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Several Cl channels have been described in the native renal tubule, but their correspondence with ClC-K1 and ClC-K2 channels (orthologs of human ClC-Ka and ClC-Kb), which play a major role in transcellular Cl absorption in the kidney, has yet to be established. This is partly because investigation of heterologous expression has involved rat or human ClC-K models, whereas characterization of the native renal tubule has been done in mice. Here, we investigate the electrophysiological properties of mouse ClC-K1 channels heterologously expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes and in HEK293 cells with or without their accessory Barttin subunit. Current amplitudes and plasma membrane insertion of mouse ClC-K1 were enhanced by Barttin. External basic pH or elevated calcium stimulated currents followed the anion permeability sequence Cl > Br > NO3 > I. Single-channel recordings revealed a unit conductance of ~ 40 pS. Channel activity in cell-attached patches increased with membrane depolarization (voltage for half-maximal activation: ~ − 65 mV). Insertion of the V166E mutation, which introduces a glutamate in mouse ClC-K1, which is crucial for channel gating, reduced the unit conductance to ~ 20 pS. This mutation shifted the depolarizing voltage for half-maximal channel activation to ~ + 25 mV. The unit conductance and voltage dependence of wild-type and V166E ClC-K1 were not affected by Barttin. Owing to their strikingly similar properties, we propose that the ClC-K1/Barttin complex is the molecular substrate of a chloride channel previously detected in the mouse thick ascending limb (Paulais et al., J Membr. Biol, 1990, 113:253–260).  相似文献   
Tomofumi Chiba  Yutaka Shibata 《BBA》2019,1860(12):148090
Photosystem I (PSI) and photosystem II (PSII) play key roles in photoinduced electron-transfer reaction in oxygenic photosynthesis. Assemblies of these PSs can be initiated by illumination of the etiolated seedlings (greening). The study aimed to identify specific fluorescence spectral components relevant to PSI and PSII assembly intermediates emerging in greening seedlings of Zea mays, a typical C4 plant. The different PSII contents between the bundle sheath (BS) and mesophyll (M) cells were utilized to spectrally isolate the precursors to PSI and PSII. The greening Zea mays leaf thin sections were observed with the cryogenic microscope combined with a spectrometer. With the aid of the singular-value decomposition analysis, we could identify four independent fluorescent species, SAS677, SAS685, SAS683, and SAS687, named after their fluorescence peak wavelengths. SAS677 and SAS685 are the dominant components after the 30-minute greening, and the distributions of these components showed no clear differences between M and BS cells, indicating immature cell differentiation in this developing stage. On the other hand, the 1-hour greening resulted in reduced distributions of SAS683 in BS cells leading us to assign this species to PSII precursors. The 2-hour greening induced the enrichment of SAS687 in BS cells suggesting its PSI relevance. Similarity in the peak wavelengths of SAS683 and the reported reaction center of PSII implied their connection. SAS687 showed an intense sub-band at around 740 nm, which can be assigned to the emission from the red chlorophylls specific to the mature PSI.  相似文献   
A novel cryogenic optical-microscope system was developed in which the objective lens is set inside of the cryostat adiabatic vacuum space. Being isolated from the sample when it was cooled, the objective lens was maintained at room temperature during the cryogenic measurement. Therefore, the authors were able to use a color-aberration corrected objective lens with a numerical aperture of 0.9. The lens is equipped with an air vent for compatibility to the vacuum. The theoretically expected spatial resolutions of 0.39 μm along the lateral direction and 1.3 μm along the axial direction were achieved by the developed system. The system was applied to the observations of non-uniform distributions of the photosystems in the cells of a green alga, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, at 94 K. Gaussian decomposition analysis of the fluorescence spectra at all the pixels clearly demonstrated a non-uniform distribution of the two photosystems, as reflected in the variable ratios of the fluorescence intensities assigned to photosystem II and to those assigned to photosystem I. The system was also applied to the fluorescence spectroscopy of single isolated photosystem I complexes at 90 K. The fluorescence, assigned to be emitted from a single photosystem I trimer, showed an intermittent fluctuation called blinking, which is typical for a fluorescence signal from a single molecule. The vibronic fluorescence bands at around 790 nm were observed for single photosystem I trimers, suggesting that the color aberration is not serious up to the 800 nm spectral region.  相似文献   
