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In this paper, I read Leïla Sebbar’s staging in her novel Shérazade: 17 ans, brune, frisée, les yeux verts of the resistance by children of North African and other immigrants in the early 1980s to the French state’s cartographic modes and documents of control. The paper will consider the many uses to which the map was put by the French state in its colonization of North Africa and particularly Algeria, and later in its attempts to control the banlieues its policies of citizenship and cartographic control yielded on the margins of Paris. In this context, I will explore the ways in which the novel’s characters, living clandestinely in a squatt, simultaneously resist, put to use, and even supercede state documents of control as they disrupt everyday life and conduct heists across the city of Paris. The paper will explore unofficial cartographies of Paris, from those afforded by the radios libres and alternative publications such as Libération and Sans Frontièrez, to oral and almost proverbial networks of knowledge criss-crossing the city of Paris, while also tracing the uses to which supplemental cartographic sketches and counterfeit identity cards are put in the pages of the novel. The paper will be in dialogue with theoretical and critical formulations of space, cartography, and state control put forward by Michel de Certeau, Henri Lefebvre, Michel Foucault, and Tom Conley. The paper will conclude with a consideration of the means and limits of resistance by the novel’s characters in the context of this body of theory and criticism.  相似文献   
We have studied the effects of diethyldithiocarbamate (DDTC) on the biotransformations of toxic doses of tetrachloro (d,l-trans)1,2-diaminocyclohexaneplatinum(IV) (tetraplatin) in Fischer 344 rats. In animals not treated with DDTC, tetraplatin was rapidly converted to dichloro(d,I-trans)1,2-diaminocyclohexaneplatinum(II) [PtCl2(dach]. Subsequent biotransformations included the transient formation of the (d,I-trans)1,2-diaminocyclohexane-aquachloroplatinum(II) [Pt(H2O)(Cl)(dach)]+ complex, followed by formation of the platinum (Pt)-methionine and either Pt-cysteine or Pt-ornithine complexes. Significant amounts of free (d,I-trans) 1,2-diaminocyclohexane (dach) were observed in plasma as a result of intracellular trans-labilization reactions. DDTC caused a marked decrease in both total and protein-bound platinum in the circulation. A significant increase in the plasma concentration of free dach was also observed as a result of formation of the Pt(DDTC)2 