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Vertebral pathology in the afar australopithecines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ten vertebral elements from the AL-288 partial hominid skeleton and 11 elements from the AL-333 collection are described. The AL-288 column presents a marked kyphosis at the level of thoracic vertebrae 6 through 10, with pronounced new bone formation on the ventral surfaces of these vertebrae. These features, associated with narrowed disc space and minor osteophytosis, resemble Scheuermann disease in the human. Even though this diagnosis is consistent with a basically human, bipedal locomotor repertoire, the presence of Scheuermann disease suggests that lifting, climbing, or acrobatic activities may have been important in early hominids.  相似文献   
At the end of Member 2 times, remnant mammillary-form stalactites in the roof and wall contacts show that an irregular wedge-shaped space existed from the Classic Section out to the Cone area. It was into this space that hyenas and other denning animals were able to gain access from an as yet unfilled Cone area. During the mining operations of the 1920’s, Eitzman (1958) recollects entering an impressive bone breccia resembling a charnel house. We suggest that it is most probable that the Grey Breccia corresponds to his main breccia as only the area on top of Member 2, between the dolomite walls, roof and stalagmite boss has the required volume. It also lies at the end of an incline first dug by the miners, (still in existence), and at the end of which he was able to note some of the deposits. The bone breccias at the same level at the back of the Cone suggest that other dens were created at about this time. As the roof continued to retreat upslope and more material was washed in or fell in from the surface so more sediment was winnowed into the back of the Cone. At some stage this allowed prey animals to enter the Cone area and gain access between the speleothem barrier to the area of the Classic Section. As most Australopithecine fragments came from this breccia, it seems likely that, as with Swartkrans, the hominid fragments are the result of predation. Then as sediments continued to wash into the Cone area, the Classic Section and the back of the Cone became inaccessible for denning purposes. Large speleothem remnants embedded in sediment starting part-way up the Cone shows that a roof continued to exist in this area for some time. In fact, even today, although bits of speleothems can be found in the eroded hardened surface sediments there are few, if any, dolomite blocks. We presume that they were removed along with the upper part of the infilled, cavern along with the country rock as the surface continued to erode. Although it may not be possible to reconstruct a complete strati-graphic sequence involving the whole of the site, we have presented summary of evidence here that shows it is possible to trace stratigraphic relationships from the base of the Ancient Entrance to the top of the Cone and which includes the Grey Breccia and the two other bone breccias. Present work is focussed on completion of a new chronology by comparing our site magnetostratigraphy with the global polarity timescale. The speleothem deposition today in any of the caves of the Makapansgat area, with its annual rainfall of about 700mm, is extremely low. It is commonly recognised by karst geomorphologists (eg, Ford and Williams, 1989) that massive deposits of speleothem are characteristic of humid tropical to semi-tropical karsts. Hence, at the time of their formation some 3 Ma or more ago, the massive speleothem deposits are evidence for a warmer, and certainly a much wetter, climate than that of today.  相似文献   
The evidence for sagittal cresting, and more generally the position of the temporal lines is reviewed in the South African australopithecine sample. The position of the lines is dependent on both the allometric relation of the masticatory apparatus to cranial size and on individual variation. In the Swartkrans specimens, with generally bigger body size, the influence of allometry predominates, actually overshadowing the influence of individual variation. At Sterkfontein and Makapansgat with generally smaller body size and a resulting smaller allometric ratio, individual variation has a greater influence. Of the eleven adult South African specimens, the four largest are crested. The one smaller crested specimen comes from Sterkfontein. The crested Makapan specimen is intermediate in size. The pattern of australopithecine cresting is somewhat different from other hominoids, and is part of a total morphological pattern suggesting adaptation to a diet requiring powerful crushing during mastication.  相似文献   
Several different models of sexual dimorphism in the South African australopithecines are compared with sexual dimorphism in the living primates. Australopithecine dimorphism is placed in an evolutionary context, and contrasting trends in the hominid and pongid lineages are shown. Evidence suggesting that the australopithecines were an extremely polytypic taxon is presented, and a high level of both inter- and intra-population variation is indicated.  相似文献   
