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Artificial insemination protocols depend on efficient behavioral estrus detection and insemination time in Angora goat. Therefore, we aim to determine the accuracy of an estrus scoring system in Angora goats with different PMSG doses during the breeding season. Does (n: 260) were randomly divided into three groups: group-1 (n: 93), group-2 (n: 85) and group-3 (n: 82). All animals received an intravaginal sponge on day 0 for 11 days, and on the day of sponge insertion 150 μg prostaglandin F2Α was administered. Pregnant mare’s serum gonadotropin was injected 300, 400 and 500 IU intramuscularly 24 h before sponge removal to groups 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Estrus signs were detected with a teaser buck, 24 h after sponge removal according to a visual scoring system. Artificial insemination was performed with 0.25 ml fresh diluted semen at 43 to 45 h after sponge removal. Differences were observed within PMSG groups in terms of standing, tail wagging, courtship behavior, vaginal discharge and vaginal hyperemia (P<0.001). Nevertheless, the most accurate indicators of estrus that result in pregnancy were tail wagging and courtship behavior followed by standing estrus (P<0.05). According to the results obtained, 300 IU PMSG dose is sufficient, both to inseminate at a fixed time (43 to 45 h after sponge removal) and to record the estrus behavior by teaser male 24 h after sponge removal. Higher PMSG doses (400 to 500 IU) altered the timing of ovulation; specifically, 500 IU dose shortened the duration of estrus behaviors. In conclusion, even though the different doses of PMSG displayed similar effects on estrus synchronization and pregnancy rates, we concluded that tail wagging, courtship behavior and standing heat are the most reliable estrus signs for artificial insemination in Angora goat.  相似文献   
Ecological quality assessment of non-natural water bodies is, in contrast to natural systems, less developed and requires determining biological indicators that reliably reflect environmental conditions and anthropogenic pressures. This study was motivated to propose fish indicators appropriate for assessment of reservoir ecosystems in central Europe. We analysed changes in water quality, total biomass and the taxonomic, trophic and size composition of fish communities along the longitudinal axes of four elongated, deep-valley reservoirs. Due to high nutrient inputs from their catchments, the reservoirs exhibited pronounced within-system gradients in primary productivity and water transparency. Although fish communities were similar among the reservoirs and dominated by few native species, the community structure and biomass systematically changed along the longitudinal axes of the reservoirs. The biomass and proportion of planktivores/benthivores in the fish community were highest at eutrophic sites near the river inflow and declined substantially towards deep, more oligotrophic sites close to the dam. The biomass and proportion of piscivores significantly increased downstream within the reservoirs alongside improving water quality. At species level, perch Perca fluviatilis and bream Abramis brama responded most sensitively, although in opposite directions, to the longitudinal environmental gradient. The major longitudinal changes in fish community characteristics were found to be consistent between pelagic and benthic habitats. The results of this study suggest that fish communities are appropriate indicators of eutrophication and can be used for ecological quality assessment of non-natural lentic water bodies, such as reservoirs. Moreover, our results underline the necessity to consider within-system gradients in water quality and the fish community when planning sampling programmes for deep-valley reservoirs.  相似文献   
