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A spectrophotometric technique was developed to provide insight into the feeding behavior of Simulium vittatum Zetterstedt (Diptera: Simuliidae) larvae. Larvae were exposed to water insoluble Neon Red particles (NRP) (DayGlo®) in a controlled current. The insoluble particles were available for capture by the cephalic fans of the larvae and subsequent ingestion. The length of gut occupied by the particles after a given exposure time was determined by visual inspection and measured with the aid of a dissecting microscope. Larvae were then homogenized in acetone to solubilize the particles. After filtration, the quantity of pigmented particles in the alimentary tract of the larvae was determined using spectrophotometric analysis. The quantity of particles per unit length of the alimentary tract was calculated. Experiments were conducted to determine the ideal concentration of NRP for obtaining an accurate measure of ingestion without interfering with normal larval feeding behavior. Larval mortality following ingestion of insecticidal proteins produced by Bacillus thuringiensis ssp. israelensis was used as an indirect measure of feeding behavior for these experiments. A concentration of 15 p.p.m. of NRP in the larval medium was the highest concentration used that did not interfere with larval mortality following exposure to the insecticidal proteins. Additional experiments demonstrated that components of the experimental matrix did not interfere with NRP absorbance. The final experiment revealed that the consumption of NRP and insecticidal proteins by larvae was influenced by clay and cellulose in the larval medium.  相似文献   
Abstract In field studies, wind-directed traps were used to investigate the resource-based properties of the male-produced aggregation pheromone of Acalymma vittatum (F.) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Responses to early season overwintered field-collected male A. vittatum without food were compared with those feeding on pollen, and in turn these were compared with those feeding on cucurbit seedlings. These comparisons were modelled after transitions as they would occur at the initiation of A. vittatum host plant colonization.
In another experiment, colony-reared male A. vittatum that had been fed only near isogenic lines of potted cucumber ( Cucumis sativus ) seedlings that either lacked or contained cucurbitacin were placed as bait in the traps. Using the inverse relationship, which is understood for A. vittatum , between previous exposure and the phagostimulant response to cucurbitacin, rates of foliage consumption could be manipulated. The interaction between relative rates of host plant consumption of the males used as lures and responses to the pheromone could thus be tested. The use of A. vittatum reared entirely without dietary cucurbitacin as bait also enabled evaluation of the potential role of cucurbitacin in pheromone biosynthesis. Trap responses were closely correlated with the rates of feeding of the beetles in the trap lures, but cucurbitacin was neither a precursor nor a prerequisite for the pheromone. Implications for early season field colonization and the adaptive significance of this pheromone are discussed.  相似文献   
