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3-磷酸甘油醛脱氢酶胍变性时的活力及构象变化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
酵母3-磷酸甘油醛脱氢酶在盐酸胍溶液中的内源荧光及剩余活力的变化结果提示:apo酶及holo酶的活力在胍浓度为0.5M左右可完全丧失.同时伴有内源荧光强度的下降,光谱宽度的增加和335nm最大发射峰的红移(提示了色氨酸残基的暴露).与已经报导的肌肉酶(内源荧光强度在胍浓度为0.4—1.2M范围相对稳定)不同,酵母酶内源荧光在此浓度范围内表现为逐渐降低.在0.7M胍溶液中,内源荧光变化动力学过程只能测出一相,而酶失活动力学过程为快慢两相,快相动力学速度常数至少大于内源荧光降低速度常数三个数量级以上.以上结果提示:低浓度胍可引起该酶的完全失活,活性部位的空间构象比酶分子的构象更易受到变性剂的扰乱;有一个色氨酸残基位于或靠近酶的活性部位.  相似文献   
G B Ruvkun  V Sundaresan  F M Ausubel 《Gene》1982,18(3):247-255
Crude bacterial cell extracts prepared from an Escherichia coli lacIq strain were shown to protect specific nucleotides in the lac operator from methylation by dimethyl sulfate (DMS) or digestion by DNase I, whereas no protection was observed using extracts prepared from a nearly isogenic lacI- strain. These experiments show that it is not necessary to use purified regulatory proteins in experiments designed to localize sequences on DNA which interact with proteins. Therefore, crude cell extracts should be useful in DNA "footprinting" experiments to define regions of DNA which bind to unknown regulatory proteins.  相似文献   
3 wild-type strains of E. coli, namely K12 AB2497, B/r WP2 and 15 555-7v proficient in excision and post-replication repair, differ markedly in their UV resistance. To elucidate this difference, the influence was investigated of induction by application of inducing fluence (IF) before lethal fluence (LF) on repair processes after LF. In cells distinguished by low UV resistance (E. coli 15 555-7; E. coli B/r WP2), dimer excision was less complete in cultures irradiated with IF + LF than in cultures irradiated with LF only. The highly resistant E. coli K12 AB2497 performed complete excision both after IF + LF or after LF alone. All 3 types of cell survived better after IF + LF than after LF only. Because, in most strains so far investigated, the application of IF reduced dimer excision and increased survival, dimer excision per se does not appear important for survival.We conclude that the rate and completeness of dimer excision can serve as a measure of efficiency of the excision system whose action is necessary for repair of another lesion. Cells of all investigated strains could not resume DNA replication and died progressively when irradiated with LF and post-incubated with chloramphenicol (LF CAP+). Thus, it appears that inducible proteins are necessary for repair in all wild-type E. coli cells give with potentially lethal doses of UV irradiation.  相似文献   
The induction of “petite” mutants by guanidine hydrochloride (GuHCl) is inhibited in several conditions. Anaerobiosis inhibited the induction either with or without cell multiplication. Both nalidixic acid (NA) and cycloheximide (CH) inhibited the induction of mutants. On the other hand, chloramphenicol (CAP) produced a dual effect: at low concentration it stimulated, at high concentration it inhibited, the induction. The effect of these different inhibitors on the transformation of + mother cells into by GuHCl is discussed.  相似文献   
This study was conducted to establish the contribution of genetic host factors in the susceptibility to community acquired pneumonia (CAP) in the Russian population. Patients with CAP (n = 334), volunteers without a previous history of CAP, constantly exposed to infectious agents, control A group (n = 141) and a second control group B consisted of healthy persons (n = 314) were included in the study. All subjects were genotyped for 13 polymorphic variants in the genes of xenobiotics detoxification CYP1A1 (rs2606345, rs4646903, and rs1048943), GSTM1 (Ins/del), GSTT1 (Ins/del), ABCB1 rs1045642); immune and inflammation response IL-6 (rs1800795), TNF-a (rs1800629), MBL2 (rs7096206), CCR5 (rs333), NOS3 (rs1799983), angiotensin-converting enzyme ACE (rs4340), and occlusive vascular disease/hyperhomocysteinemia MTHFR (rs1801133). Seven polymorphic variants in genes CYP1A1, GSTM1, ABCB1, NOS3, IL6, CCR5 and ACE were associated with CAP. For two genes CYP1A1 and GSTM1 associations remained significant after correction for multiple comparisons. Multiple analysis by the number of all risk genotypes showed a highly significant association with CAP (P = 2.4 × 10− 7, OR = 3.03, 95% CI 1.98–4.64) with the threshold for three risk genotypes. Using the ROC-analysis, the AUC value for multi-locus model was estimated as 68.38.  相似文献   
We have investigated the mechanism of action of the cationic antimicrobial protein (18 kDa) CAP18 on liposomes and monolayers made from phospholipids and enterobacterial lipopolysaccharides (LPS). CAP18 intercalates into lipid matrices composed of LPS from sensitive strains, weaker into those made of LPS from a resistant strain (Proteus mirabilis strain R45) or negatively charged phospholipids, but not into those composed of neutral phosphatidylcholine. From the combination of data obtained with fluorescence resonance energy transfer and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy and film balance measurements, it can be concluded that structural differences in the LPS determine the depth of intercalation of CAP18 into the respective lipid matrices. Thus, we identified the L-Arap4N linked to the first Kdo of the LPS of P. mirabilis strain R45 to be responsible for the CAP18 resistance of this strain. These data provide insight into CAP18-mediated effects on the integrity of the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria and led to an improved model for rabbit CAP18 membrane interaction. Received: 14 January 2000/Revised: 20 April 2000  相似文献   
