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The arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbiosis is widespread throughout the plant kingdom and important for plant nutrition and ecosystem functioning. Nonetheless, most terrestrial ecosystems also contain a considerable number of non‐mycorrhizal plants. The interaction of such non‐host plants with AM fungi (AMF) is still poorly understood. Here, in three complementary experiments, we investigated whether the non‐mycorrhizal plant Arabidopsis thaliana, the model organism for plant molecular biology and genetics, interacts with AMF. We grew A. thaliana alone or together with a mycorrhizal host species (either Trifolium pratense or Lolium multiflorum) in the presence or absence of the AMF Rhizophagus irregularis. Plants were grown in a dual‐compartment system with a hyphal mesh separating roots of A. thaliana from roots of the host species, avoiding direct root competition. The host plants in the system ensured the presence of an active AM fungal network. AM fungal networks caused growth depressions in A. thaliana of more than 50% which were not observed in the absence of host plants. Microscopy analyses revealed that R. irregularis supported by a host plant was capable of infecting A. thaliana root tissues (up to 43% of root length colonized), but no arbuscules were observed. The results reveal high susceptibility of A. thaliana to R. irregularis, suggesting that A. thaliana is a suitable model plant to study non‐host/AMF interactions and the biological basis of AM incompatibility.  相似文献   
Two new species of brown algae (Phaeophyceae), Padina moffittiana Abbott et Huisman, sp. nov. and Cutleria irregularis Abbott et Huisman, sp. nov., are described from the Hawaiian Islands (between 19°04′N, 155°35′W and 28°25′N, 178°20′W). In addition, the new combination Cutleria canariensis is proposed for Aglaozonia canariensis. New observations are presented on Nereia intricata Yamada, a species described 67 years ago and known only from its type specimen. New records of a further 14 species are given for the Hawaiian Islands. These 17 taxa bring the total number of species of brown algae recorded for the Hawaiian Islands to 55, an increase of 28%. Of the 15 new records, two are recent ‘accidental’ introductions: Dictyota flabellata (Collins) Setchell et Gardner and Sargassum muticum (Yendo) Fensholt from California. Six records are notable because of their great distances from previously known collections: Nereia intricata Yamada from the Ryukyu Is., Japan; Discosporangium mesarthrocarpum (Meneghini) Hauck, from the Adriatic, Mediterranean, warm Atlantic and southern Australia; Distromium flabellatum Womersley, Spatoglossum macrodontum J. Agardh, and Sporochnus moorei Harvey, from Australia; Desmarestia ligulata (Lightfoot) Lamouroux from temperate and colder waters in the Pacific and Atlantic. A comparison with some Japanese species of Padina confirms that Padina japonica Yamada should be subsumed with Padina sanctae‐crucis Børgesen, as proposed earlier.  相似文献   
链霉菌属“Setae”种群原为北里孢菌属Kitasatosporia (Omura,1982)。1992年,Wellington根据16S rRNA序列分析结果将其并入链霉菌属,并建立“Setae”种群。通过对保藏的链霉菌AS 4.693、AS 4.702进行的形态学、细胞化学、分子遗传分类研究结果表明,它们与链霉菌属“Setae”种群中的典型种——西唐链霉菌Streptomyces setae(JCM3304’)具有相似性。它们的rDNA相似性高达100%,证明它们应归属于同一种群。AS.4.693定名为西唐链霉菌不规则新亚种Streptomyces setae subsp.irregularis nov.,AS 4.702定名为西唐链霉菌波曲弗氏新亚种Streptomyces setae subsp.flexuofradiae nov.。  相似文献   
In vivo redox activities in the apoplast of axenically cultured intact seedling roots (superoxide anion generation, and superoxide dismutase and peroxidase activities) in contact with the compatible arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (AMF) were clearly attenuated in comparison with those in contact with the pathogenic fungus (PF) or treated with MeJA, even at the early stages of treatment. Contact of roots with the AMF did not enhance the biosynthesis of phenolic compounds (total phenolics, flavonoids, and phenylpropanoid glycosides), while contact with the PF significantly enhanced the biosynthesis of all phenolic fractions. Reactive oxygen and nitrogen species both seemed to be involved in these responses from the first moments of contact, but the fluorescence imaging of roots showed that ROS were mainly accumulated in the apoplast while NO was mainly stored in the cytosol. In conclusion, intact olive seedling roots clearly differentiated between AMF and PF.  相似文献   
