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Peripheral-type benzodiazepine binding sites (PTBBS) are markedly increased in the injured CNS. Astrocytes appear to be the primary cell type which express increased PTBBS. Because certain cytokines within the injured CNS are potent mitogens for astrocytes, we examined the effects of two such cytokines, interleukin (IL)-1 beta and tumor necrosis factor (TNF), on PTBBS in cultured astrocytes using [3H]Ro 5-4864 as the specific ligand. Purified cultures of either polygonal or process-bearing astrocytes were prepared from neonatal rat cerebral hemispheres. At a concentration of 1.8 nM, specific binding of the radioactive ligand to polygonal astrocytes reached equilibrium within 60 min and was half-maximal by 5-10 min. By contrast, specific binding to process-bearing astrocytes barely exceeded background levels. IL-1 and TNF increased PTBBS within polygonal astrocytes in both dose- and time-dependent manners. At 10-50 ng/ml, IL-1 beta and TNF-alpha elevated [3H]Ro 5-4864 binding in polygonal astrocyte cultures 65 and 87%, respectively, above the level in control cultures. However, no changes in PTBBS were seen within polygonal astrocytes after IL-2 treatment. Scatchard analysis of saturation binding experiments suggested that the increase in PTBBS promoted by TNF was due to an increased number of binding sites present in polygonal astrocytes and not due to an increase in receptor affinity. Binding data suggested that PTBBS within cultures of process-bearing astrocytes were virtually absent irrespective of the treatment. These in vitro data suggest that certain cytokines found in the injured brain may be involved in up-regulating PTBBS within a particular subtype of astrocyte.  相似文献   
This review discusses all pyridine alkaloids with CNS activity, their therapeutic potential, and the interesting array of sources whence they originate.  相似文献   
Results from this laboratory have demonstrated that14C-labeled myelin opsonized with antibodies raised to purified CNS myelin in rabbit is phagocytized by cultured macrophages in larger amounts than untreated myelin or myelin opsonized with preimmune serum. The cultured macrophages produced high amounts of radioactive cholesterol ester and triglyceride from the antibody-treated myelin while much less was formed from preimmune serum-treated or untreated myelin. Antiserum to galactocerebroside also greatly enhanced the formation of radioactive cholesterol ester, while that to myelin basic protein as well as to other myelin constituents had little or no effect. Serum from Lewis rats with acute EAE 13–14 days after immunization with whole CNS myelin also stimulated radioactive cholesterol ester formation compared to serum from Freund's adjuvant-injected controls (FAC). Serum from EAE rats as a result of myelin basic protein injection was as active as that from rats with whole myelin injection. No galactocerebroside antibody could be demonstrated in the EAE sera, although a strong immunostaining to myelin basic protein and proteolipid protein was demonstrated. IgG prepared from EAE serum also showed stimulatory effects compared to IgG from FAC serum, but much of the activity was lost, and the possibility that other factors may be involved is discussed. These experiments provide evidence that myelin phagocytosis and digestion by macrophages is enhanced by the presence of antibody to myelin. In EAE this antibody may leak into CNS with the breakdown of the blood-brain barrier. A humoral involvement in demyelination in EAE is implicated, and these findings may be extended eventually to the demyelinative mechanism in multiple sclerosis where IgG is found in large amounts in the CNS.Special Issue Dedicated to Dr. Abel Lajtha.  相似文献   
Maternal alcohol consumption at a level that does not affect calorie intake increases cholesterol concentration and content as well as incorporation of labeled glucose into cholesterol in the brain and spinal cord of newborn rat pups. Continued consumption of alcohol during lactation also affects the galactolipid concentration in the brain and spinal cord of pups at 21 days of age, and this increase seems mainly to be due to an increase in content of myelin lipids. Analysis of myelin shows that the concentration of phospholipids also increases in this fraction. The increase in incorporation of labeled glucose into these membrane lipids suggests an increase in the synthesis of these lipids, which prevents fluidization of the membrane by alcohol. That in the brainstem the increase in levels of cholesterol and galactolipids is higher than in other regions and that there is also an increase in content of sphingomyelin, phosphatidylcholine, and phosphatidylethanolamine suggest that the brainstem needs better protection against fluidization.  相似文献   
