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The center of diversity of the genus Musa (Musaceae) is in Southeast Asia, a region not studied in detail and where new species and varieties continue to be reported. A new wild banana species, M. chunii Hakki-nen from Yunnan, China is described and illustrated based on observed morphological characteristics in the field. This extremely rare new species was only found in Tongbiguan Nature Reserve, Dehong District, West Yunnan. A key to M. chunii and related taxa is provided. In addition, critical notes regarding M. rubra Kurz identity are given.  相似文献   
较系统地研究了鼎湖山黄果厚壳桂(Cryptocaryaconcinna)-鼎湖钓樟(Linderachunii)群落植物主要营养元素(P、K、Ca、Mg)的分配和生物循环特征。营养元素含量随群落层次、组分(器官)和元素不同而异。群落植物营养元素贮量为(kghm-2):P61.253,K928.764,Ca1212.771和Mg79.349。各元素贮量在不同层次中的大小分布序列为:乔木(94.3%-97.8%)>藤本(1.3%-4.1%)>灌木(0.8%-1.4%)>草本(0.05%-0.15%)。在乔木层,元素贮量则主要分布在树干和树枝两组分(38.6%-61.7%)。各元素在植物组分中的贮量序列为:Ca>K>Mg>P(根、干和皮)和K>Ca>Mg>P(其余器官)。群落植物营养元素年积累量为(kghm-2):P2.677,K41.550,Ca63.309和Mg3.693,其在群落植物中的分配格局与贮量的相类似。群落植物营养元素利用系数为:P0.18,K0.11,Ca0.09和Mg0.28;循环系数:P0.76,K0.61,Ca0.41和Mg0.84;周转期(a):P7.36,K15.12,Ca28.05和Mg4.30。  相似文献   
张永田  李秉滔   《广西植物》1988,(1):53-55
<正> 灌木,高1—2米。当年生小枝、叶柄和花梗被细毛,老枝有时有木栓质增厚的棱,无毛。叶纸质,倒卵状椭圆形至倒卵形,长2—4.5厘米,宽1.5—2.5厘米,顶端钝、近圆形、微短尖或稀微凹,基部阔楔形至近圆形,边全缘或微背卷,两面无毛,背面灰棕色,侧脉每边3—5条,近边缘处分叉成网状消失;叶柄长2—6毫米。雄花未见,雌花1—4朵从新枝顶端或近顶端叶腋生出,花梗长约5毫米;萼片5片,卵状三角形,长约1.5毫米,被疏柔毛;子房被疏长柔毛,后无毛,3室,每室有1胚珠,花柱3枚,基部短短地合生,上部  相似文献   
鼎湖山某些植物群落根系生物量及其氮素动态   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
 本文用挖土柱及埋土柱法测定了鼎湖山生物圈保护区季风常绿阔叶林,黄果厚壳桂、鼎湖钓樟群落的根系生物量和年生长量。用自动离子分析仪分析了根的含氮量并研究了根系的氮素动态。结果表明,根系生物量(t/ha)为35.43,其中活根26.63,死根8.8;根的生长量(kg/ha·a)是3.74。根库贮氮量(kg/ha)为279.23,其中活根库为202.25,死根库为76.98;每年新生根系积累的氮素为57.55kg/ha。每年新生根系生产量及其氮素积累量占整个根库生物量及其氮素贮量的百分率分别为10.6及20.6,根库年生长量及其氮素积累的比率均较高,群落正处在生长发育盛期。  相似文献   
The center of diversity of the genus Musa (Musaceae) is in Southeast Asia, a region not studied in detail and where new species and varieties continue to be reported. A new wild banana species, M. chunii Häkkinen from Yunnan, China is described and illustrated based on observed morphological characteristics in the field. This extremely rare new species was only found in Tongbiguan Nature Reserve, Dehong District, West Yunnan. A key to M. chunii and related taxa is provided. In addition, critical notes regarding M. rubra Kurz identity are given.  相似文献   
The center of diversity of the genus Musa (Musaceae) is in Southeast Asia, a region not studied in detail and where new species and varieties continue to be reported. A new wild banana species, M. chunii Hakkinen from Yunnan, China is described and illustrated based on observed morphological characteristics in the field. This extremely rare new species was only found in Tongbiguan Nature Reserve, Dehong District, West Yunnan. A key to M. chunii and related taxa is provided. In addition, critical notes regarding M. rubra Kurz identity are given.  相似文献   
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