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Food sharing: a model of manipulation by harassment   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Most analyses of food-sharing behavior invoke complex explanationssuch as indirect and delayed benefits for sharing via kin selectionand reciprocal altruism. However, food sharing can be a moregeneral phenomenon accounted for by more parsimonious, mutualisticexplanations. We propose a game theoretical model of a generalsharing situation in which food owners share because it is in their own self-interest—they avoid high costs associatedwith beggar harassment. When beggars harass, owners may benefitfrom sharing part of the food if their consumption rate islow relative to the rate of cost accrual. Our model predictsthat harassment can be a profitable strategy for beggars if they reap some direct benefits from harassing other than sharedfood (such as picking up scraps). Therefore, beggars may manipulatethe owner's fitness payoffs in such a way as to make sharingmutualistic.  相似文献   
Reversible binding of DIDS [4,4'-diisothiocyanato-2,2'-stilbenedisulphonate] to Band 3 protein, the anion exchanger located in erythrocyte plasma membrane, was studied in human erythrocytes. For this purpose, the tritiated form of DIDS ([3H]DIDS) has been synthesized and the filtering technique has been used to follow the kinetics of DIDS binding to the sites on Band 3 protein. The obtained results showed monophasic kinetics both for dissociation and association of the 'DIDS-Band 3' complex at 0° C in the presence of 165 mM KCl outside the cell (pH 7.3). A pseudo-first order association rate constant k+1  相似文献   
Band 3 protein extracted from human erythrocyte membranes by Triton X-100 was recombined with the major classes of phospholipid occurring in the erythrocyte membrane. The resulting vesicle systems were characterized with respect to recoveries, phospholipid composition, protein content and vesicle size as well as capacity and activation energy of sulfate transport. Transport was classified into band-3-specific fluxes and unspecific permeability by inhibitors. Transport numbers (sulfate ions per band 3 per minute) served as a measure of functional recovery after reconstitution. The transport properties of band 3 proved to be insensitive to replacement of phosphatidylcholine by phosphatidylethanolamine, while sphingomyelin and phosphatidylserine gradually inactivated band-3-specific anion transport when present at mole fractions exceeding 30 mol%. The activation energy of transport remained unaltered in spite of the decrease in transport numbers. The results, which are discussed in terms of requirements of band 3 protein function with respect to the fluidity and surface charge of its lipid environment, provide a new piece of evidence that the transport function of band 3 protein depends on the properties of its lipid environment just as the catalytic properties of some other membrane enzymes. The well-established species differences in anion transport (Gruber, W. and Deuticke, B. (1973) J. Membrane Biol. 13, 19–36) may to some extent reflect this lipid dependence.  相似文献   
Kubo producer-units (families and independent bachelors) could have been self-sufficient in the production of bananas but chose not to be. Nor did they seek self-sufficiency in the production of any combination of staple carbohydrate foods (bananas, tubers, sago flour) or, in the long term, strive for balance in the exchange of food with other producer-units. Despite the fact that bananas, which provided 50% of people's energy needs, were a delayed-return crop Kubo communities were very unstable. This instability and the failure to choose the option of self-sufficiency were connected and were mediated through intense intracommunity sharing that, ultimately, served to negotiate a concern with sorcery. The people grew bananas in the way they did, not out of environmental necessity, but to accommodate the crop to the needs of sharing and, thereby, facilitate community living.  相似文献   
The melanization response of Aedes trivittatus and the black-eyed Liverpool (LVP) and Rocke-feller (RKF) strains of Aedes aegypti against intrathoracically inoculated Brugia pahangi microfilariae (mff) that previously had penetrated LVP, RKF, or A. trivittatus midguts in vitro was assessed at 1, 3, and 5 days postinoculation (PI). LVP and RKF midgut-derived mff almost totally avoided the melanization response and developed normally in LVP strain A. aegypti, and although over 90% of these mff died by 5 days PI in RKF mosquitoes, the majority of these were not melanized. A. aegypti midgut-derived mff also were able to avoid the response of A. trivittatus in 33–43% of the cases. Penetration through A. trivittatus midguts, however, did not significantly affect the ability of mff to avoid the melanization response in any of the mosquitoes examined. Allogeneic and xenogeneic tissue inplants were accepted by all three mosquito species examined. Data presented support the hypothesis that mff avoid immune recognition in compatible mosquitoes by coating themselves with midgut material(s) during penetration of the midgut in their migration to the hemocoel.  相似文献   
