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A new assay procedure for phenol sulfotransferase which employs [35S]-3'-phosphoadenosine-5'-phosphosulfate as a sulfate donor and a variety of phenols as sulfate acceptors was developed. The appearance of the 35S-sulfated products or the disappearance of the [35S]-3'-phosphoadenosine-5'-phosphosulfate are determined simultaneously by chromatography of the assay incubation mixtures on Ecteola-cellulose columns, eluting with an NH4HCO3 step gradient. Various acidic, neutral, and basic phenols can be employed as substrates for phenol sulfotransferase using this procedure.  相似文献   
A new method has been developed to assess the minimum complexity and relationships of those pathways (developmental timers) which time the consecutive stages of a developing system (Soll, 1983). This method has been applied to the morphogenetic program of Dictyostelium discoideum and has resulted in (1) a minimum estimate of the number of components comprising the timers for the first seven stages of morphogenesis, (2) a characterization of the temperature sensitivities of these components including demonstration of a reversible timer component, (3) detailed temporal definition of a number of transition points between rate-limiting components including a major branch point for the onset of several independent timer components coincident with the onset of aggregation, and (4) a temporal model for the relationships between the timers of the seven consecutive morphogenetic stages, including several examples of parallel timers.  相似文献   
Larvae of genus Pieris in the northern part of Kyoto City are parasitized by two tachinid flies:Epicampocera succincta, a specialist on genus Pieris, and Compsilura concinnata, a generalist with very wide host-range. We surveyed the parasitism rates of Pieris by both flies for two years at six study areas. In these study areas, there lived three host species in the genus Pieris: P. rapae, P. melete, and P. napi, but neither tachinid parasitized P. napi to any significant extent. In the mountainous district, P. rapae and P. melete coexisted and their populations were relatively continuous, while in the lowland, only P. rapae larvae were abundant in spring and autumn, but even they disappeared in summer. Parasitisms by E. succincta occurred mainly in mountainous district and never in the lowland. C. concinnata parasitized Pieris in all the areas, but its parasitisms occurred mainly in autumn. We analyzed the factors affecting the spatial and temporal patterns of parasitism rates and presumed that the temporal discontinuity of host population restricted the distribution of the specialist parasitoid.  相似文献   
城市中的伴人植物   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
伴人植物分布于城市中的许多地方,常被视为杂草而清除。本文论述了城市伴人植物的特点、分布,及其在城市环境保护及美化中的作用,最后列出了北方城市中一些常见伴人植物的名称。  相似文献   
本研究于2021年3~9月,采用目标观察和全事件记录法,对广西防城港市钦州湾八路水湿地黑翅长脚鹬(Himantopus himantopus)的繁殖习性进行全过程观察记录。黑翅长脚鹬的栖息生境主要在盐田、虾塘和鱼塘,而巢主要分布在盐田生境。共发现39巢,雌雄共同营巢,按照主要巢材将其巢分为干草巢、碎石巢、泥皮巢和牛毛毡草巢4种;巢材包括禾本科(Gramineae)和莎草科(Cyperaceae)植物以及碎石、贝壳等;巢外径为(23.3±10.7)cm,巢内径为(11.2±1.9)cm,巢深为(1.6±0.5)cm,巢高为(6.5±4.3)cm(n=39);筑巢需(3±2)d(n=6)。窝卵数2~4枚,1~2 d产1枚卵,7 d内产完满窝卵(n=6)。雌雄均参与孵卵,雄性孵卵时间比雌性长,但二者差异不显著(P> 0.05),雄性(8 550±245.9)min,雌性(7 530±263.3)min,孵卵期为(25±2)d(n=6)。育雏期(26±3)d(n=6),雌雄轮流育雏,育雏前、中期(雏鸟1~20d日龄),雌性育雏时间比雄性长,是雄性的2倍,育雏后期(雏鸟大于20 d日龄),...  相似文献   
