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Females generally avoid selecting sites for oviposition which have a high predation risk to increase offspring survival. Previous studies have focused on costs to ovipositing females. However, although offspring may also incur costs by being oviposited at low predation risk sites, no studies have focused on costs to offspring. Such costs to offspring were examined by using Aquarius paludum insularis, females of which avoid eggs parasitism by ovipositing at deep sites. Deep sites are safe from egg parasitism but may be unsuitable for hatching due to environmental factors. We examined the costs to offspring at deep sites by comparing the hatching rate, the duration to hatching and the proportion of drowned larvae between eggs that were set at three levels of water depth (0 cm, 25 cm and 50 cm depth). While the hatching rate at 50 cm was lower than that at 0 cm, the rate at 25 cm did not differ from that at 0 cm. Duration to hatching and the proportion of drowned larvae did not differ between the three depths. It is suggested that the declining survival rate of A. paludum eggs was due to increased water pressure at greater depth. Such a cost may exist in other species and such an observation may aid in understanding oviposition site selection.  相似文献   
When one sex carries the other during some phase of courtshipor mating, the associated loading may entail a significant costto the carrier. This paper presents a series of laboratory experimentsdesigned to identify the costs of mate-carrying in Aquariusremigis. Female A. remigis mate repeatedly and carry each matefor several hours. Dead males and lead weights were used tosimulate normal mating and loading associated with mate-carrying,respectively. Females carrying weights equivalent to the weightof an average male showed no detectable reductions in survival,lipid reserves, or foraging success, and maintained themselveson the water surface for more than 10 days without access toresting sites. Weights equivalent to two males were supportedfor 6.1 ± 4.9 days. Thus, female A. remigis appear tobe very well adapted to carrying their mates and are unlikelyto be near their load limits when carrying a single mate. However,females carrying males or equivalent weights suffered a significantreduction in maximum mobility (stride length and speed), andan increased risk of predation by frogs (Rana clamitans). Femalescarrying weights were more susceptible to predation than unburdenedfemales but were less susceptible than females carrying males,suggesting that loading contributes significantly to, but doesnot fully explain, the increased predation risk. This risk probablyresults from both reduced mobility due to loading and greatervisibility (size). Possible influences of the costs of loadingon mating behavior and sexual size dimorphism are discussed.  相似文献   
We describe the mating system of Aquarius paludum insularis based on field observations and test hypotheses about the effects of body size, hunger level and post-copulatory guarding on reproductive performance. The mating sequence of this species was typical for temperate water striders, except that most oviposition was carried out by tandem pairs, most of which were submerged. Mate guarding continued until the end of oviposition, lasting up to 18.2h, which was much longer than that recorded for other species of water striders. Pair partners changed after oviposition. Extended contact guarding reduced female mobility. In the case of females that carried long-winged males, there was a significant reduction in speed and stride between tandem as opposed to single females. However, when short-winged males were carried, there was not a significant difference. Short-term foraging efficiency did not differ significantly between tandem and single females, and thus did not reflect the difference in mobility. Hunger level did not significantly affect female mating receptivity. Although the number of harassment bouts by unpaired males did not differ between single and tandem females, single females suffered significantly more harassment. Females were able to lay fertilized eggs for about 15 days after a single copulation, but they accepted long guarding and multiple mating during this period as well. The cost of resisting male mating attempts appears to be greater than the cost of carrying males.  相似文献   
We investigated how an aggressive species of waterstrider, Aquariusremigis, and potential predators, green sunfish (Lepomis cyanellus),affected the habitat use and mating behaviors of a less aggressivecongeneric species, A. conformis. Although these species sometimesco-occur, A. remigis typically lives in small streams with fewor no fish, whereas A. conformis are typically in medium- orlarge-sized streams with large populations of potentially predatoryfish. We tested in separate experiments in seminatural streams:1) the effect of fish on behaviors of A. conformis; 2) the effectof A. remigis on A. conformis; and 3) the habitat use of A.conformis when given a choice between pools with A. remigisor fish. The first experiment showed no effect of fish on eithermating behaviors or microhabitat use of A. conformis. This isin surprising contrast to the strong effects of fish alreadydocumented in A. remigis. The second experiment showed thatthe mating activity of A. conformis was reduced when A. remigiswere present; hence, A. conformis should avoid A. remigis. Finally,when A. conformis were presented with a choice between two pools,one containing A. remigis and the other containing fish, bothsingle males and pairs of A. conformis chose the pools withfish. In contrast, the habitat use of single female A. conformiswas not affected by either fish or A. remigis. Results fromthese experiments demonstrate that closely related species exhibitcontrasting social and antipredator behaviors and that aggressivesocial behavior is an important determinant of habitat partitioning  相似文献   
