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The silicified Wenlockian (Silurian) bivalve fauna from MÖllbos, Gotland, is part of a life assemblage. The vast number of shells show unusual phenomena, e.g. shell repair, pearl and tumour formation, etc. A number of shells contain epibionts and bored, round holes. Presumptive predators of the bivalve community are discussed. Size-frequency distribution of the two most abundant species possibly reflects age classes. The fauna, comprising eleven species, is dominated by deposit-feeders (90 %). They exhibit niche diversification, including at least three different feeding levels within the sediment.  相似文献   
棉田生态系统能流特征分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
戈峰  丁岩钦 《生态学报》1996,16(3):225-231
为丰富生态系统的能流功能理论,开展以此为基础的生态调控,本文采用田间调查与室内测定相结合的方法,系统地测定了棉田初级生产者(棉株)、次级生产者(害虫、天敌)和土壤分解者的能流参数值,分析和比较了以棉株-害虫-天敌相互作用为中心,受人为干扰作用较大的棉田生态系统能流特征。  相似文献   
基于地理和气象要素的春玉米生育期栅格化方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘勤  严昌荣  梅旭荣  杨建莹  翟治芬 《生态学报》2011,31(14):4056-4061
本文以黄河流域春玉米生育期和气象站点气象数据为主要数据源,采用多元逐步回归法分析了各生育期和经度、纬度、海拔高度、降水、年均温、≥10℃积温和日照时数等影响因子的关系,建立逐步回归方程,对各生育期空间栅格化方法进行了探讨,结果表明:(1)生育期空间拟合插值的统计检验说明春玉米“播种期”、“抽雄期”和“收获期”三个时期模拟效果最好,“拔节期”效果精度相对较好;(2)播种期基本满足从西南到东北延后的变化趋势,而拔节期、抽雄期和收获期基本上表现了从南北向中部、中部向东西两侧延后的现象。本研究得到的生育期与地理和气象要素之间的逐步回归方程,可为气候条件变化下作物生育期栅格化模拟试验以及农业生产应该采取的适应机制研究提供一定的依据。  相似文献   
Nineteen patients (9 females, 10 males) with mitochondrial encephalomyopathies (ME) were studied. The diagnosis was established according to clinical and histopathological criteria. Leading clinical features were chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia (CPEO) and muscle weakness in 95% of the patients. Pigmentary retinopathy was seen in 63%, and was always associated with CPEO. Hypacusis was present in 47% and cerebellar ataxia in 63% of patients. Clinical or electrophysiological signs of involvement of the central nervous system (CNS) were found in 21% of the patients. In muscle biopsy ragged red fibers were the predominant histopathological findings (100% of the patients), while COX-negative fibers were seen in 74%, deletions of the mitochondrial DNA in 42%, and defects of the respiratory chain in 32% of the patients. Increased blood lactate levels were found in 79% of the patients. Needle electromyography revealed myopathic features in 74%, features of denervation in 16%, and w as normal in the remainder. Imaging studies showed cerebral atrophy in 58%, cerebellar atrophy in 16%, and hyperintense lesions of the white matter, pyramidal tract or extrapyramidal system in 16% of the cases. It is concluded that the clinical manifestations of ME can be very variable. Diagnosis of ME should be always considered in young patients presenting with CPEO and muscle weakness. In most cases, diagnosis can be made by a few selected investigations, while detection of genetic abnormalities may lead to the diagnosis in the remaining cases. (Mol Cell Biochem 174: 297–303, 1997)  相似文献   
【目的】本文对危害合欢Albizia julibrissin Durazz的钻蛀性害虫合欢吉丁Agrilus subrobustus Saunders各虫态形态特征及危害特性进行了研究与描述,深入探索其虫道三维结构,以期为合欢吉丁的发生监测及防治提供依据。【方法】查阅相关文献,记述整理了合欢吉丁学名的变化过程,详细地观察并描述了剖腹卵、幼虫、蛹、成虫的形态特征;首次研究总结其坑道系统的各指标特点:虫口密度、坑道长宽、侵入孔特征、蛹室特征、羽化孔特征等,明确了完整虫道的发生发展规律;基于坑道拍照、各向量指标测量,对坑道进行科学手绘,使用Autodesk Maya软件完成合欢吉丁完整虫道的三维重建。【结果】合欢吉丁幼虫细长、乳白色,蛹为裸蛹。成虫铜绿色具金属光泽,观察对比其前胸背板长宽比、盘区和肩前隆脊形态,前胸腹板突形状,鞘翅柔毛分布位置,阳茎形态等特征,结合文献,明确其学名为Agrilus subrobustus Saunders。合欢吉丁主要危害树干韧皮部及木质部,具向阳性;在树皮下钻蛀坑道,侵入孔圆形,不超过1 mm;蛹室米粒状,多位于木质部,少数位于韧皮部;羽化孔"D"型;坑道形状具有规律性,可分为3种:"Z"字型及其变型,密集上下迂回型,椭圆或近半圆型坑道。【结论】基于形态特征的详细描述、学名厘定,有利于合欢吉丁的鉴定及学名的正确使用;完整虫道的复原便于在非成虫期结合寄主种类鉴定害虫种类、评估虫口密度和危害程度,为合欢吉丁的监测提供了具体的判别方法,为化学防治、生物防治等提供参考与技术支持。  相似文献   
