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The volatile constituents of the essential oils of 23 taxa belonging to the Apioideae subfamily were studied in detail. The investigated taxa were Pimpinella serbica (Vis.) Bentham & Hooker, Libanotis montana Cr., Cnidium silaifolium (Jacq.) Simk. ssp. orientale (Boiss.) Tutin, Bupleurum praealtum L., B. sibthorpianum S. S. var. diversifolium (Roch.) Hay, Aegopodium podagraria L., Torilis anthriscus (L.) Gmel., Orlaya grandiflora (L.) Hoffm., Laserpitium siler L., Laser trilobum (L.) Brokh., Chaerophyllum aureum L., C. hirsutum L., C. temulum L., Pastinaca sativa L., P. hirsuta Pancic., Tordylium maximum L., Physospermum cornubiense (L.) DC., Peucedanum alsaticum L., P. oreoselinum (L.) Moench, P. cervaria (L.) Cuss., P. austriacum (Jacq.) Koch, P. longifolium W. et K., and P. officinale L. All of these species grow wild in the central part of the Balkan Peninsula. The essential oils were found to be complex mixtures of various compounds, more than 100 constituents being in each taxon, with contributions of main products never exceeding 25% of the total content. Sesquiterpene hydrocarbons were found to be the main group of constituents of all taxa, except for Peucedanum species, where monoterpene hydrocarbons were identified as the main components. The chemotaxonomic value of the essential-oil composition is discussed according to results of principal-component analysis (PCA). The essential-oil composition mainly reflects current taxonomic relationships between the investigated taxa.  相似文献   
The flora of Western Europe is rich in endemic species of Apiaceae, many of which have been poorly investigated and whose phylogenetic relationships are poorly known. To investigate relationships among three endemic European genera (Dethawia, Meum, and Rivasmartinezia gen. nov.) and to ascertain their higher-level phylogenetic placements within the subfamily Apioideae, we examined nuclear ribosomal DNA ITS sequences and the plastid trnL-trnF region. Phylogenies estimated using parsimony and Bayesian inference reveal that (1) the historically known “Conioselinum chinense” Clade (Conioselinum chinense; C. scopulorum; Ligusticum canadense; L. porteri; Meum athamanticum; Mutellina purpurea; and Trochiscanthes nodiflora) comprise a strongly supported monophyletic group (100% BS); (2) the genera Dethawia and Meum comprise a strongly supported monophyletic group also included in the “Conioselinum chinense” Clade; and finally (3) a new genus (Rivasmartinezia) with one species (R. vazquezii) from the Northwestern of the Iberian Peninsula, and placed in the basal position in the “Conioselinum chinense” Clade, is described for the family Apiaceae subfamily Apioideae.  相似文献   
A highly localised new species from the Cederberg Mountains near Wuppertal in the Western Cape Province is described. Annesorhiza asparagoides B.-E. Van Wyk, collected for the first time in 2009, differs from all other species of Annesorhiza (and the closely related Chamarea) in the unusual leaf structure, with crowded, subsessile, acicular leaf segments, resulting in dense, bottlebrush-like pinnae. The new species has a cluster of 10 or more slender roots, small (< 150 mm long), sparsely hairy leaves and small (± 8 mm long), oblong, conspicuously ribbed, homomericarpic fruits.  相似文献   
Evolutionary relationships among representatives of Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) subfamily Apioideae have been inferred from phylogenetic analyses of nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS 1 and ITS 2) and plastid rpoC1 intron sequences. High levels of nucleotide sequence variation preclude the use of the ITS region for examining relationships across subfamilial boundaries in Apiaceae, whereas the rpoC1 intron is more suitably conserved for family-wide phylogenetic study but is too conserved for examining relationships among closely related taxa. In total, 126 ITS sequences from subfamily Apioideae and 100 rpoC1 intron sequences from Apiaceae (all three subfamilies) and outgroups Araliaceae and Pittosporaceae were examined. Phylogenies estimated using parsimony, neighbor-joining, and maximum likelihood methods reveal that: (1) Apiaceae subfamily Apioideae is monophyletic and is sister group to Apiaceae subfamily Saniculoideae; (2) Apiaceae subfamily Hydrocotyloideae is not monophyletic, with some members strongly allied to Araliaceae and others to Apioideae + Saniculoideae; and (3) Apiaceae subfamily Apioideae comprises several well-supported subclades, but none of these coincide with previously recognized tribal divisions based largely on morphological and anatomical characters of the fruit. Four major clades in Apioideae are provisionally recognized and provide the framework for future lower level phylogenetic analyses. A putative secondary structure model of the Daucus carota (carrot) rpoC1 group II intron is presented. Of its six major structural domains, domains II and III are the most, and domains V and VI the least, variable.  相似文献   
