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本文提取人骨骼肌α辅肌动蛋白(α-actinin)是综合了文献报导有关提取兔肌α-actinin的和提取鸡胗α-actinin的方法,稍加修改而确定的。用Hasselbach-Schneider缓冲液提取骨骼肌中的肌球蛋白后,将残余物经硼酸-缓冲液提取、匀浆及高速离心去掉肌动蛋白和肌原纤维的其它成份,上清加硫酸铵至30%,35%饱合度所得的沉淀用220mmol/LTris-乙酸溶解、透析、离心后经DE-52柱层析可得电泳纯。α-actinin。将人骨骼肌α-actinin纯化制品免疫了三只大耳白纯种家兔,两个多月后,三只兔子都产生免抗人骨骼肌α-actinin的特异抗血清,用双向免疫扩散法和酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)测定,产生的抗体效价较高,用双扩散法测定效价为1:32,用ELISA测定,用比率法判断结果,效价最高者为1:100,000左右,经免疫电镜观察结果证实,上述抗血清可以满足进一步实验要求。  相似文献   
Immunochemical study on PHI/PHM with use of synthetic peptides   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We have synthesized PHI and PHM (human PHI) as well as their fragments, PHI (1-6), PHI (1-15), PHI (14-19), PHI (14-27), PHI (20-27), PHM (1-15) and PHM (13-27), by the solution or solid-phase method for peptide synthesis. Using the highly purified synthetic peptides as immunogens or haptenic immunogens, five kinds of PHI/PHM specific antisera were produced. The major antibody-recognition sites of the five antisera were located respectively in the PHI C-terminal (R8201), in the PHI N-terminal (R8403), in the PHM C-terminal (R8502), and in the PHM whole molecule (R8702 and R8703). Radioimmunoassays (RIAs) with antisera R8201, R8403 and R8502, respectively, showed a wide distribution of immunoreactive (IR) PHI/PHM in porcine and human gastrointestinal and brain tissues. The concentrations of IR-PHI in the porcine gastrointestinal tissues, however, differed between the R8201 and R8403 RIAs employed for measurement. By using these two different PHI RIAs, the IR-PHI in the porcine brain tissue extract was shown to be almost a single component coeluting with synthetic PHI in gel filtration. The IR-PHI in the extract of porcine lower intestine on the other hand, contained, besides a PHI-like component, unidentified component(s) eluting immediately after synthetic PHI in gel filtration; this crossreacted with the PHI C-terminal specific R8201 antiserum but not with the N-terminal specific R8403 antiserum, suggesting the presence of the C-terminal-related fragment(s) of PHI in the tissues.  相似文献   
K W Adolph 《FEBS letters》1984,165(2):211-215
The degree of conservation of HeLa interphase chromatin nonhistone antigens among the nonhistones of isolated metaphase chromosomes was determined with immunological procedures. Proteins were separated on SDS-polyacrylamide gels and electrophoretically transferred to diazophenylthioether (DPT)-paper, which was then overlaid with antiserum to chromatin from interphase nuclei. The bound antibodies were detected with 125I-labeled protein A. Alternatively, polyacrylamide gels were directly overlaid with antiserum and with 125I-protein A. Densitometry of autoradiograms and stained gels revealed the degree of conservation of nonhistone antigenic determinants from interphase to metaphase to be over 90% for chromatin.  相似文献   
水稻矮缩病毒昆明分离物抗血清制备及免疫捕捉PCR检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由水稻矮缩病毒(Rice dwarf viru S,RDV)引起的水稻矮缩病害,最早由日本报道,随后在东南亚等国以及我国的福建、云南等南方稻区普遍发生,云南主要发生于中部及南部地区[1].水稻在苗期至分蘖期感病后,植株矮缩,分蘖增多,叶片浓绿,僵直,出现白斑,生长后期病稻不能抽穗结实,在暴发流行年份可以引起水稻的严重减产.  相似文献   
鸡传染性支气管炎(Infectious Bronchitis,IB)是由传染性支气管炎病毒(Infectious Bronchitis Virus,IBV)引起的鸡的一种急性、高度接触性传染病。该病是危害全球养禽业的重要传染病之一[1,2]。其感染的主要特征是气管啰音、咳嗽和打喷嚏?送猓?该病还可以引起蛋鸡产蛋量下降和蛋品质下降。雏鸡可由于呼吸道或肾脏的感染而死亡。虽然疫苗的使用对IB的流行起到了一定的预防和控制作用,但由于IBV血清型众多,不同血清型毒株之间具有较小的交叉保护性甚至无交叉保护性。因此,IB目前仍在免疫鸡群和非免疫鸡群发生和传播,给养禽业造成了严重…  相似文献   
白粉病菌(Blumeria graminis)是一类高度专化性的寄生真菌,可侵染650多种单子叶植物和 9000多种双子叶植物,能够引起多种麦类作物的白粉病,给农业生产带来巨大的损失。由于白粉病菌生理小种多、变异快,所以利用专化性抗病基因难以解决植物的持久抗病性问题。人们在研究大麦白粉病时.发现大麦Mlo基因的隐性突变可导致大麦对绝大多数白粉病菌生理小种的高效持久的广谱抗病性。Schulze-Lefert等多家实验室合作于1997年成功克隆了野生的 Mlo基因。进一步研究表明.该基因编码一种植物特有的具有7个跨膜区和羧基端长尾的膜蛋白(Mlo),它可能对植物细胞的坏死起负调控作用。但Mlo基因如何表达及其在白粉病菌发育中的作用机制尚不清楚。  相似文献   
以鹅细小病毒(Gooseparvovirus,GPV)HG5/82株基因组作为PCR反应模板,扩增vp基因3’端长864bp的基因片段,将其克隆到pMD18-TSimple克隆载体后转化入大肠杆菌TG1。筛选阳性质粒,并通过BamHⅠ和HindⅢ将外源基因定向克隆到原核表达载体pET-30a,阳性重组质粒经确证性序列测定,证明外源片断插入到pET-30a的预期位置。将其转入大肠杆菌BL21,经终浓度为0.6mmol/L的IPTG诱导,SDS-PAGE表明外源基因获得表达,融合蛋白分子量约为34kDa。将诱导后的工程菌用6mol/L盐酸胍裂解,经超声处理后离心,利用镍离子亲和树脂对裂解产物的上清进行纯化。用纯化的融合蛋白免疫新西兰白兔制备兔抗该融合蛋白的抗血清。Westernblotting结果表明制备的兔抗血清与该融合蛋白及亲本病毒的结构蛋白都具有反应性。结合前期工作进展对GPVVP蛋白的B细胞线性抗原表位进行定位。  相似文献   
