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短梗长尾啮小蜂Aprostocetus brevipedicellus是林业害虫的一种重要卵寄生蜂,目前国内外对其生物学特性尚没有报道.本研究在温度25±1℃、相对湿度70% ±5%、光周期14 L:10 D条件下对该蜂的生物学特性进行了观察.结果表明,以柞蚕卵为寄主,该蜂的发育历期为23.58 d,其中卵期、幼虫期、...  相似文献   
桑天牛卵长尾啮小蜂的寄主选择定位行为   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文对桑天牛卵长尾啮小蜂Aprostocetus prolixus LaSalle et Huang的寄主选择定位行为进行了系统研究。已有研究表明,寄主植物-寄主昆虫复合体释放的挥发物对寄生蜂有显著的引诱作用。为了查明寄主植物 寄主昆虫复合体中挥发性引诱物质的来源,对不同处理桑枝(正常桑枝、机械损伤桑枝、系统枝、桑天牛Apriona germari(Hope)咬食和产卵桑枝)、桑天牛虫粪及雌雄两性桑天牛所释放的挥发物分别进行了测定。结果显示:不同处理桑枝对寄生蜂都具有显著的引诱作用,而且产卵桑枝的引诱活性最大;桑天牛虫粪的气味对寄生蜂有引诱活性,而雌、雄桑天牛体表挥发物对寄生蜂的引诱效果不明显。桑天牛爬行痕迹对寄生蜂的微栖境接受行为没有影响,而桑天牛虫粪中的信息物质在寄生蜂的微栖境接受过程中起着重要作用。寄生蜂对产卵桑枝段的选择几率明显高于正常桑枝段和咬食桑枝段,而对不同植物上产卵刻槽的选择没有差异; 刻槽表面存在着与此卵寄生蜂寄主识别相关的信息物质。  相似文献   
Abstract 1. Variables affecting species at the ends of trophic chains may modify the success of members with which they do not directly interact. The majority of such examples involve three trophic levels, but hyperparasitoids provide an excellent opportunity to examine four‐level relationships. 2. The gregarious hyperparasitoid Aprostocetus sp. (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) commonly attacks the primary parasitoid Alabagrus texanus (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), by far the commonest parasitoid of the moth Herpetogramma theseusalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae). 3. Larvae of this moth feed on ferns of two families, sensitive fern Onoclea sensibilis (Dryopteridaceae) and marsh fern Thelypteris palustris (Thelypteridaceae), in the study area, an old field in Maine, U.S.A. 4. I test the hypotheses that the ferns indirectly affect the reproductive success of the hyperparasitoids and that the ferns produce similar effects at intermediate links. 5. The moths experienced similar success on the two ferns, and the primary parasitoid performed similarly on moths reared from both ferns. The hyperparasitoid parasitized similar proportions of the primary parasitoid from moths that fed on sensitive fern and marsh fern. 6. However, hyperparasitoid broods on primary parasitoids from moths feeding on marsh fern contained approximately one‐third more offspring, whose individuals were significantly larger than those from sensitive fern, even though their hosts’ sizes did not differ significantly. 7. An indirect effect, related to the primary producers, thus strongly affected Trophic Level 4 in the absence of a significant effect at intermediate levels. To the best of my knowledge, this relationship has not been previously reported in a multi‐year or field‐based study of a natural system.  相似文献   
A small collection of aphid hyperparasitic species of Tetrastichinae obtained by rearing mummified aphids in Japan were examined. In addition to the two already known species, three more species were confirmed to occur in Japan. A key to these five Japanese species and their hosts (primary parasitoids, aphids and plants) are provided. The modes of hyperparasitism and host associations of tetrastichine aphid hyperparasitoids are discussed.  相似文献   
吴泽民   《广西植物》1988,(3):237-238
<正> 与原变种的区别在于叶柄较长,长5—10厘米,顶生小叶柄长2厘米,顶生小叶先端长尾尖,基部心形,花梗较短,长1.5—3厘米,子房微具腺毛。  相似文献   
Studies were conducted on the species composition of parasitoids of sorghum midge, Stenodiplosis sorghicola Coquillett (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), emergence pattern and level of parasitism. They took place at the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics Asia Centre using three midge-resistant (ICSV 745, ICSV 89058 and IS 10712) and three susceptible (Swarna, CSH 9 and ICSV 112) genotypes during the 1992-93 post-rainy and 1993 rainy seasons. The species of parasitoids collected were Aprostocetus gala Walker, A. coimbatorensis Rohwer (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) and Eupelmus spp. (Hymenoptera: Eupelmidae). The species composition varied with the season, but was unaffected by varietal resistance and