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Newborn rabbits depend on a daily nursing interaction with the mother to gain milk and to survive. During this interaction, they localise and seize the nipples displaying a typical behaviour triggered by maternal odour cues. The mammary pheromone constitutes such a signal in domestic rabbits: it elicits sucking-related movements in more than 90% of the pups. However, some newborns remain unresponsive to the presentation of the pheromone, even pups apparently healthy and highly motivated to suck. The main goal of the present study was therefore to explore the link between the unresponsiveness of rabbit pups to the mammary pheromone and their growth and survival in breeding conditions. To that end, 293 newborns from 30 litters were tested for their head searching-oral grasping responses to the mammary pheromone on days 1 and 3, and their milk intake and mortality were followed up from days 1 to 21. It was hypothesised that unresponsive newborns would have subsequent difficulties in finding nipples, sucking and surviving. Early weight and success in milk intake were further considered as mediating factors in growth and viability. The results showed that pups that were unresponsive to the mammary pheromone on day 1 were less successful in gaining milk and had a higher rate of mortality than the responsive pups. However, this impact was modulated by the weight of pups: it appeared only in the lightest newborns. Moreover, this impact vanished on day 3. On the other hand, the pup weight and sucking success on days 1 to 3 strongly influenced viability and growth during the period extending from days 1 to 21. Taken together, the results show that the day-1 responsiveness of rabbit pups to the mammary pheromone can be considered as an indicator of individual viability in pups having a small weight (<48 g on day 1). The predictive validity of the pups’ pheromonal reactivity seems however time-limited as it works only during the first, but crucial, postnatal days.  相似文献   
Frank G. Nordlie 《Hydrobiologia》2000,434(1-3):165-182
A wide variety of teleost fishes occur in tidal marshes of Atlantic and Gulf coasts of Florida, few of which breed in these habitats or remain there for extended periods of time. A significant fraction of teleosts that do so are members of one of five families. Eleven representative species belonging to these families, whose reproduction and development are considered here, include: Adinia xenica, Fundulus confluentus, F. grandis and F. similis (Fundulidae); Cyprinodon variegatus, Floridichthys carpio and Jordanella floridae (Cyprinodontidae); Gambusia holbrooki and Poecilia latipinna (Poeciliidae); Mugil cephalus (Mugilidae); and Dormitator maculatus (Eleotridae). Spawning or birth locations, patterns of growth and development, times of use of the salt marsh as a nursery area, and development of salinity tolerances/osmotic regulatory capabilities were evaluated for each, considering these in the context of variability of environmental conditions, especially of salinity. Five different patterns of reproduction are shown by these 11 species, and only A. xenica appears to be limited to reproducing in the salt marsh environment. Some of these species are capable of reproducing throughout the year. Several of the species are annuals, most others live only 2 or 3 years. Eight species (those other than M. cephalus, A. xenica and G. holbrooki) were found to show no size relationship, large juvenile to adult sizes, in osmotic regulatory capabilities.  相似文献   
Desymmetrization of the pseudochiral (2r)-configured cyclohexane-1,2,3-triamines 8 with dimethyl oxalate led to racemic aminoquinoxaline-2,3-diones 9. Selective introduction of the κ pharmacophoric structural elements pyrrolidine and 3,4-dichlorophenylacetamide with a two-carbon distance afforded conformationally restricted κ agonists 1315 based on the quinoxaline ring system. In competitive radioligand receptor binding studies the benzylamine 13b, the secondary amine 14b, and the carbamate 15 displayed high κ receptor affinity. The Ki value of the lead compound derived methoxycarbonyl derivative 15 is 9.7 nM. However, the κ affinity of 15 is exceeded by 13b and 14b with a basic functional group instead of the methoxycarbonyl group in 1-position of the quinoxaline system. The chlorine atoms of the dichlorophenylacetyl residue are essential, since the corresponding phenylacetyl analogs show considerably reduced κ affinity. The potent κ ligands 13b, 14b and 15 are selective over the related μ- and δ-opioid receptors, σ1, σ2 and NMDA receptors. In the [35S]GTPγS-binding assay 13b behaved as partial agonist with lower activity than U-69,593.  相似文献   
Systematics and taxonomy of hares of the genus Lepus (Lagomorpha) are under contentious debate, and phylogenetic relationships among many taxa are not well understood. Here we study genetic differentiation and evolutionary relationships among North African hares, currently considered subspecies of Lepus capensis , cape hares ( L. capensis ) from the Cape province in South Africa, and brown hares ( L. europeaus ) from Europe and Anatolia, using maternally (mtDNA) and biparentally (allozymes) inherited markers. A polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) analysis of a c. 1.8 kb long segment of the mitochondrial control region using eight hexanucleotide-recognizing restriction endonucleases yielded 28 haplotypes, and horizontal starch gel electrophoresis of proteins encoded by 25 structural gene loci revealed 52 alleles at 18 polymorphic loci. Diverse phylogenetic analyses (neighbor joining dendrogram, median joining network, multidimensional scaling of pairwise distances, AMOVA, F -statistics, hierarchical F -statistics) of genetic variants revealed marked substructuring of mtDNA into three phylogeographic groups, namely an African, a central European, and an Anatolian, but a somewhat less pronounced overall differentiation of the nuclear genome, despite a relatively high number of population-specific (private) alleles. However, all our results are not incongruent with Petter's (1959: Mammalia 23 , 41; 1961: Z. f. Säugetierkunde 26 , 30; 1972 : Société Des Sciences Naturelles et Physiques du Maroc 52 , 122) hypothesis that North African hares generally belong to L. capensis and that brown hares should be included in this species as well.  相似文献   
