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Interactions between plants and soil microbes can strongly influence plant diversity and community dynamics. Soil microbes may promote plant diversity by driving negative frequency‐dependent plant population dynamics, or may favor species exclusion by providing one species an average fitness advantage over others. However, past empirical research has focused overwhelmingly on the consequences of frequency‐dependent feedbacks for plant species coexistence and has generally neglected the consequences of microbially mediated average fitness differences. Here we use theory to develop metrics that quantify microbially mediated plant fitness differences, and show that accounting for these effects can profoundly change our understanding of how microbes influence plant diversity. We show that soil microbes can generate fitness differences that favour plant species exclusion when they disproportionately harm (or favour) one plant species over another, but these fitness differences may also favor coexistence if they trade off with competition for other resources or generate intransitive dominance hierarchies among plants. We also show how the metrics we present can quantify microbially mediated fitness differences in empirical studies, and explore how microbial control over coexistence varies along productivity gradients. In all, our analysis provides a more complete theoretical foundation for understanding how plant–microbe interactions influence plant diversity.  相似文献   
In Peninsular Malaysia ten species of lycaenid butterflies use leaf flushes or inflorescences of the legume tree Saraca thaipingensis as larval hostplant. Resource partitioning among these species is regulated by a complex mixture of patterns of interaction with ants. Females of obligately myrmecophilous species lay their eggs exclusively on trees colonized by their specific host ants. On trees colonized by weaver ants, only specialist mutualists adapted to these territorial ants are able to survive, while larvae of other species are killed. The formicine ant Cladomyrma petalae, which inhabits hollow twigs of the myrmecophytic hostplant, likewise precludes oviposition by female butterflies. Lycaenid larvae confronted with this ant species never survive, but one concealed feeding species (Jamides caeruleus) escapes removal due to the cryptic life-habits of the larvae. Two facultative myrmecophiles associate in a mutualistic way with a wide and largely overlapping range of ant genera which forage at the extrafloral nectaries of leaf flushes. One species (Cheritra freja) is not myrmecophilous, but is tolerated by all but the most territorial ants. Ant-dependent hostplant selection and egg-clustering characterize the obligate mutualists, whereas facultative myrmecophiles and the non-myrmecophile distribute their eggs singly over appropriate hostplants. Signals mediating caterpillar-ant communication are highly specialized in one obligate myrmecophile (Drupadia theda), but rather unspecific in four other species tested. Altogether our observations indicate that colonization and establishment of lycaenid butterflies on S. thaipingensis trees are governed by specializations as well as opportunistic use of resources (ants and hostplant parts). Therefore, the diversity of this species assemblage is maintained by deterministic as well as stochastic factors.  相似文献   
Conservation biology is increasingly concerned with preserving interactions among species such as mutualisms in landscapes facing anthropogenic change. We investigated how one kind of mutualism, mixed-species bird flocks, influences the way in which birds respond to different habitat types of varying land-use intensity. We use data from a well-replicated, large-scale study in Sri Lanka and the Western Ghats of India, in which flocks were observed inside forest reserves, in ‘buffer zones'' of degraded forest or timber plantations, and in areas of intensive agriculture. We find flocks affected the responses of birds in three ways: (i) species with high propensity to flock were more sensitive to land use; (ii) different flock types, dominated by different flock leaders, varied in their sensitivity to land use and because following species have distinct preferences for leaders, this can have a cascading effect on followers'' habitat selection; and (iii) those forest-interior species that remain outside of forests were found more inside flocks than would be expected by chance, as they may use flocks more in suboptimal habitat. We conclude that designing policies to protect flocks and their leading species may be an effective way to conserve multiple bird species in mixed forest and agricultural landscapes.  相似文献   