Relationships among the taxa of Umbelliferae, presumably close to Ligusticum and Selinum were investigated by two independent molecular taxonomic methods. 134 ITS 1-2 sequences were analyzed (29 new and 2 reinvestigated species) and immunochemical comparison of storage seed proteins for 38 species of Apioideae of Ligusticum affinity was performed, eight reference systems (antisera) were used. Both approaches yield similar results, showing the extremely polyphyletic nature of this group and some large genera (Ligusticum s.l., Selinum s.l., Pachypleurum) in the Umbelliferae. The independent status of the genera Magadania, Sphaenolobium, Arafoe, Lomatocarpa, Dimorphosciadium and some other segregates of Ligusticum, Cnidium and Selinum have been confirmed, but Cnidium proved to be unnatural even as currently circumscribed. In the group of East Asian taxa the genera Oreocome, Ligusticopsis, Cortia and Cortiella appeared to be closely related. Haplosphaera was shown to be a genus of Hansenia-Notopterygium group.  相似文献   
伞形科部分类群气孔结构及其分类学价值   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该研究对变豆菜亚科及芹亚科基础类群20属29种(变豆菜亚科9属11种,芹亚科基础类群11属18种)植物叶片(苞片或果实)的气孔结构进行显微观察分析,以明确变豆菜亚科及芹亚科基础类群的气孔特征及其与伞形科其他类群的区别。结果显示:(1)变豆菜亚科及芹亚科基础类群的气孔类型有无规则型、不等型和平列型3种,其中变豆菜亚科的变豆菜族气孔为无规则型(占总气孔比例的35%~75%)及不等型(25%~65%),仅刺芹属(Eryngium)具平列型,而Steganotaenieae族的气孔均为无规则型;芹亚科基础类群除柴胡属(Bupleurum)外多为或仅为无规则型(75%~100%),少为不等型(5%~25%)。(2)气孔结构支持分子系统学将Arctopus放入变豆菜亚科的变豆菜族,Choritaenia移入芹亚科。(3)变豆菜亚科气孔特征同芹亚科及牵环花亚科的较为相似,而同参棕亚科差别较大。  相似文献   
Phylogenetic relationships among 40 New World and Old World members of Apiaceae subfamily Apioideae, representing seven of the eight tribes and eight of the ten subtribes commonly recognized in the subfamily, were inferred from nucleotide sequence variation in the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions of 18-26S nuclear ribosomal DNA. Although the sequences are alignable, with only 11% of sites excluded from the analyses because of alignment ambiguity, divergence values in pairwise comparisons of unambiguous positions among all taxa were high and ranged from 0.5 to 33.2% of nucleotides in ITS 1 and from 0 to 33.2% of nucleotides in ITS 2. Average sequence divergence across both spacer regions was 18.4% of nucleotides. Phylogenies derived from ITS sequences estimated using neighbor-joining analysis of substitution rates, and maximum likelihood and parsimony methods give trees of essentially similar topology and indicate that: (1) there is little support for any existing system of classification of the subfamily that is based largely on morphological and anatomical features of the mericarp; (2) there is a major phylogenetic division within the subfamily, with one clade comprising the genus Smyrnium and those taxa belonging to Drude's tribes Dauceae, Scandiceae, and Laserpitieae and the other clade comprising all other examined taxa; and (3) the genera Arracacia, Coaxana, Coulterophytum, Enantiophylla, Myrrhidendron, Prionosciadium, and Rhodosciadium, all endemic to Mexico and Central America, comprise a clade but their relationships to other New World taxa are equivocal. A phylogeny derived from parsimony analysis of chloroplast DNA rpoC1 intron sequences is consistent with, but considerably less resolved than, relationships derived from these ITS regions. This study affirms that ITS sequences are useful for phylogenetic inference among closely related members of Apioideae but, owing to high rates of nucleotide substitution, are less useful in resolving relationships among the more ancestral nodes of the phylogeny.  相似文献   
Chromosome numbers are reported for 12 species from nine genera of South African Umbelliferae, of which seven species and one genus (Itasina) are recorded for the first time. A detailed list of all published chromosome counts for southern African species is also presented, together with a review of the literature. The new data obtained are briefly discussed in the context of the taxonomy and relationships of local Umbelliferae. The counts agree with previous reports except that Annesorhiza appears to have 2n = 22, with or without one additional B-chromosome, and not 2n = 24 as reported in the literature. The number for Itasina (2n = 24) is of considerable interest and indicates that a detailed chromosome study of the South African genera Annesorhiza and Chamarea may yield valuable taxonomic information.  相似文献   
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