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Mitchell  R. L.  Burchett  M. D.  Pulkownik  A.  McCluskey  L. 《Plant and Soil》1988,112(2):195-199
The effect of soil-incorporated copper, tri-allate, and anthracene on the emergence and early growth of three Australian native species (Banksia ericifolia, Casuarina distyla andEucalyptus eximia) and three crop species (Avena sativa, Cucumis sativus andGlycine max), was assessed using OECD Test Guideline 208. The crop species are sensitive species used in overseas phytotoxicity testing, and their responses were compared with those of the native species. Seeds were grown in pots in a glasshouse in a sandy loam soil at the chemical concentrations of 0, 10, 100, 1000 and 2000 mg kg–1. LC50 and EC50 values were determined for each species. The most sensitive species was the monocotyledonA. sativa, while among the five dicotyledonsC. distyla was most sensitive. All three chemicals delayed emergence and affected seedling growth. The results indicate that the conditions of the OECD Test Guideline can be met under Australian conditions, but that the Guideline requires modification for use with Australian native species.  相似文献   
Experiments were conducted on 1-year-old Douglas fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco] and 2- to 3-month-old alder [Alnus rubra (Bong)] seedlings growing in drying soils to determine the relative influence of root and leaf water status on stomatal conductance (gc). The water status of shoots was manipulated independently of that of the roots using a pressure chamber that enclosed the root system. Pressurizing the chamber increases the turgor of cells in the shoot but not in the roots. Seedling shoots were enclosed in a whole-plant cuvette and transpiration and net photosynthesis rates measured continuously. In both species, stomatal closure in response to soil drying was progressively reversed with increasing pressurization. Responses occurred within minutes of pressurization and measurements almost immediately returned to pre-pressurization levels when the pressure was released. Even in wet soils there was a significant increase in gc with pressurization. In Douglas fir, the stomatal response to pressurization was the same for seedlings grown in dry soils for up to 120 d as for those subjected to drought stress over 40 to 60 d. The stomatal conductance of both Douglas fir and alder seedlings was less sensitive to root chamber pressure at higher vapour pressure deficits (D), and stomatal closure in response to increasing D from 1.04 to 2.06 kPa was only partially reversed by pressurization. Our results are in contrast to those of other studies on herbaceous species, even though we followed the same experimental approach. They suggest that it is not always appropriate to invoke a ‘feedforward’ model of short-term stomatal response to soil drying, whereby chemical messengers from the roots bring about stomatal closure.  相似文献   
Three years old seedlings of Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) were exposed lo filtered air, O3 (day and night concentrations of 78 and 30 μgm?3: respectively). NH3 (54 μg m?3) and to a mixture of NH3+O3 (day and night concentrations of 49 + 83 and 49 + 44 μg m?3 respectively), for 5 months in fumigation chambers. Both gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence were measured on shoots which had sprouted at the beginning of the exposure period. After 4. 8, 10 and 20 weeks of exposure, light response curves of electron transport rate (J) were determined, in which J was deduced from chlorophyll fluorescence. Net CO2 assimiialion was measured at maximum light intensity of 560) μmol m?2 S?1 (Pn.560). After 8 and 10 weeks of exposure also light response curves of CO2 assimilation were assessed. Shoots exposed to O3 showed a reduction in net CO2 assimilation as compared to the control shoots during the entire exposure period. The reduction was related lo a lower chlorophyll content and a lower electron transport rate, whereas no effect on quantum yield efficiency (qy) was observed. In contrast, shoots exposed to NH3 showed a positive effect on photosynthesis. Shoots exposed to NH3. + O3 showed a rapid increase in Pn.560, in the period between 4 and 8 weeks to a level equal of that of the NH3-treatment. After this period a decline in Pn.560 was observed. After 10 weeks of exposure shoots exposed to O3 showed an increased transpiration rate in the dark as compared to the control shoots. In addition, water use efficiency (WUE) declined as a result of an increase in leaf conductance. Both observations indicate that the stomatal apparatus was affected by O3. A high transpiration rate in the dark was also found for shoots esposed to NHX. However, shoots exposed to NH3+ O3 showed neither an effect on WUE, nor an effect on transpiration rate in the dark. The possibility that NH3 delayed the O3 induced effects on photosynthesis and stomatal conductance is discussed.  相似文献   
A range of approaches was used to investigate how species within a fire-prone Banksia woodland in South West Australia exploited inorganic soil nitrogen sources and how this changes through the development of the fire chronosequence. Nitrate and ammonium were present in soil solution throughout the chronosequence but nitrate predominated in recently burnt sites. Mean shoot nitrate reductase activities were high for all species in recently burnt sites and showed little increase when nitrate was supplied via the transpiration stream. Nitrate reductase of shoots of most species was low at sites not burnt for several years, but following transpirational induction with nitrate, developed activities similar to those at recently burnt sites. The principal amino compounds transported in the xylem were species specific, including asparagine, glutamine and citrulline-dominated species, and changed little in relative composition across the chronosequence. Species most active in leaf nitrate reduction transported the largest amounts of nitrate in their xylem sap and proportional amounts of nitrate in xylem tended to be greatest in recently burnt sites. Most of the species examined appeared to be shoot rather than root nitrate assimilators, but marked differences were recorded in potential of leafy shoots of different species to reduce nitrate. As a general rule, shallow-rooted herbaceous, non-mycorrhizal or VAM-positive species had the highest capacity to reduce nitrate, whereas woody species with ericoid mycorrhizae or combined vesicular arbuscular/ectomycorrhizal associations exhibited little capacity to reduce nitrate in roots or shoots. It seems likely that this latter group utilize ammonium or even organic forms of nitrogen rather than nitrate. Some putative nitrogen-fixing species were active in reducing and transporting nitrate, others were virtually inactive in these respects.  相似文献   
