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Aim The geological evolution of the Mediterranean region is largely the result of the Tertiary collision of the African and Eurasian Plates, but also a mosaic of migrating island arcs, fragmenting tectonic belts, and extending back‐arc basins. Such complex paleogeography has resulted in a ‘reticulate’ biogeographical history, in which Mediterranean biotas repeatedly fragmented and merged as dispersal barriers appeared and disappeared through time. In this study, dispersal‐vicariance analysis (DIVA) is used to assess the relative role played by dispersal and vicariance in shaping distribution patterns in the beetle subfamily Pachydeminae Reitter, 1902 (Scarabaeoidea), an example of east–west Mediterranean disjunction. Location The Mediterranean region, including North Africa, the western Mediterranean, Balkans–Anatolia, Middle East, Caucasus, the Iranian Plateau, and Central Asia. Methods A phylogenetic hypothesis of the Palearctic genera of Pachydeminae in conjunction with distributional data was analysed using DIVA. This method reconstructs the ancestral distribution in a given phylogeny based on the vicariance model, while allowing dispersal and extinction to occur. Unlike other methods, DIVA does not enforce area relationships to conform to a hierarchical ‘area cladogram’, so it can be used to reconstruct ‘reticulate’ biogeographical scenarios. Results Optimal reconstructions, requiring 23 dispersal events, suggest that the ancestor of Pachydeminae was originally present in the south‐east Mediterranean region. Basal splitting within the subfamily was caused by vicariance events related to the late Tertiary collision of the African microplates Apulia and Arabia with Eurasia, and the resultant arise of successive dispersal barriers (e.g. the Red Sea, the Zagros Mountains). Subsequent diversification in Pachydeminae involved multiple speciation events within the Middle East and Iran–Afghanistan regions, which gave rise to the least speciose genera of Pachydeminae (e.g. Otoclinius Brenske, 1896). Finally, the presence of Pachydeminae in the western Mediterranean region seems to be the result of a recent dispersal event. The ancestor of the Iberian genera Ceramida Baraud, 1987 and Elaphocera Gené, 1836 probably dispersed from the Middle East to the Iberian Peninsula across North Africa and the Gibraltar Strait during the ‘Messinian salinity crisis’ at the end of the Miocene. Main conclusions Although the basal diversification of Pachydeminae around the Mediterranean appears to be related to vicariance events linked to the geological formation of the Mediterranean Basin, dispersal has also played a very important role. Nearly 38% of the speciation events in the phylogeny resulted from dispersal to a new area followed by allopatric speciation between lineages. Relationships between western and eastern Mediterranean disjuncts are usually explained by dispersal through Central Europe. The biogeographical history of the Pachydeminae corroborates other biogeographical studies that consider North Africa to be an alternative dispersal route by which Mediterranean taxa could have achieved circum‐Mediterranean distributions.  相似文献   
莫新礼  钟业聪   《广西植物》1987,(4):287-291
<正> 小乔木。树高4—8米,嫩枝被灰黄色至黄褐色疏长毛。芽微小,倒卵形,密被灰黄色长柔毛。叶革质,狭椭圆形或披针状椭圆形,长(7)10—14厘米,宽(2)3—4厘米,先端尾状渐尖,尖尾长1—2.5厘米,基部阔楔形,表面无毛,背面沿叶脉上有疏长毛,叶片干后两面密布小瘤凸,叶缘1/2—2/3以上有细锯齿,近基部全缘,叶柄长1—1.5厘米,被疏长毛。花单生枝顶,花柄极短至近无柄,开花时直经3—4(5)厘米,苞片和萼片不分化,8—10枚,外面密被银灰色至灰黄色绢毛,里面无毛,质脆易碎;花辦淡黄白色,倒卵形至阔倒  相似文献   
Alcohol dehydrogenase isozymes in Camellia japonica are encoded by two genes, Adh-1 and Adh-2. Both loci are expressed in seeds, and their products randomly associate into intragenic and intergenic dimers. Electrophoresis of leaf extracts reveals only the products of Adh-2. Formal genetic analysis indicated that the two Adh loci are tightly linked (combined estimate of r=0.004). Most segregations fit expected Mendelian ratios, but in some families distorted segregation was observed at Adh-1, Adh-2, or both loci. The deficient progeny class varied across families, and in two apparent backcrosses three rather than two phenotypic classes were recovered. The mechanism underlying these distortions is not known, but evidence is presented that suggests that the phenomenon is genic or segmental in nature. Plausible hypotheses include linkage of the Adh structural genes with a gametophytic self-incompatibility locus, translocation heterozygosity involving the segment bearing Adh-1 and Adh-2, or a combination of these two mechanisms.  相似文献   
