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Biochemical and morphological studies were done on a new trembling mutant hamster CBB. The yield of myelin from the mutant was 30 and 40% of the control at 46 and 140 days of age, respectively, but myelin composition and 2',3'-cyclic nucleotide-3'-phosphohydrolase (CNPase) activity were normal. Morphologically, about 18% of the axons were myelinated in the mutant optic nerve at 46 days of age, in which the myelinated fibers were those with larger diameters (more than 0.6 micron), while the control had a peak at 0.4 micron in diameter. The ultrastructure and thickness of compact myelin lamellae in the mutant were normal. Myelination and the structure of peripheral nerve myelin appeared normal. The results indicate that the essential defect is the delay and arrest of myelination in the CNS, which is probably caused by either a decreased rate of synthesis of myelin components in oligodendrocytes or a defect in the oligodendrocyte-axon recognition in smaller axons.  相似文献   
Cholinesterases present homologies with some cell adhesion molecules; however, it is unclear whether and how they perform adhesive functions. Here, we provide the first direct evidence showing that neurite growth in vitro from various neuronal tissues of the chick embryo can be modified by some, but not all, anticholinesterase agents. By quantifying the neuritic G4 antigen in tectal cell cultures, the effect of anticholinesterases on neurite growth is directly compared with their cholinesterase inhibitory action. BW 284C51 and ethopropazine, inhibiting acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BChE), respectively, strongly decrease neurite growth in a dose-dependent manner. However, echothiophate which inhibits both cholinesterases, does not change neuritic growth. These quantitative data are supplemented by morphological observations in retinal explant cultures grown on striped laminin carpets, viz., defasciculation of neurite bundles by BW 284C51 and Bambuterol occurs, indicating that these drugs disturb adhesive mechanisms. These data strongly suggest that a) cholinesterases can participate in regulating axonal growth, b) both AChE and BChE can perform such a nonsynaptic function, and c) this function is not the result of the enzyme activity per se, since at least one drug was found that inhibits all cholinesterase activities but not neurite growth. Thus, a secondary site on cholinesterase molecules must be responsible for adhesive functions.  相似文献   
Summary Inverted pyramidal neurons are very abundant in the cerebral cortex of the adult reeler mutant mouse. Two types of inverted pyramid are found in rapid Golgi impregnations. In the first type the axon starts from the base of the cell body and bends towards the white matter. In the second type, which is more common, the axon emerges from the apical dendritic tree and descends directly towards the white matter.Despite its abnormal topography, the site of origin of the axon in pyramids of the second type displays a normal differentiation, when analysed with the electron microscopic Golgi technique, suggesting that the ectopic initial axon segment is able to fulfil its normal functions.  相似文献   
Summary Using a special albumin technique, nodes of Ranvier have been examined within frog skeletal muscle, sciatic nerve and rat and frog cerebrum. Initial segments have been examined in cerebrum of frog and rat. Microtubules usually run longitudinally through these regions, but within the bare area of the intramuscular node of Ranvier, annular or helical bundles of microtubules run in a marginal band at right angles to the more centrally placed longitudinal microtubules. These nodal bare areas show a pronounced convexity and it is suggested that the annular microtubules serve to maintain this convexity during muscle contraction.Dr. Westrum is an affiliate of the CDMRC, University of Washington and a recipient of a Wellcome Trust (U.K.) Burroughs Wellcome Fund (U.SA.) Research Travel Grant. This research was also supported, in part, by NIH research Grants NS 09678 and NS 04053 from the NINCDS and DE 04942 from the NIDR, USPHS/DHEW. The authors also wish to thank Julie Barron for excellent technical assistance  相似文献   
We have addressed the control of longitudinal axon pathfinding in the developing hindbrain, including the caudal projections of reticular and raphe neurons. To test potential sources of guidance signals, we assessed axon outgrowth from embryonic rat hindbrain explants cultured in collagen gels at a distance from explants of midbrain-hindbrain boundary (isthmus), caudal hindbrain, or cervical spinal cord. Our results showed that the isthmus inhibited caudally directed axon outgrowth by 80% relative to controls, whereas rostrally directed axon outgrowth was unaffected. Moreover, caudal hindbrain or cervical spinal cord explants did not inhibit caudal axons. Immunohistochemistry for reticular and raphe neuronal markers indicated that the caudal, but not the rostral projections of these neuronal subpopulations were inhibited by isthmic explants. Companion studies in chick embryos showed that, when the hindbrain was surgically separated from the isthmus, caudal reticulospinal axon projections failed to form and that descending pioneer axons of the medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF) play an important role in the caudal reticulospinal projection. Taken together, these results suggest that diffusible chemorepellent or nonpermissive signals from the isthmus and substrate-anchored signals on the pioneer MLF axons are involved in the caudal direction of reticulospinal projections and might influence other longitudinal axon projections in the brainstem.  相似文献   
