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W. J. Bond  J. Midgley  J. Vlok 《Oecologia》1988,77(4):515-521
Summary According to the equilibrium theory of island biogeography, insularisation will lead to species loss from habitat remnants. Extinctions will continue untill species number equilibrates at a level appropriate for the size and isolation of the island remnants. We tested whether insularisation leads to species loss by comparing plant species numbers on islands of fynbos shrublands surrounded by Afrotemperate evergreen forest with extensive mainland tracts of fynbos. Species area curves for islands and subsamples of mainland had significantly different slopes (z island=0.43, z mainland=0.16). Small islands had the fewest species (less than one fifth) relative to mainland samples of similar size. The species area curves intersect at 590 ha so that reserve sizes of this order of magnitude are needed to avoid species losses relative to extensive areas of fynbos.We compared traits of species on islands and mainlands to determine processes most affected by insularisation. Island floras did not differ from the mainland in the mix of dispersal types, pollinator syndromes or proportion of dioecious species. Islands did have significantly fewer species of low stature and significantly more species that survive fire only as seed and not by resprouting. We infer that the main cause of species loss is change in disturbance frequency. Islands have fewer fires and lose species dependent on frequent fires. We predict that island effects could be reduced by judicious fire management of small reserves.  相似文献   
The Lindero membranaceae-Fagetum crenatae association on Mt. Sanpoiwadake, Hakusan National Park, Japan, has been classified using traditional Braun-Blanquet methods. The association was floristically sub-divided into six communities, all of which had been included as four subassociations by Hukusima (1982). The resulting table was compared with an analogous community table derived using computer-based TWINSPAN analysis. This dual approach was shown to provide a fully objective classification by method, the subjective element in the Braun-Blanquet method thus being substantiated TWINSPAN. Subsequent ordination of the data using DCA then provided a further degree of objective evaluation allowing any misclassified stand or species to be re-examined, and at the same time displaying the detailed inter-relationships between all species or stands.  相似文献   
The vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) receptor was characterized on the GH3 rat pituitary tumor cell line using competitive binding studies with peptides having sequence homology with VIP. Further studies investigated receptor coupling to the adenylate cyclase complex by measurement of cAMP levels. Finally, the molecular weight of the receptor was estimated by affinity labeling techniques. Studies using 125I-VIP and unlabeled competing peptides revealed a single class of high affinity binding sites with a dissociation constant (KD) of 17 +/- 2 nM (mean +/- S.E.M.) for VIP, 275 +/- 46 nM for peptide histidine isoleucine (PHI), and 1380 +/- 800 nM for human pancreatic growth hormone releasing factor (GHRF). VIP and PHI each stimulated intracellular cAMP accumulation in a dose-dependent manner; both peptides demonstrated synergism with forskolin. In contrast, GHRF neither stimulated accumulation of cAMP nor demonstrated synergism with forskolin. VIP plus PHI (1 microM each) caused no significant increase in cAMP over either VIP or PHI alone, implying that the two peptides act through the same receptor. Covalent crosslinking of 125I-VIP to its binding site using either disuccinimidyl suberate (DSS) or ethylene glycol bis(succinimidyl succinate) (EGS) was followed by SDS-PAGE and autoradiography. The result is consistent with an Mr 47 000 VIP-binding subunit comprising or being associated with the VIP receptor of GH3 pituitary tumor cells.  相似文献   
Intermolecular duplexes among large nuclear RNAs, and between small nuclear RNA and heterogeneous nuclear RNA, were studied after isolation by a procedure that yielded protein-free RNA without the use of phenol or high salt. The bulk of the pulse-labeled RNA had a sedimentation coefficient greater than 45 S. After heating in 50% (v/v) formamide, it sedimented between the 18 S and 28 S regions of the sucrose gradient. Proof of the existence of interstrand duplexes prior to deproteinization was obtained by the introduction of interstrand cross-links using 4'-aminomethyl-4,5',8-trimethylpsoralen and u.v. irradiation. Thermal denaturation did not reduce the sedimentation coefficient of pulse-labeled RNA obtained from nuclei treated with this reagent and u.v. irradiated. Interstrand duplexes were observed among the non-polyadenylated RNA species as well as between polyadenylated and non-polyadenylated RNAs. beta-Globin mRNA but not beta-globin pre-mRNA also contained interstrand duplex regions. In this study, we were able to identify two distinct classes of polyadenylated nuclear RNA, which were differentiated with respect to whether or not they were associated with other RNA molecules. The first class was composed of poly(A)+ molecules that were free of interactions with other RNAs. beta-Globin pre-mRNA belongs to this class. The second class included poly(A)+ molecules that contained interstrand duplexes. beta-Globin mRNA is involved in this kind of interaction. In addition, hybrids between small nuclear RNAs