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Essential genes were identified in the 1.5-map unit dpy-5 unc-13 region of chromosome I in the Caenorhabditis elegans genome by rescuing lethal mutations using the duplication sDp2. In this paper, we report the mapping and complementation testing of lethal mutations, 45 of which identify 18 new, essential genes. This analysis brings the number of essential genes defined by the sDp2 rescue of lethal mutants to 97; 64 of these map between dpy-5 and unc-13. 61% of these essential genes are identified by more than one allele. Positioning of the mutations was done using the breakpoints of six duplications. The mutant phenotypes of 14 loci essential for fertility were characterized by Nomarski microscopy and DAPI staining. None of the mutants were rescued by wild-type male sperm. The cytological data showed that four genes produced mutants with defects in gonadogenesis, let-395, let-603, let-605 and let-610. Mutations in seven genes, let-355, let-367, let-384, let-513, let-544, let-545 and let-606, affected germ cell proliferation or gametogenesis. Mutants for the remaining three genes, let-370, let-599 and let-604, produced eggs that failed to develop or hatch, thereby acting as maternal effect lethals. We observed a nonrandom distribution of arrest phenotypes with regard to map position. Received: 8 May 1996 / Accepted : 27 January 1997  相似文献   
We have stabilized and studied choline acetyltransferase from the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. The enzyme is soluble, and two discrete forms were resolved by gel filtration. The larger of these two forms (MW approximately 154,000) was somewhat unstable and in the presence of 0.5 M NaI was converted to a form indistinguishable from the "native" small form (MW approximately 71,000). We have purified the small form of the enzyme greater than 3,300-fold by a combination of gel filtration, ion-exchange chromatography, and nucleotide affinity chromatography. The purified preparation has a measured specific activity of 3.74 mumol/min/mg protein, and is free of acetylcholinesterase and acetyl-CoA hydrolase activities. The Vmax of the purified enzyme is stimulated by NaCl, with half-maximal stimulation at 80 mM NaCl. The Km for each substrate is also affected by salt, but in different manners from each other and the Vmax; the kinetic parameter Vmax/Km thus changes significantly as a function of the salt concentration.  相似文献   
A study of the fine structure of Caenorhabditis briggsae revealed several features not previously described in free-living nematodes. These were: chambered walls of the stoma, zonula adherens in the esophagus, daedaloid folds in the inner surface of the uterus and openings in the terminal web of the intestinal epithelium. Other structures observed in these studies were similar to those described from other free-living nematodes.  相似文献   
Three new benthic dinoflagellate species, Prorocentrum belizeanum, Prorocentrum elegans, and Prorocentrum caribbaeum, from mangrove floating detritus are described from scanning electron micrographs. Species were identified based on shape, size, surface micromorphology, ornamentation of thecal plates, and architecture of the periflagellar area and intercalary band. Cells of P. belizeanum are round to slightly oval with a cell size of 55–60 μm long and 50–55 μm wide. Areolae are round and numerous (853–1024 per valve) and range from 0.66 to 0.83 μm in size. The periflagellar area of P. belizeanum is a broad V-shaped depression; it accommodates a flagellar and an auxiliary pore and a flared, curved apical collar. The intercalary band of P. belizeanum is horizontally striated. Prorocentrum elegans is a small species 15–20 μm long and 10–14 μm wide, with an ovate cell shape. The thecal surface is smooth. Two sizes of valve pores were recognized: large, round pores (20–22 per valve) arranged in a distinct pattern and smaller pores situated in an array along the intercalary band. The periflagellar area is V-shaped; it accommodates an uneven sized flagellar pore, an auxiliary pore, and an angled protuberant flagellar plate. The intercalary band is transversely striated. It is a bloom-forming species. Prorocentrum caribbaeum cells are heart-shaped with a rounded anterior end and a pointed posterior end. Cells range from 40 to 45 μm long and 30 to 35 μm wide. Thecal surface has two different-sized pores: large, round pores (145–203 per valve) arranged perpendicularly from the posterior margins, and small, round pores unevenly distributed on the thecal surface. The periflagellar area is ornate. It is V-shaped with a curved apical collar located next to the auxiliary pore; a smaller protuberant apical plate is adjacent to the flagellar pore. The intercalary band is transversely striated and sinuous. Cells are active swimmers.  相似文献   
The effects of mass-produced saprobic rhabditid nematodes, Caenorhabditis elegans on the spread of the bacterial blotch pathogen, Pseudomonas tolaasii , were studied in mushroom growth chambers. C. elegans significantly reduced the intensity of blotch on sporophores. Repeated isolations of the bacterial flora from the gut of C. elegans recovered from mushroom sporophores during cropping, revealed the presence of Pseudomonas fluorescens biovar reactans . All the isolates of P. fluorescens biovar reactans isolated from nematodes were antagonists of P. tolaasii .