The evolutionary response of plant populations to selection for increased defense may be constrained by costs of defense. The purpose of this study was to investigate such constraints on the evolution of defense due to a cost of defense manifested as a trade-off between defense and tolerance. Variation in the response to artificial damage (tolerance) among lines of Brassica rapa that had been artificially selected for foliar glucosinolate content (defense) was examined. Leaf area was removed from replicates of three selection lines (high glucosinolates, control, and low glucosinolates) at three damage levels (0%, 20%, and 60% damage). An external cost of defense would result in a statistically significant selection line by damage treatment interaction, with those selected for high defense expressing less tolerance than those selected for low defense. Damage treatment had a significant overall effect on estimated total fitness, with fitness declining with increasing damage level. Further, selection line also had a significant overall effect on estimated total fitness, with low-defense selection lines having higher fitness compared to both control and high-defense selection lines. More importantly, a cost of defense in terms of tolerance was demonstrated by a significant selection line-by-damage treatment interaction. This interaction was in the direction to demonstrate a genetic trade-off between defense and tolerance, with low-defense selection lines decreasing estimated total fitness in response to damage less than both control and high-defense selection lines. Variation in tolerance among selection lines was due to the greater ability of low-defense lines to maintain fruit and seed production despite the presence of damage. In terms of tolerance, this cost of glucosinolate production in B. rapa could constrain the evolution of increased defense and, in so doing, maintain individuals within the population that are poorly defended yet tolerant.  相似文献   
The measurement of the ATP content of fresh semen is as accurate as the estimation of sperm motility by conventional methods in discriminating between semen of fertile versus subfertile men. The ATP content of frozen thawed donor semen is correlated with the probability of conception per cycle of insemination. Exact quantification of cytotoxic sperm antibodies in serum is possible with the adenosine-triphosphate-release-cytotoxicity test, since measurement is free of the bias of microscopic examination. The procedure has been simplified by testing only one serum dilution and calculating the ‘sperm toxicity index’.  相似文献   
Summary Both mechanical damage to mountain birch foliage and rearing of moth larvae on the trees reduced the growth of Epirrita autumnata larvae reared on these trees in the following year. The effects of physical damage and some other cues from insects were additive. On bird cherry the performance of Epirrita larvae was equal on untreated trees and on trees artificially defoliated in the previous year, but larval growth was reduced on previously insect-damaged branches. With mountain ash just physical damage per se reduced the performance of Epirrita larvae. On Salix phylicifolia there were no significant differences in the growth or survival of Epirrita on untreated control bushes and on bushes with partial larval damage during the previous year. Among untreated control trees the growth and survivorship of Epirrita were higher on fast-growing willow and bird cherry than on the slow-growing mountain birch. Mountain birch and mountain ash, the two deciduous tree species adapted to nutrient-poor soils, showed delayed inducible resistance triggered by defoliation (artificial or insect-made). This supports the hypothesis that delayed inducible resistance may be a passive response due to nutrient-stress caused by defoliation. On the other hand, the additional increase in the resistance of mountain birch triggered by specific cues from insects suggests that this response may be an evolved defense against leaf-eating insects.  相似文献   
