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Eleven cases of feeding on driver ants (Dorylus sp.) by mountain gorillas (Gorilla gorilla beringei) are described. Ant eating provides the gorillas with more animal protein and other nutrients per unit feeding time than do other forms of insectivory that contribute to their diet, but it is so rare that it is unlikely to be of real nutritional significance. Gorillas obtain ants with their hands and do not use tools. Immature individuals (except infants) ate more ants than did adult females, and silverbacks were not seen to eat ants. These differences are more likely to reflect differences in individual taste and interest in novelty than differences in nutritional strategy. Not all gorillas in the Virungas population eat ants. Intra-population variability may be ecologically contingent, but ant eating appears to be a socially acquired and transmitted taste.  相似文献   
The Drosophila melanogaster mutant fs(1)1304 is an ovary autonomous female sterile mutant that causes abnormal morphology of the egg. Vitellogenesis proceeds at an abnormally slow rate in homozygous females. We have used pole cell transplantation to construct germ line mosaics in order to determine whether the 1304 defect depends upon the genotype of the germ line cells (oocyte or nurse cells) or the somatic line (follicle cells). We have found that the germ line is the primary target tissue where the mutant gene is expressed.  相似文献   
Abstract. We compare the dispersal spectra of diaspores from varied plant communities in Australia, New Zealand, and North America, assigning dispersal mode to each diaspore type on the basis of apparent morphological adaptations. Species with ballistic and external dispersal modes were uncommon in most communities we surveyed. Ant dispersal was also rather uncommon, except in some Australian sclerophyll vegetation types. The frequency of vertebrate dispersal ranged up to 60% of the flora, the highest frequencies occurring in New Zealand forests. Wind dispersal ranged as high as 70% of the flora, with the highest values in Alaska, but usually comprised 10–30% of the flora. Many species in most communities had diaspores with no special morphological device for dispersal. Physiognomically similar vegetation types indifferentbiogeographic regions usually had somewhat dissimilar dispersal spectra. The frequency of dispersal by vertebrates often increased and the frequency of species with no special dispersal device decreased along gradients of increasing vertical diversity of vegetation structure. Elevation and moisture gradients also exhibited shifts in dispersal spectra. Within Australia, vertebrate- and wind-dispersal increased in frequency along a soil-fertility gradient, and dispersal by ants and by no special device decreased. Habitat breadths (across plant communities) and microhabitat breadths (within communities) for species of each major dispersal type did not show consistent differences, in general. Ant-dispersed species often had lower cover-values than other species in several Australian vegetation types. We discuss the ecological bases of these differences in dispersal spectra in terms of the availability of dispersal agents, seed size, and other ecological constraints. Seed size is suggested to be one ecological factor that is probably of general relevance to the evolution of dispersal syndromes.  相似文献   
This study was designed to investigate the regulation of fluid secretion by the Malpighian tubules of the worker ant Formica polyctena (Hymenoptera). Different solvent systems were used to make crude head extracts and to determine the solubility of the diuretic factors. Surprisingly, when distilled water, acid acetone, methanol and 15% trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) were used as solvents, two consecutive significant stimulations of fluid secretion were obtained: the first, when adding the extract to the tubule and the second, when washing it out. Extract obtained with a fifth solvent, Ringer solution, gave an almost complete but reversible inhibition of fluid secretion. Extracts were prepurified by means of a disposable C18 column by elution with 20, 40, 60 and 80% acetonitrile. When the fractions were kept apart the 40% acetonitrile fraction caused an inhibition of fluid secretion. The 20, 60 and 80% acetonitrile fractions on the other hand resulted in two consecutive stimulations as described above. The dose-response curve for 15% TFA extract was bell-shaped with a threshold concentration of 1 × 10−3 heads/μl Ringer. A maximum response (stimulation of fluid secretion by a factor of 3.3 ± 0.72, n = 10) was observed with a concentration of 5 × 10−2 heads/μl Ringer. Higher concentrations resulted in small increases of fluid secretion rates and in the appearance of the second stimulation when the extract was washed out. The activity present in the heads of Formica was not destroyed by boiling or by proteolytic enzymes (trypsin, chymotrypsin, pronase E and proteinase K). Only immobilized aminopeptidase M, which destroys the activity of peptides with a free N-terminus, had a significant effect on the activity of a 15% TFA head extract. Various biogenic amines were tested for their ability to mimic the effect of the head extracts. Only octopamine and dopamine evoked a small and transient increase in secretion rate. Thus biogenic amines probably do not contribute to a large extent to the response of Formica tubules to the crude head extract. The possibility that both diuretic and antidiuretic factors are present in the extract is discussed.  相似文献   
