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Orientational responses of four species of feral tortricid moths (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) to polyethylene tube dispensers of pheromone were observed in a 0.8 ha apple orchard treated with such pheromone dispensers and in an untreated 0.8 ha orchard. Male oblique‐banded leafrollers, Choristoneura rosaceana (Walker) (mean 7.2 ± 0.4 moths/night during 21 nights), Oriental fruit moths, Grapholita molesta (Busck) (mean 10.5 ± 2.1 during 20 evenings), and the redbanded leafrollers, Argyrotaenia velutinana (Walker) (mean 2.0 ± 1.1 during 14 nights) were observed approaching within 100 cm of their respective polyethylene‐tube pheromone dispensers in the untreated orchard. Furthermore, C. rosaceana (mean 2.0 ± 0.7 during 17 nights) and G. molesta (mean 1.5 ± 0.4 over 20 evenings) came within 100 cm of their respective polyethylene‐tube pheromone dispensers in the pheromone‐treated orchard. Most visits lasted less than 10 s, after which the majority of moths departed by flying upwind. In the untreated orchard, the number of C. rosaceana observed orienting to polyethylene tube dispensers was greater than the number captured in optimized monitoring traps (1.9 ± 0.4) per night of observation. The numbers of A. velutinana (2.0 ± 1.1) or G. molesta (10.5 ± 2.1) attracted to polyethylene‐tube dispensers in the untreated orchard did not differ statistically from the numbers captured in optimized monitoring traps per night of observation. In the pheromone‐treated orchard, the number of C. rosaceana (2.0 ± 0.4) or G. molesta (1.2 ± 0.2) observed orienting to polyethylene‐tube dispensers did not differ statistically from the numbers of male moths of these species captured in optimized monitoring traps per night of observation. No codling moths, Cydia pomonella L. were observed orienting to, or landing near, their respective polyethylene‐tube dispensers in either the untreated or pheromone‐treated orchards, although substantial numbers were captured in monitoring traps per night of observation (6.0 ± 1.7) in the untreated orchard. The attraction of male moths to polyethylene tube dispensers thus occurred in three of the four species observed. These results provide support for the idea that false‐plume‐following is an important component of the mechanisms mediating communicational disruption in moths by polyethylene‐tube dispensers.  相似文献   
The effects on the fecundity and fertility of redbanded leafroller, Argyrotaenia velutinana (Walker), and obliquebanded leafroller,Choristoneura rosaceana (Harris), exposed as adults to surfaces treated with the ecdysone agonists tebufenozide (RH-5992) and methoxyfenozide (RH-2485) were examined. The first part of the study consisted of recently emerged moths being exposed to treated surfaces continuously throughout their lives (including mating and oviposition). Continuous exposure to tebufenozide- or methoxyfenozide-treated surfaces significantly reduced the mean number of eggs laid and the percent of eggs that hatched in both species. The second part of the study involved exposure of recently emerged virgin moths (by sex) to treated surfaces for 24 h, after which, the exposed moths were paired with a nontreated partner to mate and oviposit on nontreated surfaces. In this experiment, for A. velutinana, significant reductions in fecundity occurred only when the female was exposed to methoxyfenozide-treated surfaces. Significant reductions in A. velutinana egg fertility occurred with both male and female exposure in the methoxyfenozide treatments and only female exposure in the tebufenozide treatments. For C. rosaceana, significant reductions in fecundity occurred with both male and female exposure in the tebufenozide and methoxyfenozide treatments. Significant reductions in C. rosaceana egg fertility occurred with both male and female exposure in the tebufenozide treatments and only with female exposure in the methoxyfenozide treatments.  相似文献   
Brief exposures of male Choristoneura rosaceana and Argyrotaenia velutinana to the plumes generated by lures releasing 3-component pheromone blends specifically tuned for each species or by commercially distributed Isomate OBLR/PLR Plus pheromone rope dispensers induced markedly different subsequent behavioral responses to pheromone. A greater proportion of C. rosaceana males took flight and successfully oriented toward lures 24 h after preexposure to a lure, a rope, or the lure–rope combination in a sustained-flight wind tunnel compared to naïve moths. Flights were also longer for preexposed than naïve moths. Preexposed male C. rosaceana were not more likely to fly toward ropes 24 h after preexposure. By contrast, fewer male A. velutinana oriented to lures 24 h after preexposure than did naïve moths. Those preexposed A. velutinana successfully locking onto plumes from lures flew for significantly shorter intervals than did unexposed moths. Electroantennograms revealed no changes at the periphery 15 min and 24 h after preexposure. For A. velutinana, the long-lasting effect was decreased attraction to a lure and increased attraction to a rope. For C. rosaceana, pheromone preexposure increased responsiveness to its authentic blend. This behavioral evidence is sufficient to explain why sexual communication of C. rosaceana is more difficult to disrupt than that of A. velutinana. Furthermore, it suggests a more complete blend of pheromone may be necessary to disrupt the former species but not the latter when using rope dispensers.  相似文献   
