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This study aims to obtain a chronological and cultural framework of the Evolved Aurignacian in the central Iberian Mediterranean basin and find agreement between this framework and other sequences of the Iberian southeast. Over the last few years, there has been remarkable progress in the research of the Evolved Aurignacian sites in the Valencian area, making a review of the main characteristics of the technocomplex on a regional scale necessary. The recent fieldwork carried out in Cova de les Malladetes (Valencia) and in Cova de les Cendres (Alicante) have been key to understanding the lithic, osseous and ornament assemblages ascribed to the Evolved Aurignacian. Several Bayesian modelled ages have been constructed from the large dataset of chronological dates obtained at Malladetes and Cendres, as well as in other sites. The Bayesian models have allowed us to chronologically place the characteristics of the analysed assemblages. The present research supports the importance of the Aurignacian as the first technocomplex of the Upper Palaeolithic in this area of the Iberian Peninsula.  相似文献   
In this paper, we present the techno-typological study of level 16 of El Castillo cave (Archaic Aurignacian). In this level, we can identify an important bladelet production from schémas opératoires of unipolar prismatic cores, carinated endscraper and carinated burins types. Besides, we find a specific production of Discoid conception. The retouched blanks, though scanty, are dominated by the Dufour bladelets. Level 16 is in relation with the Archaic Aurignacian at the Cantabrian Iberia, which is present in sites like Cueva Morín, Labeko Koba, Gatzarria, or Isturitz and it also is in relation with the Mediterranean Archaic Aurignacian. Finally, we analyse the different hypotheses about the Initial Upper Paleolithic origin in Europe. The mosaic hypothesis is acceptable for us.  相似文献   
All but one of the published radiocarbon dates from the 1991–1992 excavations of Strata 3 and 2 at le Trou Magrite are considered too recent because the dating was done with then-standard chemical pretreatment protocols. This study re-dates Stratum 2 using the same, then-pioneering, XAD-2 purification method on bone collagen as had been used for the 44,650 cal BP date from Stratum 3. The results are two averaged dates that are in stratigraphic order between themselves and in relation to the Stratum 3 date: 43,400 and 43,500 cal BP, according to the IntCal20 curve. These dates are very similar to recently published dates for the earliest Aurignacian in SW Germany and the latest Neanderthal remains in Belgium and they are associated with artifact assemblages that, without obvious evidence of mixture (other than that which was highly localized), include Upper Paleolithic stone tools and blades/bladelets together with numerous sidescrapers, denticulates and notches which are not exclusively Mousterian artifacts. Nineteenth-century excavations in the cave of le Trou Magrite yielded unambiguously diagnostic Aurignacian artifacts and works of portable art that could conceivably have been from a deposit equivalent in age to these strata on the contiguous terrace. It is clear that the first blade(let)-rich assemblages in the site were created on the cusp of the transition from the Middle-to-Upper Paleolithic transition and replacement of the Neanderthals in NW Europe.  相似文献   
This paper presents the results obtained by lithic analysis of Early Upper Palaeolithic levels in Šandalja II Cave, Istria, Croatia. Technological and typological analysis of stone and typological analysis of bone artefacts have been carried out. Production of flakes in Aurignacian levels (G, F, E and E/F) is dominant, but blade and bladelets production is also present. Blades and bladelets were produced by direct soft hammer technique. Aurignacian people of Šandalja II produced their debitage mainly on local grey chert, which is often patinated. Šandalja II is one of the rare—if not the only—site with Aurignacian industry in eastern Adriatic region. The main reason for absence of such industry at other sites can be seen in scarce population or abandonment of some parts of this region.  相似文献   
The Grosse Badlhöhle (Austria, Steiermark) is the origin of one of the most perfect bone points of the early Aurignacian and one of the best perforated femurs of the same period, which can be regarded as musical instruments. Two other fragments of points raise intriguing questions on the first Homo sapiens sapiens which cannot be solved today but will contribute to future research. A review on the debate of Palaeolithic flutes will follow with experimental proofs of boring artificial holes with high quality pictures on the blow-hole and the lack of gnawing traces on the opposite face. The musical possibility of an instrument with only one hole is discussed with ethnographic analogies. Hafting, optimal conditions of strength and possible use of arrows will close the discussion on the Badlhöhle bone artefacts.  相似文献   
Here we present an overview of the personal ornaments of the Swabian Aurignacian and the Early Aurignacian sites of south-western France made from mammoth ivory. The production sequences for the serial manufacture of beads from these sites are quite similar. While the Swabian sites have yielded numerous different types of beads with a focus of the double-perforated bead, the nearly exclusive use of one bead-type, the perle en forme de panier, is striking at the sites of south-western France. Following the presentation of major inventories of ivory ornaments in the two regions concerned, we discuss potential factors underlying both the differences and the similarities we observe in these assemblages.  相似文献   
Three excavation campaigns at the Tuscan open air site of Pontecosi, near Lucca (Tuscany, Italy) have yielded a rich artefact series signing the presence of Aurignacian populations in this part of peninsular Italy. Abruptly backed points associated with typical carinated or “à museau” end scrapers most probably indicate the recent character of this Tuscan Aurignacian.  相似文献   
The reconstruction of Aurignacian points is the first step towards the statistical enquiry of the totality of points in a region at Aurignacian times. We present a method of buckling and calculus by strength of material with the reconstruction of the Dzeravá skala points as a practical application. This collection has a double interest. It offers an analogy to the direction of the two most rich collections of Aurignacian points in Central Europe: Istállósk? and Poto?ka zijalka. After the determination of the original length of these points, we can examine the question of split-base and “shouldered” points, artificial or natural splits, and discuss the curious points with a presumed hole in the hafting zone. Theoretical notions are resumed in the appendix. The theory cannot offer an answer to practical problems. Only experiments permit to determine the zones of rupture and the length of lacking fragments when the sections are variable, the impact is excentric and the hafting not perfect.  相似文献   
In the past, the author replicated several Stone Age art objects, preferentially those made from mammoth tusk, using authentic tools and techniques. This contribution describes the results of his research work and the experiences he collected during the experiments, not only in relation to the material and its properties but also concerning the use of flint tools and their technical aspects. In addition, the author gives a brief overview about his subsequent considerations regarding early artisans, their skills and their social position.  相似文献   
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