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Background and Aims

In complex communities, organisms often form mutualisms with multiple different partners simultaneously. Non-additive effects may emerge among species linked by these positive interactions. Ants commonly participate in mutualisms with both honeydew-producing insects (HPI) and their extrafloral nectary (EFN)-bearing host plants. Consequently, HPI and EFN-bearing plants may experience non-additive benefits or costs when these groups co-occur. The outcomes of these interactions are likely to be influenced by variation in preferences among ants for honeydew vs. nectar. In this study, a test was made for non-additive effects on HPI and EFN-bearing plants resulting from sharing exotic ant guards. Preferences of the dominant exotic ant species for nectar vs. honeydew resources were also examined.


Ant access, HPI and nectar availability were manipulated on the EFN-bearing shrub, Morinda citrifolia, and ant and HPI abundances, herbivory and plant growth were assessed. Ant-tending behaviours toward HPI across an experimental gradient of nectar availability were also tracked in order to investigate mechanisms underlying ant responses.

Key Results

The dominant ant species, Anoplolepis gracilipes, differed from less invasive ants in response to multiple mutualists, with reductions in plot-wide abundances when nectar was reduced, but no response to HPI reduction. Conversely, at sites where A. gracilipes was absent or rare, abundances of less invasive ants increased when nectar was reduced, but declined when HPI were reduced. Non-additive benefits were found at sites dominated by A. gracilipes, but only for M. citrifolia plants. Responses of HPI at these sites supported predictions of the non-additive cost model. Interestingly, the opposite non-additive patterns emerged at sites dominated by other ants.