Aphid species within the genus Tuberculatus Mordvilko (Hemiptera: Aphididae) exhibit a variety of interactions with ants, ranging from close associations to non‐attendance. A previous study indicated that despite wing possession, ant‐attended Tuberculatus species exhibited low dispersal rates compared with non‐attended species. This study examined if presence or absence of mutualistic interactions and habitat continuity of host plants affected intraspecific genetic diversity and genetic differentiation in mitochondrial DNA cytochrome oxidase I (COI) sequences. Sympatric ant‐attended Tuberculatus quercicola (Matsumura) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) and non‐attended Tuberculatus paiki Hille Ris Lambers (Hemiptera: Aphididae) were collected from the daimyo oak Quercus dentata Thunberg (Fagales: Fagaceae) in Japan and examined for haplotype variability. Seventeen haplotypes were identified in 568 T. quercicola individuals representing 23 populations and seven haplotypes in 425 T. paiki representing 19 populations. Haplotype diversity, which indicates the mean number of differences between all pairs of haplotypes in the sample, and nucleotide diversity were higher in T. quercicola than T. paiki. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed higher genetic differentiation among populations within groups of T. quercicola (39.8%) than T. paiki (22.6%). The effects of attendant ant species on genetic differentiation in T. quercicola were not distinguishable from geographic factors. Despite low dispersal rates, host plant habitat continuity might facilitate widespread dispersal of a T. quercicola haplotype in Hokkaido. These results suggested that following T. quercicola colonization, gene flow among populations was limited, resulting in genetic drift within populations. However, frequent T. paiki dispersal is clearly evident by low genetic differentiation among populations within groups, resulting in lower haplotype diversity.  相似文献   
Abstract. The structure of pollination networks is described for two oceanic islands, the Azorean Flores and the Mauritian Ile aux Aigrettes. At each island site, all interactions between endemic, non-endemic native and introduced plants and pollinators were mapped. Linkage level, i.e. number of species interactions per species, was significantly higher for endemic species than for non-endemic native and introduced species. Linkage levels of the two latter categories were similar. Nine types of interaction may be recognized among endemic, non-endemic native and introduced plants and pollinators. Similar types had similar frequencies in the two networks. Specifically, we looked for the presence of 'invader complexes' of mutualists, defined as groups of introduced species interacting more with each other than expected by chance and thus facilitating each other's establishment. On both islands, observed frequencies of interactions between native (endemic and non-endemic) and introduced pollinators and plants differed from random. Introduced pollinators and plants interacted less than expected by chance. Thus, the data did not support the existence of invader complexes. Instead, our study suggested that endemic super-generalist species, i.e. pollinators or plant species with a very wide pollination niche, include new invaders in their set of food plants or pollinators and thereby improve establishment success of the invaders. Reviewing other studies, super generalists seem to be a widespread island phenomenon, i.e. island pollination networks include one or a few species with a very high generalization level compared to co-occurring species. Low density of island species may lead to low interspecific competition, high abundance and ultimately wide niches and super generalization.  相似文献   
Current understanding of the nature and function of fungal associations in pteridophytes is surprisingly patchy given their key evolutionary position, current research foci on other early-branching plant clades, and major efforts at unravelling mycorrhizal evolution and the mechanisms underlying this key interaction between plants and fungi. Here we provide a critical review of current knowledge of fungal associations across pteridophytes and consider future directions making recommendations along the way. From a comprehensive survey of the literature, a confused picture emerges: suggestions that members of the Lycopsida harbour Basidiomycota fungi contrast sharply with extensive cytological and recent molecular evidence pointing to exclusively Glomeromycota and/or Mucoromycotina associations in this group. Similarly, reports of dark septate, assumingly ascomycetous, hyphae in a range of pteridophytes, advocating a mutualistic relationship, are not backed by functional evidence and the fact that the fungus invariably occupies dead host tissue points to saprotrophy and not mutualism. The best conclusion that can be reached based on current evidence is that the fungal symbionts of pteridophytes belong to the two fungal lineages Mucoromycotina and Glomeromycota. Do symbiotic fungi and host pteridophytes engage in mutually beneficial partnerships? To date, only two pioneering studies have addressed this key question demonstrating reciprocal exchange of nutrients between the sporophytes of Ophioglossum vulgatum and Osmunda regalis and their fungal symbionts. There is a pressing need for more functional investigations also extending to the gametophyte generation and coupled with in vitro isolation and resynthesis studies to unravel the effect of the fungi on their host.  相似文献   
