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In the European coastal dunes, marram grass (Ammophila arenaria) is planted in order to control sand erosion. In the years 1986 to 1991, workers on the Wadden islands in the Netherlands planting marram grass showed lesions of skin and mucous membranes, suggesting a toxic reaction. Fusarium culmorum dominated the mycoflora of those marram grass culms that were used for planting. This plant material had been cut and stored for more than one week in the open. The Fusarium toxin deoxynivalenol (DON) was detected in the suspect marram grass culms. Isolated F. culmorum strains were able to produce DON in vitro in liquid culture as well as in experimentally inoculated wheat heads. Pathogenicity tests, toxin test as well as RAPD analysis showed that the F. culmorum strains were not specialized for marram grass but may form part of the West-European F. culmorum population infecting cereals and grasses. Storage on old sand-dunes with plant debris may have led to the high occurrence of F. culmorum and contamination with DON. Marram grass culms should be obtained from young plantings on dunes on the seaward slopes and cut culms should not be stored.  相似文献   
Abstract. Machair vegetation is reported for the first time from New Zealand. The habitat is similar to that of British machairs in climate, topography and generally in soil. pH and CaCO3 content are much lower through most of the sequence, though this difference may partly reflect the greater disturbance of British machair. Sea machair is present, predominantly comprising native species. This grades into machair proper, which contains many species found also in British machair. The machair includes Ammophila-occupied hillocks, a feature typical of British machair. Machair marsh is also present.  相似文献   
Abstract Midday water potentials of blades of the dune grasses Ammophila arenaria (L.) Link and Elymus mollis Trin. ex Spreng. growing in situ declined over the summer growing period, indicating a trend of increasing water stress. An analysis of the water relations characteristics of these blades using pressure-volume techniques demonstrated that both species increased bulk osmotic pressure at full hydration () and, therefore, bulk turgor as an acclimation response. In A. arenaria, however, the increase of osmotic pressure (+ 0.35 MPa) was entirely the result of decreasing symplasmic water content. The increase of osmotic pressure (+ 0.54 MPa) observed in E. mollis blades was due to solute accumulation (72% of Δ) and to a lesser degree, decreased symplasmic water content (28% of Δ). Osmotic adjustment in E. mollis blades was accompanied by a significant decrease in tissue elasticity (max went from 12 to 19 MPa). The elastic properties of A. arenaria blades remained constant over the same period and had a maximum modulus (10 MPa) that was always less than that of E. mollis, As estimated from Höfler plots, these seasonal adjustments of osmotic pressure and differences in tissue elasticity enabled plants in situ to maintain turgor pressure in the range of 0.5–0.6 MPa at the lowest water potentials of mid-August. Laboratorygrown plants exhibited the species-specific differences in osmotic pressure, turgor pressure, and tissue elasticity observed in field plants. Although certain alterations of leaf structure were expected to coincide with the observed changes and species-specific differences in symplasmic water content and tissue elasticity, these could not be detected by measurements of specific leaf weight or the ratio of dry matter to saturated water content.  相似文献   
The introduction of vigorous exotic species has destroyed much of the native sand dune vegetation along the coasts of South Island, New Zealand. However, some dunes built by the native cyperad Desmoschoenus spiralis still remain in the southwest. The dunes at Cole Creek, on the West coast of South Island, were chosen as a relatively pristine study area. 15 transects were laid through semi-fixed dunes into dwarf forest. Environmental measurements were taken at regular intervals through the dunes: pH, soil moisture, organic matter, conductivity, nutrient status and elevation. Classification and ordination of these data demonstrated that two major environmental areas were present - open dune and dwarf forest - with an abrupt ecotone between them. Vegetation analyses revealed a loosely-banded pattern, parallel to the sea. Vegetation types with few but constant species such as Desmoschoenus spiralis and Calystegia soldanella, predominated in the open dune. Forest species were rarely found seaward of the dune/forest boundary, though there was evidence the Spatial Mass Effect was operating. Multiple regression and canonical correlation of the vegetation and environmental factors showed that the main factors affecting vegetation patterns were the environmental complex related to distance from the sea, elevation above mean tide, soil alkalinity and moisture.  相似文献   
Summary To study the origin of replant disease of Ammophila arenaria (L.) Link the growth and development in sand originating from the rhizosphere of a natural Ammophila vegetation was compared with the growth in sand from the sea-floor. In a greenhouse experiment, the growth of Ammophila seedlings in rhizosphere sand, when compared with that in sea sand, was significantly reduced. As sterilization by means of gamma-irradiation increased the biomass production of Ammophila seedlings significantly, it was concluded that the rhizosphere sand contained biotic factors that were harmful to Ammophila. In rhizosphere sand the roots of Ammophila were brown and poorly developed, and the specific uptake rates of N, P and K were reduced. The shoot weight proportion of the total plant dry matter was hardly influenced. In an outdoor experiment with Ammophila seedlings and cuttings, using both sands, the mortality was high and the plants were feeble in rhizosphere sand whereas plants in sea sand grew vigorously. It seems plausible that the plants in rhizophere sand were dessicated because the root system was shallow and badly developed. In the greenhouse experiments, Ammophila cuttings were less sensitive to the inhibiting factors in the rhizosphere than seedlings. This was confirmed in the outdoor experiment. Calammophila baltica (Fluegge ex Schrader) Brand, however, was hardly affected by the harmful biotic factors in the greenhouse. These results are discussed with reference to the ecology of Ammophila. It is assumed that the catching of fresh windblown sand provides Ammophila with a way to escape from harmful biotic soil factors, and it was concluded that degeneration of Ammophila is caused mainly by self-intolerance due to these biotic soil factors.  相似文献   
