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In vivo interactions of acrylonitrile with macromolecules in rats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The irreversible binding of [2,3-14C]acrylonitrile (VCN) to proteins, RNA and DNA of various tissues of male Sprague-Dawley rats after a single oral dose of 46.5 mg/kg (0.5 LD50) has been studied. Proteins were isolated by chloroform-isoamyl alcohol-phenol extraction. RNA and DNA were separated by hydroxyapatite chromatography. Binding of VCN to proteins was extensive and was time dependent. Radioactivity in nucleic acids was registered in the liver and the target organs, stomach and brain. DNA alkylation, which increased by time, was significantly higher in the target organs, brain and stomach (119 and 81 pmol/mg, respectively, at 24 h) than that in the liver. The covalent binding indices for the liver, stomach and brain at 24 h after dosing were, 5.9, 51.9 and 65.3, respectively. These results suggest that VCN is able to act as a multipotent carcinogen by alkylation of DNA in the extrahepatic target tissues, stomach and brain.  相似文献   
Benzo[a]pyrene became bound to the hepatic DNA in juvenile English sole (Parophrys vetulus) force fed tritiated benzo[a]pyrene. No statistically signïficant change was observed in the level of the binding from 16 h to 2 wk after the single exposure. Specific activities of binding were similar for both DNA and protein. Moreover, a binding index was calculated to represent the number of benzo[a]pyrene molecules bound per 106 nucleotides after administration of a theoretical dose of 1 mmole of hydrocarbon per kg body weight. The value for English sole liver DNA was of the same order of magnitude as the values reported for mouse skin and mammary gland in which benzo[a]pyrene is carcinogenic.  相似文献   
Two factors are thought to have contributed to the origin of codon usage bias in eukaryotes: 1) genome-wide mutational forces that shape overall GC-content and create context-dependent nucleotide bias, and 2) positive selection for codons that maximize efficient and accurate translation. Particularly in vertebrates, these two explanations contradict each other and cloud the origin of codon bias in the taxon. On the one hand, mutational forces fail to explain GC-richness (~ 60%) of third codon positions, given the GC-poor overall genomic composition among vertebrates (~ 40%). On the other hand, positive selection cannot easily explain strict regularities in codon preferences. Large-scale bioinformatic assessment, of nucleotide composition of coding and non-coding sequences in vertebrates and other taxa, suggests a simple possible resolution for this contradiction. Specifically, we propose that the last common vertebrate ancestor had a GC-rich genome (~ 65% GC). The data suggest that whole-genome mutational bias is the major driving force for generating codon bias. As the bias becomes prominent, it begins to affect translation and can result in positive selection for optimal codons. The positive selection can, in turn, significantly modulate codon preferences.  相似文献   
Kivioja T  Tiirikka T  Siermala M  Vihinen M 《Gene》2008,410(1):53-66
Gene and protein expression is controlled so that cells can react to changing intra- and extracellular signals by modulating biochemical networks and pathways. We have previously shown that gene expression and the properties of expressed proteins are dynamically correlated. Here we investigated correlations between gene related parameters and gene expression patterns, and found statistically significant correlations in microarray datasets for different cell types, organisms and processes, including human B and T cell stimulation, cell cycle in HeLa cells, infection in intestinal epithelial cells, Drosophila melanogaster life span, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell cycle. Our method was applied to time course datasets individually for each time point. We derived from sequence information numerous parameters for nucleotide composition, two-base composition, codon usage, skew parameters, and codon bias. In addition to coding regions, we also investigated correlations for complete genes and introns. Significant dynamic correlations were identified for each of the analyses. Our method also proved useful for detecting dynamic shifts in gene expression profiles, such as in the D. melanogaster dataset. Detection of changes in the properties of expressed genes and proteins might be useful for predicting or following biological processes, responses, growth, differentiation and possibly in related disorders.  相似文献   
