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The low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP) binds multiple, distinct ligands and participates in constitutive endocytosis and signal transduction. Using an in vitro reconstitution system and a new biochemical complementation assay, we have explored the limiting cytosolic requirements for endocytosis of LRP from isolated plasma membranes. We find that clathrin, AP2 and dynamin do not support efficient LRP uptake and that additional factors present in a 30% ammonium sulfate supernatant fraction of bovine brain cytosol (AS supt) are required. Fractionation of the AS supt revealed that multiple and redundant factors are required to support LRP endocytosis. Among these, we identified Hsc70, synaptojanin1 and CRMP-2 by mass spectrometry. Our data suggest that LRP, which bears several distinct endocytic motifs in its cytoplasmic domain, may use multiple pathways for endocytosis in vitro.  相似文献   
TPR-containing Rab8b-interacting protein (TRIP8b) is a brain-specific hydrophilic cytosolic protein that contains tetratricopeptide repeats (TPRs). Previous studies revealed interaction of this protein via its TPR-containing domain with Rab8b small GTPase, hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-regulated channel (HCN) channels and G protein-coupled receptor calcium-independent receptor of α-latrotoxin. We identified clathrin as a major component of eluates from the TRIP8b affinity matrix. In the present study, by in vitro-binding analysis we demonstrate a direct interaction between clathrin and TRIP8b. The clathrin-binding site was localized in the N-terminal (non-TPR containing) part of the TRIP8b molecule that contains two short motifs involved in the clathrin binding. In transfected HEK293 cells, co-expression of HCN1 with TRIP8b resulted in translocation of the channels from the cell surface to large intracellular puncta where both TRIP8b and clathrin were concentrated. These puncta co-localized partially with an early endosome marker and strongly overlapped with lysosome staining reagent. When HCN1 was co-expressed with a clathrin-non-binding mutant of TRIP8b, clathrin did not translocate to HCN1 and TRIP8b-containing puncta, suggesting that TRIP8b interacts with HCN and clathrin independently. We found TRIP8b present in the fraction of clathrin-coated vesicles purified from brain tissues. Stripping the clathrin coat proteins from the vesicles with Tris alkaline buffer resulted in concomitant release of TRIP8b. Our data suggest complex regulatory functions of TRIP8b in neuronal endocytosis through independent interaction with membrane proteins and components of the clathrin coat.  相似文献   
We previously identified two forms of endocytosis using capacitance measurements in chromaffin cells: rapid endocytosis (RE), dynamin-1 dependent but clathrin-independent and slow endocytosis (SE), dynamin-2 and clathrin-dependent. Various recombinant SH3 domains that interact with the proline-rich domain of dynamin were introduced into single cells via the patch pipette. GST-SH3 domains of amphiphysin-1, intersectin-IC, and endophilin-I inhibited SE but had no effect on RE. Grb2-SH3 (N-terminal) or a mutant of amphiphysin-1-SH3 was inactive on either process. These data confirm that dynamin-1 dependent RE is independent of clathrin and show that amphiphysin is exclusively associated with clathrin and dynamin-2-dependent SE.  相似文献   
Aftiphilin was identified through a database search for proteins containing binding motifs for the gamma-ear domain of clathrin adaptor protein 1 (AP-1). Here, we demonstrate that aftiphilin is expressed predominantly in brain where it is enriched on clathrin-coated vesicles. In addition to eight gamma-ear-binding motifs, aftiphilin contains two WXXF-acidic motifs that mediate binding to the alpha-ear of clathrin adaptor protein 2 (AP-2) and three FXXFXXF/L motifs that mediate binding to the alpha- and beta2-ear. We demonstrate that aftiphilin uses these motifs for interactions with AP-1 and AP-2 and that it immunoprecipitates these APs but not AP-3 or AP-4 from brain extracts. Aftiphilin demonstrates a brefeldin A sensitive localization to the trans-Golgi network in hippocampal neurons where it co-localizes with AP-1. Aftiphilin is also found at synapses where it co-localizes with synaptophysin and AP-2. Our data suggest a role for aftiphilin in clathrin-mediated trafficking in neurons.  相似文献   
Orosz F  Ovádi J 《FEBS letters》2008,582(27):3757-3764
Tubulin polymerization promoting protein, (TPPP/p25), was identified as a brain-specific protein. The potential function of this protein resembled that of MAPs. It is mainly expressed in oligodendrocytes; however, immunopositivity was also detected in glial and neuronal inclusions in synucleinopathies. Here, we show that TPPP gene(s) are conserved in the genomes of ciliated organisms, but are lacking from the nonciliated ones. This recognition is based upon homologous gene sequence analysis, in silico comparative genomic studies, bioinformatic search and experimental evidence. Cilia (flagella) are microtubule-based cellular extensions of sensory and/or motile function. TPPP orthologs are among the only 16 genes that can be found in all ciliated organisms, suggesting that TPPP orthologs may be associated with a basic function of cilia.  相似文献   
