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Focal animal sampling was used to determine the 24-h time budget of a takh harem stallion (Equus ferus przewalskii) during the 2 weeks prior to, and the two weeks following, reintroduction into the Hustain Nuruu Steppe Reserve, Mongolia. Both before and after release, the stallion spent approximately 47% of his time grazing, 6% standing, and 5% in recumbent rest. The biggest changes to the time budget after release were a 4-fold increase in the amount of time spent moving, and a 50% decrease in the amount of time spent resting in a standing position. During the middle of the day when the temperatures were hottest, the stallion exhibited less grazing and more standing resting behaviour than in the morning or evening hours. Recumbent rest invariably occurred in the hours before dawn.  相似文献   
Investigation of two populations of 136 individuals shows several patterns of occlusal wear plane change which are positively correlated with age. For individuals up to the age of 18, there is a characteristic pattern in which the occlusal wear planes of the mandibular teeth are lingually sloped and those of the maxillary dentition buccally sloped, with the exception of the maxillary premolars, which are also lingually sloped. The long axes of the mandibular teeth give them a lingual orientation relative to the maxillary teeth, and the long axes of the maxillary molars, by contrast, are buccally oriented. In the 18-30 age range for all sexes, the mandibular M1 becomes buccally sloped on its occlusal surface while the occlusal wear plane on the maxillary M1 becomes lingually sloped. Later age changes indicate a trend for the mandibular premolars to become buccally sloped, while the wear planes of the maxillary premolars remain lingually sloped. There is a corresponding tendency for the maxillary and mandibular second molars to undergo changes in the initial orientation of the occlusal wear planes.  相似文献   
The investigation of crop and soil-crop conditions among Andoke and Witoto cultivators in southeast Colombia is used as a basis for assessing Geertz' (1963) model of swidden cultivation. In this respect, the extent to which maniocdominated swiddens in the study area simulate the structure and composition of the forest climax community is questioned. As Geertz (1963) indicates, an initial nutrient boost for crop cultivation results from the preliminary burning of forest debris, but weed competition, rather than progressive loss of soil fertility, is reported to be the primary cause of abandoning manioc cultivation after 2–3 years. While the Andoke and Witoto crop system remains adaptive at the individual field level, particularly in its constituent species, its fundamental adaptation is considered to be its integration into the broader field and fallow system that juxtaposes crop production with extended periods of forest regeneration.  相似文献   
This study analyzes and compares the dental size variation and sexual dimorphism of the Highland Beach Mound people, a late southeastern prehistoric aboriginal Florida population (ca. 800-1200 AD) with a somewhat earlier midwestern group (ca. 200-800 AD) and an Archaic sample (ca. 4160-2558 BC). The lengths and breadths of maxillary and mandibular permanent teeth of 99 individuals were measured, and crown surface areas were calculated for the molars. Results indicated that there was little sexual dimorphism. Only the mesiodistal dimensions of the upper P2 and lower C were significantly different at the P less than 0.05 level. In terms of dental size, what appears to be a chronologically based reduction in most points of comparison was seen in all three groups, with the exception of the molars, which were larger in the Highland Beach sample than in the earlier Schultz Mound.  相似文献   
The severity of osteoarthritis was studied in human skeletal remains from archaeological sites in the Santa Barbara Channel area of southern California. These remains were analyzed to better understand changes in activity patterns associated with the economic shift from hunting and gathering to intensive fishing and craft specialization that occurred in this area. The joints of 967 burials from seven archaeological sites occupied between 3500 B.C. and the time of European contact were scored for osteoarthritis. These data show that the rate at which people developed osteoarthritis increased through time. This suggests that the adaptive shift toward more intensive exploitation of the marine environment resulted in an increase in the time people spent in strenuous physical activity. The increase in osteoarthritis affected males to a greater extent than females. One interpretation of this is that the work load of men increased with the economic importance of fishing.  相似文献   
We use microeconomic theory to frame hypotheses about the effects of income on the use of non-timber rain forest products. We hypothesize that an increase in income: (a) encourages foraging specialization, resulting in the extraction of fewer goods; (b) increases the share of household income from occupations besides foraging; (c) produces a yearly value from the extraction of nontimber forest goods of about $50 per hectare; and (d) produces depletion of forest goods entering commercial channels and sustainable extraction of goods facing cheaper industrial substitutes. To examine these hypotheses we present worldwide ethnographic information and preliminary findings from field work carried out among the Sumu Indians of Nicaragua. Field work suggests that higher income produces: (a) foraging specialization with animals rather than with plants; (b) a decline in the economic importance of forest goods in household income; (c) and a rise in the value of non-timber goods removed from the forest to about $35/ha/year. We did not have time to test hypothesis d.  相似文献   
In a recent work on the Tzotzil (Maya) of Chiapas, Mexico, George Collier has suggested that indigenous groups frequently employ agricultural practices which are in obvious disequilibrium with their environment. As a result, he claims, such groups bring about the permanent destruction of their lands and forests. In this article, historical and demographic evidence is presented to demonstrate that the development of commencal agriculture outside of native communities, not overpopulation or technological conservatism within them, lies at the heart of such destruction. Finally, it is argued that anthropologists must consider the evolution of social classes in rural areas if they are to understand the difficulties which economic development entails.  相似文献   
Implications of a revised United States American Indian nadir population and the pattern of decline leading to it are examined. Substituting the new nadir for that used by Dobyns (1966) lowers by several million his estimates of Indian population for the United States (and Canada) area. These estimates then become more compatible with ones currently being suggested by other scholars. The nineteenth century decline leading to this nadir is found to be remarkably linear. Assuming linearity in decline from initial European contact through the eighteenth century, an aboriginal population estimate of 1,845,183 for the United States area may be extrapolated, along with estimates for intervening years. The nineteenth century decline is then graphed with the data extrapolated to 1492. The resulting pattern of population decline is quite different from the ones suggested by Mooney (1928) and Dobyns (1966).  相似文献   
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