Meloidogyne sasseri n. sp. is described and illustrated from American beachgrass (Ammophila breviliffulata) originally collected from Henlopen State Park and Fenwick Island near the Maryland state line in Delaware, United States (6). Its relationship to M. graminis, M. spartinae, and M. californiensis is discussed. Primary distinctive characters of the female perineal pattern were a high to rounded arch with shoulders, widely spaced lateral lines interrupting transverse striations, a sunken vulva and anus, and coarse broken striae around the anal area. Second-stage juvenile body length was 554 μm (470-550), stylet length 14 μm (13-14.5), tail length 93 μm (83-115), tapering to a finely rounded terminus. Male stylet length 20 μm (19-21.5), spicule length 33 μm (30-36). Scanning electron microscope observations provided additional details of perineal patterns and face views of the female, male, and J2 head. Wheat, rice, oat, Ammophila sp., Panicum sp., bermudagrass, zoysiagrass and St. Augustinegrass were tested as hosts. Distribution of the species was the coasts of Delaware and Maryland. The common name "beachgrass root-knot" is proposed for M. sasseri n. sp.  相似文献   
Only recently has the importance of positive interactions among plant species in structuring natural communities been supported by experimental evidence. Most studies have focused on interactions between a pair of species at a single life-history stage. In this study positive interactions between a woody nitrogen-fixing shrub (Myrica pensylvanica) and two herbaceous sand dune species (Solidago sempervirens, Ammophila breviligulata) which frequently grow beneath shrub canopies are examined throughout the life cycles of the herbaceous species. Comparisons of S. sempervirens and A. breviligulata growing beneath and outside M. pensylvanica shrubs show that plants growing in association with shrubs are larger, are more likely to flower, produce greater numbers of flowers and seeds, have higher midday xylem water potentials, have higher tissue nitrogen concentrations, and have higher photosynthetic efficiencies. Measurements of environmental conditions show that areas beneath shrubs are more shaded, have lower soil temperatures, and have higher soil nitrogen levels. The results from experimental manipulations designed to test the effects of Myrica shrubs on understory species suggest that the observed differences in plant performance are strongly influenced by canopy shading and soil nutrient enrichment associated with the shrubs. The results demonstrate that M. pensylvanica facilitates growth, reproduction, and recruitment of S. sempervirens and A. breviligulata growing beneath it. This study, one of the few to examine positive interactions at different life-history stages, supports previous predictions that positive interactions may be particularly important in plant communities characterized by physiologically stressful conditions. Received: 21 July 1999 / Accepted: 18 January 2000  相似文献   
  • 1 In nest-building wasps there is a continuum from species that provision each offspring cell with one large prey item (single provisioning) to species that provision each cell with many small items (multiple provisioning). The significance of number of prey per cell was examined during two seasons in Ammophila sabulosa (L.), a species that provisions between one and five caterpillars per cell.
  • 2 There was no difference between the total weight of prey in singly-provisioned and multiply-provisioned cells: individual caterpillars placed in multiply-provisioned cells were smaller.
  • 3 Small caterpillars were captured and transported to the nest faster than large ones.
  • 4 If the first prey provisioned was large, the cell was usually then permanently closed. If the first prey was small, additional prey were captured, and females appeared to become more selective: additional prey were rarely large.
  • 5 It is suggested that the flexible provisioning strategy used by A.sabulosa allows a wide range of prey sizes to be utilized without affecting maternal control of offspring size and sex. This could be important when available prey sizes vary temporally and spatially.
  • 6 There was a male-biased first generation investment ratio. Female-producing cells were provisioned with a higher total prey weight than male-producing cells, and conversion of prey weight to adult weight was more efficient for females.
  • 7 Total prey weight provisioned is probably a good indirect measure of parental time investment in A.sabulosa. Other measures, particularly number of prey provisioned, will be less accurate.
Parental care can protect offspring from predators but can also create opportunities for parents to vector parasites to their offspring. We hypothesized that the risk of infection by maternally vectored parasites would increase with the frequency of mother–offspring contact. Ammophila spp. wasps (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae) build nests in which they rear a single offspring. Ammophila species exhibit varied offspring provisioning behaviours: some species enter the nest once to provision a single, large caterpillar, whereas others enter the nest repeatedly to provision with many smaller caterpillars. We hypothesized that each nest visit increases the risk of offspring parasitism by Paraxenos lugubris (Strepsiptera: Xenidae), whose infectious stages ride on the mother wasp (phoresy) to reach the vulnerable Ammophila offspring. We quantified parasitism risk by external examination of museum-curated Ammophila specimens—the anterior portion of P. lugubris protrudes between the adult host''s abdominal sclerites and reflects infection during the larval stage. As predicted, Ammophila species that receive larger numbers of provisions incur greater risks of parasitism, with nest provisioning behaviour explaining ca 90% of the interspecific variation in mean parasitism. These findings demonstrate that parental care can augment, rather than reduce, the risk of parasite transmission to offspring.  相似文献   
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