Summary An in vitro culture system has been developed for barley (Hordeum vulgare), which yields high frequencies of high quality microspore-derived embryos without an intervening callus phase. The embryos are very similar to zygotic embryos with regard to their morphology and germination capacity. These embryos were encapsulated in sodium alginate to produce individual beads containing one embryo each. In accordance with the literature, these beads are denoted artificial seeds. The artificial seeds germinated well and with a root system superior to that of non-encapsulated embryos. The artificial seeds also maintained their germination capacity for at least 6 months, whereas non-encapsulated embryos did not survive more than 2 weeks in storage. Artificial seeds, thus, probably provide a simple and universal delivery system of in vitro plantlets to greenhouse or field.  相似文献   
Crude extracts or supernatants of broken cells of Clostridium formicoaceticum reduce unbranched, branched, saturated and unsaturated carboxylates at the expense of carbon monoxide to the corresponding alcohols. The presence of viologens with redox potentials varying from E 0=-295 to-650 mV decreased the rate of propionate reduction. The more the propionate reduction was diminished the more formate was formed from carbon monoxide. The lowest propionate reduction and highest formate formation was observed with methylviologen. The carbon-carbon double bond of E-2-methyl-butenoate was only hydrogenated when a viologen was present. Formate as electron donor led only in the presence of viologens to the formation of propanol from propionate. The reduction of propionate at the expense of a reduced viologen can be followed in cuvettes. With respect to propionate Michaelis Menten behavior was observed. Experiments are described which lead to the assumption that the carboxylates are reduced in a non-activated form. That would be new type of biological reduction.Non-standard abbreviations glc Gas liquid chromatography - HPLC high performance liquid chromatography - RP reverse phase; Mediators (the figures in parenthesis of the mediators are redox potentials E 0 in mV) - CAV2+ carbamoylmethylviologen, 1,1-carbamoyl-4,4-dipyridinium dication (E 0=-296 mV) - BV2+ benzylviologen, 1,1-dibenzyl-4,4-dipyridinium dication (E 0=-360 mV) - MV methylviologen, 1,1-dimethyl-4,4-dipyridinium-dication (E 0=-444 mV) - DMDQ2+ dimethyldiquat, 4,4-dimethyl-2,2-dipyridino-1,1-ethylendication (E 0=-514 mV) - TMV2+ tetramethylviologen, 1,1,4,4-tetramethyl-4,4-dipyridinium dication (E 0=-550 mV) - PDQ2+ propyldiquat, 2,2-dipyridino-1,1-propenyl dication (E 0=-550 mV) - DMPDQ2+ dimethylpropyldiquat, 4,4-dimethyl-2,2-dipyridino-1,1-propenyl dication (E 0=-656 mV) - PN productivity number=mmol product (obtained by the uptake of one pair of electrons) x (biocatalyst (dry weight) kg)-1×h-1  相似文献   
柱霉属一新种——蝙蝠蛾柱霉   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从青海省化隆地区采集冬虫夏草新鲜标本,经分离培养获一纯种,并经鉴定是隶属暗色孢科Dematiaceae的柱霉属Scytalidium Pesante,其形态特征与近似种——黄棕柱霉Scytalidium fulvum进行了比较,由于分生孢子量度及生活习性与黄棕柱霉有着明显差别,故定为一新种,命名为蝙蝠蛾柱霉Scytalidium hepiali C.L.Li sp.nov.该新种在PDA培养基上生长迅速,25℃,培养10天菌落直径2.5cm。菌丝相互平排列成菌丝束。产孢细胞裂殖产孢,节孢子2型:(1)无色,透明,薄壁,圆柱形,桶形。(2)淡褐色,厚壁,椭圆形,桶形,亚球形。蝙蝠蛾柱霉在蛋白胨、葡萄糖液体培养基中进行深层培养,26℃,20天。发酵液用乙醇抽提,减压蒸馏,甲醇溶解,过滤,减压浓缩,蒸馏水溶解,冷冻干燥。从1升发酵液中获虫草菌素制品50~70mg。从拮抗试验表明虫草菌素能抑制枯草芽孢杆菌的生长。  相似文献   
虫生真菌双生座壳孢的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
双生座壳孢(Aschersonia duplex Berk.)系日本卷毛蚧的病原真菌。此菌在人工培养基和自然基物上生长好,并能产生大量分生孢子。对 C 源中的蔗糖、葡萄糖、甘露醇、山梨糖;N 源中的蛋白胨,天冬素、L-酪氨酸、KNO_3利用好。生长适温22—26℃。病原流行季节相对湿度在80%以上。田间接种,对寄主致病性强,有应用潜力。  相似文献   
In the ram, spermatozoa develop the ability to initiate pregnancy only after reaching the body of the epididymis. To determine the zona pellucida binding ability of ram spermatozoa collected from different levels of the epididymis, sufficient numbers of motile sperm cells of different epididymal origin were inseminated surgically below the uterotubal junction of ewes at the time of ovulation. Intratubal ova were recovered 24 hr later, and those having spermatozoa attached to the zona were examined by transmission electron microscopy to assess the characteristics of the bound spermatozoa. Data indicate that the ability of the capacitated spermatozoa to adhere to the zona pellucida depends on sperm egg binding sites that develop on the acrosomal membranes from the apex to equatorial segment during epididymal transit.  相似文献   
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