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Insects use dormancy to survive adverse conditions. Brown locust Locustana pardalina (Walk.) eggs offer a convenient model to study dormancy (diapause and quiescence), which contributes to their survival under arid conditions. The metabolic rates of developing nondiapause, diapause and quiescent eggs are compared in the present study using closed‐system respirometry. The embryo becomes committed to continue development and hatch or to enter diapause 6 days after the eggs are placed on moist soil. The metabolic rate of nondiapause eggs increases exponentially until hatching, whereas that of diapause eggs is low and stable. The metabolic rate of diapause laboratory eggs (1.9 ± 0.6 µL CO2 mg?1 h?1) is significantly higher than that of field eggs (0.5 ± 0.3 µL CO2 mg?1 h?1), although the ranges of metabolic rate overlap and the embryos are all in late anatrepsis. The metabolic rate of quiescent eggs is similar to that of diapause eggs but decreases with time. Low metabolic rates during arrested development allow eggs to persist over long periods before hatching.  相似文献   
Adoption of reduced‐impact logging (RIL) methods could reduce CO2 emissions by 30–50% across at least 20% of remaining tropical forests. We developed two cost effective and robust indices for comparing the climate benefits (reduced CO2 emissions) due to RIL. The indices correct for variability in the volume of commercial timber among concessions. We determined that a correction for variability in terrain slope was not needed. We found that concessions certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC, N = 3), when compared with noncertified concessions (= 6), did not have lower overall CO2 emissions from logging activity (felling, skidding, and hauling). On the other hand, FSC certified concessions did have lower emissions from one type of logging impact (skidding), and we found evidence of a range of improved practices using other field metrics. One explanation of these results may be that FSC criteria and indicators, and associated RIL practices, were not designed to achieve overall emissions reductions. Also, commonly used field metrics are not reliable proxies for overall logging emissions performance. Furthermore, the simple distinction between certified and noncertified concessions does not fully represent the complex history of investments in improved logging practices. To clarify the relationship between RIL and emissions reductions, we propose the more explicit term ‘RIL‐C’ to refer to the subset of RIL practices that can be defined by quantified thresholds and that result in measurable emissions reductions. If tropical forest certification is to be linked with CO2 emissions reductions, certification standards need to explicitly require RIL‐C practices.  相似文献   
Parasites could differentially impact intraspecific host lineages due to genetic, phenotypic, ecological, or behavioural differences between the lineages, or the development of reproductive isolation between them. Batrachomyia (Diptera: Chloropidae) are flies that exclusively parasitize Australian frogs, and in the Wet Tropics rainforest of north‐east Australia larvae are largely restricted to the green‐eyed tree frog Litoria genimaculata (Anura: Hylidae). This frog species consists of two highly divergent genetic lineages that overlap in two nearby, but independent, contact zones. At one contact zone there has been extensive phenotypic divergence and speciation between the lineages whereas, at the other contact relatively lower levels of phenotypic divergence and reproductive isolation suggest that speciation has not occurred. In the present study we tested: (1) whether the deep phylogeographic divergence between northern and southern host populations is mirrored by congruent genetic structuring in the parasite populations and (2) whether the host lineages are differentially impacted by parasitism. We found that the two divergent frog lineages are parasitized by a single lineage of Batrachomyia, which exhibits strikingly little phylogeographic structuring. We found a significant difference in Batrachomyia prevalence between the host lineages at mixed lineage sites in both contact zones, with the magnitude and direction of this effect being consistent in both. The pattern did not differ between the two contacts even though recent phenotypic divergence and speciation has occurred between the lineages at one contact but not the other. Taken together, this suggests a fundamental difference in susceptibility between the genetically divergent host lineages. Using weight relative to body length as a measure of body condition, we found no differential impact of parasitism on the body condition of each host lineage, and no evidence that parasitism impacts the body condition of the host in general. © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2007, 92 , 593–603.  相似文献   
Abstract Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) was studied in mixotrophic callus tissue cultures of Kalanchoë blossfeldiana hybr. Montezuma and compared with plants propagated from the calli. The ultrastructural properties of the green callus cells are similar to mesophyll cells of CAM plants except that occasionally abnormal mitochondria were observed. There was permanent net CO2 output by the calli in light and darkness, which was lower in darkness than in light. The calli exhibited a diurnal rhythm of malic acid, with accumulation during the night and depletion during the day. 14C previously incorporated by dark CO2 fixation into malate was transferred upon subsequent illumination into end products of photosynthesis. All these data indicate that CAM operates in the calli tissue. The results revealed that the capacity for CAM is obviously lower in the calli compared with plantlets developing from the calli, or with ‘adult’ plants. The data suggest also that CAM in the calli was not limited by the activities of CAM enzymes.  相似文献   
Abstract. The present study investigates the relationships between nitrogen uptake, transpiration, and carbon assimilation. Plants growing on nutrient solution were enclosed for 10–16 d in a growth chamber, where temperature, photon flux density, vapour saturation deficit and CO2 concentration were controlled. One of these factors was modified every 4 to 5 d. Shoot photosynthesis and root and shoot respiration were recorded every half-hour. Nitrogen uptake from the root medium and plant transpiration were measured daily. In most cases, an increase in photon flux density led to increases in transpiration, net daily carbon assimilation, and nitrogen uptake. By modifying transpiration rate without changing photosynthesis (varying vapour saturation deficit), or by modifying transpiration and carbon assimilation in opposite ways (varying CO2 air concentration), it was shown that nitrogen uptake does not follow transpiration, but is linked to the carbon uptake of the plant. When light was increased from low to intermediate levels, the N uptake/C assimilation ratio remained constant. At higher photon flux density, this ratio declined markedly. It is proposed that in the first case, growth is limited by carbohydrate availability, thus any increase in carbon assimilation leads to a proportional increase in nitrogen uptake, in contrast to the second situation where carbohydrates may accumulate in the plant without further nitrogen requirement.  相似文献   
Abstract. Seedlings of Pinus radiata D. Don were grown in growth chambers for 22 weeks with two levels of phosphorus, under either well-watered or water-stressed conditions at CO2 concentrations of either 330 or 660mm3 dm?3. Plant growth, water use efficiency and conductance were measured and the relationship between these and needle photosynthetic capacity, water use efficiency and conductance was determined by gas exchange at week 22. Phosphorus deficiency decreased growth and foliar surface area at both CO2concentrations; however, it only reduced the maximum photosynthetic rates of the needles at 660 mm3 CO2 dm?3 (plants grown and measured at the same CO2 concentration). Water stress reduced growth and foliar surface area at both CO2 concentrations. Increases in needle photosynthetic rates appeared to be partly responsible for the increased growth at high CO2 where phosphorus was adequate. This effect was amplified by accompanying increases in needle production. Phosphorus deficiency inhibited these responses because it severely impaired needle photosynthetic function. The relative increase in growth in response to high CO2 was higher in the periodically water-stressed plants. This was not due to the maintenance of cell volume during drought. Plant water use efficiency was increased by CO2 enrichment due to an increase in dry weight rather than a decrease in shoot conductance and, therefore, transpirational water loss. Changes in needle conductance and water use efficiency in response to high CO2 were generally in the same direction as those at the whole plant level. If the atmospheric CO2 level reaches the predicted concentration of 660 mm3 dm?3 by the end of next Century, then the growth of P. radiata will only be increased in areas where phosphorus nutrition is adequate. Growth will be increased in drought-affected regions but total water use is unlikely to be reduced.  相似文献   
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