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ABSTRACT. An L-shaped auditory intemeuron (LI) has been recorded from extracellularly and intracellularly, and identified morphologically (by Lucifer yellow or cobalt injection) in the prothoracic ganglion of mature female Acheta domesticus. The morphology of the LI is very similar to ascending, prothoracic acoustic interneurons that are most sensitive to higher carrier frequencies in both A. domesticus and other gryllid species. Its terminations in the brain are similar to ascending acoustic interneurons found in other gryllids. The LI neuron is most sensitive to 4–5 kHz model calling songs (CSs), the main carrier frequency of the natural call. Thresholds to high frequencies (8–15 kHz) are 15–20 dB higher. Increasing CS intensities of up to 15 dB above threshold at 4–5 kHz result in increased firing rates by the LI. More than 15 dB increase in intensity causes saturation with little increase in spiking rate until the intensity surpasses 80 dB. In response to 70 dB or higher stimulus intensities, the LI responds to the second and third CS syllables with one or two spikes, pauses, and then produces a burst of nerve impulses with the same or greater latency than for lower intensity stimuli. In response to CS syllables of changing duration (10–30 ms) this neuron responds with a rather constant duration burst of impulses. Syllable periods of the CS stimuli were accurately encoded by the LI. Progressively stronger injection of hyperpolarizing current reduces, and ultimately stops spiking of the LI in response to CS stimuli. More intense stimulation with reduced hyperpolarization shows an initial spike, pause and burst of spikes. Intracellular recording from axonal regions of the neuron shows large spikes, small EPSPs and a developing hyperpolarization through the response to a CS chirp. Inhibitory input to the LI is demonstrated at 4.5, 8 and 16 kHz. This probably explains the specialized response characteristics of the LI which enhanced its encoding of CS syllable period.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. 1. Gregarines, debilitating gut parasites, significantly reduced longevity and increased weight loss in the field cricket Gryllus pennsylvanicus Burmeiser when adults were kept on suboptimal diets, but in G.pennsylvanicus and G.veletis (Alexander and Bigelow) fed ad libitum , weight change, longevity, and fecundity were not significantly different in infected and control individuals.
2. Adults harbouring gregarines at eclosion took significantly longer to develop from the second and third instars than did uninfected adults.
3. Longevity of nymphs kept in the laboratory without food was decreased in infected individuals compared with uninfected ones, but not significantly so.
4. The evolutionary and ecological implications of nonlethal parasites are discussed.  相似文献   
Thorough examinations of purported cases of reproductive character displacement are critical for reaching an understanding of the role of reinforcement in the evolution of reproductive barriers between closely related species. In this paper, we report the results of an extensive investigation of male calling song variation in the ground crickets, Allonemobius fasciatus and A. socius. Contrary to the results of an earlier study, we uncovered little evidence of displacement of songs in areas of overlap. We discuss explanations for the lack of displacement as well as for the discrepancies between the results of the current study and those of the earlier study.  相似文献   
Manipulation of ejaculates is believed to be an important avenue of female choice throughout the animal kingdom, but evidence of its importance to sexual selection remains scarce. In crickets, such manipulation is manifest in the premature removal of the externally attached spermatophore, which may afford females an important means of postcopulatory mate choice. We tested the hypothesis that premature spermatophore removal contributes significantly to intraspecific variation in sperm precedence by (1) experimentally manipulating spermatophore attachment durations of competing male Gryllodes sigillatus and (2) employing protein electrophoresis to determine the paternity of doubly mated females. The relative spermatophore attachment durations of competing males had a significant influence on male paternity, but the pattern of sperm precedence deviated significantly from the predictions of an ideal lottery. Instead, paternity data and morphological evidence accorded best with a model of partial sperm displacement derived here. Our model is similar to a displacement model of Parker et al. in that sperm of the second male mixes instantaneously with that of the first throughout the displacement process, but the novel feature of our model is that the number of sperm displaced is only a fraction of the number of sperm transferred by the second male. Regardless of the underlying mechanism, female G. sigillatus can clearly alter the paternity of their offspring through their spermatophore-removal behavior, and employ such cryptic choice in favoring larger males and those providing larger courtship food gifts. We discuss how female control of sperm transfer and intraspecific variation in sperm precedence may be important precursors to the evolution of gift giving in insects.  相似文献   
A native nitrogen-fixing shrub facilitates weed invasion   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
Invasions by exotic weedy plants frequently occur in highly disturbed or otherwise anthropogenically altered habitats. Here we present evidence that, within California coastal prairie, invasion also can be facilitated by a native nitrogen-fixing shrub, bush lupine (Lupinus arboreus). Bush lupines fix nitrogen and grow rapidly, fertilizing the sandy soil with nitrogen-rich litter. The dense lupine canopy blocks light, restricting vegetative growth under bushes. Heavy insect herbivory kills lupines, opening exposed nitrogen-rich sites within the plant community. Eventual re-establishment of lupine occurs because of an abundant and long-lived seed bank. Lupine germination, rapid growth, shading and fertilization of sites, and then death after only a few years, results in a mosaic of nutrient-rich sites that are available to invading species. To determine the role of bush lupine death and nitrogen enrichment in community composition, we examined nutrient dynamics and plant community characteristics within a site only recently colonized by lupine, comparing patches where lupines had recently died or were experimentally killed with adjacent areas lacking lupine. In experimentally killed patches, instantaneous pool sizes of exchangeable ammonium and nitrate nitrogen were higher than in adjacent sites free of lupine. Seedlings of the introduced grass Bromus diandrus accumulated 48% greater root biomass and 93% more shoot biomass when grown in a greenhouse in soil collected under experimentally killed lupines compared to B. diandrus seedlings grown in soil collected at least 1 m away from lupines. At the end of the spring growing season, total above-ground live plant biomass was more than twice as great in dead lupine patches as in the adjacent lupine-free grassland, but dead lupine patches contained 47% fewer plant species and 57% fewer native species. Sites where lupines have repeatedly died and reestablished during recent decades support an interstitial grassland community high in productivity but low in diversity, composed of mostly weedy introduced annual plants. In contrast, at a site only recently colonized by bush lupines, the interstitial grassland consists of a less productive but more diverse set of native and introduced species. We suggest that repeated bouts of lupine germination, establishment, and death can convert a rich native plant community into a less diverse collection of introduced weeds.  相似文献   
