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ABSTRACT.   Territorial songbirds generally use song to defend territories and attract mates, but conspecific song may also serve as a cue to attract other male songbirds to a breeding site. Although known to occur in some colonial and forest-associated species, only recently have investigators examined conspecific attraction in grassland species. We used a playback experiment to examine the possible role of conspecific attraction for males searching for potentially suitable breeding habitat in a grassland specialist, the Baird's Sparrow ( Ammodramus bairdii ). Experimental playback plots and control plots with similar landscape and vegetation characteristics were established at two sites in North Dakota. Baird's Sparrows colonized three of six experimental plots and none of six control plots. Males on experimental plots established territories adjacent to the playback stations and were sometimes observed counter-singing with the playback of conspecific songs. Vegetation characteristics were similar on all study plots, and did not explain differences in bird density on our treatment plots. Although we found that playback of conspecific songs attracted male Baird's Sparrows to previously unoccupied, potentially suitable habitat, further experiments are needed to examine the importance of conspecific attraction relative to other cues that birds may use, such as vegetation features. The conservation and management implications of conspecific attraction are not completely understood, but the presence of conspecifics should be considered as a potential cue in habitat selection by all species of birds.  相似文献   
The social structure of Baird's beaked whales is completely unstudied, and it is unknown if either females or males form long‐term social associations or occur in stable groups. In this paper we summarize our observations of individually identified animals over the span of 6 yr to provide insight on their long‐term social structure. We have identified 122 whales, with 28 of them encountered three times or more and thus included in the analysis of social structure. We found that the whales exhibited nonrandom patterns of social associations with some individuals preferentially associating with each other. Whales with more scarred skin had higher maximum association coefficients, which indicates that older animals and/or males were more inclined to form stable associations. Cluster analysis with a modularity test for gregariousness divided the whales into four clusters. Whales from the same clusters did not always occur together, but some individuals retained stable associations over several years. The strength of social relationships decayed over periods of months, with between‐year relationships showing little deviation from what would be expected if association was random. Generally these findings do not correspond to a stable society with fixed groups but instead suggest a fission‐fusion society with some stable alliances.  相似文献   
Results from 24 transects showed that tapirs were less abundant in areas with higher human presence. They also preferred less steep areas, especially as browsing sites. An analysis of feces showed that fibers were the largest component (40–55%) followed by leaves (10–30%) and twigs (15%). Bamboo (Chusquea spp.) was found in all samples and probably accounts for the high proportion of fibers. Twenty‐seven plant species were identified to be eaten by tapirs.  相似文献   
Stomach contents were analyzed from 127 Baird's beaked whales, Berardius bairdii , taken in coastal waters of Japan. During late July-August of 1985–1987, 1989, and 1991, 107 samples were collected from off the Pacific coast of Honshu. An additional 20 samples were collected from whales taken in the southern Sea of Okhotsk during late August—September of 1988 and 1989. Prey identification using fish otoliths and cephalopod beaks revealed the whales fed primarily on deep-water gadiform fishes and cephalopods in both regions. Prey species diversity and the percentage of cephalopods and fish differed between the two regions. Off the Pacific coast of Honshu the whales fed primarily on benthopelagic fishes (81.8%) and only 18.0% on cephalopods. Eight species of fish representing two families, the codlings (Moridae) and the grenadiers (Macrouridae), collectively made up 81.3% of rhe rotal. Thirty species of cephalopods representing 14 families made up 12.7%. In the southern Sea of Okhotsk, cephalopods accounted for 87.1% of stomach contents. The families Gonatidae and Cranchiidae were the predominant cephalopod prey, accounting for 86.7% of the diet. Gadiform fish accounted for only 12.9% of the diet. Longfin codling, Laemonema longipes , was the dominant fish prey in both regions. Depth distribution of the two commonly consumed fish off the Pacific coast of Honshu indicate the whales in this region fed primarily at depths ranging from 800 to 1,200 m.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT.   