C. elegans produced much larger populations in monoxenic cultures with P. fluorescens biovar reactans than with P. tolaasii . It is suggested that as C. elegans selects P. fluorescens biovar reactans rather than P. tolaasii as a food substrate it probably spreads the antagonist in the mushroom crop and may contribute to the control of bacterial blotch.  相似文献   
The binding of [3H]mebendazole ([3H]MBZ) to tubulin in benzimidazole-susceptible (BZ-S) and benzimidazole-resistant (BZ-R) strains of Trichostrongylus colubriformis and Caenorhabditis elegans was examined in order to investigate the biochemical changes to tubulin that result in BZ resistance in parasitic and free-living nematodes. In both species the extent of [3H]MBZ binding to tubulin was significantly reduced in the BZ-R strain compared with the BZ-S strain. The decrease in [3H]MBZ binding in the BZ-R strain of each species was the result of a significant reduction in the amount of charcoal stable [3H]MBZ-tubulin complexes and was not related to a change in the association constant of the [3H]MBZ-tubulin interaction. [3H]MBZ binding to tubulin was temperature dependent, reaching maximum levels at 37°C in BZ-S T. colubriformis and 10°C in BZ-R T. colubriformis. Both the BZ-S and BZ-R strains of C. elegans displayed maximum [3H]MBZ binding at 4°C. Resistance ratios derived from the amount of [3H]MBZ binding in the BZ-S and BZ-R strains and in vitro development assays demonstrated that the temperature dependence and extent of drug binding was indicative of BZ resistance status and was species specific in the BZ-S isolates. These results indicate that biochemical differences exist in the binding of benzimidazole carbamates to tubulin in nematode species, and suggest that the susceptibility of the parasitic nematodes to the benzimidazole anthelmintics is the result of a unique high affinity and/or high capacity interaction ofbenzimidazole carbamates with tubulin.  相似文献   
Summary To have a better understanding of the evolutionary history of mobile elements within the nematodes, we examined the distribution and the conservation of homologues to transposable elements fromCaenorhabditis elegans (Tc1, Tc2, Tc3, Tc4, Tc5, and FB1) in 19 nematode species belonging to the class Secernentea. Our results show that Tc1 elements display a distribution restricted to the family Rhabditidae with poor conservation. The Tc2 and FB1 homologous elements have the same patchy distribution within the Rhabditidae. They were only found inCaenorhabditis and inTeratorhabditis. The Tc3 element is widely distributed among nematode species. Tc3 homologous elements are present in the majority of the Rhabditidae but also in two genera within the family Panagrolaimidae, and inBursaphelenchus, which belongs to the order Aphelenchida. Tc4 and Tc5 homologues show the most limited distribution of all tested elements, being strictly limited toC. elegans. These data indicate that in some cases, the distribution of transposable elements in the nematode cannot be explained by strict vertical transmission. The distribution of Tc3, Tc4, and Tc5 suggests that horizontal transmission may have occurred between reproductively isolated species during their evolutionary history.  相似文献   
In Caenorhabditis elegans, the decision to develop as a hermaphrodite or male is controlled by a cascade of regulatory genes. These genes and other tissue-specific regulatory genes also control sexual fate in the hermaphrodite germline, which makes sperm first and then oocytes. In this review, we summarize the genetic and molecular characterization of these genes and speculate how they mutually interact to specify sexual fate.  相似文献   