and heterogeneous nuclear RNA were isolated. These hybrids were formed with all the U-rich species, 4.5 S, 4.5 SI and a novel species designated W. Approximately equal numbers of hybrids were formed by species U1a, U1b, U2, U6 and W; however, species U4 and U5 were significantly under-represented. Most of these hybrids were found to be associated stably with non-polyadenylated RNA. These observations demonstrated for the first time that small nuclear RNA-heterogeneous nuclear RNA hybrids can be isolated without crosslinking, and that proteins are not necessary to stabilize the complexes. However, not all molecules of a given small nuclear RNA species are involved in the formation of these hybrids. The distribution of a given small nuclear RNA species between the free and bound state does not reflect the stability of the complex in vitro but rather the abundance of complementary sequences in the heterogeneous nuclear RNA.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
Hanson  A.  Ellingwood  C.  Kerekes  J.  Smith  A. 《Hydrobiologia》1994,279(1):521-524
The Sackville Waterfowl Park, contains a 19 hectare shallow freshwater wetland created by reflooding a saltwater marsh that was drained three centuries ago. Its primary purpose is to provide wetland habitat and wildlife viewing opportunities to tourists and residents. This newly created, eutrophic wetland supports high densities of waterfowl, 2.1 and 3.3 brood ha–1 in 1991 and 1992 respectively. It is hoped that long term monitoring of the Park's waterfowl population and wetland habitat will contribute to a better understanding of factors controlling breeding waterfowl populations.  相似文献   
Nutrient dynamics of large grassland ecosystems possessing abundant migratory grazers are poorly understood. We examined N cycling on the northern winter range of Yellowstone National Park, home for large herds of free-roaming elk (Cervus elaphus) and bison (Bison bison). Plant and soil N, net N mineralization, and the deposition of ungulate fecal-N were measured at five sites, a ridgetop, mid-slope bench, steep slope, valley-bottom bench, and riparian area, within a watershed from May, 1991 to April, 1992.Results indicated similarities between biogeochemical properties of Yellowstone grassland and other grassland ecosystems: (1) landscape position and soil water affected nutrient dynamics, (2) annual mineralization was positively related to soil N content, and (3) the proportion of soil N mineralized during the year was negatively related to soil C/N.Grazers were a particularly important component of the N budget of this grassland. Estimated rates of N flow from ungulates to the soil ranged from 8.1 to 45.6 kg/ha/yr at the sites (average = 27.0 kg/ha/yr), approximately 4.5 times the amount of N in senescent plants. Rates of nitrogen mineralization for Yellowstone northern range grassland were higher than those measured in other temperate grassland ecosystems, possibly due to grazers promoting N cycling in Yellowstone.  相似文献   
At two sites, one with a 4-year-old (4-Y) secondary vegetation and the other with a 20-year-old (20-Y) vegetation, the influence of burning slashed vegetation on crop performance was studied during three seasons. In the first season after clearing, also the influence on weed growth was studied. At both sites, burning significantly decreased the number of weed seedlings. The lowest number of seedlings was found on the burnt plots of the 20-Y site. Burning increased yield and nutrient uptake significantly in the first and second season after clearing. In the third season after burning, only at the 4-Y site a significantly higher yield and nutrient uptake were found. At the 20-Y site the effect had disappeared. Calculations of efficiency of utilization of absorbed N, P and K indicated that P was the least available nutrient, also after burning. At both sites three consecutive crops absorbed approximately 40% of P applied in ash, while the cumulative recovery of K was at least 36% at the 4-Y site and at least 59% at the 20-Y site. On non-burnt plots, yields were not lower in the third season than in the first season after clearing, thus indicating that the inherent soil fertility did not decrease. Hence, yield decline on the burnt plots could be ascribed to ash depletion. It was concluded that in the local shifting cultivation system, the combination of ash depletion and infestation of weeds are the main reasons for abandoning the fields.  相似文献   
Conservation and management issues of Prespa National Park   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Catsadorakis  G.  Malakou  M. 《Hydrobiologia》1997,351(1-3):175-196
The present article describes the human activities inthe area and their changes and trends, given that thecontemporary nature conservation key issues areclosely related to past and present socio-economic andcultural conditions, both within Prespa itself andoutside of it. The liberation of Prespa, a remote andrather socially isolated borderline area, from Ottoman occupation took place in 1912–13. Recentevents in its environmental history have been forestclearings and human depopulation in the Civil War(1944–49), irrigation system construction in the1960s, its discovery by ornithologists in the late1960s, the high emigration rates of 1960–1980, itsdesignation as a National Park in 1974, thedestructive development works of 1984–86 afterGreeces entry to the EEC and the conversion to intensivebean cultivation in the mid 1980s.The human population of