High-starch diets (HSDs) fed to high-producing ruminants are often responsible for rumen dysfunction and could impair animal health and production. Feeding HSDs are often characterized by transient rumen pH depression, accurate monitoring of which requires costly or invasive methods. Numerous clinical signs can be followed to monitor such diet changes but no specific indicator is able to make a statement at animal level on-farm. The aim of this pilot study was to assess a combination of non-invasive indicators in dairy cows able to monitor a HSD in experimental conditions. A longitudinal study was conducted in 11 primiparous dairy cows fed with two different diets during three successive periods: a 4-week control period (P1) with a low-starch diet (LSD; 13% starch), a 4-week period with an HSD (P2, 35% starch) and a 3-week recovery period (P3) again with the LSD. Animal behaviour was monitored throughout the experiment, and faeces, urine, saliva, milk and blood were sampled simultaneously in each animal at least once a week for analysis. A total of 136 variables were screened by successive statistical approaches including: partial least squares-discriminant analysis, multivariate analysis and mixed-effect models. Finally, 16 indicators were selected as the most representative of a HSD challenge. A generalized linear mixed model analysis was applied to highlight parsimonious combinations of indicators able to identify animals under our experimental conditions. Eighteen models were established and the combination of milk urea nitrogen, blood bicarbonate and feed intake was the best to detect the different periods of the challenge with both 100% of specificity and sensitivity. Other indicators such as the number of drinking acts, fat:protein ratio in milk, urine, and faecal pH, were the most frequently used in the proposed models. Finally, the established models highlight the necessity for animals to have more than 1 week of recovery diet to return to their initial control state after a HSD challenge. This pilot study demonstrates the interest of using combinations of non-invasive indicators to monitor feed changes from a LSD to a HSD to dairy cows in order to improve prevention of rumen dysfunction on-farm. However, the adjustment and robustness of the proposed combinations of indicators need to be challenged using a greater number of animals as well as different acidogenic conditions before being applied on-farm.  相似文献   
Growth rate and energy reserves are important determinants of fitness and are governed by endogenous and exogenous factors. Thus, examining the influence of individual and multiple stressors on growth and energy reserves can help estimate population health under current and future conditions. In young anadromous fishes, freshwater habitat quality determines physiological state and fitness of juveniles emigrating to marine habitats. In this study, the authors tested how temperature and food availability affect survival, growth and energy reserves in juvenile anadromous alewives (Alosa pseudoharengus), a forage fish distributed along the eastern North American continent. Field-collected juvenile anadromous A. pseudoharengus were exposed for 21 days to one of two temperatures (21°C and 25°C) and one of two levels of food rations (1% or 2% tank biomass daily) and compared for differences in final size, fat mass-at-length, lean mass-at-length and energy density. Increased temperature and reduced ration both led to lower growth rates, and the effect of reduced ration was greater at higher temperature. Fat mass-at-length decreased with dry mass, and energy density increased with total length, suggesting size-based endogenous influences on energy reserves. Lower ration also directly decreased fat mass-at-length, lean mass-at-length and energy density. Given the fitness implications of size and energy reserves, temperature and food availability should be considered important indicators of nursery habitat quality and incorporated in A. pseudoharengus life-history models to improve forecasting of population health under climate change.  相似文献   
Vascular malformations (VMs) are common congenital and neonatal dysmorphogenesis. VMs mostly occur sporadically with a few exceptions of inheritability. Tie2/angiopoietins-2 (Ang-2) and VEGF/KDR pathways are known to be involved in normal and pathogenic angiogenesis. Our study was aimed to test the contribution of these pathway gene variants to VMs. A total of 8 variants were found among 103 VM patients and 142 healthy controls. These variants comprised rs638203, rs639225, rs80338908 and rs80338909 in Tie2 gene, rs1870377 and rs2305949 in KDR gene, rs79337921 and rs34590960 in ANTXR1 gene. Our results indicated that rs638203 (p = 0.029) and rs639225 (p = 0.018) in Tie2 gene were associated with VM. A further bioinformatics analysis suggested the rs638203-G and rs639225-G might cause an abnormal splicing of Tie2 gene into to a defective protein. Our results identified two novel Tie2 gene polymorphisms with genetic susceptibility to VMs, although future functional validation of the two polymorphisms is warranted in the future.  相似文献   
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