Summary Many females morphologically intermediate between queens and workers were found in a northernmost population ofMyrmecina graminicola nipponica Wheeler. Dissection and morphological observation revealed that there were three categories of intercastes. Major intercastes were as large as queens in body size, with seven or more ovarioles, but had only one ocellus, unlike queens, which had three ocelli. Medium intercasts had an enlarged mesonotum, one or no ocellus and 2 to 12 ovarioles. Minor intercaste was very simlar to workers in external morphology, but had a spermatheca, unlike workers. Inseminated females constituted 75%, 40% and 28.6% in the major, medium and minor intercastes respectively. Many of the virgin medium and minor intercastes had a small disfunctional spermatheca.In queenright colonies, a single queen was inseminated and had an active ovary. In queenless colonies where the intercastes reproduced, however, some colonies were functionally monogynous, but the others polygynous. The ratio of polygynous colonies to monogynous colonies was lowest in July and highest in September, suggesting that polygyny results from newly inseminated intercastes remaining in their natal nests, although they leave those nests in the season of colonial budding. Queenless colonies containing inseminated intercastes exclusively produced intercastes, while queenright colonies almost exclusively produced queens.  相似文献   
Summary For the first time for a Neotropical ant and for Myrmicinae, the searching behavior and specialized predation of spirobolid millipede eggs byStegomyrmex vizottoi Diniz will be described. The relationship between morphology and habits is studied, as are nest architecture and distribution of the ant population in the nest chambers. We also report on some observations of behavior in the field and laboratory.We dedicate this paper to William L. Brown Junior, on the occasion of his 70th birthday.  相似文献   
Summary Intercolonial differences in raiding activity were investigated in the field on 9 colonies of the slavemaking antPolyergus samurai. Duration of raiding season, the mean start time of the first raiding trip in a day, the mean speed of outbound and inbound trips, and the mean distance to target nests varied significantly among colonies. The variance in start time of raiding was correlated with that in soil temperature and diurnal change pattern in soil temperature at the nest sites. The speed of trips and the first day with trips in the season also correlated with soil temperature at the nest site. Simple environmental factors well explained the observed variances in raiding activity among colonies. Therefore, raiding behaviour ofP. samurai seemed to be a stereotyped behaviour that is regulated through simple environmental factors.  相似文献   
Along a thermal gradient and under a LD 1212 h cycle, nurse workers of the ant Camponotus mus select for the brood two different temperatures daily: 30.8°C at the middle of the light period (circadian phase = 90°), and 27.5°C 8 h later, during the dark period (CP = 210°). Brood-carrying activity proved to be self-sustained, running its two daily bursts free with a similar period of 23.5 h, under both LL and DD. The LD alternation acted as a strong Zeitgeber. A phase-delay of the LD 1212 h cycle reset the overt rhythm at once, being both daily events locked-on to the delayed light: dark transition. However, changes in expression, non-occurrence, or even splitting of the two daily brood-carrying events during resetting depended on the phase of the delayed DL transition. By comparing the occurrence of activity with predictions based on a threshold curve of thermal sensitivity, results indicated that an immediate resetting of the involved pacemaker actually takes place. Nurse workers do not directly control the total time spent by the brood at the selected temperature. Instead, the endogenously-driven thermal sensitivity triggers their thermal-searching behavior at two critical times of the day, when environmental temperature is expected to reach its maximum and minimum.  相似文献   
Summary An unexplained form of behaviour connecting nests of an antCataglyphis bicolor F. is described. Individuals from one nest visit another wandering around the nest entrance, for periods of up to half an hour or more. Their behaviour is quite distinct from any seen in normal foraging. These individuals come from the upper end of the range of size; more frequently but not always from a larger to a smaller nest. Nests are normally antagonistic. These ants back away rapidly from an ant of the nest visited.  相似文献   
西双版纳四种植被亚型原始林和次生林蚂蚁群落比较研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用样地调查法对西双版纳地区4种植被亚型原始林和次生林的蚂蚁群落作了比较研究。山地雨林和石灰岩山季雨林的次生林是原始林经过连续过度砍伐形成的树冠结构不完整的次生林;而落叶季雨林和季风常绿阔叶林的次生林是大约20年前原始林因刀耕火种被全部砍伐,后来恢复成树冠结构完整的次生林。山地雨林和石灰岩山 雨林次生林蚂蚁特有种数目显著低于  相似文献   
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