It was demonstrated that strong non-additive benefits and costs can both occur when a plant and herbivore share mutualist partners. These findings suggest that broadening the community context of mutualism studies can reveal important non-additive effects and increase understanding of the dynamics of species interactions.  相似文献   
吕晓艳  刘霞  张媛 《昆虫学报》2021,64(10):1196-1204
【目的】入侵物种能够通过竞争影响本地物种的种群,从而影响入侵地的生物多样性。长足光捷蚁Anoplolepis gracilipes是全球最具破坏力的入侵蚂蚁之一。本研究旨在明确西双版纳地区入侵长足捷蚁与土著优势种蚂蚁黄猄蚁Oecophylla smaragdina之间的竞争关系。【方法】通过野外调查和室内控制试验相结合的方法,观察和对比分析长足捷蚁和黄猄蚁的体型大小,雾凉季和雨季的巢穴外觅食活动规律,觅食能力(搜寻食物的时间、在觅食时间内召集的最大工蚁数),打斗行为(不同打斗组合的攻击强度和死亡率)以及对饥渴的耐受性(无食物和水分供应时平均存活时间和存活率随时间的变化)。【结果】长足捷蚁工蚁体长(3.66±0.06 mm)显著小于黄猄蚁工蚁(8.27±0.16 mm)。在雾凉季时,长足捷蚁具有比黄猄蚁更长的觅食活动时间;而在雨季时,两种蚂蚁均在下午温度较高时段觅食活动的个体数量减少。苹果、蜂蜜和火腿肠3种食物作为诱饵时,长足捷蚁具有更快搜寻食物的能力,4~8 min便能找寻到食物,而黄猄蚁需要8~21 min才能找寻到食物,此外在寻找到食物后,长足捷蚁也有更快召集同伴的能力。在人工控制试验中,1头长足捷蚁和1头黄猄蚁同时存在时主要以不攻击和低强度攻击为主,而当两种蚂蚁中的任意其中一种的个体数量增加到5头时,攻击强度会显著增加,两种蚂蚁均存在种间协作行为。在饥渴状态下,两种蚂蚁工蚁的平均存活时间差异不显著,但长足捷蚁最长存活120 h,黄猄蚁最长存活96 h。【结论】在西双版纳地区,长足捷蚁相较于土著黄猄蚁具有更强的觅食的能力,雾凉季觅食活动时间更长,暗示长足捷蚁可能具有较强的温度适应能力。有必要加强对这一入侵蚂蚁的研究,并密切关注其种群在该地区的发展。  相似文献   
We present primer sequences for eight polymorphic microsatellite loci for the formicine ant Anoplolepis gracilipes, a serious pest species in South‐East Asia and Pacific islands and still spreading on all continents. Microsatellite loci were isolated with a highly efficient method of enrichment. The number of alleles ranged from two to 19 with an observed heterozygosity ranging from 0.842 to 1.0. The markers were designed for a sociogenetic study as well as for population genetics.  相似文献   
Butterfly response to severe ENSO-induced forest fires in Borneo   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract.  1. Little is known about animal community response to severe El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO)-induced fire events. Here the response of butterflies to the 1997/98 ENSO-induced fire event in East Kalimantan (Indonesian Borneo) is assessed. In addition to the community-wide study, a detailed assessment of the lycaenid Jamides celeno is made.
2. Species richness declined significantly from 211 species pre-ENSO to 39 species post-ENSO and community composition changed significantly. Along with the decline in species richness there was a marked increase in dominance. Jamides celeno , for example, increased from 3% of the pre-ENSO assemblage to 58% of the post-ENSO assemblage. Like J. celeno , most of the species in the post-ENSO assemblage were generalists; most of the specialist species having disappeared from pre- to post-ENSO.
3. The major host plant used by J. celeno was the abundant resprouting Fordia splendidissima . Furthermore, significantly more eggs were laid on plants with the crazy ant, Anoplolepis gracilipes , present than on plants with other ants or no ant attendance. Caterpillar presence was significantly higher on plants tended by ants than on untended plants.
4. The median distance moved by J. celeno was 30 m with a maximum recorded distance of 290 m.
5. The abundance of J. celeno and other generalists in the post-ENSO assemblage at Wanariset was probably related to their ability to utilise the few available resources after the fire (e.g. F. splendidissima resprouts), their presence in degraded habitats surrounding the Wanariset forest, and their ability to disperse successfully by either being strong fliers (e.g. Euploea spp.) or being able to attain very high population sizes and thereby produce a surplus of dispersers (e.g. J. celeno ).  相似文献   
Many ant species are highly invasive and are a significant component of disturbed ecosystems. They can have a major suppressive effect upon indigenous invertebrates, including other ants. Despite overwhelming circumstantial evidence for the ecological resourcefulness of many ants, there appears to be no experimental evidence illustrating the habitat breadth of a potentially invasive ant species. We demonstrate here that a particularly opportunistic and locally dominant ant Anoplolepis custodiens, which is a major indigenous African pest, overrides habitat structure to maintain its population level. We compared A. custodiens activity, morphology, foraging behaviour and ant species diversity in artificially established surrogate habitats (cover crops) in a vineyard containing an ample food resource in the form of the honeydew-producing mealybug Planococcus ficus. These cover crops were chosen so as to create highly altered habitats. The ant's ability to overcome these potentially suppressive habitat conditions hinged on its tight mutualism with the mealybug, and on its chasing away mealybug parasitoids. This ant species is predicted to be a latent invasive beyond Africa. It is unlikely to be impeded once it has established a foothold in a variety of novel habitats. It could locally invade to obtain food resources in a wide range of habitat types. Furthermore, in agricultural systems, cover crops are unlikely to control such an ant. Potential invasives such as this ant should be flagged as important quarantine suspects.  相似文献   
The larvae of the lycaenid subfamily Curetinae have never been reported to be associated with ants. Observations on Curetis regula Evans from Brunei are presented which show that this species may be tended by ants both as larvae and adults. The observations are discussed in relation to a recent review on lycaenid/ant associations, u is suggested that the Curetinae will be found to be associated with ants when more species have been reared, on evidence of the larval tentacle organs and apparent 'pore cupolas', both of which are ant adaptations. More studies are needed on Curetis biology and larval morphology to resolve the relationships of this enigmatic genus within the Lycaenidae.  相似文献   
Populations of invasive species often exhibit a high degree of spatial and temporal variability in abundance and hence their effects on resident communities. Here, we examine behavioural, genetic and environmental factors that influence variation in populations of the yellow crazy ant, Anoplolepis gracilipes, on the remote Nukunonu Atoll of Tokelau, Pacific Ocean. Behavioural assays revealed high levels of aggression between two groups of yellow crazy ants from different islands, and genetic analysis confirmed the presence of two distinct populations with unique mitochondrial (mt)DNA haplotypes, designated A and D. The two populations likely resulted from two separate invasion events. The populations exhibited significant differences in abundance of A. gracilipes, with a mean sevenfold difference in relative abundance between the two main haplotypes. The higher density haplotype D population coexisted with 50% fewer other ant species and altered ant community composition. Vegetation composition was also significantly different on islands harbouring the two populations. The results suggest genetic differences could play a role in the spatial and temporal variation in the effect of the yellow crazy ant on a small oceanic atoll. We could not differentiate between genetic effects and effects of vegetation. However, our results indicate that spatial variability in behaviour and impacts within populations of invasive species could be in part due to genetic differences, and play a substantial role in influencing the outcome of biological invasions.  相似文献   

Human‐assisted spread of species poses a major challenge to border security agencies. Ideally, limited resources need to be targeted at species posing the most risk. Climate matching is an important component of assessing risk but often little or no biological information is available to enable detailed modelling. To assess if distribution records alone provide useful establishment predictions we compare the climate in New Zealand and its outlying islands to that found in the current native and introduced ranges of 12 tramp ant species, three of which are already established in New Zealand, using the climate module of BIOSECURE, a risk assessment tool. Eleven species showed a similar general pattern, with mean annual temperature being the climatic variable with the least overlap between the estimated realised niche and the predicted New Zealand niche. The twelfth species, of temperate origin, is less restricted by temperature, but much of New Zealand may have too high a rainfall. The present and future threats posed by tramp ants are discussed in relation to climate limitations.  相似文献   
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