Abstract Field studies were conducted in 1995 to compare the photosynthesis response between simulated striped cucumber beetle, Acalymma vittatum (F.), defoliation and actual A. vittatum defoliation in ‘Carolina’ cucumber. Six simulated defoliation levels (0%–100%)were used over 5 timings of defoliation (first true leaf to harvest). Plots were defoliated with scissors twice each week throughout each timing interval, and defined as continuous defoliation. In addition to continuous defoliation, one-time simulated defoliation treatments were imposed using the same timing treatments but only 4 defoliation levels (0, 25, 50, and 100%). Two cage studies, with A. vittatum adults, were used to provide estimates of actual insect defoliation injury. Beetles were placed in cages for 2 weeks at densities of 0, 1, 3, 5, and 10/plant and net photosynthetic rates were measured. No significant differences (P <0. 05 were detected in pho-tosynthetic rates between simulated and actual insect defoliation treatments. Also, few significant differences in photosynthetic rates were detected between damaged and undamaged leaves in the simulated insect defoliation study. Results indicated that the simulated insect defoliation procedure appeared to accurately reflect the growth response of ‘Carolina’ cucumber subjected to actual A. vittatum defoliation, and that simulated defoliation results should be appropriate for developing economic injury levels for A. vittatum on cucumber.  相似文献   
Crop domestication and improvement often concurrently affect plant resistance to pests and production of secondary metabolites, creating challenges for isolating the ecological implications of selection for specific metabolites. Cucurbitacins are bitter triterpenoids with extreme phenotypic differences between Cucurbitaceae lineages, yet we lack integrated models of herbivore preference, cucurbitacin accumulation, and underlying genetic mechanisms. In Cucurbita pepo, we dissected the effect of cotyledon cucurbitacins on preference of a specialist insect pest (Acalymma vittatum) for multiple tissues, assessed genetic loci underlying cucurbitacin accumulation in diverse germplasm and a biparental F2 population (from a cross between two independent domesticates), and characterized quantitative associations between gene expression and metabolites during seedling development. Acalymma vittatum affinity for cotyledons is mediated by cucurbitacins, but other traits contribute to whole-plant resistance. Cotyledon cucurbitacin accumulation was associated with population structure, and our genetic mapping identified a single locus, Bi-4, containing genes relevant to transport and regulation – not biosynthesis – that diverged between lineages. These candidate genes were expressed during seedling development, most prominently a putative secondary metabolite transporter. Taken together, these findings support the testable hypothesis that breeding for plant resistance to insects involves targeting genes for regulation and transport of defensive metabolites, in addition to core biosynthesis genes.  相似文献   
为进一步探讨从生殖细胞到精子的发育过程中细胞质膜表面凝集素受体的可能变化,及其与两类对凝集素标记有不同结果的精子的关系,用异硫氰酸荧光素标记的伴刀豆凝集素(Con A)、麦芽凝集素(WGA)和大豆凝集素(SBA)对蚕豆(Vicia faba L.)、鸢尾(Iris tectorium Maxim.)和朱顶红(Hippeastrum vittatum Herb.)的生殖细胞质膜表面的凝集素受体进行标记.结果显示:在不同植物中均有部分生殖细胞不能被凝集素探针标记,且在保持尾状形态的生殖细胞的表面发现有凝集素受体的极性分布.这可能是导致部分精子表面不能被同种凝集素标记的重要原因.此外,同一种凝集素受体在不同物种的生殖细胞上分布不一致,不同的凝集素受体在同一种植物的生殖细胞上的分布模式亦有不同.在蚕豆和鸢尾的生殖细胞表面均有这三种凝集素的受体.在朱顶红生殖细胞的表面有前两种凝集素的受体,分布比较均一,但是没有大豆凝集素的受体.此外,在具尾生殖细胞表面发现有凝集素受体极性分布的现象,为探讨精细胞功能及其表面糖蛋白分布的可能差异提供了重要启示.  相似文献   
Cold water woodland streams, where terrestrially derived organic matter fuels aquatic food webs, can be affected by increases in atmospheric CO2 concentrations, as these are predicted to lead to increases in water temperature and decreases in organic matter quality. In fact, elevated CO2 (580 ppm) decreased the initial phosphorus concentration of birch litter by 30% compared with litter grown under ambient conditions (380 ppm). Here, we first assessed the effect of differences in litter quality on mass loss, microbial colonization and conditioned litter quality after submersion in a mountain stream for 2 weeks. Leaching did not change the relative differences between litter