Efficient light harvesting in a photosynthetic antenna system is disturbed by a ragged and fluctuating energy landscape of the antenna pigments in response to the conformation dynamics of the protein. This situation is especially pronounced in Photosystem I (PSI) containing red shifted chlorophylls (red Chls) with the excitation energy much lower than the primary donor. The present study was conducted to clarify light-harvesting dynamics of PSI isolated from Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 by using single-molecule spectroscopy at liquid?nitrogen temperatures. Fluorescence emission at around 720?nm from the red Chls in single PSI trimers was monitored at 80–100?K. Intermittent variations in the emission intensities, so-called blinking, were frequently observed. Its time scale lay in several tens of seconds. The blinking amplitude depended on the redox state of the phylloquinone (A1). Electrochromic shifts of Chls induced by the negative charge on A1 were calculated based on the X-ray crystallographic structure. A Chl molecule, Chl-A839 (numbering according to PDB 5OY0), bound near A1 was found to have a large electrochromic shift. This Chl has strong exciton coupling with neighboring Chl (A838) whose site energy was predicted to be determined by interaction with an arginine residue (ArgF84) [Adolphs et al., 2010]. A possible scenario of the blinking was proposed. Conformational fluctuations of ArgF84 seesaw the excitation-energy of Chl-A838, which perturbs the branching ratio of excitation-energy between the red Chl and the cationic form of P700 as a quencher. The electrochromic shift of Chl-A839 enhances the effect of the conformation dynamics of ArgF84.  相似文献   
The potential of spent biomass of a hydrogen producing cyanobacterial strain Nostoc linckia from a hydrogen fermentor was studied for decolorization of a tri-phenylmethane dye, crystal violet. The waste cyanobacterial biomass immobilized in calcium alginate was used as a biosorbent and the process variables were optimized for maximum dye removal using the statistical response surface methodology (RSM). Batch mode experiments were performed to determine the kinetic behavior of the dye in aqueous solution allowing the computation of kinetic parameters. Influence of interacting parameters like temperature (25-35 °C), pH (4-8), initial dye concentration (100-200 mg/L) and cyanobacterial dose (0.2-0.4 g) on dye removal were examined using central composite design (CCD) which included two additional levels for each parameter. Second-order polynomial regression model, was applied which was statistically validated using analysis of variance. Ability of the immobilized biomass to decolorize the dye was maximum (72%) at pH 8.0, temperature 35 °C, 200 mg/L initial dye concentration and 0.2 g cyanobacterial dose. Adsorption of the dye on cell surface was further confirmed by scanning electron micrographs of the biomass before and after dye loading. FT-IR studies revealed that decolorization was due to biosorption mediated mainly by functional groups like hydroxyl, amide, carboxylate, methyl and methylene groups present on the cell surface.  相似文献   
The gene corresponding to mature PsaA from Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 14 was cloned into a plasmid with kanamycin resistance and without a purification tag in Escherichia coli to express high levels of the recombinant protein for large-scale production as a potential vaccine candidate or as a carrier for polysaccharide conjugation at Bio-Manguinhos/Fiocruz. The evaluation of induction conditions (IPTG concentration, temperature and time) in E. coli was accomplished by experimental design techniques to enhance the expression level of mature recombinant PsaA (rPsaA). The optimization of induction process conditions led us to perform the recombinant protein induction at 25°C for 16 h, with 0.1mM IPTG in Terrific Broth medium. At these conditions, the level of mature rPsaA expression obtained in E. coli BL21 (DE3) Star by pET28a induction with IPTG was in the range of 0.8 g/L of culture medium, with a 10-fold lower concentration of inducer than usually employed, which contributes to a less expensive process. Mature rPsaA expressed in E. coli BL21 (DE3) Star accounted for approximately 30-35% of the total protein. rPsaA purification by ion exchange allowed the production of high-purity recombinant protein without fusion tags. The results presented in this work confirm that the purified recombinant protein maintains its stability and integrity for long periods of time in various storage conditions (temperatures of 4 or -70°C using different cryoprotectors) and for at least 3 years at 4 or -70°C in PBS. The conformation of the stored protein was confirmed using circular dichroism. Mature rPsaA antigenicity was proven by anti-rPsaA mouse serum recognition through western blot analysis, and no protein degradation was detected after long periods of storage.  相似文献   