The rat CNS contains high levels of tyrosine-specific protein kinases that specifically phosphorylate the tyrosine-containing synthetic peptide poly(Glu80,Tyr20). The phosphorylation of this peptide is rapid and occurs with normal Michaelis-Menten kinetics. Using this peptide to assay for enzyme activity, we have measured the protein tyrosine kinase activity in homogenates from various regions of rat CNS. A marked regional distribution pattern was observed, with high activity present in cerebellum, hippocampus, olfactory bulb, and pyriform cortex, and low activity in the pons/medulla and spinal cord. The distribution of protein tyrosine kinase activity was examined in various subcellular fractions of rat forebrain. The majority of the activity was associated with the particulate fractions, with enrichment in the crude microsomal (P3) and crude synaptic vesicle (LP2) fractions. Moreover, the subcellular distribution of pp60csrc, a well-characterized protein tyrosine kinase, was examined by immunoblot analysis using an affinity-purified antibody specific for pp60csrc. The subcellular distribution of pp60csrc paralleled the overall protein tyrosine kinase activity. In addition, using an antibody specific for phosphotyrosine, endogenous substrates for protein tyrosine kinases were demonstrated on immunoblots of homogenates from the various regions and the subcellular fractions. The immunoblots revealed numerous phosphotyrosine-containing proteins that were present in many of the CNS regions examined and were associated with specific subcellular fractions. The differences in tyrosine-specific protein kinase activity, and in phosphotyrosine-containing proteins, observed in various regional areas and subcellular fractions may reflect specific functional roles for protein tyrosine kinase activity in mammalian brain.  相似文献   
Cytogenetic patterns from primary short-term culture of breast cancer, renal carcinoma, and tumors of the central nervous system are presented to illustrate the range of karyotypic diversity of human solid tumors as well as their biologic differences in culture systems that support their growth. These studies have illustrated several major issues. 1) Results vary with the tissue of origin: primary cultures from breast are almost uniformly diploid, while renal tumors are near-diploid, mosaic, and show clonal aberrations; and CNS tumors are heterogeneous: some diploid, some near-diploid and some highly aneuploid. 2) Results after short-term culture are selective, representing subpopulations from the heterogeneous cells that are detected on direct analysis of fresh tumors by cytogenetics or flow cytometry (FCM). It is not yet clear whether prognosis depends on the dominant population of the primary tumor or alternatively should be influenced by detection of small aneuploid subpopulations. 3) Evidence from all three tumor types supports the interpretation that cytogenetically normal diploid cells constitute part of some tumor populations, and may be better adapted to routine growth in culture than aneuploid subpopulations from the same primary tumors. These cells may also compose a major portion of the viable population of tumors in vivo and, therefore, could represent a useful model for studies of tumorigenesis and therapeutic regimens.  相似文献   