complex. Some of the free dach could have arisen from intracellular reactions with DDTC, but the displacement of platinum from plasma proteins was more than sufficient to account for the increase in free dach in the circulation. DDTC treatment also decreased plasma concentrations of tetraplatin, PtCl2(dach), [Pt(H2O)(Cl)(dach)]+, the Pt-methionine complex, and one unidentified biotransformation product, but had no effect on the Pt-cysteine (or Pt-ornithine) complex. These effects of DDTC on protein-bound platinum and low-molecular-weight biotransformation products in plasma may contribute to the decrease in tetraplatin toxicity seen in DDTC-treated rats.  相似文献   
In this study, samples of Wolbachia-infected Aedes aegypti mosquitoes were collected from Al-Safa district in Jeddah city, Saudi Arabia. The presence of Wolbachia bacteria in mosquitoes was confirmed by PCR technique and they were reared and propagated in the laboratory. Comparative studies were conducted between Wolbachia-infected A. Aegypti and the Wolbachia-uninfected laboratory strain in terms of their ability to withstand drought, resist two types of insecticides and the activities of pesticide detoxification enzymes. The Wolbachia-infected A. aegypti strain proved less able to withstand the drought period, as the egg-hatching rate of the Wolbachia-uninfected strain was greater than that of the Wolbachia-infected strain after one, two and three months of dry periods. Compared to the Wolbachia-uninfected strain, the Wolbachia-infected strain demonstrated a relatively greater resistance to tested pesticides, namely Baton 100EC and Fendure 25EC which may be attributed to the higher levels of the detoxification enzymes glutathione-S-transferase and catalase and the lower levels of esterase and acetylcholine esterase.  相似文献   
贾小乐  周源  延建林  魏亿钢 《生态学报》2019,39(17):6487-6499
采用能值理论与分析方法,研究2015年环太湖城市群生态经济系统的能值流量,并构建多维度的生态经济系统指标体系,综合评价环太湖城市群可持续发展程度和健康水平。研究结果表明:(1)可更新资源利用不足,在能值利用总量中占比最大值仅为7.95%;(2)不可更新资源消耗过度,在能值利用总量中占比最小值达到56.95%;(3)(除苏州市外)可更新资源产品中肉类与水产品占比最小值已达63.08%,急需对传统的农业结构进行调整;(4)不可更新资源产品均以水泥和钢铁为主,占比最小值已达88.02%,应该加快传统的工业转型升级;(5)输入能值占比最大值仅为36.27%,商品进出口呈现贸易顺差,对外经济开放仍有发展空间;(6)废弃物与可更新能值比率最大值仅为12.8%,废弃物能值比最小值仅为0.19%,废弃物排放和利用水平有待提高;(7)湖州市可持续指标ESI和能值可持续发展指标EISD为1.59和2.99,在环太湖城市群中更具可持续发展潜力;(8)苏州市健康能值指数EUEHI和改进的健康能值指数EUEHI''为8.22和1.65,在环太湖城市群中健康水平较低。据此结果提出了有助于环太湖城市群经济社会发展与自然生态环境和谐共赢的可持续发展对策。  相似文献   