鳜鱼的耗氧率及其池塘养殖   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17  
本文较详细地报道了鳜鱼的耗氧率和窒息点,并对鳜鱼和作其饲料的鱼同池饲养的可能性进行了探讨。结果表明,鳜鱼耗氧量和体重正相关(r=0.99),耗氧率与体重反相关(r=-0.97);在水温20℃,鱼种耗氧率约为0.14mg/g.h.,成鱼约为0.12mg/g.h.;耗氧量和耗氧率均与水温正相关(r=0.90,r=0.94),水温13—30℃时,体重230±11.7g的鳜鱼。耗氧量为14.31—42.13mg/尾。h.,耗氧率为0.059—0.175mg/g.h.;鳜鱼耗氧率昼夜变化与家鱼相反,黄昏至凌晨是高峰期,为0.12—0.15mg/g.h.(T=20℃),白天是低谷期,为0.07—0.10mg/g.h;;鳜鱼的窒息点与家鱼类较接近,变化范围为0.45—0.76mg/L;鳜鱼和作其饲料的鱼在同一池塘中饲养,既可持续不断地提供鳜鱼充足的适口饵料,又简单易行,成本低,效益高,有较大的价值。  相似文献   
Natural killing of two human leukemia cell lines (K562 and Molt 4) in a soft-agar, clonagenic assay was shown to be the result of two opposite yet concurrent processes: target cell colony stimulation and inhibition. The stimulatory effect was demonstrable when the effector lymphocytes and target cells were separated in contiguous agar layers, suggesting mediation by a soluble factor. Similarly, stimulation occurred when the effector lymphocytes and target cells were combined at low effector-target cell ratios that do not favor direct cell contact. Target colony inhibition was found to be dominant when large E:T ratios were employed. Both target-effector binding and natural killing were significantly reduced in medium devoid of divalent cations.  相似文献   
Dihydroorotate dehydrogenase in rat brain mitochondria is capable of producing superoxide. The presence of a superoxide dismutase activity in brain mitochondria, similar to that found in mitochondria from chicken liver, suggests that production of superoxide may occur in vivo. Formation of superoxide is not dependent upon reduction of cytochrome b, rather, superoxide production is competitive with cytochrome b reduction. Phenazine methosulfate apparently competes with both oxygen (superoxide production) and cytochrome b as an electron carrier but does not enhance reduction of dichlorophenolindophenol or cytochrome c.  相似文献   
经济效益最大化与环境影响最小化是绿色旅游与可持续发展的内在诉求。本文立足于生态效率模型,创新性地提出旅游业生态福利指数,据此分析1995—2017年常州市旅游业生态福利变化趋势及驱动效应,旨在为评价旅游产业绿色可持续发展能力提供新视角。研究发现:(1)1995年来常州市生态足迹呈现先增长后下降趋势,但旅游业各部门生态足迹均不断增长,游客人均资源消耗约为本地居民人均资源消耗的2.81—9.37倍,面临艰巨的节能减排压力。(2)1995年来常州市本底生态效率与旅游生态效率逐年提升,分别增加了37033元/hm2和44226元/hm2;同等资源消耗下,旅游业平均每单位产出高14409元/hm2,但游客年均消耗的自然资源却为本地居民的5.78倍。(3)1995—2007年间常州市旅游生态福利升降波动频繁,2007年来呈以直线式地骤降,受规模效益影响,旅游业的绿色生态福利和高效性不断弱化,为全市的资源节约量下降了10.7倍。(4)迪氏对数指标分解法(Logarithmic Mean Disivia Index, LMDI)揭示规模...  相似文献   
城市扩张过程中建设用地景观格局演变特征及其驱动力   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
车通  李成  罗云建 《生态学报》2020,40(10):3283-3294
剖析城市扩张过程中建设用地景观格局演变特征及其驱动力,不仅有助于城市生态环境问题的解决,而且为城市用地结构优化、城市景观规划等工作提供科学依据。以快速城市化的中型城市—扬州市为例,利用多期(1995、2000、2005、2010年和2015年)Landsat卫星影像、乡镇水平的扬州统计年鉴等数据,运用景观格局分析、增强回归树(Boosted regression trees)等方法,研究建设用地的扩张模式、形态及景观格局,定量探究地理、社会和经济因子对景观格局的影响机制,从而明晰景观格局演变特征及其驱动力。结果表明,1995—2015年,建设用地面积持续增加,填充式(Infilling)、边缘式(Edge-expansion)和跳跃式(Leapfrog)3种扩张模式在各时段均有出现,但其优势度随着城市发展而改变。建设用地的形态在城市扩张的过程中经历着"集聚"和"扩散"的交替变化过程,景观格局则出现了同质化倾向,景观破碎化下降、聚合度增加。地理因子(海拔和到县市中心的距离)对景观格局的综合影响虽然高于社会经济,但它的影响力却随着城市发展呈现出下降趋势,社会经济的作用则逐渐增强。海拔和人口...  相似文献   
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