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An adult baboon with multiple organ symptomatology and tachycardia was successfully treated with one-time electrical cardioversion. The case is presented to demonstrate the need to include ECG monitoring in diagnostic assessment of primate animals with nonspecific symptoms.  相似文献   
Despite the extensive electromyographic research that has addressed limb muscle function during primate quadrupedalism, the role of the back muscles in this locomotor behavior has remained undocumented. We report here the results of an electromyographic (EMG) analysis of three intrinsic back muscles (multifidus, longissimus, and iliocostalis) in the baboon (Papio anubis), chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes), and orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) during quadrupedal walking. The recruitment patterns of these three back muscles are compared to those reported for the same muscles during nonprimate quadrupedalism. In addition, the function of the back muscles during quadrupedalism and bipedalism in the two hominoids is compared. Results indicate that the back muscles restrict trunk movements during quadrupedalism by contracting with the touchdown of one or both feet, with more consistent activity associated with touchdown of the contralateral foot. Moreover, despite reported differences in their gait preferences and forelimb muscle EMG patterns, primates and nonprimate mammals recruit their back muscles in an essentially similar fashion during quadrupedal walking. These quadrupedal EMG patterns also resemble those reported for chimpanzees, gibbons and humans (but not orangutans) walking bipedally. The fundamental similarity in back muscle function across species and locomotor behaviors is consistent with other data pointing to conservatism in the evolution of the neural control of tetrapod limb movement, but does not preclude the suggestion (based on forelimb muscle EMG and spinal lesion studies) that some aspects of primate neural circuitry are unique. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Abstract: The psychostimulant drug of abuse, cocaine (benzoylecgonine methyl ester), is rapidly metabolized by cleavage of its two ester groups, to give benzoylecgonine (BE) and ecgonine methyl ester, and by N-demethylation, to give N-norcocaine (NC). The recent use of [N-methyl-11CH3]cocaine to image brain cocaine binding sites with positron emission tomography (PET) raises the question of whether PET images partially reflect the distribution and kinetics of labeled cocaine metabolites. We prepared [O-metty/-11CH3]cocaine by methylation of the sodium salt of BE with [11C]CH3l, and showed that PET baboon brain scans, as well as regional brain kinetics and plasma time-activity curves corrected for the presence of labeled metabolites, are nearly identical to those seen with [N-methyl-11CH3]cocaine. This strongly suggests that 11C metabolites do not significantly affect PET images, because the metabolite pattern is different for the two labeled forms of cocaine. In particular, nearly half the 11C in blood plasma at 30 min was [11C]CO2 when [N-methy/-11CH3]cocaine was administered, whereas [11C]CO2 was not formed from [O-methy/-11CH3]cocaine. Only a trace of [11C]NC was detected in plasma after [O-methyl-11CH3]cocaine administration. Nearly identical brain PET data were also obtained when 4′-[N-methy/-11CH3]fluorococaine and 4′-[18F]fluoro-cocaine (prepared by nucleophilic aromatic substitution from [18F]fluoride-and 4′-nitrococaine) were compared with [N-methy/-11CH3]cocaine. In vitro assays with rat brain membranes showed that cocaine and 4′-fluoroco-caine were equipotent at the dopamine reuptake site, but that 4′-fluorococaine was about 100 times more potent at the 5-hydroxytryptamine reuptake site. The studies with positron-emitting 4′-fluorococaines thus support the lack of significance of labeled metabolites or of binding to 5-hydroxytryptamine reuptake sites to PET images taken with [N-methy/-11CH3]cocaine. [11C]NC prepared by O-methylation of norbenzoylecgonine gave PET images with preferential uptake in striatum, but slower clearance from all brain regions than [O-methy/-11CH3]cocaine. [11C]BE prepared by N-methylation of norbenzoylecgonine did not show brain uptake.  相似文献   