types, while fungal biomass was two fold higher in elevated litter. We then offered this litter (conditioned ambient and elevated) to a stream detritivore that was kept at 10 and 15 °C to assess the individual and interactive effects of increased temperature and decreased litter quality on invertebrate performance. When given a choice, the detritivore preferred elevated litter, but only at 10 °C. When fed litter types singularly, there was no effect of litter quality on consumption rates; however, the effect of temperature depended on individual size and time of collection. Growth rates were higher in individuals fed ambient litter at 10 °C when compared with individuals fed elevated litter at 15 °C. Mortality did not differ between litter types, but was higher at 15 °C than at 10 °C. Increases in temperature led to alterations in the individual body elemental composition and interacted with litter type. The performance of the detritivore was therefore more affected by increases in temperature than by small decreases in litter quality. However, it seems conceivable that in a future global warming scenario the simultaneous increases in water temperature and decreases in litter quality might affect detritivores performance more than predicted from the effects of both factors considered individually.  相似文献   
为进一步探讨从生殖细胞到精子的发育过程中细胞质膜表面凝集素受体的可能变化,及其与两类对凝集素标记有不同结果的精子的关系,用异硫氰酸荧光素标记的伴刀豆凝集素(Con A)、麦芽凝集素(WGA)和大豆凝集素(SBA)对蚕豆(Vicia faba L.)、鸢尾(Iris tectorium Maxim.)和朱顶红(Hippeastrum vittatum Herb.)的生殖细胞质膜表面的凝集素受体进行标记。结果显示:在不同植物中均有部分生殖细胞不能被凝集素探针标记,且在保持尾状形态的生殖细胞的表面发现有凝集素受体的极性分布。这可能是导致部分精子表面不能被同种凝集素标记的重要原因。此外,同一种凝集素受体在不同物种的生殖细胞上分布不一致,不同的凝集素受体在同一种植物的生殖细胞上的分布模式亦有不同。在蚕豆和鸢尾的生殖细胞表面均有这三种凝集素的受体。在朱顶红生殖细胞的表面有前两种凝集素的受体,分布比较均一,但是没有大豆凝集素的受体。此外,在具尾生殖细胞表面发现有凝集素受体极性分布的现象,为探讨精细胞功能及其表面糖蛋白分布的可能差异提供了重要启示。  相似文献   
1995年作者进行了田间试验来比较模拟的条纹黄瓜甲虫 Acalymma Vittatum(F)脱叶作用及实地A.vittatum脱叶作用对‘Carolina’黄瓜光合反应的影响。在5个生长阶段(从第一片真叶到收获)中,共模拟了6种脱叶水平(0%一100%)。在每一生长阶段,每点植株每周两次用剪子去叶,这一处理叫连续脱叶。除此之外,对同一生长阶段植株也用了一次性脱叶处理,但只有4种脱叶水平(0,25,50及100%)。用A.vittatum成虫笼养试验来估计实地害虫脱叶危害。每笼中甲虫放置时间为两周,密度各为每株0,1,3,5及10头,测定其净光合速率。在模拟及实地害虫脱叶处理之间,没有测到显著的光合速率差异( P>0. 05)。在模拟害虫脱叶试验中,受损叶片和未受损叶片的光合速率也很少有显著差异。结果显示模拟害虫脱叶处理过程不仅能准确反映实地A.vittatum脱叶危害下的‘Carolina’黄瓜的生长反应,而且也适用于确定A.vittatum对黄瓜的经济危害水平。  相似文献   
Abstract 1. Plants experience herbivory on many different tissues that can affect reproduction directly by damaging tissues and decreasing resource availability, or indirectly via interactions with other species such as pollinators. 2. This study investigated the combined effects of leaf herbivory, root herbivory, and pollination on subsequent damage, pollinator preference, and plant performance in a field experiment using butternut squash (Cucurbita moschata). Leaf and root herbivory were manipulated using adult and larval striped cucumber beetles (Acalymma vittatum F.), a cucurbit specialist. 3. Leaf herbivory reduced subsequent pistillate floral damage and powdery mildew (Sphaerotheca fuliginea) infection. In spite of these induced defences, the overall effect of leaf herbivory on plant reproduction was negative. Leaf herbivory reduced staminate flower production, fruit number, and seed weight. In contrast, root herbivory had a minimal impact on plant reproduction. 4. Neither leaf nor root herbivory altered pollinator visitation or floral traits, suggesting that reductions in plant performance from herbivory were as a result of direct rather than indirect effects. In addition, no measured aspect of reproduction was pollen limited. 5. Our study reveals that although leaf herbivory by the striped cucumber beetle can protect against subsequent damage, this protection was not enough to prevent the negative impacts on plant performance.  相似文献   
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