Excess copper is toxic to life. Copper has been shown to induce apoptosis in various cell lines and tissues. However, due to the lack of appropriate gene knockout animal models, data concerning the underlying pathways of copper-induced apoptosis are insufficient, especially with regards to in vivo systems. The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans is a good model to study basic biological processes, including stress responses and apoptosis. In the present study, we investigated copper-induced germline apoptosis in the C. elegans strains carrying mutated alleles of homologs to known mammalian genes that are involved in apoptosis regulation. We show here that exposing C. elegans to copper causes dose- and time-dependent germline apoptosis. The knockout of checkpoint genes hus-1, clk-2, the Bcl-2 homolog ced-9, and the BH3-only domain egl-1 did not prevent cells of the germline from copper-induced apoptosis. The loss-of-function of the tumor suppressor gene, p53/cep-1, caused a significant increase in germline apoptosis with exposure to copper, and the depletion of p53 antagonist ABL1 significantly enhanced apoptosis. The knockout of the caspase gene ced-3 and the Apaf-1 homolog ced-4 abrogated both copper-induced and physiological germline apoptosis. Germline apoptosis stopped increase in the strains lin-45(ku51), mek-2(n1989), mpk-1(ku1) under copper stresses, respectively. Copper-induced apoptosis was blocked in the loss-of-function alleles of both JNK and p38 MAPK cascades excepting pmk-3, one of the three p38 MAPK components. Together, the results of this study suggest that caspase and Apaf-1 are required for copper-induced germline apoptosis while DNA damage response genes are not essential, and that the Raf-MEK-ERK, ASK1/2-MKK7-JNK, ASK1/2-MKK3/6-p38 signaling pathways are indispensable in mediating this apoptotic response.  相似文献   
Abstract: Extracts of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans contain five molecular forms of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity that can be separated by a combination of selective solubilization, velocity sedimentation, and ion-exchange chromatography. These are called form IA (5.2s), form IB (4.9.s), form II (6.7s), form III (11.3s), and form IV (13.0s). All except form III are present in significant amounts in rapidly prepared extracts and are probably native; form III is probably derived autolytically from form IV. Most of forms IA and IB can be solubilized by repeated extractions without detergent, whereas forms II, III, and IV require detergent for effective solubilization and may therefore be membrane-bound. High salt concentrations are not required for, and do not aid in, the solubilization of these forms. For all forms, molecular weights and frictional ratios have been estimated by a combination of gel permeation chromatography and velocity sedimentations in both H2O and D2O. The molecular weight estimates range from 83,000 to 357,000 and only form II shows extensive asymmetry. The separated forms have been characterized with respect to substrate affinity, substrate specificity, inhibitor sensitivity, thermal inactivation, and detergent sensitivity. Judging by these properties, C. elegans is like other invertebrates in that none of its cholinesterase forms resembles either the “true” or the “pseudo” cholinesterase of vertebrates. However, internal comparison of the C. elegans forms clearly distinguishes forms IA, III, and IV as a group from forms IB and II; the former are therefore designated “class A” forms, the latter “class B” forms. Genetic evidence indicates that separate genes control class A and class B forms, and that these two classes overlap functionally. Several factors, including kinetic properties, molecular asymmetry, molecular size, and solubility, all suggest that a molecular model of the multiple cholinesterase forms observed in vertebrate electric organs probably does not apply in C. elegans. Potential functional roles and subunit structures of the multiple AChE forms within each C. elegans class are discussed.  相似文献   
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