The structural changes of ferrous Cyt-c that are induced by binding to SDS micelles, phospholipid vesicles, DeTAB, and GuHCl as well as by high temperatures and changes in the pH have been studied by RR and UV-Vis absorption spectroscopies. Four species have been identified in which the native methionine-80 ligand is removed from the heme iron. This coordination site is either occupied by a histidine (His-33 or His-26) to form a 6cLS configuration, which is the prevailing species in GuHCl at pH 7.0 and ambient temperature, or remains vacant to yield a 5cHS configuration. The three identified 5cHS species differ with respect to the hydrogen-bond interactions of the proximal histidine ligand (His-18) and include a nonhydrogen-bonded, a hydrogen-bonded, and a deprotonated imidazole ring. These structural motifs have been found irrespective of the unfolding conditions used. An unambiguous spectroscopic distinction of these 5cHS species is possible on the basis of the Fe-N(imidazole) stretching vibrations, the RR bands in the region between 1300 and 1650 cm(-1), and the electronic transitions in the Soret- and Q-band regions. In acid and neutral solutions, the species with a hydrogen-bonded and a nonhydrogen-bonded His-18 prevail, whereas in alkaline solutions a configuration with a deprotonated His-18 ligand is also observed. Upon lowering the pH or increasing the temperature in GuHCl solutions, the structure on the proximal side of the heme is perturbed, resulting in a loss of the hydrogen-bond interactions of the His-18 ligand. Conversely, the hydrogen-bonded His-18 of ferrous Cyt-c is stabilized by electrostatic interactions which increase in strength from phospholipid vesicles to SDS micelles. The results here suggest that unfolding of Cyt-c is initiated by the rupture of the Fe-Met-80 bond and structural reorganizations on the distal side of the heme pocket, whereas the proximal part is only affected in a later stage of the denaturation process.  相似文献   
The Golgi apparatus is a central hub for both protein and lipid trafficking/sorting and is also a major site for glycosylation in the cell. This organelle employs a cohort of peripheral membrane proteins and protein complexes to keep its structural and functional organization. The conserved oligomeric Golgi (COG) complex is an evolutionary conserved peripheral membrane protein complex that is proposed to act as a retrograde vesicle tethering factor in intra-Golgi trafficking. The COG protein complex consists of eight subunits, distributed in two lobes, Lobe A (Cog1-4) and Lobe B (Cog5-8). Malfunctions in the COG complex have a significant impact on processes such as protein sorting, glycosylation, and Golgi integrity. A deletion of Lobe A COG subunits in yeasts causes severe growth defects while mutations in COG1, COG7, and COG8 in humans cause novel types of congenital disorders of glycosylation. These pathologies involve a change in structural Golgi phenotype and function. Recent results indicate that down-regulation of COG function results in the resident Golgi glycosyltransferases/glycosidases to be mislocalized or degraded.  相似文献   
张婷  骆清铭   《激光生物学报》2002,11(5):358-363
利用CCD显微成像技术和激光散斑技术,对局部加热(41℃-54℃,30min)下大鼠小肠肠系膜微血管的管径(直径约15μm-50μm)和血流速率的变化进行实时,在体监测,并由二者计算血流量的变化。结果表明:41℃,43℃,45℃,46℃各温度点30min的加热过程中,血流速度变化平缓,血管管径和血流量明显增加,最终均逐渐趋趋于恒定。49℃时,血流速率仅在前12min内增加,30min时已降至低于初始值,血管管径及血流量在14min时达最大后开始减小,加热停止时仍旧高于初始值。温度高于49℃时(51℃,54℃)血流速率,管径,血流量呈现先升高后下降的变化趋势,在30min时,三者均低于初始值,由此可知,加热时间为30min,大鼠肠系膜微血管的临界温度为49℃;在相同的时间条件下,热损伤速率随温度升高而增加。  相似文献   
Critical cell density (CCD), the maximum cell concentration without mutual shading in algal cultures, can be used as a new operating parameter for high-density algal cultures and for the application of the flashing light effect on illuminated algal cultures. CCD is a function of average cell volume and light illumination area. The CCD is thus proposed as an index of estimation of mutual shading in algal cultures. Where cell densities are below the CCD, all the cells in photobio-reactors can undergo photosysnthesis at their maximum rate. At cell densities over the CCD, mutual shading will occur and some cells in the illumination chamber cannot grow photoautotrophically. When the cell concentration is higher than the CCD, specific oxygen production rates under flashing light were higher than those under continuous light. The CCD was found to be a useful engineering parameter for the application of flashing light, particularly in high-density algal cultures.  相似文献   
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