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Rapid climate change may prompt species distribution shifts upward and poleward, but species movement in itself is not sufficient to establish climate causation. Other dynamics, such as disturbance history, may prompt species distribution shifts resembling those expected from rapid climate change. Links between species distributions, regional climate trends and physiological mechanism are needed to convincingly establish climate‐induced species shifts. We examine a 38‐year shift (1974–2012) in an elevation ecotone between two closely related ant species, Aphaenogaster picea and A. rudis. Even though A. picea and A. rudis are closely related with North American distributions that sometimes overlap, they also exhibit local‐ and regional‐scale differences in temperature requirements so that A. rudis is more southerly and inhabits lower elevations whereas A. picea is more northerly and inhabits high elevations. We find considerable movement by the warm‐habitat species upward in elevation between 1974 and 2012 with A. rudis, replacing the cold‐habitat species, A. picea, along the southern edge of the Appalachian Mountain chain in north Georgia, USA. Concomitant with the distribution shifts, regional mean and maximum temperatures remain steady (1974–2012), but minimum temperatures increase. We collect individuals from the study sites and subject them to thermal tolerance testing in a controlled setting and find that maximum and minimum temperature acclimatization occurs along the elevation gradient in both species, but A. rudis consistently becomes physiologically incapacitated at minimum and maximum temperatures 2 °C higher than A. picea. These results indicate that rising minimum temperatures allow A. rudis to move upward in elevation and displace A. picea. Given that Aphaenogaster ants are the dominant woodland seed dispersers in eastern deciduous forests, and that their thermal tolerances drive distinct differences in temperature‐cued synchrony with early blooming plants, these climate responses not only impact ant‐ant interactions, but might have wide implications for ant‐plant interactions.  相似文献   
Species‐specific climate responses within ecological communities may disrupt the synchrony of co‐evolved mutualisms that are based on the shared timing of seasonal events, such as seed dispersal by ants (myrmecochory). The spring phenology of plants and ants coincides with marked changes in temperature, light and moisture. We investigate how these environmental drivers influence both seed release by early and late spring woodland herb species, and initiation of spring foraging by seed‐dispersing ants. We pair experimental herbaceous transplants with artificial ant bait stations across north‐ and south‐facing slopes at two contrasting geographic locations. This use of space enables robust identification of plant fruiting and ant foraging cues, and the use of transplants permits us to assess plasticity in plant phenology. We find that warming temperatures act as the primary phenological cue for plant fruiting and ant foraging. Moreover, the plasticity in plant response across locations, despite transplants being from the same source, suggests a high degree of portability in the seed‐dispersing mutualism. However, we also find evidence for potential climate‐driven facilitative failure that may lead to phenological asynchrony. Specifically, at the location where the early flowering species (Hepatica nobilis) is decreasing in abundance and distribution, we find far fewer seed‐dispersing ants foraging during its fruit set than during that of the later flowering Hexastylis arifolia. Notably, the key seed disperser, Aphaenogaster rudis, fails to emerge during early fruit set at this location. At the second location, A. picea forages equally during early and late seed release. These results indicate that climate‐driven changes might shift species‐specific interactions in a plant–ant mutualism resulting in winners and losers within the myrmecochorous plant guild.  相似文献   
Ants are social, and their metabolism should be measured on at least two levels: (i) the individual workers and brood of which the colony is composed and (ii) the colony in its entirety. Whole colony respiration, tempo (size‐free running speed in body lengths per second) and whole colony activity were simultaneously measured for 15 species of ants in four subfamilies, and these data are related to average worker and whole‐colony weight, activity, percentage brood and percentage fat. Across all 15 species, whole colony respiration rate (μL CO2 h?1) is linearly related to whole colony live weight (log–log slope = 1.0). Colonies composed of large workers respire less than colonies composed of an equal live weight of small workers, and colonies with high tempos respire more than lower tempo colonies of equal weight. The tempos and respiration rates of smaller ants tend to be higher, and a higher tempo exacts a cost in higher respiration independent of the effect of small body size. Individual worker respiration (μL CO2 h?1) scales to worker live weight with an exponent of 0.76. Whole colony specific respiration rate (μL CO2 g?1 h?1) is unrelated to colony live weight. The regressions of respiration rates against colony and worker dry weight, lean weight and metabolic weight have similar slopes to those of live weight but different intercepts. Respiration is not related to worker percentage fat, percentage brood or activity. Ant ecology, tempo, body size, polymorphism and colony size are discussed in relation to respiration.  相似文献   
Abstract. Ant colonies experience continuous shifts in worker populations, which may affect odour composition in the nest. A major question regarding the dynamics of gestalt formation is that of the speed at which the scent of a new individual will be incorporated into the gestalt. It is predicted from the gestalt model of colony odour that workers have to exchange recognition cues continuously to maintain themselves within the gestalt and become well integrated within their colony. Using radioactive tracers the rates of transfer were measured between a labelled donor ant and one or 10 recipient ants, as a close approximation to the within-nest situation. The labelled hydrocarbons were first transferred to a small number of individuals and progressively to all the individuals of the group so that the distribution of hydrocarbon transfer rate approached a normal distribution. Furthermore, in Camponotus fellah Dalla Torre, which performs trophallaxis, homogeneity was reached more rapidly than in Aphaenogaster senilis Mayr, which does not show this behaviour. In the latter species, the gestalt seems to be maintained mainly by allogrooming. These experiments were accompanied by behavioural observations to ascertain the respective importance of trophallaxis and allogrooming in the behavioural time-budget of the ants. In A. senilis , allogrooming was more frequent than in ants that trophallax, which corroborates the role of allogrooming in the establishment of the gestalt in this species.  相似文献   