Marine substrata possess cues that influence the behavior of fouling organisms. Initial adhesion of fouling algal zoospores to surfaces is also theorized to depend primarily upon interactions between substrata and spore cell bodies and flagellar membranes. In an effort to identify cues and surface characteristics that influence spore settlement and early development, the effects of bioactive echinoderm extracts, surface charge, and surface hydrophobicity were examined individually and in tandem on zoospore settlement and germination in Hincksia irregularis. Experiments utilizing 96-well plastic culture plates confirmed that spore settlement and germination were significantly affected by surface charge and hydrophobicity as well as by echinoderm metabolites, both individually and in tandem. Spore settlement rates in the dark over 30?min were >?400% higher on hydrophobic surfaces than on positively and negatively charged surfaces. Spore germling numbers were >?300% higher on hydrophobic surfaces than on positively and negatively charged surfaces when spores were allowed to settle in the light for 30?min and the settled spores allowed to subsequently germinate for 24?h. Spore germling numbers were consistently >?25% higher on hydrophobic surfaces than on positively and negatively charged surfaces when equal numbers of spores were allowed to completely settle in the light and subsequently germinate for 24?h. H. irregularis germ tube lengths were also significantly longer on positively charged plates than on negatively charged plates. All echinoderm extracts tested had significant effects on germination and settlement at levels below those of estimated ecological concentrations. Short-term (30?min) exposure and subsequent germination experiments indicated that higher concentrations of extracts had rapid toxic effects on algal spores. Synchronous effects of echinoderm extracts and plate charge upon spore settlement varied considerably and did not show a strong dose response relationship. Long-term (24?h) exposure of spores to echinoderm extracts had dosage dependent effects on germination and spore survival. The results of this study indicate that H. irregularis spores possess the capacity for complex responses to their environment, utilizing combined cues of surface charge, surface energy and biochemistry to determine where to settle and germinate. These responses may aid spores in the detection of suitable substrata and conditions for settlement in the marine environment.  相似文献   
The persistence of an invasive species is influenced by its reproductive ecology, and a successful control program must operate on this premise. However, the reproductive ecology of invasive species may be enigmatic due to factors that also limit their management, such as cryptic coloration and behavior. We explored the mating and reproductive ecology of the invasive Brown Treesnake (BTS: Boiga irregularis) by reconstructing a multigenerational genomic pedigree based on 654 single nucleotide polymorphisms for a geographically closed population established in 2004 on Guam (N = 426). The pedigree allowed annual estimates of individual mating and reproductive success to be inferred for snakes in the study population over a 14‐year period. We then employed generalized linear mixed models to gauge how well phenotypic and genomic data could predict sex‐specific annual mating and reproductive success. Average snout–vent length (SVL), average body condition index (BCI), and trappability were significantly related to annual mating success for males, with average SVL also related to annual mating success for females. Male and female annual reproductive success was positively affected by SVL, BCI, and trappability. Surprisingly, the degree to which individuals were inbred had no effect on annual mating or reproductive success. When juxtaposed with current control methods, these results indicate that baited traps, a common interdiction tool, may target fecund BTS in some regards but not others. Our study emphasizes the importance of reproductive ecology as a focus for improving BTS control and promotes genomic pedigree reconstruction for such an endeavor in this invasive species and others.  相似文献   
Interaction of plant roots with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) is a complex trait resulting in cooperative interactions among the two symbionts including bidirectional exchange of resources. To study arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis (AMS) trait variation in the model plant Lotus japonicus, we performed an integrated multi‐omics analysis with a focus on plant and fungal phospholipid (PL) metabolism and biological significance of lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC). Our results support the role of LPC as a bioactive compound eliciting cellular and molecular response mechanisms in Lotus. Evidence is provided for large interspecific chemical diversity of LPC species among mycorrhizae with related AMF species. Lipid, gene expression and elemental profiling emphasize the Lotus–Glomus intraradices interaction as distinct from other arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) interactions. In G. intraradices, genes involved in fatty acid (FA) elongation and biosynthesis of unsaturated FAs were enhanced, while in Lotus, FA synthesis genes were up‐regulated during AMS. Furthermore, FAS protein localization to mitochondria suggests FA biosynthesis and elongation may also occur in AMF. Our results suggest the existence of interspecific partitioning of PL resources for generation of LPC and novel candidate bioactive PLs in the Lotus–G. intraradices symbiosis. Moreover, the data advocate research with phylogenetically diverse Glomeromycota species for a broader understanding of the molecular underpinnings of AMS.  相似文献   