生态文明是人类文明发展的新阶段,其强调人与自然的协调发展。基于公众科学理论框架,采用模型模拟方法、实地问卷调查、多元回归方法,分析了乌鲁木齐居民参与城市生态文明建设的自我感知、满意程度、参与意愿,并构建了结构方程模型(SEM),探讨了居民参与城市生态文明意愿的可行路径,分析了居民参与城市生态文明建设的意愿与其相关因素间的关系,揭示了居民参与城市生态文明建设主要限制因素。结果表明:(1)居民自我感知与城市生态文明建设参与意愿呈显著正相关,满意程度与参与意愿呈显著负相关;(2)45.36%的受访者表示非常愿意参与城市生态文明建设;(3)居民主体意识和支持度占比分别为72.92%、72.04%,生态认知、生态关注及参与信心占比分别为43.08%、64.33%和55.14%;(4)受访者对城市生态文明建设状况满意度的平均偏效应为2.32,各项满意度均值情况为:城市绿化状况(2.51)政府环境信息公开程度(2.41)城市空气状况(2.35)城市垃圾处理与分类状况(1.99)。研究成果以期为建立和推进城市生态文明建设提供科学参考。  相似文献   
从韧性的特征角度研究城市生态韧性水平的变化机制,探究城市防范化解生态风险能力的时空差异,以此明确城市分区生态治理的重要任务,是实现韧性城市生态风险防控的有利途径。从抵抗力、适应力和恢复力3个方面构建了城市生态韧性评估模型,并以杭州为例,评估了其1995—2015年城市生态韧性时空变化格局,再者利用空间自相关模型对2015年杭州生态韧性分区管理模式进行了探究。最后,基于FLUS模型模拟了2035年基准和创新创业导向的两种情景下的城市土地利用空间格局,并评估了不同城市发展情景下的生态韧性水平空间分布情况。基于以上研究得到以下结论:(1)1995—2005年,生态韧性低值区域向东北和东南方向扩张,而生态韧性高值水平区域明显减少。2005—2015年,杭州西北部和西部原本存在的中等韧性水平区域也转为低等水平。(2)2015年,城市东北区域呈现低韧性水平-高排污企业密度的集聚分布,说明该区域环境生态风险防范化解能力比较低,需要加大环境监测和生态治理的资金投入,严防重大环境污染事件的发生。(3)创新创业导向的"创新天堂"城市发展情景比基准情景下2035年杭州整体生态韧性水平更高,主要影响因素在于前...  相似文献   
城市滨水景观的视觉环境质量评价——以合肥市为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
姚玉敏  朱晓东  徐迎碧  杨海燕  孙翔 《生态学报》2012,32(18):5836-5845
滨水景观是城市景观的重要组成部分,以合肥市为例评价城市滨水景观的视觉环境质量。综合"基于公众感知"和"基于专家/设计"的评价方法,选取22张滨水景观照片作为研究对象,评价这些滨水景观的视觉环境质量和各物理要素等级,对评价数据进行了相关和回归分析。评价结果表明环境质量得分较高的滨水景观比得分较低的滨水景观拥有更多的自然式驳岸和适当的园林小品。统计分析结果表明"有利的人工景观"、"驳岸类型"和"树群轮廓线"对滨水景观视觉环境质量有着非常显著的积极影响。另外,将研究结果与其他学者研究结论进行了对比分析,并对未来城市滨水景观的规划和管理提出一些建议。  相似文献   
基于遥感与GIS的海口市景观格局动态演化   总被引:65,自引:6,他引:59  
城市地区包括建成区和郊区的农村,随着城市快速发展城市地区景观结构将发生深刻变化,由于人类活动对景观要素的作用方式,作用程度不同,其空间格局的转变模式在不同阶段出现一定程度差异,破碎度和分离度能描述景观破碎程度和景观要素斑块之间距离的变化,从而分析景观要素空间结构变化,多样性指数能分析景观要素的复杂情况,孔隙度指数能分析景观的尺度效应,从而分析不同尺度下景观要素的变化情况,能更好地分析景观要素变化的空间结构规律,利用1986,1996和2000年三期TM遥感图像得到海口市景观变化情况,在此期间海口市景观结构变化表现为林地,水体,沙地,农田等自然景观向城市,农村居民点和独立工矿建设用地等人文景观的变化。通过比较1986-1996和1996-2000年两个阶段景观要素的空间变化规律可以看出,林地在1986-1996年期间,由于人工林的增加,孔隙度指数减小,1996-2000年,林地开发较多,斑块趋于分散,水体在1986-1996年大面积的水体为主,1996-2000年以小面积为主,农田在两个阶段变化明显,1986-1996年,农田被城市,工矿建设用地开发区占用,斑块趋于分散,1996-2000年由于城市开发受到控制,未开发农田被恢复,斑块趋于集中,城市反映出国家宏观调控政策的影响,1986年,城市开发较为零乱,斑块较小,1996年,斑块趋于集中,2000年有进一步扩张的趋势,农村居民点规模较小,分布一直趋于分散,是一种不集约的用地形式,因此,利用景观生态学的数量方法,能很好地反映城市化过程中人类活动及政策对景观要素的影响,从而研究城市化过程中城市及其外围区域景观结构的动态变化过程。  相似文献   
马勇  凌旋  童昀 《生态学报》2021,41(19):7542-7554
以典型旅游城市三亚市为案例地,利用2006-2018年4期Landsat遥感影像数据,借助ENVI、ArcGIS平台定量识别土地利用演变特征,在1km×1km格网尺度下估算旅游地生态系统服务价值,并结合空间探索性数据分析揭示生态系统服务价值时空分异特征及其与旅游地发展的时空耦合关系。结果表明:(1)2006-2018年间,三亚市生态系统服务价值总量呈逐年下降趋势,由6.73×109元降至5.76×109元,累计减少9.78×108元;(2)空间格局上,三亚市呈"南低北高"空间分异格局,2006-2018年增值区域连片分布于崖州区、天涯区、吉阳区南部区域,且呈逐年减少趋势,减值区域集聚于天涯区东北部、海棠区;(3)空间集聚上,生态系统服务价值截面各年份均呈显著空间正相关且相关性先降后增。高高集聚区位于天涯区北部区域,低低集聚区分布于沿海、海湾地区;(4)旅游发展与生态系统服务价值时空演化特征关联性较强。三亚市天涯区北部林地生态环境良好,生态系统服务价值略有下降但绝对数值稳定,是生态系统服务价值主要来源;旅游发展较为迅速的三亚湾、崖州湾以及海棠湾,相对增值区域较多,但绝对生态系统服务价值损失显著,严重滞后于其他区域。  相似文献   
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