The effects of human red cell glycophorin A (GPA) on the translocation to the plasma membrane and anion transport activity of the human erythrocyte anion transporter (band 3; AE1) have been examined using the Xenopus oocyte expression system. We show that band 3 accumulates steadily at the oocyte surface with time in the presence or absence of GPA, but this occurs more quickly when GPA is coexpressed. The amount of band 3 at the surface is determined by the concentrations of band 3 and GPA cRNA that are injected, with a higher proportion of total band 3 being translocated to the surface in the presence of GPA cRNA. The increased expression of DNDS-sensitive chloride transport is highly specific to GPA, and is not observed when the cRNA to the putative glycophorin E or a very high concentration of the cRNA to glycophorin C are coexpressed with band 3 in oocytes.We thank Dr. Kay Ridgwell and Charlotte Ratcliffe for supplying plasmids and Dr. David Anstee for antibodies. This work was supported by grants from the Medical Research Council.  相似文献   
Phosphate entry into human erythrocytes is irreversibly inhibited by treatment of the cells with the water-soluble carbodiimides 1-ethy1-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide hydrochloride (EDC) and 1-cyclohexyl-3-(2-morpholinoethyl)-carbodiimide metho-p-toluene sulfonate (CMC) in the absence of added nucleophile. EDC is the more potent inhibitor (40% inhibition, 2 mM EDC, 5 min, 37°C, 50% hematocrit, pH 6.9), while more than 20 mM CMC is required to give the same inhibition under identical conditions. EDC inhibition is temperature-dependent, being complete in 5 min at 37°C, and sensitive to extracellular pH. At pH 6.9 only 50% of transport is rapidly inhibited by EDC, but at alkaline pH over 80% of transport is inhibited. Inhibition is not prevented by modification of membrane sulfhydryl groups but is decreased in the presence of 4,4′-dinitrostilbene-2,2′-disulfonic acid (DNDS), a reversible competitive inhibitor of anion transport. EDC treatment leads to crosslinking of erythrocyte membrane proteins, but differences between the time course of this action and inhibition of transport indicate that most transport inhibition is not due to crosslinking of membrane proteins.  相似文献   
The putative hexose transport component of Band 4.5 protein of the human erythrocyte membrane was covalently photolabelled with [3H]cytochalasin B. Its transmembrane topology was investigated by electrophoretically monitoring the effect of proteinases applied to intact erythrocytes, unsealed ghosts, and a reconstituted system. Band 4.5 was resistant to proteolytic digestion at the extracellular face of the membrane in intact cells at both high and low ionic strengths. Proteolysis at the cytoplasmic face of the membrane in ghosts or reconstituted vesicles resulted in cleave of the transporter into two membrane-bound fragments, a peptide of about 30 kDa that contained its carbohydrate moiety, and a 20 000 kDa nonglycosylated peptide that bore the cytochalasin B label. Because it is produced by a cleavage at the cytoplasmic face and because the carbohydrate moiety is known to be exposed to the outside, the larger fragment must cross the bilayer. It has been reported that the Band 4.5 sugar transporter may be derived from Band 3 peptides by endogenous proteolysis, but the cleavage pattern found in the present study differs markedly from that previously reported for Band 3. Minimization of endogenous proteolysis by use of fresh cells, proteinase inhibitors, immediate use of ghosts and omission of the alkaline wash resulted in no change in the incorporation of [3H]cytochalasin B into Band 4.5, and no labelling of Band 3 polypeptides. These results suggest that the cytochalasin B binding component of Band 4.5 is not the product of proteolytic degradation of a Band 3 component.  相似文献   
S. S. Malhi  M. Nyborg 《Plant and Soil》1984,77(2-3):193-206
Incubation and field experiments were conducted on the influence of thiourea in inhibiting nitrification of urea N, and subsequently on reducing over-winter losses of fallapplied N. Under incubation, most of the added urea placed in bands was nitritified within five or six weeks. However, thiourea when pelleted with urea (21 urea to thiourea by weight) reduced the amount of nitrification to less than one-half during the same period.In two uncropped field experiments in an early dry fall, the application of pelleted urea+thiourea (21) in bands resulted in almost complete inhibition of nitrification of urea for four weeks. In two other uncropped field experiments begun in June with the same fertilizer in bands, half or less of applied N appeared as nitrate after eight weeks. In 10 cropped field experiments with 56 kg N ha–1, urea+thiourea placed in bands depressed nitrification of fall-applied urea over the winter. By early May, the urea mixed into the soil in the previous fall was nearly all nitrified, while only one-half of the banded urea+thiourea was nitrified. The loss of mineral N by early May was 38% with urea mixed into the soil, but only 18% with bands of urea+thiourea.The 10 sites were cropped to spring barley. The increase in yield of grain or the increase in %N uptake from fertilier N was approximately only one-half as much with fall-applied urea mixed into the soil as compared to spring-applied urea added in the same way. Specifically, fall-applied mixed urea produced 930 kg ha–1 less grain yield and 32% less N uptake from fertilizer N than did mixed urea in spring. On fall-application there was some benefit from banding of urea or with mixing urea+thiourea pellets into the soil, but the banding of urea+thiourea pellets gave more benefit. Among the fall applications, banded urea+thiourea pellets produced 670 kg ha–1 more grain yield and 26% more N uptake in grain from fertilizer N than did urea mixed into the soil.  相似文献   
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