Monitoring bird nests with cameras provides an opportunity to identify the cause of nest failure and record the behavior of individuals. However, leaving an object continuously within sight of a nest could have potential negative effects on nesting success. We compared daily survival rates of nests monitored using cameras and human visitation to nests tracked via human visitation only to test for potential additional effects of camera monitoring on predation rates. From 2006 to 2008, experiments were conducted on Bylot Island (Nunavut) using 80 artificial nests and 53 real nests of Baird's Sandpipers ( Calidris bairdii ) and White-rumped Sandpipers ( Calidris fuscicollis ). Rates of predation on real and artificial nests varied considerably among years. However, survival rates of camera-monitored nests did not differ from those of nests monitored without cameras. Predators of artificial nests included Arctic foxes ( Vulpes lagopus ), Glaucous Gulls ( Larus hyperboreus ), and Long-tailed Jaegers ( Stercorarius longicaudus ), whereas Arctic foxes were responsible for all camera-recorded predation events at real nests. Camera monitoring should be promoted as a viable method for monitoring nests of Arctic shorebirds because our results indicate that placing cameras at nests does not bias estimates of nest survival obtained via nest visits.  相似文献   
Home range size, habitat utilization, and activity patterns of five adult Bairds tapirs (Tapirus bairdii) were studied via radiotelemetry from June 1995 to May 1996 in Corcovado National Park, Costa Rica. Estimates of 4153 animal locations were made. Home range sizes (95% minimum convex polygon) for the entire study period (wet season and dry season) averaged 125.0 ha (SD = 72.7), 94.9 ha (SD = 47.6), and 96.8 ha (SD = 51.2), respectively. Monthly home range sizes averaged 55.5 ha (SD = 32.1) and did not vary between seasons. Across the entire study, secondary forest, the most commonly used habitat type (61.3%) was utilized more than expected as predicted by availability (49.6%), while the second most used habitat, primary forest, was used (25.0%) less than expected (36.2%). The same general habitat selection pattern was observed in the dry season. Wet season habitat utilization values showed tapirs using both primary and secondary forest habitats in proportion to their availability. Diurnal and nocturnal activity levels were estimated at 20.2 and 80.4 percent, respectively. More diurnal and less nocturnal activity was observed during the wet season compared to the dry season.  相似文献   
A morphological comparison of the spermatozoa of the octopods Bathypolypus bairdii and B. sponsalis has been carried out by electron microscopy. Although the mature spermatozoon of B. bairdii is longer and thinner than that of B. sponsalis, its general ultrastructure is similar except for some minor differences. Their characteristic acrosomes, described here for the first time, consist of a periodically banded cone surrounded by a double helix whose arrangement has been defined by a numeric expression. The plasma membrane of sponsalis that surrounds the acrosome has many projections filled with abundant granular cytoplasm, which appears as a star‐shaped acrosome in cross‐section. The mitochondrial sheath contains 9–11 mitochondria in bairdii but only 9 in sponsalis. A comparison with other Octopodidae shows that the nucleus of both species is the largest ever seen. Our results support the capability of sperm morphology to discriminate between species and could even discern at higher taxonomic levels. J. Morphol., 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
中美貘(Tapirus bairdii)又名拜氏貘,隶属于奇蹄目貘科貘属,已被世界自然保护联盟列为濒危动物,现主要分布在墨西哥南部至哥伦比亚和厄瓜多尔的安第斯山以西地区。栖息在茂密的热带雨林中,通常单独或成对活动。白天在林中休息,夜间  相似文献   
《Journal of morphology》2017,278(11):1517-1535
The distal forelimb (autopodium) of quadrupedal mammals is a key morphological unit involved in locomotion, body support, and interaction with the substrate. The manus of the tapir (Perissodactyla: Tapirus ) is unique within modern perissodactyls, as it retains the plesiomorphic tetradactyl (four‐toed) condition also exhibited by basal equids and rhinoceroses. Tapirs are known to exhibit anatomical mesaxonic symmetry in the manus, although interspecific differences and biomechanical mesaxony have yet to be rigorously tested. Here, we investigate variation in the manus morphology of four modern tapir species (Tapirus indicus , Tapirus bairdii , Tapirus pinchaque , and Tapirus terrestris ) using a geometric morphometric approach. Autopodial bones were laser scanned to capture surface shape and morphology was quantified using 3D‐landmark analysis. Landmarks were aligned using Generalised Procrustes Analysis, with discriminant function and partial least square analyses performed on aligned coordinate data to identify features that significantly separate tapir species. Overall, our results support the previously held hypothesis that T. indicus is morphologically separate from neotropical tapirs; however, previous conclusions regarding function from morphological differences are shown to require reassessment. We find evidence indicating that T. bairdii exhibits reduced reliance on the lateral fifth digit compared to other tapirs. Morphometric assessment of the metacarpophalangeal joint and the morphology of the distal facets of the lunate lend evidence toward high loading on the lateral digits of both the large T. indicus (large body mass) and the small, long limbed T. pinchaque (ground impact). Our results support other recent studies on T. pinchaque , suggesting subtle but important adaptations to a compliant but inclined habitat. In conclusion, we demonstrate further evidence that the modern tapir forelimb is a variable locomotor unit with a range of interspecific features tailored to habitual and biomechanical needs of each species.  相似文献   
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