Pheromone biosynthesis in the redbanded leafroller moth, Argyrotaenia velutinana, was stimulated by homogenates of the bursa copulatrix. Although pheromonotropic activity was also extractable from the ovary, the activity of pheromone biosynthesis activating neuropeptide (PBAN) or bursa extracts was not impaired in isolated abdomens by removal of the ovary. Response to the bursa extracts was dependent on the dose administered and the time of incubation. Amounts of pheromone present in adult females of different ages appeared to be correlated with the extractable amount of pheromonotropic activity from their bursa copulatrix. Decapitation did not result in the suppression of burse factor production. Homogenates of the bursa elicited similar effects in both isolated gland and isolated abdomen incubations, but the brain neuropeptide, PBAN, was less active in the former than in the latter. Bursa extracts stimulated pheromone production in isolated abdomen incubations deprived of the bursa copulatrix, but PBAN did not. Loss of activity of bursa homogenates after treatment with either pronase E or carboxypeptidase Y indicated that the pheromonotropic factor is a proteinaceous substance. The mechanism through which pheromone production is regulated in redbanded leafroller moths is discussed. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Abstract The attractiveness and responsiveness of the adult redbanded leafroller, Argyrotaenia velutinana (Walker), and obliquebanded leafroller, Choristoneura rosaceana (Harris), exposed to surfaces treated with the ecdysteroid agonist methoxyfenozide were investigated in wind tunnel and orientation tube assays. For both species, when males were exposed to water‐treated surfaces for 48 h, and regardless of what treatment surfaces the females had been exposed to, the mean percentage recaptures of such treated males in the wind tunnel assays were always significantly greater than the recaptures of males that had been exposed to methoxyfenozide. However, exposure to surfaces treated with surfactant (Latron B‐1956) also negatively affected the responsiveness (or attractiveness) of both moth species. In the orientation tube assays, males exposed to methoxyfenozide‐treated surfaces always had significantly lower mean levels of individuals exhibiting sexual excitability, and the mean distances traveled upwind, regardless of females’ exposure. In addition, exposure to surfactant‐treated surfaces did not affect mean levels of sexual excitibility and distances traveled upwind. The two bioassays demonstrated that male A. velutinana and C. rosaceana exposed to methoxyfenozide‐treated surfaces were not as responsive to calling females (treated and non‐treated) as were the non‐treated males. Conversely, females exposed to methoxyfenozide‐treated surfaces were just as attractive to non‐treated males as water‐treated females. It appears that a male's ability to respond to a calling female is more negatively affected by the ecdysone agonist than a female's ability to call and attract males.  相似文献   
Mating in the redbanded leafroller moth, Argyrotaenia velutinana, causes a permanent decline in pheromone titers. Three hours following the termination of mating, phermone titers were significantly decreased from premating levels, and titers remained low for at least four days after mating. Pheromone titers were similar in females that had been decapitated or mated for twenty-four hours. In the redbanded leafroller moth, two peptides control pheromone production. The pheromone biosynthesis activating neuropeptide is produced in the brain and the pheromonotropic bursa peptide is produced in the corpus bursae. Both peptides stimulated pheromone biosynthesis in mated females and extracts prepared from brains and bursae of mated females contained pheromonotropic activity. However, severing the ventral nerve cord before mating prevented the decline in pheromone titer that occurred in mated females. Hemolymph collected during scotophase from mated females did not have pheromonotropic activity, whereas hemolymph collected during scotophase from virgin females contained activity. These results indicate that mating produces a signal sent by the ventral nerve cord to the brain to stop the release of pheromone biosynthesis activating neuropeptide. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Mating disruption for control of variegated leafroller (VLR),Platynota flavedana (Clemens), tufted apple bud moth (TBM),P. ideausalis Walker, and redbanded leafroller (RBL),Argyrotaenia velutinana (Walker), was studied in Virginia apple orchards in 1989 and 1990. In 1989, each dispenser (1000/ha) contained 190 mg of 67.2%E11–14:Ac, 28.8%Z11–14:Ac, 1.4%E11–14:OH, 0.6%Z11–14:OH, and 2%Z9–12:Ac (a putative generic leafroller disruption blend). Trap captures of VLR, TBM and RBL were reduced by 97%, 51% and 55%, respectively. Average leafroller injury in the interior and edge of the pheromone block was 3.8% and 2.7%, respectively. The conventional control and abandoned blocks had 0.05 and 27.5% injury, respectively. Dispensers containingE11–14:OH (70%) andZ11–14:OH (30%) (close to the natural blend of VLR), more effectively disrupted orientation to pheromone traps by bothPlatynota spp. than did the generic blend. In 1990, dispensers containing 150 mg ofE11–14:OH (70%) andZ11–14:OH (1000/ha) were placed in two 2-ha blocks and one 4-ha block. One pheromonetreated block was sprayed in August with phosmet for codling moth, not timed for leafrollers. Trap captures of VLR and TBM were reduced by almost 100% and 69%, respectively. RBL captures were not reduced by VLR pheromone permeation. Injury fromPlatynota spp. in pheromone block middles and edges ranged from 0.3–1.7% and 0.3–2.3%, respectively. Injury in conventional blocks ranged from 0–1.1%. RBL injury in pheromone block middles ranged from 0–6.1%, and in edges, 1.7–4.8%. Injury in control blocks ranged from 0–1.1%. Combined leafroller injury in an abandoned block was 18% (s.e. 0.3). Release rates averaged 30 and 32 mg/ha/h for the VLR and generic pheromone dispensers, respectively.  相似文献   
The biological control potential of parasitic wasps in the field is expected to increase with the provisioning of sugar sources, which increase longevity and replenish carbohydrate reserves. Apanteles aristoteliae is an important parasitoid of Argyrotaenia franciscana, the orange tortrix, an economic pest in fruit crops. In the present study, the effect of sugar diet on the physiological status of A. aristoteliae is investigated in the laboratory, as well as the effects of nutritional status on short‐term olfactory orientation and parasitism behaviour, and the association between olfactory orientation and immediate parasitism activity. Levels of glycogen, fructose, total sugars, proportional weight gain and volume consumed are higher among females fed 25% sucrose solution than 10% sucrose solution, and lowest for those fed water. Sugar feeding also affects behaviour: wasps with higher levels of fructose or weight gain have a lower probability of making a choice in the olfactometer. Wasps with intermediate fructose levels or weight gain have a higher probability of orienting towards hosts than wasps with low or high levels. Among wasps that make a choice in the olfactometer, wasps fed 10% or 25% sucrose significantly prefer host versus food cues, whereas starved wasps are just as likely to select food cues as host cues.  相似文献   
Sex pheromone traps forArgyrotaenia pulchellana Haw. (Lep. Tortricidae) were loaded with two low pheromone doses (0.1 and 0.01 mg) and tested in apple and pear orchards of northern Italy's Emilia-Romagna Region to estimate the relationship between male catches and subsequent larval infestation. While the lower dose captured fewer males, it registered an enhanced correlation to larval populations and a decrease in the number of episodes of high catches associated with no infestation. In all likelihood, the pheromone traps baited at the lower dose have a smaller active space and captured only makes within the orchard. Lures with 0.01 mg of pheromone can be replaced every 6 weeks, just as the 1 mg lures now in widespread use in Italy. A threshold of 65 adults captured from the beginning of flight is proposed for the Emilia-Romagna IPM project.  相似文献   
As measured by electroantennograms (EAG), both male and female obliquebanded leafrollers, Choristoneura rosaceana (Harris), and redbanded leafrollers, Argyrotaeniavelutinana (Walker), were similarly sensitive to host-related plant volatiles: trans-2-hexenal, benzaldehyde, 1-hexenol, cis-3-hexen-1-ol, geraniol, linalool, (+)-limonene, hexenal and trans-2-hexenol. Females of both species were similarly sensitive to the shared major component of their sex-attractant pheromone ((Z)11-14:Ac). Continuous 60 min pre-exposure of male and female C. rosaceana and A. velutinana to successively higher concentrations of a mixture of the nine plant volatiles in Teflon chambers with continuous air exchange caused a dosage-dependent increase in subsequent responsiveness (sensitization) to green leaf volatiles, as measured by EAGs. In addition, 60 min of pre-exposure of male C. rosaceana to certain individual volatiles ((+)-limonene, geraniol, benzaldehyde) increased EAGs nearly as much as did the mixture of nine volatiles. Pre-exposures to the nine plant-volatile mixture at concentrations achieved by 100 microg and 1 mg loading dosages in 100 microl of mineral oil significantly increased EAG depolarization to pheromone (cross-sensitization) in males but not females of both moth species. Antennae of male C. rosaceana pre-injected with 100 microg of octopamine (OA) without volatile pre-exposure exhibited sensitization nearly identical to that induced by pre-exposing moths to sensitizing concentrations of the plant-volatile mixture. Moreover, injection of the OA antagonist chlorpromazine (CP) blocked sensitization by the plant-volatile pre-exposure. Collectively, these findings suggest that exposures of tortricid moths to certain host-plant related volatiles may modulate subsequent olfactory sensitivity to behaviorally relevant chemical cues and that plant-volatile induced sensitization may be octopamine mediated.  相似文献   
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