Compact bone distribution and biomechanics of early hominid mandibles.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This investigation explores the effects of compact bone distribution on the biomechanical properties of the postcanine mandibular corpus of the fossil hominid taxa Australopithecus africanus and Paranthropus robustus. The mandibles of extant great apes, modern humans, and the fossil hominids are examined by computed tomography (CT), and compact bone contours are used to calculate cross-sectional biomechanical properties (cortical area, second moments of area, and Bredt's formula for torsional strength). The relative amount of compact bone is comparable in the modern and fossil mandibles, but the mechanical properties of A. africanus and P. robustus jaws are distinct in terms of the ratio of minimum to maximum second moments of area. This difference most likely represents a structural response to elevated torsional moments in the fossil hominids. Although the relative amount of compact bone in cross-section does not differ significantly between taxa by statistical criteria, A. africanus utilizes less cortical bone than P. robustus in the same manner in which Pongo is separated from the condition in other extant large-bodied hominoids. It has been suggested that the phenomenon of mandibular "robusticity" (expressed as an index of corpus breadth/corpus height) may be an effect of postcanine megadontia and/or reduced canine size in the australopithecines. Results presented here, however, indicate that it is unlikely that either factor adequately accounts for mandibular size and shape variation in early hominids.  相似文献   
A recently discovered hominid pelvic fragment from Swartkrans (SK 3155) is described in detail with particular reference to the relationship of the two presently recognized forms of australopithecines in South Africa. Results of this examination and metrical analysis indicate that the acetabulum and iliac blade of the early hominids are similar to Homo sapiens except for a unique pattern of traits: a relatively small sacral articular surface, a relatively small acetabulum, a relatively large iliac fossa, and wide lateral splaying of the iliac blades. The new Swartkrans fossil expresses these traits more strongly than does the gracile australopithecine (Sts 14) and is therefore somewhat less similar to Homo sapiens but it is very unlike any pongid.  相似文献   
The question of how an endocast (or brain) is oriented within a skull that is positioned in the Frankfurt plane is investigated for African great apes, early hominids STS 71, KNM-ER 1813 and KNM-ER 1470, and modern humans using a 3SPACE digitizer. Our results suggest that, rather than being positioned in the orientation in which isolated brains (endocasts) are conventionally illustrated, brains within skulls that are oriented in the Frankfurt plane tend to be inclined so that the frontal pole is higher than the occipital pole, especially inHomo. These preliminary findings have implications for interpreting early hominid endocasts such as that of AL 162-28.  相似文献   
Estimation of cranial capacity for Olduvai Hominid (OH) 7 is determined from external parietal dimensions using multiple regressions calculated from an australopithecine grade sample. Capacity estimates for OH 7 (580–600 cc) are much lower than usually claimed. While differences in reconstruction may account for the varying estimates, a regression based only on undistorted and unreconstructed values, as well as a direct comparison of dimensions with other Homo habilis specimens, supports the smaller capacity determination.  相似文献   
New postcranial fossils of Paranthropus robustus and Homo cf. erectus were recovered from Swartkrans from 1979 through 1986. These fossils are from Members 1, 2, and 3. The new fossils are described here along with their morphological affinities. Fossils that are assigned to Paranthropus indicate that the South African "robust" australopithecines engaged in tool behavior and were essentially terrestrial bipeds at around 1.8 Myr BP. The manual dexterity and bipedal locomotion of Paranthropus may have equaled that of Homo habilis in East Africa at approximately the same time.  相似文献   
We report here the discovery of fossil hominid teeth at Gladysvale, near Johannesburg in the southern Transvaal. This find makes the site the seventh in South Africa to yield australopithecine remains and the first new early hominid-bearing locality to be found in this region since 1948. Apart from the hominid specimens, our excavations at Gladysvale have added appreciably to the abundant Plio-Pleistocene fauna previously recorded from the cave deposit. The fauna indicates that savanna conditions prevailed during deposition of at least part of the fill. Preliminary faunal dating gives an age of deposition of between c1.7 and c2.5 mya. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
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