Bud quiescence release, considered as the ultimate dormancy breaking phase, was achieved in Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco by a 9-week cold (5°C) treatment, under short daylength (9 h) followed by a transfer to mild temperature (22°C) under long daylength (16 h). Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), abscisic acid (ABA), zeatin-type (Z) and isopentenyladenine-type (iPA) cytokinin (CK) levels were measured by means of an ELISA technique performed on HPLC-fractionated extracts of terminal and axillary buds. During the cold period, all hormones except IP-type CK levels decreased, whereas the opposite observation was made after transfer to mild temperature and long daylength, when buds started to grow. Some other immunoreactive compounds were also detected and quantified. The ABA-glucosyl ester (ABA-GE) level pattern was similar to that of ABA, but no accumulation occurred at mild temperatures. A putative IAA conjugate, more polar than IAA, was also detected. Its level increased transiently like IAA in terminal buds and, to a lesser extent, in axillary buds during the 10th week of the experiment. In terminal buds, isopentenyladenosine ([9R]-iP) was released by alkaline hydrolysis of a polar immunoreactive compound detected with anti-[9R]iP antibodies. This compound accumulated during the cold period and quickly dropped at 22°C. Relationships between environmental conditions and endogenous hormones are discussed.  相似文献   
 In a pot trial growth and transpiration of 3-year-old Douglas-fir seedlings on an acid, sandy soil was examined at a deficient (30 kg N ha –  1 year –  1) and an excessive level (120 kg N ha –  1 year –  1) of NH4 application. Dissolved ammonium sulphate was applied to the pots weekly for two growing seasons. In half of the pots a complete set of other nutrients was applied in optimal proportions to the applied nitrogen. Water supply was optimal and transpiration was recorded. At the end of the second treatment season irrigation was stopped for 2 weeks during dry and sunny weather. Both high application of NH4 and additional nutrients increased shoot growth and transpiration demand in the first treatment year. The root system was smaller at higher N level and this reduced water uptake accordingly. In the second year the combination of high NH4 + and additional nutrients affected root functioning predominantly due to salinity effects and this seriously decreased water uptake capacity and shoot water potentials, finally resulting in tree death. Without addition of other nutrients the high NH4 + application resulted in a high degree of soil acidification, which damaged the roots, that showed a decrease in water uptake capacity. At the low NH4 supply level soil acidification was lower, and root functioning was not affected, and the trees recovered quickly from the imposed drought. Higher needle K and P status depressed transpiration rates at the low NH4 application rate. Received: 9 January 1995 / Accepted: 18 September 1995  相似文献   
Banksia woodlands are renowned for their flammability and prescribed fire is increasingly employed to reduce the risk of wildfire and to protect life and property, particularly where these woodlands occur on the urban interface. Prescribed fire is also employed as a tool for protecting biodiversity assets but can have adverse impacts on native plant communities. We investigated changes in species richness and cover in native and introduced flora following autumn prescribed fire in a 700‐hectare Banksia/Tuart (Eucalyptus gomphocephala) woodland that had not burnt for more than 30 years. Effectiveness of management techniques at reducing weed cover and the impacts of grazing by Western Grey Kangaroo (Macropus fuliginosus) postfire were also investigated. Thirty plots were established across a designated burn boundary immediately before a prescribed fire in May 2011, and species richness and cover were measured 3 years after the fire, in spring of 2013. Fencing treatments were established immediately following the fire, and weed management treatments were applied annually in winter over the subsequent 3 years. Our results indicate that autumn prescribed fire can facilitate increases in weed cover, but management techniques can limit the establishment of targeted weeds postfire. Postfire grazing was found to have significant adverse impacts on native species cover and vegetation structure, but it also limited establishment of some serious weeds including Pigface (Carpobrotus edulis). Manipulating herbivores in time and space following prescribed fire could be an important and cost‐effective way of maintaining biodiversity values.  相似文献   
A new method has been developed for the isolation and rapid identification of anthocyanins from two floricultural crops based on the use of high-voltage paper electrophoresis with bisulphite buffer. Using this method, anthocyanin pigments were successfully purified as their negatively charged bisulphite-addition compounds from crude extracts of plant tissue. In conjunction with liquid chromatography-electrospray mass spectrometry, the method enabled the anthocyanins from the flowers of two Banksia species and the leaves of two Acacia species to be identified. The Banksia flowers contained both cyanidin and peonidin-based pigments, while the Acacia leaves contained cyanidin and delphinidin derivatives.  相似文献   
Forward BS  Misra S 《Planta》2000,212(1):41-51
The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) molecular chaperone, BiP, plays a role in the cotranslational translocation and subsequent folding and assembly of newly synthesized proteins targeted to the ER and secretory pathway. The sequence encoding a Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii [Mirb] Franco) BiP homologue (PmBiP) was identified by differential screening of a seedling cDNA library. Southern blotting indicated that PmBiP is most likely present as a single copy. The deduced amino acid sequence of PmBiP contains an HEEL tetrapeptide sequence which functions to retain PmBiP in the ER and is different from HDEL commonly found in angiosperm plant BiPs. Amino acid sequence alignment and phylogenetic analysis show that PmBiP is highly similar to other plant BiPs yet forms a distinct phylogenetic subgroup which is separate from the angiosperm BiPs. Northern and western blotting revealed that PmBiP is subject to developmental regulation during seed development, germination, and early seedling growth and is seasonally regulated in needles of young seedlings. Received: 21 February 2000 / Accepted: 13 April 2000  相似文献   
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