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DNA glycosylases remove damaged or modified nucleobases by cleaving the N-glycosyl bond and the correct nucleotide is restored through subsequent base excision repair. In addition to excising threatening lesions, DNA glycosylases contribute to epigenetic regulation by mediating DNA demethylation and perform other important functions. However, the catalytic mechanism remains poorly defined for many glycosylases, including MBD4 (methyl-CpG binding domain IV), a member of the helix-hairpin-helix (HhH) superfamily. MBD4 excises thymine from G·T mispairs, suppressing mutations caused by deamination of 5-methylcytosine, and it removes uracil and modified uracils (e.g., 5-hydroxymethyluracil) mispaired with guanine. To investigate the mechanism of MBD4 we solved high-resolution structures of enzyme-DNA complexes at three stages of catalysis. Using a non-cleavable substrate analog, 2′-deoxy-pseudouridine, we determined the first structure of an enzyme-substrate complex for wild-type MBD4, which confirms interactions that mediate lesion recognition and suggests that a catalytic Asp, highly conserved in HhH enzymes, binds the putative nucleophilic water molecule and stabilizes the transition state. Observation that mutating the Asp (to Gly) reduces activity by 2700-fold indicates an important role in catalysis, but probably not one as the nucleophile in a double-displacement reaction, as previously suggested. Consistent with direct-displacement hydrolysis, a structure of the enzyme-product complex indicates a reaction leading to inversion of configuration. A structure with DNA containing 1-azadeoxyribose models a potential oxacarbenium-ion intermediate and suggests the Asp could facilitate migration of the electrophile towards the nucleophilic water. Finally, the structures provide detailed snapshots of the HhH motif, informing how these ubiquitous metal-binding elements mediate DNA binding.  相似文献   
Expression of alternatively spliced mRNA variants at specific stages of development or in specific cells and tissues contributes to the functional diversity of the human genome. Aberrations in alternative splicing were found as a cause or a contributing factor to the development, progression, or maintenance of numerous diseases. The use of antisense oligonucleotides (ON) to modify aberrant expression patterns of alternatively spliced mRNAs is a novel means of potentially controlling such diseases. Oligonucleotides can be designed to repair genetic mutations, to modify genomic sequences in order to compensate for gene deletions, or to modify RNA processing in order to improve the effects of the underlying gene mutation. Steric block ON approach have proven to be effective in experimental model for various diseases. Here, we describe our experience in investigating two strategies for ON delivery: ON conjugation with basic peptides and lipid-based particulate system (lipoplex). Basic peptides or Cell Penetrating Peptides (CPP) such as the TAT-derived peptide appear to circumvent many problems associated with ON and drug delivery. This strategy may represent the next paradigm in our ability to modulate cell function and offers a unique avenue for the treatment of disease. Lipoplexes result from the intimate interaction of ON with cationic lipids leading to ON carrying particles able to be taken up by cells and to release ON in the cytoplasm. We have used as an experimental model the correction of a splicing alteration of the mutated β-globin intron causing thalassemia. Data on cell penetration and efficacy of correction of specific steric block ON delivered either by basic peptides or lipoplex are described. A comparison of the properties of both delivery systems is made respective to the use of this new class of therapeutic molecules.  相似文献   
Denaturing reversed-phase (RP) high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is usually achieved by elevating column temperature. In this article, an alternative method involving using a mobile phase that contains urea and performing HPLC at room temperature is described. The efficacy of the new method was demonstrated by analyzing a 61-mer oligodeoxynucleotide (ODN) and double-stranded (ds) ODNs. The multiple peaks of the 61-mer ODN under normal conditions merged into one under the denaturing conditions. The broad single peaks of dsODNs under normal conditions were split into two sharp peaks.  相似文献   
Summary An expression vector was constructed containing the entire bovine papilloma virus (BPV-1) genome and part of the a-actin gene of Xenopus laevis cloned in the antisense orientation into the neomycin resistance gene under the control of the herpes simplex virus (HSV) thymidine kinase (TK) promoter. When this vector is microinjected into X. laevis embryos it replicates extrachromosomally, at least up to the tadpole stage, and a fusion RNA is synthesized after the mid blastula transition (MBT). The expression of the antisense gene results in a morphological abnormality of somites demonstrating that antisense RNA generated by an episomal replicating expression vector can inhibit the expression of a selected gene during early embryogenesis of X. laevis.  相似文献   
Abstract: Under typical culture conditions, cerebellar granule cells die abruptly after 17 days in vitro. This burst of neuronal death involves ultrastructural changes and internucleosomal DNA fragmentations characteristic of apoptosis and is effectively arrested by pretreatment with actinomycin-D and cycloheximide. The level of a 38-kDa protein in the particulate fraction is markedly increased during age-induced cell death and by pretreatment with NMDA, which potentiates this cell death. Conversely, the age-induced increment of the 38-kDa particulate protein is suppressed by actinomycin-D and cycloheximide. N-terminal microsequencing of the 38-kDa protein revealed sequence identity with glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH). A GAPDH antisense oligodeoxyribonucleotide blocks age-induced expression of the particulate 38-kDa protein and effectively inhibits neuronal apoptosis. In contrast, the corresponding sense oligonucleotide of GAPDH was completely ineffective in preventing the age-induced neuronal death and the 38-kDa protein overexpression. Moreover, the age-induced expression of the 38-kDa protein is preceded by a pronounced increase in the GAPDH mRNA level, which is abolished by actinomycin-D, cycloheximide, or the GAPDH antisense, but not sense, oligonucleotide. Thus, our results suggest that overexpression of GAPDH in the particulate fraction has a direct role in age-induced apoptosis of cerebellar neurons.  相似文献   
One isoform of the branching enzyme (BE; EC of potato (Solarium tuberosum L.) is known and catalyses the formation of α-1,6 bonds in a glucan chain, resulting in the branched starch component amylopectin. Constructs containing the antisense or sense-orientated distal 1.5-kb part of a cDNA for potato BE were used to transform the amylose-free (amf) mutant of potato, the starch of which stains red with iodine. The expression of the endogenous BE gene was inhibited either largely or fully as judged by the decrease or absence of the BE mRNA and protein. This resulted in a low percentage of starch granules with a small blue core and large red outer layer. There was no effect on the amylose content, degree of branching or λmax of the iodine-stained starch. However, when the physico-chemical properties of the different starch suspensions were assessed, differences were observed, which although small indicated that starch in the transformants was different from that of theamf mutant.  相似文献   
Abstract: Bradykinin receptors have been subdivided into at least two major pharmacological subtypes, B1 and B2. The cDNAs encoding functional B2 receptors have recently been cloned, but no molecular information exists at present on the B1 receptor. In this article, we describe experiments examining the possible relationship between the mRNAs encoding the B1 and B2 types of receptor. We showed previously that the Human fibroblast cell line W138 expresses both B1 and B2 receptors. In this report, we describe oocyte expression experiments showing that the B1 receptor in W138 human fibroblast cells is encoded by a distinct mRNA ∼2 kb shorter than that encoding the B2 receptor. We have used an antisense approach in conjunction with the oocyte expression system to demonstrate that the two messages differ in sequence at several locations throughout the length of the B2 sequence. Taken together with the mixed pharmacology exhibited in some expression systems by the cloned mouse receptor, the data indicate that B1-type pharmacology may arise from two independent molecular mechanisms.  相似文献   
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