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中国(竹思)簩竹属(Schizostachyum Nees)的研究及其它   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对国产(竹思)(竹劳)竹属(Schizostachyum Nees)进行了系统整理。对属的范围进行了修订,认为本属应包括乔草竹属(Dendrochloa Parkinson),薄竹属(Leptocanna Chia et H.L.Fung),长穗竹属(Teinostachyum Munro)和李海竹属(Neohouzeaua A.Camus),并首次建立了本属的属下分类系统。此外,对二种竹子起了新名:甲竹(Bambusa austro-sinensis Xia)和毛环单竹(B.yunnanensis Xia);作了4个新组合,即Schizostachyum coradatum(Wen et Dai)Xia, S.dumetorum(Hance)Munro var.xinwuense(Wen et J. Y Chin)Xia, Bambusa glaucescens glaucescens(Willd)Sieb. ex Munro var.annulata(W.T.Lin et Z.J.Feng)Xia和B.glaucescens (Willd)Sieb.ex Munro var.pubivagina(W.T....  相似文献   
慈竹(Bambusa emeiensis)纤维素含量丰富,是较好的造纸原料,但竹茎中木质素影响着制浆生产及纸浆质量。目前,对慈竹木质素生物合成机制所知甚少,这限制了遗传调控竹木质素的研究。本文以拟南芥、水稻等植物的已知木质素基因作为查询序列,通过BLASTp和系统进化分析,从10、50、100和150 cm慈竹笋转录组数据中筛选到351个木质素生物合成相关Unigenes,包括51个LAC,37个4CL、26个PAL、34个CCR和25个CAD相关转录子,其数量高于其他已报道的竹类植物。转录丰度和定量基因表达分析发现16个木质素基因,包括2个PAL、5个CCR、3个4CL、2个CADH2和4个LAC,随着笋发育而表达上调,表明其可能与发育性木质素积累相关。  相似文献   
We have examined the surface (0–10 cm) soil characteristics of sites after bamboo (Cephalostachyum pergracile) mass flowering and death (DB sites) in comparison with sites with living bamboo (Bambusa tulda) (LB sites) in a seasonal tropical forest in Thailand. One year after bamboo flowering the DB sites were acidic with lower concentrations of exchangeable Ca and Mg and soil nitrogen than the LB sites. Therefore, although leaf and root litter of the dead bamboo was deposited in the DB sites after bamboo flowering, soil nutrient status decreased.  相似文献   
符国瑷   《广西植物》1993,(2):108-109
<正> 植株密丛生,秆直立,先端稍下垂,高3.5—6.5米,径0.5—2.5厘米,第四节间秆材厚通常0.7—0.9厘米,节间圆柱形,极伸长,长达33.5厘米,基部数节的节内与节下环生一圈灰白色绢毛,箨环下部初时密被褐色刺毛,最后变无毛或近无毛;节明显,箨环甚隆起,节环微隆起。秆箨脱落性,背部贴生近宿存的黑色刺毛,有时具紫红色斑块。顶端略呈斜截形或“山”字形,箨耳矩圆形,近相等,边缘具小刚毛,箨舌中部高约2.0毫米,中央凸起,两端渐窄至1毫米,边缘具不规则锯齿或稍成小裂片,箨片直立,脱落,窄三角形,两面无  相似文献   
贾良智  夏念和  夏政寅   《广西植物》1988,(2):121-127
<正> 本文记载箣竹属新种1,改级新组合2,改隶新组合1,新改级3,新名1,新异名4。 1.花竹(福建) 绿篱竹(广东) Bambusa albo-lineata Chia,stat.et nom.nov.  相似文献   
四川2种丛生竹木质素和纤维含量的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
以四川4个地区2种丛生竹(慈竹和硬头黄)为研究对象,对其木质素和综纤维含量进行研究.结果表明,不同地区竹种间综纤维素含量差异显著;除青神地区外,其它几个地区木质素含量差异不大.纬度对木质素积累的作用因竹种而异,对慈竹木质素含量的作用呈极明显的正效应,对硬头黄的作用则呈不明显的正效应,对综纤维含量的影响不大.竹龄影响木质素和综纤维素含量的积累,对慈竹木质素和综纤维的积累呈显著的正效应,但对硬头黄的作用却不明显.研究认为,青神、长宁和绵阳地区的硬头黄以及长宁地区的慈竹是造纸的较好原料.  相似文献   
肉桂醇脱氢酶(cinnamoyl alcohol dehydrogenas,CAD)是木质素生物合成过程中的一类关键酶.采用RT-PCR及RACE方法从孝顺竹笋中分离出CAD基因家族的一个基因,cDNA全长是1131 bp(GenBank注册号为GU985522),含有一个1 107 bp的读码框,编码一个368 aa...  相似文献   
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The aim of this study was to develop species-specific molecular markers for Bambusa balcooa and B. tulda to allow for their proper identification, in order to avoid unintentional adulteration that affects the quality and quantity of paper pulp production. METHODS: Two putative, species-specific RAPD markers, Bb836 for B. balcooa and Bt609 for B. tulda were generated using a PCR-based RAPD technique. Species-specificity of these two markers was confirmed through Southern hybridization in which RAPD gels were blotted and hybridized with radiolabelled cloned RAPD markers. Southern hybridization analyses were also performed to validate homology of the co-migrating Bb836 and Bt609 marker bands amplified from 16 different populations of B. balcooa and B. tulda, respectively. Sequence-characterized amplified region (SCAR) markers were developed from Bb836 and Bt609 sequences, using 20-mer oligonucleotide primers designed from both the flanking ends of the respective RAPD primers. KEY RESULTS: As anticipated, Bb836 hybridized with an amplified band from B. balcooa and Bt609 hybridized only with an amplified product from B. tulda; the two markers did not hybridize with the amplified products of any of the other 14 bamboo species studied. The two pairs of SCAR primers amplified the target sequences only in the respective species. The species-specific SCAR fragments were named as 'Balco836' for B. balcooa and 'Tuldo609' for B. tulda. The species-specific 'Balco836' was amplified from the genomic DNA of 80 individuals of 16 populations of B. balcooa studied. Similarly, the presence of 'Tuldo609' was noted in all the 80 individuals representing 16 populations of B. tulda assessed. These SCAR fragments contained no obvious repetitive sequence beyond the primers. CONCLUSION: These two molecular markers are potentially useful for regulatory agencies to establish sovereign rights of the germplasms of B. balcooa and B. tulda. In addition, this is the first report of species-specific SCAR marker development in bamboo.  相似文献   
中国竹类植物新资料   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
林万涛   《广西植物》1990,10(1):15-20
<正> 壮绿竹(牛角竹) 新组合 Bambusa valida(Q H Dai)W.T.Lin,comb.nov.—Dendrocalamopsis ualidus Q.H.Dai,Act.Phytotax.Sin.24:393—394.f.1.1986. 根据采自广州华南农业大学,林万涛31864(引自模式产区——广西,南宁,广西林科所)标本。该种植物体是有刺的,而绿竹属是无刺的,故作新组合。  相似文献   
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