This report describes the behaviour of a previously uncharacterised mating tactic amongst male water striders (Aquarius remigis Say, 1832), involving the physical break up of existing mating pairs. Using data from four separate laboratory observations on the water strider mating system, we show that this behaviour represents roughly 12.6% of all mating attempts by males. Furthermore, we demonstrate that males are successful in breaking up the existing mating pair in 15.6% of the cases, resulting in secure matings with the disrupted female 6.2% of time. We suspect that mate disruption may serve as an alternative means for acquiring mates by males with low mating success using conventional behaviours. Further research should be performed to determine the prevalence of this behaviour in various natural populations and the specific contexts in which this behaviour occurs.  相似文献   
1. Despite the ubiquity and abundance of water striders (Hemiptera: Gerridae) in temperate streams and rivers and their potential usefulness as sentinels in contaminant studies, little is known about their feeding ecology and lipid dynamics. 2. In this study we used stable isotopes of carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) and elemental carbon to nitrogen ratios (C/N) to assess dietary habits and lipid content, respectively, for water striders. 3. To determine diet‐tissue fractionation factors, nymphs of the most common species in New Brunswick, Canada, Aquarius remigis were reared in the laboratory for 73 days and exhibited rapid isotopic turnover in response to a switch in diet (C half‐life = 1.5 days, N half‐life = 7.8 days). Their lipid content increased towards the end of the growing season and resulted in lower δ13C values. Diet‐tissue fractionation factors were established after correction of δ13C data for the confounding effect of de novo lipid synthesis (strider δ13Cadj– diet δ13Cadj = 0.1‰, strider δ15N – diet δ15N = 2.7‰). 4. Water striders from the majority of 45 stream sites (83%) in New Brunswick had less than 50% contribution of aquatic carbon to their diets but showed a gradual increase in the contribution of this carbon source to their diet with increasing stream size. 5. These data indicate that striders exhibit a strong connection to terrestrial carbon sources, making them important users of energy subsidies to streams from the surrounding catchment. However, this dependence on terrestrial organic matter may limit their utility as indicators of contamination of aquatic systems by heavy metals and other pollutants.  相似文献   
Understanding the factors that underlie colonization success is crucial both for ecological theory and conservation practices. The most effective way to assess colonization ability is to introduce experimentally different sets of individuals in empty patches of suitable habitat and to monitor the outcome. We translocated mated female waterstriders, Aquarius najas, into 90 streams that were not currently inhabited by the species. We manipulated sizes of propagules (from 2 to 16 mated females) and numbers of origin populations (one or two). Three origin populations were genetically different from each other, but they were less than 150 km from the streams of translocation. The results demonstrate clearly that both the larger propagule size and the high number of source populations have positive effects on the probability of colonizing a new stream. Thus, in addition to the stochastic factors related to the propagule size it may be essential to consider also the diversity of genetic origin for colonization success.Due to an error in the citation line, this revised PDF (published in December 2003) deviates from the printed version, and is the correct and authoritative version of the paper.  相似文献   
We used a factorial experiment to examine interacting effectsof male density, female density, and sunfish (predation risk)on mating dynamics of the stream water strider (Aquarius remigis).Many of our results corroborated earlier studies on the isolatedeffects of each factor on mating behavior. The effect of eachfactor, however, depended on the other factors. For example,in low density pools, predation risk decreased male generalactivity, male/female harassment rates, mating activity, andmating duration and increased the large male mating advantage.At higher densities, however, water striders apparently enjoyed"safety in numbers" and did not alter their mating dynamicsin response to the presence of predators. Female activity showeda particularly complex response to male density and fish. Whenmales were scarce, fish caused females to reduce their activity.However, when males were abundant, fish increased female activity,probably because fish decreased male activity thus releasingfemales from harassment by males. The three treatment factorsalso had interacting effects on male mating success. In theabsence of fish, when females were scarce, increased male densityresulted in a decrease in mean male mating success; however,when females were abundant, increased male density enhancedmean male mating success. In contrast, in the presence of fish,male density had little effect on male mating success. Manyof the observed mating patterns can be explained by the effectsof ecological and social factors on male/female conflicts; thatis, on male harassment of females and female reluctance to mate.  相似文献   
The waterstrider Aquarius najas is wingless in Northern Europe, while winged individuals occur frequently in Central and Southern Europe. To test if the latitudinal difference is genetically controlled, we collected mature individuals from 10 different populations and raised their offspring in ‘common garden’ laboratory conditions. Half of these populations were from southern and the other half from central Finland. Daylength and temperature do influence wing development among other species of waterstriders, and thus we maintained a similar short daylength and warm conditions for all populations. These conditions should be favourable for wing development in general. Among laboratory-bred individuals several winged individuals appeared, and their proportion varied between populations. The relative frequency of winged individuals was highest in the southern populations. Thus, apart from phenotypic plasticity there seems to be some genetic control over the occurrence of wings, and the latitudinal trend coincides with the direction in natural populations over a larger European scale. Overwinter survival in our laboratory conditions was higher among the wingless individuals. The survival cost may explain why the proportion of winged individuals was lower in the northern populations with more extreme overwintering conditions than in the southern ones.  相似文献   
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