湿地松(Pinus elliottii)是阳性乔木,茶树(Camellia sinensis)是阴性灌木。这两种树种间作,形成针阔、乔灌两层树冠结构的茶园复合生态系统,可以改善茶树生态条件,提高茶叶的产量和品质。但间作存在胁地现象。一般认为这是上层树木的过度遮荫和根系间的竞争造成的。为了解这两种树种根系的分布状况和相互关系,并为间作茶园的合理配置和加强这种茶园的耕作管理提供依据,我们进行了湿地松与茶树间作根系分布状况的研究。  相似文献   
Summary A polyclonal antibody against -1,3-glucan, callose, extracted from the pollen tube wall ofCamellia japonica was raised in mice and, using it as a probe, the localization of callose in the germinated pollen was studied. By confocal laser scanning microscopy, callose was found in the tip region of the pollen tube and the tube wall; the immuno-fluorescence in the tube wall was less toward the base of the tube. In contrast, the tip region did not fluoresce although the whole of the tube wall did strongly with aniline blue, the specific dye for callose. Immuno-electron microscopy showed that callose was also found in Golgi vesicles which concentrated in the tip region of the pollen tube, the inner layer of the tube wall, callose plugs, and Golgi vesicles in the pollen grain. Immuno-gold labeling was often detected on the fibrous structures in Golgi vesicles and callose plugs. Based on these results, the participation of Golgi vesicles in the formation of the tube wall and callose plugs was discussed.Abbreviation TBS Tris-buffered saline - Tris Tris(hydroxy-methyl)-aminomethane - PBS phosphate-buffered saline - BSA bovine serum albumin - ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - CLSM confocal laser scanning microscopy - DP degree of polymerization  相似文献   
Factors controlling somatic embryogenesis   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Histological and ultrastructural, molecular and elemental distribution changes were investigated during the induction of direct somatic embryogenesis using theCamellia japonica leaf culture system. In this culture system, direct somatic embryogenesis is induced in a controlled way in a specific leaf region (leaf blade) within a leaf. Embryogenic and non-embryogenic leaf regions have characteristic energy-dispersive X-ray spectra already before induction. According to these results electron probe X-ray microanalysis (EPMA) can be a tool for early diagnosis of embryogenic competence. Histological studies showed that severe fluctuations in the number of calcium oxalate crystals and in starch accumulation occur after induction but only in induced tissues. Changes in the cell wall composition of competent cells occur shortly after the induction treatment. The induction of morphogenesis is linked to the appearance of callose covering the surface cells of induced leaves and calluses. A 2nd deposition of material (cutin) is necessary for normal somatic embryogenesis to occur. The involvement of lipid transfer proteins in the appearance of cutin in the embryogenic regions of the explant is suggested.  相似文献   
梁盛业  钟坚   《广西植物》1991,11(3):227-228
<正> 长柄山茶 图1 Camellia longipedicellata (Hu) H. T. Chang et D. Fang in Acta Phytotax. Sin. 18 (2): 229, 1980 Theopsis longipedicellata Hu in Acat Phytotax. Sin. 10 (2): 141, 1965. Deseriptio addenda: Frutex sempervirens 1—1.5 m altus; fructus capsularis terminalis, compresse deltoideo-globosus, 1—1.5 cm diam. 6—10 mm  相似文献   
缙云山川鄂连蕊茶在不同群落类型中的RAPD分析   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
操国兴  钟章成  谢德体  刘芸  龙云 《生态学报》2003,23(8):1583-1589
采用随机扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)对常绿阔叶林灌木层广布种川鄂连蕊茶(Camellia rosthorniana)在缙云山3个群落类型(毛竹林、针阔混交林和常绿阔叶林)中的遗传结构和DNA多样性进行了研究。10个引物共扩增出138个产物,其中115个是多态性的,多态位点比率为83.33%。Shannon指数估算的3个种群的遗传多样性为常绿阔叶林0.3345,毛竹林0.3148,针阔混交林0.3085,遗传分化为8.12%;Nei指数计算的3个种群的基因多样性为常绿阔叶林0.2095,毛竹林0.1981,针阔混交林0.1934,遗传分化为7.51%。种群间遗传距离在0.0177~0.0393之间。川鄂连蕊茶在3个群落中的种群大小和生长状况不同,各种群遗传多样性的高低可能是对所处群落生境的适应。  相似文献   
研究了缙云山川鄂连蕊茶 (Camelliarosthorniana) 在 3个群落类型中的生殖分配、生殖分配与个体大小之间的关系和座果率。结果表明 :1) 在地径 1.0~ 3.5cm范围内, 种群间生殖分配差异显著, 即毛竹林 >针阔混交林 >常绿阔叶林 ;在地径 1.0~ 5.0cm范围内, 针阔混交林和常绿阔叶林之间差异不显著 ;在地径 1.0~ 6.0cm范围内, 毛竹林显著高于针阔混交林和常绿阔叶林, 而针阔混交林和常绿阔叶林之间差异不显著 ;因此种群间生殖分配比较时, 应考虑种群间的大小分布。运用生殖分配的有关学说对川鄂连蕊茶生殖分配格局进行了解释, 生境稳定性学说和生活史理论假说相结合可以解释川鄂连蕊茶生殖分配格局。 2 ) 川鄂连蕊茶个体生殖分配与个体大小之间存在抛物线关系。 3) 种群密度对川鄂连蕊茶座果率没有影响。  相似文献   
该研究采用Illumina Hi-Seq2500高通量测序技术,对滇山茶的花叶(绿叶区和金叶区)的cDNA进行了转录组测序,分析滇山茶的花叶呈色机理。测序结果得到了228 862条单基因序列,筛选得到了4 851条差异表达基因。2 291条差异表达基因在GO数据库中有功能注释,1 826条差异表达基因被注释到COG数据库,这些差异表达基因被分为23个主要功能类别,其中大部分基因与滇山茶的生长和代谢有关。1 363条差异表达基因注释到了KEGG数据库,进一步筛选出了差异表达基因注释序列最多的15条代谢通路,其中卟啉和叶绿素代谢途径中的GluRS、δ-ALAD、ALAS基因和类黄酮合成途径中ANS、LAR、CHS基因与滇山茶的花叶形成密切相关。研究表明,滇山茶的花叶呈色是由于叶色相关代谢通路中大量的基因表达量发生变化引起的,并不是由单基因突变所致,病毒诱导的多个代谢途径基因沉默可能是滇山茶花叶呈色的主要原因。该研究丰富了滇山茶的转录组信息,并为滇山茶的彩叶品种培育提供了一定的参考。  相似文献   
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