Abstract. Woody biomass production in natural forests of arid and semi-arid regions is low. The fuelwood demand of settlements often exceeds the sustained yield and regeneration capacity of natural forests, which results in deforestation. Regeneration and woody biomass development was studied in cleared Acacia zanzibarica bushland in Bura, eastern Kenya. The area was cleared in 1982 and studied in 1988. The site had been colonized primarily by Acacia zanzibarica and A. reficiens. Mean density was 1333 trees/ha, mean total woody biomass (dry weight) 1954 kg/ha, equal to 2.53 m3/ha. Mean annual increment was 293 kg/ha, or 0.3 8m3/ha. Expressed as rain use efficiency, the natural dry matter productivity of the woody component equals 0.83 kg ha-1 yr-1 mm-1. The regeneration potential and some management implications are discussed.  相似文献   
Tethered, flying crickets perform stereotyped steering movements when stimulated with sound. Electrophysiological recordings show that identifiable motoneurones respond to acoustic stimulation in a manner which reflects the phonotactic behaviour of the intact cricket. Both steering behaviour and its neural correlates reflect the fine temporal structure of the acoustic stimulus. Decapitation of the cricket eliminates steering movements in response to sound.  相似文献   
The trade‐off between the allocation of resources toward somatic maintenance or reproduction is one of the fundamentals of life history theory and predicts that females invest in offspring at the expense of their longevity or vice versa. Mate quality may also affect life history trade‐offs through mechanisms of sexual conflict; however, few studies have examined the interaction between mate quality and age at first mating in reproductive decisions. Using house crickets (Acheta domesticus), this study examines how survival and reproductive trade‐offs change based on females’ age at first reproduction and exposure to males of varying size. Females were exposed to either a large (presumably high‐quality) or small male at an early (young), middle (intermediate), or advanced (old) age, and longevity and reproductive investment were subsequently tracked. Females mated at a young age had the largest number of eggs but the shortest total lifespans while females mated at older ages produced fewer eggs but had longer total lifespans. The trade‐off between age at first mating and eggs laid appears to be mediated through higher egg‐laying rates and shorter postmating lifespans in females mated later in life. Exposure to small males resulted in shorter lifespans and higher egg‐laying rates for all females indicating that male manipulation of females, presumably through spermatophore contents, varies with male size in this species. Together, these data strongly support a trade‐off between age at first reproduction and lifespan and support the role of sexual conflict in shaping patterns of reproduction.  相似文献   
Two closely related field crickets, Gryllus firmus and G. pennsylvanicus, hybridize along an extensive north-south zone in the eastern United States. Crosses between G. firmus males and G. pennsylvanicus females produce viable and fertile F1, but the reciprocal cross consistently fails to produce offspring. Wolbachia, a bacterial parasite of arthropods that causes unidirectional incompatibilities in a variety of insect species, has been suggested as the cause of the observed incompatibility between G. pennsylvanicus and G. firmus. We examine the presence/absence of Wolbachia strains, defined by sequencing the ftsZ gene, in four cricket populations from the north-eastern United States. Most G. firmus individuals are infected (100% in Guilford, Connecticut; 65% in Seaside Park, New Jersey) and > 95% of those infected harbour a single strain of Wolbachia. All individuals in G. pennsylvanicus populations (Ithaca, New York; Sharon, Connecticut) are infected; the majority of individuals carry a second strain of Wolbachia, but a significant fraction carry the same strain found commonly in G. firmus. The presence of an apparently identical Wolbachia strain in crickets of both species means that some crosses between G. pennsylvanicus males and G. firmus females should be compatible. We have no evidence of such compatibility. Furthermore, if Wolbachia infections are responsible for the observed incompatibility between species, then incompatibilities must also exist within G. pennsylvanicus, because this species harbours both Wolbachia strains. Although some single pair crosses within G. pennsylvanicus do fail to produce offspring, the proportion is lower than expected if Wolbachia were responsible. Therefore, Wolbachia is unlikely to be involved in reproductive isolation between the two cricket species.  相似文献   
Abstract 1. Habitat fragmentation is considered one of the major threats to invertebrate diversity in semi‐natural grassland. However, the effects of habitat fragmentation through mowing on the rich insect fauna of these grasslands have not been sufficiently investigated and experiments are especially rare. 2. We studied the impact of small‐scale grassland fragmentation on orthopterans over 7 years in an experiment which allowed us to additionally investigate the effect of frequent mowing on Orthoptera communities. 3. Overall, Orthoptera density and species richness increased over time. This was likely a result of increased small‐scale habitat heterogeneity and the provision of a short‐turf habitat suitable for xerophilous species. The fragmentation affected orthopteran density and species composition but not species richness whose response lagged behind the changes in abundance. 4. Responses differed between suborders. Ensifera density was higher in fragment than in control plots. Caelifera density did not differ between fragment and control plots. The mown matrix was an unsuitable habitat for most of the species, particularly within the Ensifera. 5. Our experiment shows that even small‐scale fragmentation can affect Orthopteran communities and that the effects became more pronounced over time. As the mown matrix was unsuitable for many Ensifera species, they may go locally extinct when large areas are mown simultaneously.  相似文献   
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