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Bacteria have been isolated from shoot tips of symptomless globe artichoke plants. These were identified as Pseudomonas fluorescens, Pseudomonas marginalis, Pseudomonas spp., Serratia liquefaciens, Enterobacter agglomerans/Erwinia, Agrobacterium radiobacter, an unidentified member of Rhizobiaceae and another classified in the “corynebacteria” group. The most frequently isolated species was P. fluorescens, biovars II and III. The endogenous character of these bacteria was studied in plants growing in vitro and in the open field. P. fluorescens, P. marginalis, S. liquefaciens and E. agglomerans/Erwinia caused symptoms in plants growing in vitro, but only P. fluorescens biovar II and P. marginalis produced symptoms in plants growing in open fields. Differences in pathogenicity were observed on inoculated plants growing in vitro or in the open field. This suggests that several endophytic bacterial species may be responsible for the high levels of contaminants found during the micropropagation of globe artichoke.  相似文献   
Tests of seven rare and endangered native North American Cirsium species and four modern artichoke lines were requested in response to a proposal for introduction of Puccinia carduorum into the United States for biological control of musk thistle (Carduus nutans ssp. leiophyllus). These tests were supplemental to an earlier extensive host-range study that established P. carduorum from musk thistle as host specific, useful for biological control, and suitable for limited field tests in Virginia. Test plants in the current study were evaluated in support of a proposal to use the rust in the western United States, and particularly, in California. None of the test plants in this study had been evaluated in previous assessments and all were either rare, endangered or threatened in California. Tests were conducted in both field and greenhouse settings. Field tests were run for two seasons, and test plants were inoculated by natural spread of the pathogen from source plants inside rings of test plants. Greenhouse tests involved direct inoculation under optimal conditions of dew and temperature (18–20 °C, 16 h) for infection. None of the seven Cirsium species or subspecies tested became infected by P. carduorum, either in field or greenhouse tests, compared to infection of 98% of the individual musk thistle plants (n = 102) from all the studies. Modern artichoke cultivars were tested only by direct inoculation under optimal greenhouse conditions. All artichoke plants (n = 115) either were immune (no macroscopic symptoms, n = 69) or at most, resistant (n = 46); pustules on all but two of the resistant plants were very small (0.30 mm diam). Despite infections on artichokes, P. carduorum could not be maintained on artichokes under optimal greenhouse conditions. These results confirm earlier findings from host-range tests and risk assessments of P. carduorum. This information suggests that rare, threatened, or endangered Cirsium spp. and modern artichoke cultivars are not likely to be adversely affected by the use of P. carduorum for biological control of musk thistle. These data have been reviewed by grower groups and regulatory agencies in a proposal for permission to use the rust for musk thistle control throughout the United States.  相似文献   
The contamination of water, air and soil with potentially toxic elements (PTE) compromises the supply of contaminant free food. Vegetables grown in contaminated soils can absorb and accumulate PTE at concentrations that are toxic to human health. In this context, the human risk associated with the intake of artichokes grown in soils irrigated with PTE contaminated water was assessed. 120 samples of surface soil and artichoke heads were collected and the concentrations of Cu, Fe, Pb, Zn and As were determined. The results showed that the concentrations of Cu, Fe and Zn in soil did not exceed the standards of the Ministry of Environment of Peru, but they did exceed those of Pb (125.45 mg kg−1) and As (28.70 mg kg−1). The decreasing order of mean PTE concentration in artichoke heads was Fe > Zn > Cu > Pb > As, exceeding the permissible levels of FAO/WHO CODEX Alimentarius. However, the concentrations of As comply with the maximum limits of inorganic contaminants in vegetables (0.3 mg kg−1) established in the MERCOSUR regulations. The non-carcinogenic and carcinogenic risk of Pb and As indicated that the ingestion of artichoke heads does not represent a health risk.  相似文献   
Artichoke patchy chlorotic stunting (APCS) is the most serious disease affecting artichoke in Greece. It is widespread in Argolis, the main artichoke centre in Greece, where the local thornless artichoke, cv. “Argos”, is cultivated. The disease was first noticed in 1982, but to growers it was known since earlier times. Data collected during 1980–1990 revealed its wide distribution in the area, its patchy dispersal in fields, and its annual radial increase of the patches during the years, as well as a centripetal symptomatological severity gradient within each patch. These observations indicated a soil-borne nature for the disease. Field surveys for several viruses indicated a correlation of APCS with artichoke Italian latent nepovirus (AILV), a soil-borne virus known to occur in such patches and transmitted by the vector nematode Longidorus fasciatus Roca et Lamberti. In experiments fulfilling Koch's postulates, it was possible to reproduce the symptoms of APCS, demonstrating that AILV is a cause of the disease, if not the only one. Field surveys also revealed the ubiquitous occurrence of artichoke mottled crinkle virus (AMCV), independently of any particular symptoms. In the same survey, broad bean wilt virus (BBWV), also, was recovered from artichoke in Greece for the first time.  相似文献   