Low-density lipoprotein receptors (LRPs) are present extensively on cells outside of the nervous system and classically exert roles in lipoprotein metabolism. It has been reported recently that LRP1 activation could phosphorylate the neurotrophin receptor TrkA in PC12 cells and increase neurite outgrowth from developing cerebellar granule cells. These intriguing findings led us to explore the hypothesis that LRP1 activation would activate canonical neurotrophic factor signaling in adult neurons and promote axonal regeneration after spinal cord injury. We now find that treatment of adult rat dorsal root ganglion neurons in vitro with LRP1 agonists (the receptor binding domain of α-2-macroglobulin or the hemopexin domain of matrix metalloproteinase 9) induces TrkC, Akt, and ERK activation; significantly increases neurite outgrowth (p < 0.01); and overcomes myelin inhibition (p < 0.05). These effects require Src family kinase activation, a classic LRP1-mediated Trk transactivator. Moreover, intrathecal infusions of LRP1 agonists significantly enhance sensory axonal sprouting and regeneration after spinal cord injury in rats compared with control-infused animals (p < 0.05). A significant role is established for lipoprotein receptors in sprouting and regeneration after CNS injury, identifying a novel class of therapeutic targets to explore for traumatic neurological disorders.  相似文献   
Depending upon the stimulus, neuronal cell death can either be triggered from the cell body (soma) or the axon. We investigated the origin of the degeneration signal in amyloid β (Aβ) induced neuronal cell death in cultured in vitro hippocampal neurons. We discovered that Aβ1–42 toxicity-induced axon degeneration precedes cell death in hippocampal neurons. Overexpression of Bcl-xl inhibited both axonal and cell body degeneration in the Aβ-42 treated neurons. Nicotinamide mononucleotide adenylyltransferase 1 (Nmnat1) blocks axon degeneration in a variety of paradigms, but it cannot block neuronal cell body death. Therefore, if the neuronal death signals in Aβ1–42 toxicity originate from degenerating axons, we should be able to block neuronal death by inhibiting axon degeneration. To explore this possibility we over-expressed Nmnat1 in hippocampal neurons. We found that inhibition of axon degeneration in Aβ1–42 treated neurons prevented neuronal cell death. Thus, we conclude that axon degeneration is the key component of Aβ1–42 induced neuronal degeneration, and therapies targeting axonal protection can be important in finding a treatment for Alzheimer’s disease.  相似文献   
Drosophila ELAV is the founding member of an evolutionarily conserved family of RNA-binding proteins considered as key inducers of neuronal differentiation. Although several ELAV-specific targets have been identified, little is known about the role of elav during neural development. Here, we report a detailed characterization of the elav mutant commissural phenotype. The reduced number of commissures in elav mutant embryos is not due to loss or misspecification of neural cells but results from defects in commissural axon projections across the midline. We establish a causal relationship between the elav mutant commissural phenotype and a reduction in the expression of commissureless, a key component of the Robo/Slit growth cone repulsive signalling pathway. In the nerve cord of elav mutant embryos, comm mRNA expression is strongly reduced in neurons, but not in midline glial cells. Furthermore, specific expression of an elav transgene in posterior neurons of each segment of an elav mutant nerve cord restores comm mRNA expression in these cells, as well as the formation of posterior commissures. Finally, forced expression of comm in specific commissural neuron subsets rescues the midline crossing defects of these neurons in elav mutant embryos, further indicating that elav acts cell autonomously on comm expression.  相似文献   
Identification of signals for systemic adaption of hormonal regulation would help to understand the crosstalk between cells and environmental cues contributing to growth, metabolic homeostasis and development. Physiological states are controlled by precise pulsatile hormonal release, including endocrine steroids in human and ecdysteroids in insects. We show in Drosophila that regulation of genes that control biosynthesis and signaling of the steroid hormone ecdysone, a central regulator of developmental progress, depends on the extracellular matrix protein Obstructor-A (Obst-A). Ecdysone is produced by the prothoracic gland (PG), where sensory neurons projecting axons from the brain integrate stimuli for endocrine control. By defining the extracellular surface, Obst-A promotes morphogenesis and axonal growth in the PG. This process requires Obst-A-matrix reorganization by Clathrin/Wurst-mediated endocytosis. Our data identifies the extracellular matrix as essential for endocrine ring gland function, which coordinates physiology, axon morphogenesis, and developmental programs. As Obst-A and Wurst homologs are found among all arthropods, we propose that this mechanism is evolutionary conserved.  相似文献   
Neuronal axons are guided by attractive and repulsive cues in their local environment. Since the identification of the repulsive guidance molecule (RGM) a (RGMa) as an axon repellent in the visual system, diverse functions, as part of the developing and adult central nervous system (CNS), have been ascribed to it. The binding of RGMa to its receptor neogenin has been shown to induce RhoA activation, leading to inhibitory/repulsive behavior and the collapse of the neuronal growth cone. In this paper, we provide evidence to suggest the involvement of RGMb, another member of the RGM family, in the rat CNS. RGMb inhibits neurite outgrowth in postnatal cerebellar granule neurons (CGNs) in vitro. RGMb is expressed by oligodendrocytes and neurons in the adult rat CNS, and the expression of this molecule is upregulated around the site of spinal cord injury. RGMb is present in myelin isolated from an adult rat brain. RGMb and neogenin are coexpressed in CGNs and entorhinal cortex neurons. These findings suggest that RGMb is a myelin-derived inhibitor of axon growth in the CNS. Inhibition of RGMb may provide an alternative approach for the treatment of spinal injuries.  相似文献   
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