Direct competitive chemiluminescence immunoassays (CLIA) based on gold‐coated magnetic nanospheres (Au‐MNPs) were developed for rapid analysis of chloramphenicol (CAP). The Au‐MNPs were modified with carboxyl groups and amino groups by 11‐mercaptoundecanoic acid (MUA) and cysteamine respectively, and then were respectively conjugated with CAP base and CAP succinate via an activating reaction using 1‐ethyl‐3‐(3‐dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide hydrochloride (EDC) and N‐hydroxysuccinimide (NHS). NSP‐DMAE‐NHS, a new and effective luminescence reagent, was employed to label anti‐CAP antibody (mAb) as a tracer in direct CLIA for CAP detection using a ‘homemade’ luminescent measurement system that was set up with a photomultiplier tube (PMT) and a photon counting unit linked to a computer. The sensitivities and limits of detection (LODs) of the two methods were obtained and compared according to the inhibition curves. The 50% inhibition concentration (IC50) values of the two methods were about 0.044 ng/mL and 0.072 ng/mL respectively and LODs were approximately 0.001 ng/mL and 0.006 ng/mL respectively. To our knowledge, they were much more sensitive than any traditional enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) ever reported. Moreover, the new luminescence reagent NSP‐DMAE‐NHS is much more sensitive and stable than luminol and its derivatives, contributing to the sensitivity enhancement. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Twinfilin is a highly conserved member of the actin depolymerization factor homology (ADF-H) protein superfamily, which also includes ADF/Cofilin, Abp1/Drebrin, GMF, and Coactosin. Twinfilin has a unique molecular architecture consisting of two ADF-H domains joined by a linker and followed by a C-terminal tail. Yeast Twinfilin, in conjunction with yeast cyclase-associated protein (Srv2/CAP), increases the rate of depolymerization at both the barbed and pointed ends of actin filaments. However, it has remained unclear whether these activities extend to Twinfilin homologs in other species. To address this, we purified the three mouse Twinfilin isoforms (mTwf1, mTwf2a, mTwf2b) and mouse CAP1, and used total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy assays to study their effects on filament disassembly. Our results show that all three mouse Twinfilin isoforms accelerate barbed end depolymerization similar to yeast Twinfilin, suggesting that this activity is evolutionarily conserved. In striking contrast, mouse Twinfilin isoforms and CAP1 failed to induce rapid pointed end depolymerization. Using chimeras, we show that the yeast-specific pointed end depolymerization activity is specified by the C-terminal ADF-H domain of yeast Twinfilin. In addition, Tropomyosin decoration of filaments failed to impede depolymerization by yeast and mouse Twinfilin and Srv2/CAP, but inhibited Cofilin severing. Together, our results indicate that Twinfilin has conserved functions in regulating barbed end dynamics, although its ability to drive rapid pointed end depolymerization appears to be species-specific. We discuss the implications of this work, including that pointed end depolymerization may be catalyzed by different ADF-H family members in different species.  相似文献   
Histone deacetylases (HDACs) belong to a group of epigenetic regulatory enzymes that participate in modulating the acetylation level of histone lysine residues as well as non‐histone proteins, and they play a key role in the regulation of gene expression. HDACs are potential anticancer drug targets highly expressed in various kinds of cancer cells. So far, five small molecules targeting HDACs have been approved for the therapy of cancer, and over 20 inhibitors of HDACs are under different phases of clinical trials. Among them, hydroxamate‐based HDAC inhibitors (HDACis) represent a well‐investigated series of chemical entities. The current review covers the recent progress in the discovery process, form SAHA to hydroxamate HDAC inhibitors with branched CAP region and linear linker. At the same time, the pharmacological and structure‐activity relationship (SAR) studies of the specific derivatives from SAHA and the HDACis with branched CAP region and linear linker are also introduced.  相似文献   
Adenylyl cyclase‐associated protein (CAP) is a highly conserved protein. Previous reports have suggested that CAP1 may be a negative regulator of cellular proliferation, migration, and adhesion and the development of cell carcinomas. The molecular mechanism of CAP1 regulation of downstream pathways, as well as how CAP1 is regulated by environmental stimuli and upstream signalling, is not well understood. In this present study, we assessed the role of CAP1 in milk synthesis and proliferation of bovine mammary epithelial cells. Using gene overexpression and silencing methods, CAP1 was found to negatively regulate milk synthesis and proliferation of cells via the PI3K‐mTOR/SREBP‐1c/Cyclin D1 signalling pathway. Hormones, such as prolactin and oestrogen, and amino acids, such as methionine and leucine, stimulate MMP9 expression and trigger CAP1 degradation, and thus, abrogate its inhibition of synthesis of milk protein, fat, and lactose by and proliferation of bovine mammary epithelial cells. The results of our study help deepen our understanding of the regulatory mechanisms underlying milk synthesis and aid in characterizing the molecular mechanisms of CAP1. Previous reports have suggested that CAP1 is a negative regulator of cellular proliferation and anabolism, but the molecular mechanisms are largely unknown. In this present study, we identified CAP1 as a negative regulator of milk synthesis and proliferation of bovine mammary epithelial cells. Our results will deepen our understanding of the regulatory mechanisms underlying milk synthesis and aid in exploring the molecular mechanisms of CAP1.  相似文献   
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