Summary Mapping of monoaminergic systems in the brain of the newt Triturus alpestris was achieved with antisera against (1) thyrosine hydroxylase (TH), (2) formaldehyde-conjugated dopamine (DA), and (3) formaldehyde-conjugated serotonin (5-HT). In the telencephalon, the striatum was densely innervated by a large number of 5-HT-, DA-and TH-immunoreactive (IR) fibers; IR fibers were more scattered in the amygdala, the medial and lateral forebrain bundles, and the anterior commissure. In the anterior and medial diencephalon, TH-IR perikarya contacting the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF-C perikarya) were located in the preoptic recess organ (PRO), the organum vasculosum laminae terminalis and the suprachiasmatic nucleus. Numerous TH-IR perikarya, not contacting the CSF, were present in the posterior preoptic nucleus and the ventral thalamus. At this level, DA-IR CSF-C neurons were only located in the PRO. In the posterior diencephalon, large populations of 5-HT-IR and DA-IR CSF-C perikarya were found in the paraventricular organ (PVO) and the nucleus infundibularis dorsalis (NID); the dorsal part of the NID additionally presented TH-IR CSF-C perikarya. Most regions of the diencephalon showed an intense monoaminergic innervation. In addition, numerous TH-IR, DA-IR and 5-HT-IR fibers, orginating from the anterior and posterior hypothalamic nuclei, extended ventrally and reached the median eminence and the pars intermedia of the pituitary gland. In the midbrain, TH-IR perikarya were located dorsally in the pretectal area. Ventrally, a large group of TH-IR cell bodies and some weakly stained DA-IR and 5-HT-IR neurons were observed in the posterior tuberculum. No dopaminergic system equivalent to the substantia nigra was revealed. The possible significance of the differences in the distribution of TH-IR and DA-IR neurons is discussed, with special reference to the CSF-C neurons.Abbreviations AM amygdala - CAnt commissura anterior - CH commissura hippocampi - CP commissura posterior - Ctm commissura tecti mesencephali - DH dorsal hypothalamus - DTh dorsal thalamus - FLM fasciculus longitudinalis medialis - Fsol fasciculus solitarius - H habenula - LFB lateral forebrain bundle - ME median eminence - MFB medial forebrain bundle - NID nucleus infundibularis dorsalis - nIP neuropil of nucleus interpeduncularis - NPOP nucleus preopticus posterior - NS nucleus septi - OVLT organum vasculosum laminae terminalis - PD pars distalis - Pdo dorsal pallium - PHi primordium hippocampi - PI pars intermedia - Pl lateral pallium - PN pars nervosa - PRO preoptic recess organ - Ptec pretectal area - PVO paraventricular organ - Ra nucleus raphe - Rm nucleus reticularis medius - SCO subcommisural organ - ST striatum; strm stria medullaris thalami - strt stria terminalis thalami - TM tegmentum mesencephali - TO tectum opticum - TP tuberculum posterius - trch tractus cortico-habenularis - trmp tractus mamillopeduncularis - VH ventral hypothalamus - Vm nucleus motorius nervi trigemini - VTh ventral thalamus - II optic nerve  相似文献   
In mammalian systems, Ca2+/diacylglycerol-activated phospholipid-dependent protein kinase (C-kinase) appears to play an important role in regulating physiological responses that outlast the transient rise in cytosolic Ca2+. Electrophysiological experiments in neurons of the nudibranch mollusc, Hermissenda crassicornis, have suggested a role for C-kinase in the long-lasting reductions in early and late K+ currents that have been observed following associative learning. Accordingly, we have investigated the catalytic properties of C-kinase in Hermissenda CNS. Following homogenization in Ca2+-free buffer, C-kinase can be separated from Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase by centrifugation; C-kinase activity is found in the supernatant whereas essentially all of the Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase is found in the membrane fraction. Addition of Ca2+, phosphatidylserine, and diacylglycerol to the cytosol results in phosphorylation of at least eight endogenous proteins. The Hermissenda CNS C-kinase can also phosphorylate lysine-rich histone, a substrate for mammalian C-kinase. The molluscan enzyme exhibits phospholipid specificity in that phosphatidylserine is much more effective than phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylinositol, and phosphatidic acid. Addition of diacylglycerol, in the presence of Ca2+ and phosphatidylserine, increases the activity of the C-kinase. The percentage of activation by diacylglycerol is larger at lower Ca2+ concentrations. Enzyme activity is inhibited by trifluoperazine and polymixin B sulfate. These studies indicate that the Hermissenda C-kinase is catalytically similar to mammalian C-kinase.  相似文献   
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