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Summary Rainbow trout swimbladder epithelium consists of non-ciliated and ciliated cells in the ratio of greater than 21. Non-ciliated cells contain vesicles filled with a mucus-like material and similar material is found lining the surface of the swimbladder lumen. Morphological evidence for discharge of the vesicle contents was obtained. In addition, nonciliated cells contain osmiophilic lamellar bodies which resemble the cytosomes of lung alveolar cells of air-breathing vertebrates. The non-ciliated cells do not appear to be involved in a process of active gas secretion.Supported by a research grant from the American Cancer Society, Oregon Division, Inc.  相似文献   
  1. In order to get the knowledge on the age composition of “isaza” population in Lake Biwa and the effect of population density on growth, monthly distribution of mean body length and mean body weight has been analyzed on the basis of monthly haul by “isazabiki” trawl during 1949 to 1953 and also 1960 to 1965.
  2. There is no apparent sex difference in the growth in the first and second years of life.
  3. “Isaza” population is composed of two age groups, age 0 and 1 groups (1+fish), the latter occupying by far the greater part in commercial catch.
  4. During the growth season fishes of both ages feed mainly on zooplankton, though in winter frequently take chironomid larvae, gammaridae and others in volume.
  5. The growth season falls in the period from April to October in both age groups.
  6. A considerable yearly variation occurring in growth is in close connection with the fluctuation of population density of all ages.
  7. The influence affected by the density of age 1 group is larger than that by age 0 group.
Summary Na+, K+ exchanges were studied in isolated hepatocytes of the rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri. Ouabain at 10–4 M produced maximal inhibition (95%) of K+ uptake and enhanced intracellular Na+ accumulation, showing that active fluxes account for a very large proportion of Na+ and K+ exchanges. Inhibition of the Na–K pump by ouabain was significant at low concentrations (10–8 M). When external K+ concentration was reduced from 7 mM to 0.5 mM, half maximum inhibition (IC50) of K+ uptake was obtained at a 22-fold lower concentration of ouabain confirming that ouabain and potassium compete at the same pump site. Time-course analysis of [3H]ouabain binding indicated a two-component kinetics: one component saturable and dependent on K+ concentration in the medium, the other linear and independent of external K+. The ouabain binding site number, determined by Scatchard plots, remained constant (ca. 2.5·105 per cell) and independent of the external K+ concentration (7, 0.5 or 0 mM), while the dissociation constant (KD) decreased from 4.2 M to 7.3 nM when K+ was removed from the Hank's medium. These ouabain binding sites are characterized by an exceptionally low turnover rate (400 min–1), as estimated from ouabain-sensitive K+ flux, in comparison to those described in other cell types of higher vertebrates. At each external K+ concentration studied, the inhibition of K+ uptake and ouabain binding measured as a function of ouabain concentration indicated a strict correlation between the degree of K pump inhibition and the amount of bound glycoside.  相似文献   
Spatial distribution pattern of the brown planthopper (BPH) was analyzed at 9 experimental fields in the northern part of West Java during two consecutive rice cropping seasons, i.e., wet and dry seasons. The population of each developmental stage and wing form of BPH at each location showed consistent departure from the random (Poisson) distribution, the variances of the densities in most cases exceeding their means. Namely, the distribution pattern of BPH per hill of rice plant was found to have a general tendency to be aggregated or contagious and to fit fairly well to the negative binomial model. The tendency for aggregation was further confirmed by both the β-values of -m regression being larger than unity and the CA-values being larger than zero for each developmental stage. Although significant variations in the distribution pattern as measured by β- or CA-value were observed between different developmental stages, between wing forms and among locations, the degree of aggregation for a given developmental stage at each experimental field remained fairly stable throughout the crop period, despite wide temporal changes in population density. Possible factors to explain these characteristics of the spatial distribution pattern of the BPH in West Java were discussed with reference to the process generating it.  相似文献   
Agonistic behaviour was studied in three groups each of free-ranging and semi-free-ranging brown lemurs (Eulemur fulvus) at Berenty, Madagascar and the Duke University Primate Center (DUPC) respectively. The purpose of the study was to answer questions arising from the work of other researchers regarding the frequency and intensity of agonism in this species. Authors of field studies generally concluded that agonism was rare and mild, whereas those who had studied semi-free-ranging or captive animals at the DUPC reported intense agonism during the peaks of the mating and birth seasons, with sometimes fatal wounding occurring among captive animals. I recorded 30 agonistic behaviours or “signals” which I grouped into seven general categories — cuffs, other physical contact, threats, chases, third party intervention, unprovoked submissive signals, and reciprocal aggression. The seven categories represent the types of signals which initiated or otherwise defined agonistic interactions, regardless of whether or not there was a submissive response to aggression. The relative percentages of all agonism constituted by the seven categories were not found to be significantly different between study sites. Agonistic signals were also classified as either subtle or obvious, a classification which crosscut the seven categories. At both study sites, the majority of agonistic signals initiating or defining interactions were subtle. Rates of agonism for the Berenty groups, studied during the birth season only, were significantly lower than those for the DUPC groups during the birth season, possibly due to (1) easier observation conditions at the DUPC, and (2) the impossibility of successful emigration at the DUPC, which might have resulted in social stresses translating into higher rates of agonism. In only one DUPC group was there significant variation in rates of agonism between seasons. I found agonistic behaviour to be mild, at both study sites, in the senses of subtlety of both aggressive and submissive signals, unlikelihood of response to aggression, and virtual absence of wounding; and I noted that serious wounding during other studies at the DUPC involved animals captive in caged runs. Comparing rates of the study groups with rates reported in other research for brown lemurs, other lemuriform species, and some New and Old World anthropoid species, I concluded thatE. fulvus agonism was in fact not rare except in comparison to baboons and macaques.  相似文献   