susceptibility to the midge. Although both species of Aprostocetus were present in rainy and post-rainy seasons, A. gala was predominant during the rainy season whereas A. coimbatorensis was predominant in the post-rainy season. There was no significant difference in the pattern of parasitoid emergence or the level of midge parasitization between resistant and susceptible genotypes. These results indicate that resistance to midge in the genotypes studied was not antagonistic to parasitoid activity, and that there is potential to interface biological control with host-plant resistance in the management of this insect.  相似文献   
为了深入理解桑天牛Apriona germari虫粪挥发物在桑天牛卵啮小蜂Aprostocetus prolixus寄主定位中的作用, 本研究通过嗅觉生测比较分析了取食不同寄主植物(桑树Morus alba、 柘树Cudrania tricuspidata和构树Broussonetia papyrifera)的雌雄两性桑天牛成虫的虫粪挥发物对桑天牛卵啮小蜂的引诱活性, 并利用热脱附-气相色谱-质谱联用仪(TCT-GC-MS)对不同桑天牛虫粪挥发物的组分进行了分析鉴定。结果表明: 取食不同寄主植物的雌性或雄性桑天牛虫粪挥发物对该寄生蜂均具有显著的引诱作用, 而不同处理间的桑天牛虫粪挥发物对该寄生蜂的引诱活性无显著差异, 这说明寄主植物的种类和桑天牛性别对于桑天牛虫粪引诱该寄生蜂的活性并无显著影响。桑天牛虫粪挥发物主要包括炔类、 酮类、醛类、酯类和萜类等化合物; 取食柘树和构树的桑天牛虫粪挥发物组分相同, 但取食桑树桑天牛的虫粪挥发物组分明显多于取食柘树和构树桑天牛的虫粪。取食同一寄主植物的两性桑天牛的虫粪挥发物的组分及其含量大致相同, 表明寄主植物对桑天牛虫粪挥发物的组分有重要影响, 而桑天牛性别对其虫粪挥发物组分无显著影响。  相似文献   
We investigated the female reproductive system of Platygaster diplosisae (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae) and Aprostocetus procerae (= Tetrastichus pachydiplosisae) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), two parasitoids associated with the African rice gall midge, Orseolia oryzivora (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae). Both optical and electron microscopy were used. The female reproductive system of P. diplosisae includes two large ovaries of the meristic polytrophic‐type, each composed of several tens of ovarioles. The system includes also a venomous gland that extends to a common oviduct. This gland had a filiform secretory portion, in which the epithelium was thin and surrounded a common evacuation canal. The secretory cells secrete into a large reservoir. Parasitism due to P. diplosisae is gregarious. The female reproductive system of A. procerae includes two ovaries of the meristic polytrophic‐type, and each ovary has a few ovarioles. Each ovariole includes one or two oocytes, which can be seen in the vitellarium. Two accessory glands, which extend to the oviduct, are also visible. The secretory epithelium of the accessory gland is made up of a dense network of secretory cells surrounded by muscle fibers. Females of A. procerae pierce the tissues of the gall and probably deposit one egg on or close to the pupa of the midge. Aprostocetus procerae is a solitary parasitoid of the midge. The two parasitoids exploit the same host at different developmental stages. These findings improve our knowledge of the reproductive biology of these two parasitoids associated with the African rice gall midge, an important pest in Africa.  相似文献   
【目的】探讨茉莉酸诱导的桑树Morus alba枝挥发物对桑天牛卵啮小蜂Aprostocetus prolixus趋性行为的影响,研究桑枝挥发物的动态变化规律,为揭示茉莉酸诱导桑枝产生的间接抗虫作用机理提供理论依据。【方法】本试验利用嗅觉测定仪,研究了不同浓度茉莉酸处理24,48和72 h后的桑枝对桑天牛卵啮小蜂的引诱作用,并采用气相色谱-质谱联用仪(GC/MS)对茉莉酸(1 000μmol/L)处理不同时间后的桑枝挥发物组分进行了分析。【结果】在10μmol/L茉莉酸处理后的不同时间内,桑枝对桑天牛卵啮小蜂均未表现出明显的引诱作用;当茉莉酸浓度为100μmol/L时,桑枝仅在处理48 h后对桑天牛卵啮小蜂具有显著的引诱活性;然而,经1 000μmol/L茉莉酸处理24 h和48h后,桑枝对桑天牛卵啮小蜂的引诱活性明显高于对照(24 h,P0.05;48 h,P0.01),72 h后桑枝的引诱作用消失。Spearman等级相关性分析表明,茉莉酸浓度与桑枝对桑天牛卵啮小蜂的引诱百分率显著正相关(ρ=0.791,P=0.006)。茉莉酸(1 000μmol/L)处理桑枝挥发物组分包括醇类、酯类、萜类物质、芳香族化合物和含氮化合物,其中萜类物质种类最多(13种)。随着处理时间的变化,桑枝挥发物组分及总释放速率也随之发生改变。处理24 h后,桑枝释放出18种组分,比对照多11种组分,其总释放速率也明显提高,为对照的8.2倍;48 h后桑枝释放出22种组分,比对照多15种组分,其总释放速率进一步提高,为对照的44.6倍;72 h后桑枝释放出13种组分,比对照多6种组分,其总释放速率大幅降低,为对照的3.9倍,但与对照无显著差异。【结论】随着茉莉酸浓度的提高,桑枝对桑天牛卵啮小蜂的引诱活性逐渐增强。茉莉酸能诱导桑枝挥发物的大量释放及新组分的产生。  相似文献   
本文记述了无褶啮小峰属Aprostocetus一新种,采自江西农业大学校园内.该蜂寄居于构骨(别名:构骨冬青、猫儿刺等)Ilex cornuta Linnaeus枝上一种瘿蚊(学名待定)所造的虫瘿中.新种属Aprostocetus亚属中的lycidas群,与Aprostocetus(A.)boreus(Delucchi)极相似,但腹部比后者长得多,约为头、胸部长之和的1.4倍;并胸腹节之中部比后胸盾稍短.沿中胸盾侧沟之内侧具毛5根.模式标本保存于江西农大植保系标本室内.  相似文献   
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