酸(SeCys_2)。【结论】硒超积累植物壶瓶碎米荠叶片体内存在甲基营养型芽孢杆菌(Bacillus methylotrophicus)CSN-1,具有将亚硒酸钠转化为硒代胱氨酸的能力,低浓度的硒对该内生菌的生长具有一定的促进作用,而高浓度的硒则会抑制该内生菌的生长。  相似文献   
利用种子和胚分别在两种培养基K3和K5诱导产生了早熟禾(Poa pratensis L.)一个品种Mado的胚性愈伤组织.K3培养基含有10.0μmol/L的二氯苯氧乙酸(2,4-D)、0.5μmol/L的苄氨基嘌呤(BAP).K5培养基是K3另加0.5μmol/L的硫酸铜.光照条件为20~30 μmol.m-2.s、16 h光照、8 h黑暗.温度保持在24℃.用携有bar基因和gus基因的pDM805质粒转化的农杆菌AGL1对胚性愈伤组织进行转化.共得到4个转基因株系.影响转基因效率的主要因素有愈伤组织的胚性、光照条件、共转化时间、抗生素浓度、选择压力.本研究建立了单子叶早熟禾农杆菌介导的转基因方案.  相似文献   
Flowering requirements of Scandinavian Festuca pratensis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Flowering requirements of three Scandinavian cultivars of Festuca pratensis Huds, have been studied in controlled environments. At 3 and 6°C, primary induction was independent of photoperiod, while short days (8 h) were more effective than long days (24 h) at higher temperatures. The critical temperature for induction was about 15°C in short days and about 12°C in long days. Saturation of induction required 18–20 weeks of exposure to optimal conditions. At temperatures below 12°C both induction and initiation of inflorescence primordia took place in long days, while a transition to long days was required for inflorescence initiation after primary induction in short days. A minimum of 8 long-day cycles were required for flowering of plants primary induced in short days and saturation of flowering required more than 16 cycles. The critical photoperiod for secondary induction was about 13 h. High temperature (21°C) had some devernalization effect in primary induced plants, suppressing flowering compared with 15°C.  相似文献   
Comparative RFLP mapping of meadow and tall fescue   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
 Molecular markers based on restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) were used to construct a genetic linkage map in diploid meadow fescue, Festuca pratensis Huds. (2n=2x=14, genomic designation PP), and to compare its genomic relationship with a related species, hexaploid tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.; 2n=6x=42, PPG1G1G2G2). Using a collection of 66 tall-fescue (heterologous) markers, an RFLP linkage map was constructed in F. pratensis. This map, which has a total length of 280.1 cM, includes seven linkage groups. A comparison of 33 markers that were mapped in both F. pratensis and F. arundinacea detected highly conserved linkage groups between these two species. Our data are consistent with the proposal that one of the genomes of F. arundinacea was derived from F. pratensis. However, since significant changes in marker sequences, map distances, and homoeologous linkage groups were also detected between the two species, it appears that the P genome diverged substantially during evolution from the diploid to the hexaploid Festuca. Received: 23 May 1997 / Accepted: 15 January 1998  相似文献   
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