Engineering enzymes with improved catalytic properties in non-natural environments have been concerned with their diverse industrial and biotechnological applications. Immobilization represents a promising but straightforward route, and immobilized biocatalysts often display higher activities and stabilities compared to free enzymes. Owing to their unique physicochemical characteristics, including the high-specific surface area, exceptional chemical, electrical, and mechanical properties, efficient enzyme loading, and multivalent functionalization, nano-based materials are postulated as suitable carriers for biomolecules or enzyme immobilization. Enzymes immobilized on nanomaterial-based supports are more robust, stable, and recoverable than their pristine counterparts, and are even used for continuous catalytic processes. Furthermore, the unique intrinsic properties of nanomaterials, particularly nanoparticles, also confer the immobilized enzymes to be used for their broader applications. Herein, an effort has been made to present novel potentialities of multi-point enzyme immobilization in the current biotechnological sector. Various nano-based platforms for enzyme/biomolecule immobilization are discussed in the second part of the review. In summary, recent developments in the use of nanomaterials as new carriers to construct robust nano-biocatalytic systems are reviewed, and future trends are pointed out in this article.  相似文献   
采用扫描电子显微镜对青藏高原东缘风毛菊亚属中的16种植物果实表皮微形态特征进行观察,结果表明:(1)果皮纹饰类型为:条纹型,有隔条纹型和网纹型。(2)根据种内个体间、组内种间以及组间的比较,认为在风毛菊亚属中,果实表皮显微特征在种内个体间比较稳定,变异很小;同组内种间表现出较大的相似性而不同组间存在着一定差异。说明在组和组下等级的分类学处理以及在系统位置和亲缘关系的探讨上,果实显微特征具有重要的分类学价值。  相似文献   
凝溶胶蛋白(gelsolin)是凝溶胶蛋白超家族的成员之一,是一种重要的肌动蛋白结合蛋白,其通过切断、封端肌动蛋白丝,或使肌动蛋白聚集成核等方式来控制肌动蛋白的结构.凝溶胶蛋白除了在重组肌动蛋白丝中发挥作用以外,还在细胞运动、控制细胞程序性死亡等细胞活动中发挥重要的作用.此外,肿瘤细胞中凝溶胶蛋白的表达量也发生变化.凝溶胶蛋白的变异还是某些遗传疾病的基础.最近的研究发现,凝溶胶蛋白可以作为转录辅激活蛋白,促进雄激素受体的转录活性.本文对凝溶胶蛋白的结构特点、参与调节细胞的功能和机制及其研究现状进行概述.  相似文献   
【目的】近年来巨膜长蝽Jakowleffia setulosa(Jakovlev)由以往稳定种群的荒漠昆虫上升为暴发性发生并迁移至农区危害的农业害虫。由于缺乏对巨膜长蝽基础生物学的相关研究,对其开展监测预警和农业防治存在困难。开展巨膜长蝽个体生物学研究,填补研究空白对于有效监测预报和防控提供可靠的依据,同时能为下一步分析巨膜长蝽成灾规律提供基础数据。【方法】本文通过室内观察和野外调查相结合,系统阐明该种形态特征、生活史、习性和行为等生物学特性。【结果】巨膜长蝽在宁夏中部干旱带一年发生2代,5月中旬和10月中下旬是两个发生高峰期,6月中旬至8月中旬以成虫进入滞育状态,11月下旬以成虫越冬;雌成虫的平均寿命为(32.14±2.34)d,雄成虫的平均寿命为(28.00±3.13)d,雌雄性比为1︰1.9,有多次交尾多次产卵的习性,每头雌虫抱卵量10粒左右,平均产卵量10~15粒左右;食性杂,群居危害,喜食白茎盐生草(Halogeton arachnoideus)等沙生草本植物的种子。【结论】该虫具有以成虫形态越冬和滞育、迁移性强等生物学特性。在生态环境发生较大变动后,能够经历逆境后迅速恢复种群并迁移危害。宁夏中南部地区种植结构调整,极大改变了该地区的荒漠生态环境,促使巨膜长蝽在经过夏季高温滞育恢复种群后无法获得足够野生寄主的情况下,大规模迁入农田系统危害。  相似文献   
U7 small nuclear RNA (snRNA) sequences have been described only for a handful of animal species in the past. Here we describe a computational search for func- tional U7 snRNA genes throughout vertebrates including the upstream sequence elements characteristic for snRNAs transcribed by polymerase Ⅱ. Based on the results of this search, we discuss the high variability of U7 snRNAs in both se- quence and structure, and report on an attempt to find U7 snRNA sequences in basal deuterostomes and non-drosophilids insect genomes based on a combination of sequence, structure, and promoter features. Due to the extremely short se- quence and the high variability in both sequence and structure, no unambiguous candidates were found. These results cast doubt on putative U7 homologs in even more distant organisms that are reported in the most recent release of the Rfam database.  相似文献   
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