Populations of the flounder, Platichthys flesus , were screened for electrophoretically detectable protein variation at up to 37 loci. Atlantic and North Sea populations (subspecies flesus ) were genetically very similar to one another ( I >0.99) but different from Adriatic (subspecies italicus ) and Black Sea (subspecies luscus ) populations. The values for genetic identity between subspecies were around 0.9. Diagnostic loci enabled specimens of flesus, italicus and luscus to be differentiated from one another. Samples of flesus showed two to three times the heterozygosity levels of italicus or luscus , consistent with the greater population size of flesus . Morphological comparisons enabled populations to be categorized to subspecies. Platichthys flesus italicus and luscus are valid subspecies: the terms are not synonyms. The genetic distance data provide an estimate of divergence time of the three subspecies at about 2 My ago, an estimate that seems reasonable in the light of present knowledge concerning the recent geological histories of the Mediterranean and Black Sea basins.  相似文献   
Summary A computer-based statistical evaluation of the optimal alignments of the kringle domains of human plasminogen, human prothrombin, human tissue plasminogen activator, human urokinase, and human coagulation Factor XIIa, as well as the putative kringle of human haptoglobin, has been performed. A variety of different alignments has been examined and scores calculated in terms of the number of standard deviations (SD) of a given match from randomness. With the exception of human haptoglobin, it was found that very high alignment scores (8.9–23.0 SD from randomness) were obtained between each of the kringles, with the kringle 1 and kringle 5 regions of human plasminogen displaying the highest similarity, and the S kringle of human prothrombin and the human Factor XII kringle showing the least similarity. The relationships obtained were employed to construct an evolutionary tree for the kringles. The predicted alignments have also allowed nucleotide mutations in these regions to be evaluated more accurately. For those regions for which nucleotide sequences are known, we have employed the maximal alignments from the protein sequences to assess nucleotide sequence similarities. It was found that a range of approximately 40–55% of the nucleotide bases were placed at identical positions in the kringles, with the highest number found in the alignment of the two kringles of human tissue plasminogen activator and the lowest number in the alignment of the S kringle of prothrombin with the second kringle of tissue plasminogen activator. From both protein and nucleotide alignments, we conclude that haptoglobin is not statistically homologous to any other kringle.Secondary structural comparisons of the kringle regions have been predicted by a combination of the Burgess and Chou-Fasman methods. In general, the kringles display a very high number of -turns, and very low -helical contents. From analysis of the predicted structures in relationship to the functional properties of these domains, it appears as though many of their functional differences can be related to possible conformational alterations resulting from amino acid substitutions in the kringles.  相似文献   
Results obtained from crossing experiments betweenP. somniferum subsp.somniferum (2n = 22) and subsp.setigerum (2n = 44),P. glaucum (2n = 14) andP. gracile (2n = 14) and from the observation of meiotic chromosome pairing in the various hybrids obtained do not provide straightforward evidence for the hypothesis thatP. somniferum originated as a triploid hybrid between taxa similar toP. glaucum andP. gracile (Kadereit 1986a, b).—On the one hand, the pattern of crossability found reflects the closer similarity of subsp.somniferum toP. glaucum and of subsp.setigerum toP. gracile, which was interpreted as segregation of parental characters, and the high frequency of 2n = 28 chromosomes among F2-progeny from the hybrid subsp.somniferum × subsp.setigerum (2n = 33) might reveal n = 7 as the base number also ofP. somniferum. On the other hand, however, the general difficulty of obtaining hybrids, and the low incidence of bivalent formation in their meiosis, probably indicating a lack of chromosome homology between the different species, do not fit the above hypothesis.—These results are in marked contrast to the morphological similarity between the three species involved.  相似文献   
Synopsis The silky shark, Carcharhinus falciformis, and scalloped hammerhead, Sphyrna lewini, represent >80% of the shark by-catch of the winter swordfish/tuna longline fishery of the northwestern Gulf of Mexico. This catch represents a potential supplemental fishery, yet little is known of the life histories of the two species. This report relates reproductive biology data to age and growth estimates for 135 C. falciformis and 78 S. lewini. Unlike other regional populations, C. falciformis in the Gulf of Mexico may have a seasonal 12 month gestation period. Males mature at 210–220 cm TL (6–7 yr); females at >225 cm TL (7–9 yr). Application of age at length data for combined sexes produced von Bertalanffy growth model parameter estimates of L = 291 cm TL, K = 0.153, t0 = −2.2 yr. Adult male S. lewini outnumbered adult females in catches because of differences in the distributions of the sexually segregated population. Males mature at 180 cm TL (10 yr); females at 250 cm TL (15 yr). von Bertalanffy parameter estimates for combined sexes of this species were L = 329 cm TL, K = 0.073, to = −2.2 yr.  相似文献   
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