The pyrrolobenzodiazepine (PBD) and duocarmycin families are DNA-interactive agents that covalently bond to guanine (G) and adenine (A) bases, respectively, and that have been joined together to create synthetic dimers capable of cross-linking G–G, A–A, and G–A bases. Three G–A alkylating dimers have been reported in publications to date, with defined DNA-binding sites proposed for two of them. In this study we have used molecular dynamics simulations to elucidate preferred DNA-binding sites for the three published molecular types. For the PBD–CPI dimer UTA-6026 (1), our simulations correctly predicted its favoured binding site (i.e., 5′-C(G)AATTA-3′) as identified by DNA cleavage studies. However, for the PBD–CI molecule (‘Compound 11’, 3), we were unable to reconcile the results of our simulations with the reported preferred cross-linking sequence (5′-ATTTTCC(G)-3′). We found that the molecule is too short to span the five base pairs between the A and G bases as claimed, but should target instead a sequence such as 5′-ATTTC(G)-3′ with two less base pairs between the reacting G and A residues. Our simulation results for this hybrid dimer are also in accord with the very low interstrand cross-linking and in vitro cytotoxicity activities reported for it. Although a preferred cross-linking sequence was not reported for the third hybrid dimer (‘27eS’, 2), our simulations predict that it should span two base pairs between covalently reacting G and A bases (e.g., 5′-GTAT(A)-3′).  相似文献   
The thermostable 1,3–1,4-β-glucanase PtLic16A from the fungus Paecilomyces thermophila catalyzes stringent hydrolysis of barley β-glucan and lichenan with an outstanding efficiency and has great potential for broad industrial applications. Here, we report the crystal structures of PtLic16A and an inactive mutant E113A in ligand-free form and in complex with the ligands cellobiose, cellotetraose and glucotriose at 1.80 Å to 2.25 Å resolution. PtLic16A adopts a typical β-jellyroll fold with a curved surface and the concave face forms an extended ligand binding cleft. These structures suggest that PtLic16A might carry out the hydrolysis via retaining mechanism with E113 and E118 serving as the nucleophile and general acid/base, respectively. Interestingly, in the structure of E113A/1,3–1,4-β-glucotriose complex, the sugar bound to the − 1 subsite adopts an intermediate-like (α-anomeric) configuration. By combining all crystal structures solved here, a comprehensive binding mode for a substrate is proposed. These findings not only help understand the 1,3–1,4-β-glucanase catalytic mechanism but also provide a basis for further enzymatic engineering.  相似文献   
The field ant, Lasius flavus provides an answer to the problem of demonstrating, in schools, the effect of an organism on its surroundings. There is a simple pattern of plant distribution on the anthills which is different from the surrounding meadow and the differences between anthill and undisturbed soil can be demonstrated by simple experiments. These differences modified the environment of the ant colonies in ways which were favourable to their development. The anthill is a product of social organisation which is in some ways comparable to the attempts of human societies to control their environment.  相似文献   
[14C]Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) was isolated from cultures of Aspergillus parasiticus grown on [1-14C]sodium acetate. Covalent binding of AFB1 to liver DNA of rat and mouse was determined 6–8 h after oral administration. The effectiveness of covalent binding, expressed as DNA binding per dose in the units of a ‘Covalent Binding Index’ (CBI), (μmol aflatoxin/mol DNA nucleotides)/(mmol aflatoxin/kg animal), was found to be 10 400 for rats and 240 for mice. These CBI partly explain the different susceptibility of the two species for the incidence of hepatic tumors.The corresponding values for pig liver DNA, 24 and 48 h after oral administration, were found to be as high as 19 100 and 13 300. DNA-binding has not so far been reported for this species although it could represent an appropriate animal model for studies where a human-like gastrointestinal tract physiology is desirable.Aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) is a metabolite found in the milk of cows that have been fed AFB1-contaminated diet. [14C]AFM1 was also found to be produced by cultures of A. parasiticus giving a yield of about 0.3% of the total aflatoxins. A test for covalent binding to rat liver DNA revealed a CBI of 2100 showing that AFM1 must also be regarded as a strong hepatocarcinogen. It is concluded that AFB1 contaminations should be avoided in dairy feed.  相似文献   
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