From a management perspective, reptiles are relatively novel invasive taxa. Few methods for reptile control have been developed and very little is known about their effectiveness for reducing reptile populations, particularly when the goal is eradication. Many reptiles, and especially snakes, are cryptic, secretive, and undergo extended periods of inactivity, traits that decrease detection probabilities and create challenges in estimating population size or evaluating management effects. The brown treesnake (Boiga irregularis) is a notorious invasive species that continues to cause major ecological and economic harm following their introduction to the island of Guam after World War II. They have been the subject of intensive research on the effectiveness of various techniques to control snakes, including the first ever aerial system for the distribution of toxic acetaminophen baits for reptile control. We provide a cohort-based life table for a cryptic and invasive reptile undergoing extended population control using toxic baits from March 2017–2020. We also evaluated the effects of single (toxic bait) versus multi-tool (toxic bait and live trapping) management efforts on population trajectories, and estimated which population vital rates are most important for influencing population growth or decline in a treated landscape. Treatment of the population with acetaminophen-laced baits resulted in an immediate reduction followed by a gradual population decline that suggested that eradication was the probable outcome given sufficient treatment time but that the period of treatment was decades in magnitude. Inclusion of live trapping reduced the predicted time required to achieve eradication by more than half. Preventing the transition of 1,000-mm snout-vent length (SVL) females to larger sizes was predicted to have the greatest effect on population reduction based on integral projection modeling. Our results suggest that toxic baits are capable of eradicating brown treesnakes in an enclosure, although inclusion of trapping reduced overall treatment time required. Tools that effectively target females >1,000 mm SVL may have the greatest effect on reducing overall treatment timelines.  相似文献   
Aerially delivered toxic baits have proven effective for landscape-level control of numerous invasive vertebrate populations with major benefits for conservation and ecosystem function, but this technique has not been broadly adapted for control of invasive reptiles. Nonnative brown treesnakes (Boiga irregularis) on the Pacific island of Guam have caused severe ecological and economic damage and pose an invasion risk on other islands, making them a high-profile candidate for application of aerial baiting methods. Although terrestrial applications of traps, toxicants, and hand-removal are standard brown treesnake management practices, these methods are not cost-effective for control in the island's large tracts of remote, rugged forest. In 2016, the first major in situ evaluation of a helicopter-borne automated aerial bait delivery system applied snake-targeted toxic baits at an effective rate of approximately 120 baits/ha over a 110-ha forested test plot on Guam. We evaluated the extent and duration of the suppressive effect of this toxic bait application on brown treesnakes by measuring nontoxic bait take rates as a proxy index of relative snake abundance before and after toxic bait application in a treatment plot and surrounding reference area. We placed 4,420 nontoxic baits in random transects at georeferenced locations, from 1 month before until nearly 12 months after toxic bait application, allowing temporal analysis of the suppressive effect and spatial analysis of treatment plot reinvasion. Over the first 30 days after toxic bait application, average nontoxic bait take rate in the treatment plot was 41.2% lower than the pre-application rate, and there was no immediate decrease in bait take in the reference area. Reduced snake activity was still evident nearly 12 months after bait application. Roads forming a portion of the treatment boundary appeared to slow snake movement between treated area and surrounding untreated area. Trail cameras monitoring a subset of bait tubes showed that 97.5% of baits removed were taken by snakes rather than nontarget species. We indexed rodent abundance in the treatment plot and reference area, and found no indication of a rodent population increase following toxic bait application. Our results show that automated aerial bait applications can suppress brown treesnake abundance over a large area and that reinvasion from surrounding untreated habitat occurs over several months. We anticipate that repeated bait applications could achieve and maintain greatly reduced brown treesnake abundance on a landscape scale, potentially improving biosecurity and enabling experimental reintroduction of native birds extirpated by brown treesnake predation. Published 2019. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA. The Journal of Wildlife Management published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
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