In the tropics, several ant species are obligate inhabitants of leaf pouches and other specialized structures in plants known as myrmecophytes. However, the cues used by ant queens to locate suitable host-plants following dispersal remain poorly understood. Here we tested the hypothesis that Pheidole minutula queens use volatiles to distinguish their host Maieta guianensis (Melastomataceae) from other sympatric myrmecophytes. To do so, we used a Y-tube olfactometer to quantify the preference for volatiles of different plant species. Our results indicate that P. minutula queens discriminate the chemical volatiles produced by its host-plant from those of other sympatric ant-plant species. However, queens failed to distinguish the volatiles of Maieta from those of the ant-plant Tococa bullifera (Melastomataceae), with which P. minutula is not mutualistically associated. Nevertheless, a strong preference for Maieta over Tococa was observed during a subsequent bioassay, where the ants had physical contact with a domatium of each plant species. These results suggest that additional, short distance mechanisms are also necessary for host discrimination. Overall, our findings suggest that the high degree of compartmentalization observed in symbiotic ant–plant relationships is achieved, at least in part, by the relatively high degree of specificity in host selection displayed by foundress queens.  相似文献   
Scatterhoarding by rodents, whereby seeds are collected and stored for later consumption, can result in seed dispersal. Seeds may be covered in litter on the forest floor (cached) or buried. This is particularly so in the Neotropics for large, nutritious seeds, and where primary dispersers are rare or missing. In African forests, contemporary anthropogenic pressures such as hunting, forest degradation, and fragmentation are contributing toward major declines in large frugivores, yet the potential for scatterhoarding to mitigate this loss is largely unknown. In this study, we used thread‐marked seed to explore the balance between seed predation and dispersal by rodents in Afromontane forest. We studied two tree species in three habitats: (1) continuous forest; (2) continuous forest edge, and (3) small, degraded riparian forest patches. We found that seed removal rates were high and almost the same in all three habitats for both tree species, but that the predation/dispersal balance differed among habitats. In continuous forest, more seeds of each species were scatterhoarded than depredated, and rates of scatterhoarding differed between the two species. In all habitats, burying seeds up to 2 cm belowground was more common than caching. Distances seeds were moved was approximately five times greater in continuous forest than in forest edge or riparian patches. We found strong evidence to suggest that the African pouched rat, Cricetomys sp. nov was responsible for the scatterhoarding.  相似文献   
The historical and contemporary loss of large‐bodied frugivores has disrupted many plant‐disperser mutualisms, with potentially profound consequences for plants. Although several aspects of seed dispersal by megafrugivores have already been examined, the role of these species in promoting seed‐mediated gene flow has remained unexplored. We evaluated the role of the Amazonian tapir (Tapirus terrestris), the largest Neotropical frugivore, in shaping plant genetic structure through seed‐mediated gene flow. We used microsatellites to analyze the genetic patterns of Syagrus romanzoffiana seedlings recruited in tapir latrines and around conspecific adult palms, the two sites where seeds and seedlings are most frequently found in this species. While the genetic diversity of seedlings was rather similar in both sites, the kinship structure was substantially weaker in latrines. Most seedlings recruited around adult palms were half‐ or full‐sibs originating from those adults. In contrast, seedlings recruited in latrines came from several (>5, on average) contributing mothers other than the nearest adult (95%) and were mostly non‐sibs (72%). Kinship patterns indicated that tapir‐mediated dispersal promotes the admixture of genotypes across space. Also, our results suggested that genetic diversity and the number of contributing mothers in latrines increase with the number of fruiting adults visited by tapirs before defecating and with the accumulation of feces over time. We provide evidence of the relevance of tapirs in mobilizing maternal progenies (and genotypes) across the landscape and recruiting clusters of unrelated seedlings. This study suggests a key role for plant–megafrugivore interactions in seed‐mediated gene flow and emphasizes the importance of preserving such mutualisms.  相似文献   
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