As an Old World nonhuman primate, baboons have been extensively used for research on dyslipidemia and atherogenesis. With increasing knowledge about the endothelium's role in the initiation and progression of atherosclerosis, the value of the baboon model can be increased by developing it for research on the role of dysfunctional endothelium in atherogenesis. Toward that goal, we have established and validated methods of isolating and culturing baboon femoral artery endothelial cells (BFAECs) and compared baboon endothelial cellular characteristics with those of humans. Our results indicated that baboon and human endothelial cells share similar growth and culture behaviors. As was the case for human endothelial cells, BFAECs responded to tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α stimulation with increased expression of adhesion molecules (maximum increase for intracellular adhesion molecule (ICAM): 1.76±0.26-fold; vascular cell adhesion molecule (VCAM): 1.65±0.25-fold; E-selectin: 2.86±0.57-fold). However, BFAECs were hyporesponsive to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) (range, 0.25–20 μg/mL) in adhesion molecule expression, whereas 1 μg/mL LPS induced 2.14- to 3.71-fold increases in human endothelial cells. The differential responses to LPS were not related to TLR-2 and toll-like receptor (TLR)-4 expression on the cell surface. And baboon microvascular endothelial cells had similar features as BFAECs. We observed constitutive expression of interleukin (IL)-6, IL-8, granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), and monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP)-1 in both human and baboon endothelial cells, and these cytokines were further induced by TNF-α and LPS. We also demonstrated that the responses to TNF-α or LPS varied among baboons maintained under the same dietary and environmental conditions, suggesting that response may be controlled by genetic factors.  相似文献   
Studies of thermoregulation in primates are under-represented in the literature, although there is sufficient evidence to suggest that temperature represents an important ecological constraint. One of the problems in examining thermoregulation in primates, however, is the difficulty in quantifying the thermal environment, since shade temperatures, solar radiation, humidity and wind speed all serve to alter an animals perceived temperature. Since animals respond to their perceived temperature, we need methods to account for each of these factors, both individually and collectively, if we are to understand the integrated impact of the thermal environment on primates. Here, we present a review of some thermal indices currently available. Black bulb temperatures can account for the effect of solar radiation, with wind chill equivalent temperatures and the heat index providing quantifiable estimates of the relative impact of wind speed and humidity, respectively. We present three potential indices of the perceived environmental temperature (PET) that account for the combined impact of solar radiation, humidity and wind speed on temperature, and perform a preliminary test of all of the climatic indices against behavioural data from a field study of chacma baboons (Papio cynocephalus ursinus) at De Hoop Nature Reserve, South Africa. One measure of the perceived environmental temperature, PET2, is an effective thermal index, since it enters the models for feeding and resting behaviour, and also accounts for levels of allogrooming. Solar radiation intensity is an important factor underlying these relationships, although the wind chill equivalent temperature and humidity enter the models for other behaviours. Future studies should thus be mindful of the impact of each of these elements of the thermal environment. A detailed understanding of primate thermoregulation will only come with the development of biophysical models of the thermal characteristics of the species and its environment. Until such developments, however, the indices presented here should permit a more detailed examination of the thermal environment, allowing thermoregulation to be given greater precedence in future studies of primate behaviour.  相似文献   