对来自腹泻犬粪样的犬冠状病毒(CCV)南京株NJ17株及参考株171的M基因进行了克隆、测序,并与GenBank中所有已知CCV毒株及同亚群的猪冠状病毒(TGEV)和猫冠状病毒(FCoV)代表株的M基因进行了同源性比较和系统进化分析,同时对M蛋白的结构和功能进行了预测分析。结果表明,CCV171与近年在中国分离到的CCV毒株V1、V2及大熊猫源的毒株具有98.9%~99.5%的同源性,说明这些毒株可能是来自同一毒株的准种。NJ17与其他中国分离株及国外分离株的同源性为87.0%~91.9%,显示国内可能存在一个相对独立进化的CCV毒株。序列比较发现,所有CCV毒株在可能的同源重组“热点”区内都有一个CTTTAG序列,与鸡传染性支气管炎病毒同源重组模板交换位点附近的特征序列相似。CCVNJ17株M蛋白在N端50氨基酸序列与FCoV791683同源性高,而在后212氨基酸序列与TGEV同源性高,提示该毒株可能在M基因上曾经发生过不同病毒的同源重组。CCVM蛋白的结构及功能预测表明,所有毒株都具有分泌型信号肽,有4个螺旋跨膜区,N末端和C末端均位于膜内。M蛋白的两末端具有较强的抗原性,M蛋白上存在多种功能性氨基酸修饰位点且相对保守。N末端的氨基酸变异很大,但是功能性修饰位点相对保守,提示N末端的功能可能与构象有关。  相似文献   
COP-I-coated vesicles are protein and lipid carriers that mediate intra-Golgi transport and transport from the cis-Golgi complex to the endoplasmic reticulum in cells. The coatomer of the vesicles coat is comprised of seven subunits: α-COP, ?-COP, β′-COP, β-COP, γ-COP, δ-COP, and ζ-COP. Here we report the solution structure of a truncated form (residues 1-149; ζ-COP149) of human ζ-COP (total 177 residues). It is the first three-dimensional structure of a “core” subunit of the COP I F-subcomplex. The structure of ζ-COP149 mainly consists of a disordered N-terminal tail, a five-stranded antiparallel β-sheet, a two-stranded antiparallel β-sheet, and five α-helices. The global folding of ζ-COP149 is very similar to the crystal structures of AP1-σ1 and AP2-σ2, directly demonstrating the structural similarity between the “core” subunits of the COP I F-subcomplex and adaptor protein complexes. Through structural comparison and mutagenesis study, we have also demonstrated that the heterodimers of ζ-COP149 and γ-COP have packing interfaces and relative subunit orientations similar to those of AP2-σ2 and AP2-α heterodimers. These results provide direct evidence supporting the previous proposal that the COP I F-subcomplex and adaptor protein complexes have similar tertiary and quaternary structures.  相似文献   
AFM has developed into a powerful tool in structural biology, providing topographs of proteins under close-to-native conditions and featuring an outstanding signal/noise ratio. However, the imaging mechanism exhibits particularities: fast and slow scan axis represent two independent image acquisition axes. Additionally, unknown tip geometry and tip-sample interaction render the contrast transfer function nondefinable. Hence, the interpretation of AFM topographs remained difficult. How can noise and distortions present in AFM images be quantified? How does the number of molecule topographs merged influence the structural information provided by averages? What is the resolution of topographs? Here, we find that in high-resolution AFM topographs, many molecule images are only slightly disturbed by noise, distortions, and tip-sample interactions. To identify these high-quality particles, we propose a selection criterion based on the internal symmetry of the imaged protein. We introduce a novel feature-based resolution analysis and show that AFM topographs of different proteins contain structural information beginning at different resolution thresholds: 10 Å (AqpZ), 12 Å (AQP0), 13 Å (AQP2), and 20 Å (light-harvesting-complex-2). Importantly, we highlight that the best single-molecule images are more accurate molecular representations than ensemble averages, because averaging downsizes the z-dimension and “blurs” structural details.Abbreviations: 2D, two-dimensional; 3D, three-dimensional; ACV, auto-correlation value; AFM, atomic force microscopy; AQP0, aquaporin-0; AQP2, aquaporin-2; AqpZ, aquaporin-Z; bR, bacteriorhodopsin; CCV, cross-correlation value; CTF, contrast transfer function; DPR, differential phase residual; EM, electron microscopy; FRC, Fourier ring correlation; FSC, Fourier shell correlation; IS, internal symmetry; LH2, light-harvesting-complex 2; RMSD, root mean-square deviation; SD, standard deviation; SNR, signal/noise ratio; SSNR, spectral signal/noise ratio  相似文献   
The Notch pathway represents a highly conserved signaling network, which regulates the formation and maintenance of various organ systems along development and during adulthood. Direct cell-cell contacts between ligand- and receptor-expressing cells underlie activation of the Notch pathway. Notch signaling requires endocytosis in both signal emitting and receiving cells. Recent findings on the roles of a number of modulators show that they act either on the maintenance of an active receptor at the membrane, or on the production of active ligand, or on signal transduction after activation.  相似文献   
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