The influence of acute temperature change and temperature acclimation on the sensitivity of contracture development to ryanodine were examined in the rainbow trout myocardium using two preparations: in vitro isolated ventricular strips and in situ working perfused hearts. Ryanodine effects in vitro were dependent on test temperature (8 and 18 °C), pacing frequency (0.2–1.5 Hz) and acclimation temperature (8 and 18 °C). At a pacing frequency of 0.2 Hz and a test temperature of 18 °C, ryanodine depressed isometric tension development in ventricular strips both from trout acclimated to 8 and 18 °C but the decrease was significantly greater in strips from 8 °C-acclimated trout. No ryanodine effect was observed in either acclimation group at a test temperature of 8°C. The effect of ryanodine in vitro was reduced or lost at pacing frequencies greater than 0.2 Hz and at 0.6 Hz ryanodine depressed tension development at 18 °C only in strips from 8 °C-acclimated trout. Ryanodine did not affect tension development at stimulation rates above 0.6 Hz in any test group. Likewise, ryanodine did not significantly impair cardiac performance of in situ working perfused heart preparations which operated at intrinsic beat frequencies in excess of 0.6 Hz. These results suggest that the sarcoplamic reticulum calcium release channel of the trout myocardium is expressed but is not functionally involved in beat-to-beat regulation of contractility at either (1) low temperature (8 °C), or (2) at routine physiological heart rate (>0.6 Hz). However, under conditions in which involvement of the sarcoplasmic reticulum is observed (18 °C and a heart rate < 0.6 Hz), prior acclimation to low temperature results in either a greater capacity of the sarcoplasmic reticulum to store releasable calcium or an increase in the amount of calcium that is in releasable form.Abbreviations bm body mass - E-C coupling, excitation-contraction coupling - IVS isometric ventricular strip - SR sarcoplasmic reticulum - TES N-tris[hydroxy-methyl]methyl-2-aminoethane sulfonic acid - WPH in situ working perfused heart  相似文献   
Glucose metabolism in peripheral blood lymphocytes from the brown trout Salmo trutta has been studied. Glucose is taken up by means of a sodium-independent saturable process (K m=10.8 mmol·l-1), as well as by simple diffusion. Once within the cell, most of glucose is directed to lactate production through either the Embden-Meyerhof pathway or the hexose-monophosphate shunt. Rates of lactate formation are higher than rates of CO2 formation. Glutamine does not exert an effect on either glucose uptake or glucose metabolism. The present study provides information regarding the nature of energy sources for different cell types in salmonids.Abbreviations 3-OMG 3-O-methyl glucose - EM Embden-Meyerhoff pathway - G6D glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase - HK hexokinase - HMS hexose monophosphate shunt - ICDH isocitrate dehydrogenase - K m apparent Michaelis constant - LDH lactate dehydrogenase - MCB modified Cortland buffer - PBL peripheral blood lymphocytes - PFK fructose-6-phosphate kinase - PK pyruvate kinase - RBC red blood cells - V max maximal rate of uptake  相似文献   
本研究从日本落叶松引种区林地棕壤9个主要理化性状及与之配套的17株优势木材料入手,采用多变量分析方法筛选出影响该地区日本落叶松生长的主要肥力因子为氮及磷,並据此将该林地棕壤划分为9个肥力类型。在进行聚类分析时,本研究的创新在于以任意二样本点在各主成份上的坐标值为变量,以各主成份的贡献率为权重,重新定义欧氏距离公式,对主成份坐标值聚类,使其更为合理、直观。同时采用回归分析拟合出理化性状间的多个回归方程。此研究为该林地科学施肥、速生丰产、永续利用提供了可靠的数量依据。  相似文献   
The Light mutation (Blt) is a dominant allele of the b-locus on mouse chromosome 4 which causes progressive dilution of coat colour. Melanocytes within the hair follicles of mutant mice develop normally but later degenerate, due to the accumulation of a toxic product, so that the hair becomes lighter with age. Previous studies on W-locus spotting mutants, from which melanocytes are absent, have shown that melanocytes in the stria vascularis of the inner ear are essential for the development and/or maintenance of the endocochlear potential (EP) which is normally around 100 mV. In this study, physiological recordings from the ears of Light mutants were correlated with strial ultrastructure. EPs recorded from all b/b controls and young homozygous and heterozygous mutants (20–22 days old) were normal (77 to 113 mV), but were reduced (19 to 59 mV) in about 30% of ears from older mutants (Blt/Blt and Blt/b). Strial function therefore appears to develop normally but later degenerates in some mutants. This suggests that strial melanocytes are affected by the Light allele and that the continued presence of melanocytes is necessary for strial function. There was no obvious association between the recorded EP value and the ultrastructural appearance of the stria. No structural abnormalities of the stria were noted in control or mutant mice aged 20 days to 4 months including those which had a reduced EP. Strial atrophy was common in old controls and mutants (1–2 years), and appeared to be an age-related process rather than an effect of the Light mutation. Similarly, pigment build-up was common in all strial cells of old mice. However, the accumulations of lipofuscin-like pigment were much larger and more abundant in aged brown non-agouti mice than those observed in old agouti mice, which suggests that this age-related process also has a genetic component.  相似文献   
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