Subterranean termites provide a major potential food source for forest-dwelling ants, yet the interactions between ants and termites are seldom investigated largely due to the cryptic nature of both the predator and the prey. We used protein marking (rabbit immunoglobin protein, IgG) and double antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (DAS-ELISA) to examine the trophic interactions between the woodland ant, Aphaenogaster rudis (Emery) and the eastern subterranean termite, Reticulitermes flavipes (Kollar). We marked the prey by feeding the termites paper treated with a solution of rabbit immunoglobin protein (IgG). Subsequently, we offered live, IgG-fed termites to ant colonies and monitored the intracolony distribution of IgG-marked prey. Laboratory experiments on the distribution of protein-marked termite prey in colonies of A. rudis revealed that all castes and developmental stages receive termite prey within 24 h. In field experiments, live, protein-marked termites were offered to foraging ants. Following predation, the marker was recovered from the ants, demonstrating that A. rudis preys on R. flavipes under field conditions. Our results provide a unique picture of the trophic-level interactions between predatory ants and subterranean termites. Furthermore, we show that protein markers are highly suitable to track trophic interactions between predators and prey, especially when observing elusive animals with cryptic food-web ecology. Received 19 January 2007; revised 23 March 2007; accepted 26 March 2007.  相似文献   
Predation pressure from ants is a major driving force in the adaptive evolution of termite defense strategies and termites have evolved elaborate chemical and physical defenses to protect themselves against ants. We examined predator–prey interactions between the woodland ant, Aphaenogaster rudis (Emery) and the eastern subterranean termite, Reticulitermes flavipes (Kollar), two sympatric species widely distributed throughout deciduous forests in eastern North America. To examine the behavioral interactions between A. rudis and R. flavipes we used a series of laboratory behavioral assays and predation experiments where A. rudis and R. flavipes could interact individually or in groups. One-on-one aggression tests revealed that R. flavipes are vulnerable to predation by A. rudis when individual termite workers or soldiers are exposed to ant attacks in open dishes and 100% of termite workers and soldiers died, even though the soldiers were significantly more aggressive towards the ants. The results of predation experiments where larger ant and termite colony fragments interacted provide experimental evidence for the importance of physical barriers for termite colony defense. In experiments where the termites nested within artificial nests (sand-filled containers), A. rudis was aggressive at invading termite nests and inflicted 100% mortality on the termites. In contrast, termite mortality was comparable to controls when termite colonies nested in natural nests comprised of wood blocks. Our results highlight the importance of physical barriers in termite colony defense and suggest that under natural field conditions termites may be less susceptible to attacks by ants when they nest in solid wood, which may offer more structural protection than sand alone.  相似文献   
1. Some interactions previously described as mutualistic were revealed to be commensal or parasitic in subsequent investigations. Ant‐mediated seed dispersal has been described as a mutualism for more than a century; however, recent research suggests that it may be commensal or parasitic. Plants demonstrably benefit from ant‐mediated seed dispersal, although there is little evidence available to demonstrate that the interaction benefits long‐term ant fitness. 2. Field experiments were conducted in temperate North America focused on a key seed‐dispersing ant. All herbaceous plants were removed from a forest understorey for 13 years, and supplemented ant colonies with large elaiosome‐bearing seeds aiming to examine potential long‐ and short‐term myrmecochorous plant benefits for the ants. 3. If elaiosome‐bearing seeds benefit ants, suggesting a mutualistic relationship, it is expected that there would be greater worker and/or alate abundance and greater fat reserves (colony lipid content) with seed supplementation (short‐term) and in areas with high understorey herb abundance. 4. Short‐term seed supplementation of ant colonies did not result in an increase with respect to numbers or fat stores, although it did prompt the production of colony sexuals, which is a potential fitness benefit. In the long term, however, there was no positive effect on the ants and, instead, there were negative effects because the removal of elaiosome‐bearing plants corresponded with greater colony health. 5. The data obtained in the present study suggest that the ant–plant interaction ranged from occasionally beneficial to neutral to overall negative for the ant partner. Such results did not support considering the interaction as a mutualism. Collectively, the data suggest the need to reconsider the nature of the relationship between these ants and plants.  相似文献   
This study analyzes the fate of seeds removed by ants, as well as the seed supply, seedling survival, and the ability to form persistent seed banks in the soil, in a critically endangered population of the non-myrmecochorous perennial halophyte Helianthemum polygonoides, in order to determine the extent to which seed removal by ants represents a real bottleneck for recruitment and thus a threat for long-term population viability. Apparently, the impact of seed-harvester ants was dramatic: the primary seed shadow was reduced by up to 93% by the activity of Messor bouvieri and Aphaenogaster dulcineae. However, M. bouvieri lost 7% of fruits collected by dropping them on trunk trails, mostly under plant cover, the most propitious microenvironment for recruitment. In addition, some seeds were mistakenly rejected in refuse piles, although here recruitment was extremely low. A significant fraction of seeds (≈40%) remained viable in the soil for over 2 years. In addition, H. polygonoides had the ability to form short-term persistent seed banks, in spite of the intense ant seed removal. In general, seedling recruitment was very low, denoting the scarcity of safe sites in the habitat. Overall, the data corroborate that seed removal by ants, although highly intense, does not compromise the viability of perennial-plant populations, because seed supply and seed reserve in the soil are enough to exploit current and future safe sites. A population viability analysis demonstrated that other threats affecting the survival of reproductive H. polygonoides plants actually constitute the real risk for the conservation of this critically endangered species.  相似文献   
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