ca 7000 at the start of thiscentury suffered an almost 80% decrease after theCivil War. A resettlement in the mid 1950s increasedthe population by 40% but in the 1970s emigrationreduced it to its previous size of around 1500, stillits present size. The extensive and diverse farmingsystems of previous centuries changed gradually afterthe construction of an irrigation network in the1960s, which twenty years later and along withinternational changes in production and economypatterns, made possible the present day domination ofa bean monoculture within irrigated croplands. Thiswas accompanied by increased energy inputs,mechanisation and the use of chemicals.Intensification of agriculture brought increasedincomes which attracted also livestock keepers,resulting in a 56% decrease in numbers of livestockin 1964–1993. Cattle are presently kept for meatproduction only. They graze on the mountains, and nolonger in the meadows around the lakeshore. A localshorthorn breed accounting for 93% of all cattle in1963 declined to less than 18% in 1993. Fishing aimedmainly at carp and Prespa bleak, continues today as inthe past to be a source of supplementary income.Eighty-six per cent of the – mainly oak and beech –forests are State owned and the rest belong to localmunicipalities. The forest area has not changedessentially in the last 40 years, but forest roadshave expanded. Forests provide mainly fuelwood forlocal needs and small quantities of industrial timber.No specific management is conducted to safeguard theconservation values of the forest, the majority ofwhich consists of even aged coppiced stands withlimited value for wildlife. Manufacturing never playedan important role for the economy of the area. Tourismhas increased in the last 20 years, concentratedmainly in summer and spring. Accommodation in thevillages is not yet satisfactory though it hasimproved enormously in recent years. The NationalParks infrastructure for visitors remains poor.Tourist pressure generally is not yet that high toimpact drastically the social and environmentalfabric. In places, hunting, angling and poaching cannegatively affect the target species. The constructionof the irrigation network in the eastern part of LakeMikri Prespa was the most important change to thelandscape and the habitats of Prespa the last 30years. It resulted in the embankment of free-flowingstreams, drainage of wet meadows and dramaticreduction of trees and hedges. In the last 15 years,the reedbeds, no longer burnt or mowed and assisted byincreased nutrient loadings from agricultural runoff,have expanded landward to occupy formerly open,periodically flooded, areas. The above changes inhabitats and land use have brought an impoverishmentof biodiversity which can be seen in the exterminationor the decrease in the numbers of certain plant andbird species.The problems preventing a better management of theNational Park and the perpetuation of its values areinappropriate legislation, the poor degree ofcoordination of the public services, the lack of botha specific National Park Service in Greece and amanagement authority for the Park and the hostileattitude of local people due to their limitedinformation and involvement. The scenic beauty, thewetlands and a number of rare habitats, the diversityof habitats, flora and fauna, the endemic life forms,the rare mammals and the colonial waterbirds, thelocal architecture and the cultural expressions suchas the Byzantine monuments, are the values of Prespathat must be preserved as a whole. The initialconservation efforts aimed at preserving biodiversitybut later it became apparent that not only are humansan inseparable part of the whole, but additionally,several of their extensive activities have contributedsubstantially to the rich biodiversity of the area.Through the prerequisites of keeping a balance betweenprimary and tertiary sector activities and ofrevitalizing the social fabric, the following are thekey management and conservation issues of today: anunequivocal agreement on the values to be preservedand their limits; the formation of a managementauthority; a new realistic protection and land usezoning; the diversification and extensification of allfarming activities; the restoration of the wet meadowhabitats; the ensuring of a high water level and agood water quality for both lakes through tri-lateralcooperation between Greece, Albania and FYROM; and theestablishment of a permanent environmental monitoringscheme.  相似文献   
It has been reported recently that parts of the nucleotide sequences present in the 5′- and 3′-terminal regions of cytoplasmic mRNA are derived from double-stranded hairpin structures of heterogeneous nuclear RNA—a putative mRNA precursor (Naora, 1979). In order to explore the nature of double-stranded hairpin structures, using the sequencing data of human and rabbit globin mRNA and hen ovalbumin mRNA, we examined the following possibility: that certain regions of both the 5′- and 3′-terminal nucleotide sequences of mature mRNA were present in double-stranded hairpin structures covalently linked to both sides of the message sequence in the precursor mRNA molecule and that these double-stranded hairpin structures are similar to each other. The results support the above possibility by showing substantial similarity of nucleotide sequences between the 5′- and 3′-terminal regions of these mRNAs in terms of the formation of similar double-stranded hairpin structures.  相似文献   
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