Plio-Pleistocene faunal assemblages from Swartkrans Cave (South Africa) preserve large numbers of primate remains. Brain, C.K., 1981. The Hunters or the Hunted? An Introduction to African Cave Taphonomy. University of Chicago Press, Chicago suggested that these primate subassemblages might have resulted from a focus by carnivores on primate predation and bone accumulation. Brain's hypothesis prompted us to investigate, in a previous study, this taphonomic issue as it relates to density-mediated destruction of primate bones (J. Archaeol. Sci. 29, 2002, 883). Here we extend our investigation of Brain's hypothesis by examining additional intrinsic qualities of baboon bones and their role as mediators of skeletal element representation in carnivore-created assemblages. Using three modern adult baboon skeletons, we collected data on four intrinsic bone qualities (bulk bone mineral density, maximum length, volume, and cross-sectional area) for approximately 81 bones per baboon skeleton. We investigated the relationship between these intrinsic bone qualities and a measure of skeletal part representation (the percentage minimum animal unit) for baboon bones in carnivore refuse and scat assemblages. Refuse assemblages consist of baboon bones not ingested during ten separate experimental feeding episodes in which individual baboon carcasses were fed to individual captive leopards and a spotted hyena. Scat assemblages consist of those baboon bones recovered in carnivore regurgitations and feces resulting from the feeding episodes. In refuse assemblages, volume (i.e., size) was consistently the best predictor of element representation, while cross-sectional area was the poorest predictor in the leopard refuse assemblage and bulk bone mineral density (i.e., a measure of the proportion of cortical to trabecular bone) was the poorest predictor in the hyena refuse assemblage. In light of previous documentation of carnivore-induced density-mediated destruction to bone assemblages, we interpret the current findings as suggestive of the secondary importance of bulk bone mineral density to other intrinsic qualities of skeletal elements (e.g., size, maximum dimension, and average cross-sectional area). It is only when skeletal elements are too large for consumption (e.g., many long bones) that they are fragmented following intra-element patterns of density-mediated carnivore destruction. There appears to be a size threshold beneath which bulk bone mineral density contributes little to mediating carnivore destruction of carcasses. Thus, depending on body size of the predator, body size of the prey, and specific size of the element, bulk bone mineral density may play little or no role of primary importance in mediating the destruction of skeletal elements. We compare patterns in modern comparative assemblages to patterns in primate fossil assemblages from Swartkrans. One of the fossil assemblages, Swartkrans Member 1, Hanging Remnant, most closely approximates a hyena (possibly refuse) assemblage pattern, while the Swartkrans Member 2 assemblage most closely approximates a leopard (possibly scat) assemblage pattern. The Swartkrans Member 1, Lower Bank, assemblage does not closely approximate any of our modern comparative assemblage patterns.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to detect the effects of varying tissue sizes on the efficiency of baboon ovarian tissue vitrification.

Study design

The percentages of morphologically normal primordial follicles and the follicles expressing bax protein in ovarian tissues after vitrification–warming were measured. Besides, the 17-β estradiol levels in the culture supernatants were measured.


The percentages of morphologically normal primordial follicles in vitrified–warmed ovarian tissues slicing in 0.5–1.5 mm in length and wide, and 1.0 mm in thickness were significantly higher than those slicing in 2.0 mm in length and wide, and 1.0 mm in thickness. Moreover, the follicles expressing bax protein in vitrified–warmed ovarian tissues slicing in 0.5–1.5 mm in length and wide, and 1.0 mm in thickness were significantly lower than those slicing in 2.0 mm in length and wide, and 1.0 mm in thickness. The 17-β estradiol levels in the culture supernatants slicing in 1.0–1.5 mm in length and wide, and 1.0 mm in thickness were significantly higher than those slicing in 0.5 mm or 2.0 mm in length and wide, and 1.0 mm in thickness.


Cortex piece slicing in 1.0–1.5 mm in length and wide, and 1.0 mm in thickness is suitable for baboon ovarian vitrification.  相似文献   
本研究调查了人工松林中狒狒结群大小和家区面积与树木剥皮率的关系。于2003年9月至2004年8月间每月对每个狒狒结群进行5天观察,采用足迹计数法统计狒狒结群大小,对不同结群狒狒家区内具有新旧剥皮的树木数进行统计,以方差分析和回归分析狒狒结群大小和家区面积与树木剥皮之间的关系。结果表明:定居和访问松林的狒狒结群分布型不受结群和家区大小的影响而与季节有关。树木剥皮与狒狒结群大小和家区面积均无相关性,特别是雨季更是如此,揭示狒狒对树木剥皮不是对食物和水源短缺的反应。树木剥皮具有很大的月份间变异,与狒狒群定居和访问利用松林亦无相关。树木剥皮率与狒狒结群大小的关系说明树木剥皮是由于狒狒结群中少数个体的偶然剥皮行为造成的。  相似文献   
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