The effects of calcium ions (Ca2+) on the stability of artichoke (Cynara scolymus L.) peroxidase (AKPC) have been studied. The thermal stability of AKPC was improved by the addition of Ca2+; the melting temperature increased by 20 °C and the deactivation energy by 26 kJ mol−1. AKPC was stable in a selection of organic solvents but was less active with 2,2′-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) than under aqueous conditions. Ca2+-free AKPC retained more activity in the presence of organic solvents due to its better maintenance of the rate of compound I formation with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) compared to AKPC-Ca2+. AKPC retained at least 75% activity over 24 h in the pH range 3.0–10.5 and about 50% over 1 month at pH 7.0 or 5.5, irrespective of the Ca2+ content. AKPC-Ca2+ was considerably more resistant to inactivation by H2O2 than Ca2+-free AKPC suggesting that the presence of Ca2+ boosts turnover under oxidizing conditions. AKPC has been applied as an alternative to horseradish peroxidase (HRP) in glucose concentration assays; the presence of Ca2+ or of the Ca2+ chelating agent ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid made no difference to the final result. The possibility is discussed that addition and removal of a labile Ca2+ from AKPC could be used to control enzyme activity both in vivo and in vitro.  相似文献   
Invasive species are known for their ability to form monocultures that exclude native species, yet intraspecific interactions among invasives have not been well studied. Cynara cardunculus (L.) is an invasive perennial thistle that establishes high-density populations in coastal California grasslands. We examined the natural distribution of C. cardunculus seedlings in an established population and found that nearly 100% of seedlings grew within 2 m of adults despite an expected distribution peak at 3 m from source plants based on measured dispersal distances. We then investigated the role of mature plants in seedling survival and establishment with regard to live vegetation, litter, and seedling distance by planting seedlings at increasing distances around adults and applying removal treatments to the focal adult rosettes. We applied control (no removal), adult rosette removal (live leaves), litter removal (dead leaves), and adult rosette plus litter removal (all aboveground plant material) treatments. Seedlings experienced a higher rate of survival, measured by senescence date, and establishment, measured by return rate the following year, with all adult rosette removal treatments. Inhibition by adult rosettes was reduced with distance to 60–80 cm from the rosette, and there was little effect of adult plants between 80 and 200 cm. These results suggest that adult rosettes may inhibit conspecific seedlings at very close distances but provide a favorable environment for seedlings within nearby interspaces. This pattern may contribute to the creation and maintenance of high-density populations in C. cardunculus. Land managers seeking to control this species may improve long-term effectiveness by expanding management efforts to include a 2 m radius around adult plants and treating within 5 months of seedling emergence to prevent recruitment rather than treating adults alone.  相似文献   
Purified inulinase (inulase, 2,1-β-d-fructan fructanohydrolase, EC of Kluyveromyces fragilis has been immobilized on 2-aminoethyl-cellulose by treatment with 2% glutaraldehyde in 0.05 m phosphate buffer, pH 7.0, for 2 h at room temperature. The immobilized enzyme preparation had 39.3 units inulinase activity per gram dried matrix, with 53.4% recovery yield of activity, and showed good operational stability in the presence of substrate, inulin or the tuber extract of Jerusalem artichoke. Optimum pH and temperature were 5.5 and 45°C, respectively. In a batch reactor, the conversion was 90% (d-fructose/d-glucose = 76/24) and 34 mg d-fructose per ml was produced from the artichoke tuber extract by the immobilized inulinase in 20 h. In column reactor packed with 28 ml immobilized enzyme, the following conditions were found to be optimal: height/diameter ratio of column, 10.3; space time, 3.8 h; temperature, 40°C. Operation under these conditions gave 90% conversion of a 7% inulin solution and the productivity was 102 mmol l?1 h?1.  相似文献   
从腐烂的菊芋及实验室保存的菌种中,选育到一株发酵菊芋产乙醇的菌株克鲁维酵母Kluyveromyces marxianus Y1。利用正交实验法对克鲁维酵母产菊粉酶的培养基组成及培养条件进行优化,确定培养基组成(g/L)为:菊粉40,酵母粉4,蛋白胨4,尿素1;初始pH5.0,温度30℃,150r/min条件下培养达到最佳产酶效果(57U/mL)。该菌株所产菊粉酶的性质测定结果表明:以菊粉为底物,该菊粉酶最适反应温度为55℃,在60℃以下稳定性很好,高于60℃时酶迅速失活;最适pH为5.0,pH4.6—5.2范围内酶稳定性很好;该酶属于外切型菊粉酶,体积分数为8%的乙醇对酶活力基本没有影响。  相似文献   
A high molecular weight inulin has been prepared from artichoke (Cynara scolymus L.) agroindustrial wastes using environmentally benign aqueous extraction procedures. Physico-chemical analysis of the properties of artichoke inulin was carried out. Its average degree of polymerization was 46, which is higher than for Jerusalem artichoke, chicory, and dahlia inulins. GC-MS confirmed that the main constituent monosaccharide in artichoke inulin was fructose and its degradation by inulinase indicated that it contained the expected beta-2,1-fructan bonds. The FT-IR spectrum was identical to that of chicory inulin. These data indicate that artichoke inulin will be suitable for use in a wide range of food applications. The health-promoting prebiotic effects of artichoke inulin were demonstrated in an extensive microbiological study showing a long lasting bifidogenic effect on Bifidobacterium bifidum ATCC 29521 cultures and also in mixed cultures of colonic bacteria.  相似文献   
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